HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-08-14, Page 61PA • ti 0` 4O10_ARP been . of St. Marys appointing. The ` prr for Friday'e dame in. Luck ow were appointed• . Y. President 'Gregg, v All in all, it looks like a bit of ......._- It a. fast • one from this corner, and u back of, "third. George Chin apparently, so in the eyes of the 14174.LF.ltDr W F43t. i .. p for the gee has been IN '?LAYOFF GAME ;: was under the wavering ball and League, oandn NAT -VITT .ST . .. -•;had it �� far, his, glove but. codn,'t written off :as •no contest •• K N Y - •replayed. rue Se yg takesthrough hold it er promptly pelted . ordered tor tuie victory !n a deub1e Martin flied to right Wednesday's game was an hour theirhe cake -fingers. , t held : but the, runners were held -on: late.' -in starting, -fie: carload of leads going; into, the. 7th mg Swan singled to score ;Blackman players, driven by Clair Agnew,. • : w• la� getting °away,: - night. a group p y- i and went to second an t e, throw ' was delayed in g . on FsrdaY it r cracked a double and theniad. that afternoon, • off game .withSt. ys • andto the plate: Ogersby, . p , looked°'as' if: �t wa€s the. bag three flats before ting,for Oliver,. But the visitors bats started ring . 51 aching their destination At Ihat scared 7,'uner • •and , Sway, re .then, and so n e; 7th sand 3tb and'sen - e tying. and winning run. that there: were no official' nth- sig in r �_ , with. tli 'twas .all.' over the , S.. Y Miller' went tO • the . fres on hand even elm s were ; . , , CGo�rdozr • on short end of a 9 to 7 count.'. ,od a 0arruthers.. He it w,s agreed to, accept St_ Marys a, to. umpires, an start the game with For' .tire feW kgs of walked Bradley acrd Graham it was : at' s] arkling: > load : the bases. (arasby .grounded the upderstand ng than, if it did l�'sidayyss gang , d hitt g to meter who tossed •to first as not go seven 'innings- itt would .be local% game fe�atur�ng ,. , , . . - - informed .regarded as an'. exhibition game . smart feld�g To►y both teaurlrs; '� h� had Veen wrongly. • lk` '• ;Lue lcnov were pickings ltlrenr' that two were out Oliver ;scored: I , didn't. It was called •in the 6th-` t . account of , darkness, with St. and smasbi ng ' t o% . of 'i _on, the put-out. Halt flied to:righ , . M rys claiming. a victory,. How- semi of the .St. Marys players 'to a the inning ar anvi League w.Of-..� • t out by lie Sepoys' bppeS cckly, fad-ev , Luc. no 1'Brere . waw t a se �: Miller•, groundedk a.'dii<ferent• :view •. of either pitcher ,until. tire: fifth;' and i out to •short., facials too a high. wig .T pp g the .Greer got ai hit- oft`• the pitcher's the •matter and , the• ..replayed with� bailli theoutfielders had.a glove, wh o bore Town to .Whiff gacn; is' slated to startsharp a ' tilehl'Y) anrebiz's", day Itboth Veisand Corn, 6.00. oclack" today' tWedha ab r h. pd+' a e :in St Marys In event of. a Luck- ,yam . got...o€t two-ruZn i St Marys •' .�.� i :,_ . ,may ' xrow it etory r.t ie :third ,and .. .L 2aiel fead. �• their half of, �e first. Gz✓asby, g; guile is; also slated�.foz'- S�t'.• a to 111 3rd,..............- . 5 i; . 0 ' d cid n g Greer. we1E dova' odrys ' acrid Weis beat " out. a Blackina ss 5 `1R•uanii° ad..at ..sacrificing hirits`'Marcer, of , •. 3 .2; 2 :I: ;6 :.`0..: The writercant see these Play- On' felled 1tbe bases on a Martin, lst • ' 5 0 0 10 0 1 offs �Starrtng Should Id bheeya do odawe ny- def g-5 1''• 2 .3 6..0' how They ��eld�'s ;M�ey� as the ,'L��g • to" Swag.* If � 3 �' 0 1 0 0 � think, for 3 .•or.3 30: Catch Weia`..at Amor*, was toe late. _Oliver, rfo T 'laced ogre down thie tbnird Bradley, b 3' 1'> 6 8 1 Ei • . .•. • 0 WALSER.TON� Jil'VEhiILES ;faaSeilm a to drt re ini- Greer acid Graham,' p . 3 1 Fl 0 4 . CS Wei But the finish caaane a re&=: Ogeriby- . .... &-- 0 _ 6 TRO ED — `fie ® ua :'1y. Andr w popped~ a.- 6 0 _ = ' �etl catcher who .doubked •min e f ` 36 0 f• or the WP -44- final series on 9i. PAY :27 1 a+b! r b p0 a e � ... , f"�e ed first I LucT�now:: Monday_ ntght_.by coming .through ' r a--, 2 2 2 0 .0 ' finish li gro ad three monei ee:rin liter; rf .� with - a , l-arnbastiig �,,�gg estfonably' I Weis, 2Xid. 5.' •3.. I 0 4- swamp: Goderich 13, to 5:: tout third,: 'freer; was . ,ss....7...„.„.,..,...,5 E 3 . 1 31, 4 did. hard way: € ut tbir to r wei4, safe , FNalkerton it the mrnomefltarrallg f , I Tom, '1 4 '1" 2 f a ...0 by spotting. Godgr ch a ' 5 . to 1 s bg • . dr i,;, It ...: 4.: 0 2 3 0 • ..0 ' y °whittled dawn'. when G ]lect,;� &oft .gro�de�. l(�eoirge- � • � Lead. which the drove -a ,toi ering triple nib right" I L d iet, 3rd 4 0 0 _1 1 . 6 to $�-3 before• staging a 7th.inning -, aerinic�lr monnglet C, Fiarl'sorn, ef'': 4 iY 6 ' :1 0 'rally..to-run. the count to 7-5. As. s�cornng W� Eetlg, -,.c. 4 ®' 6; 6 1- .. talc:- ia , daylight, conditions weire. fnasre➢ •sche mel Ito• a haaner. by 3 0 0 2: 1, far s i g • Caurutlers, p• t concerned the game should have 'ing .ai cEn ra * Slashed': e l ; a M ere 1 0 . d f .01 ended there, but, • it went the .best. •cio thin ung the' third base Dine ; _ _ Hospital* Wig-An� •� � . acct of another. inning- •and• ways lit deep left t :.• 3 , B`;10: ,..);i1:0,-' 'r� 6 : part ;nano Tait of the a arid a :and Mrs.,- Patrick MacllliiLlan, a on. Patsy • WEDNiSDAY, AUGUST 1.0940 • • Farmers drive -- ears lesa. than citT ireop4 and get low', rates frOm • ,conld wipe oat - 'your hotne savings. -Buy. the: full protectiOn of Pilot Autotno'bile, Insurance how... We *rite iissarance to cover seleeted risks in Antontobile, 'Fite; PersOnal PropertY.FlOater;:Buiglary; Plate class, and, other general insurance: Mr. and lyIrs. George fisher & faMily and Mr; 'and 'Mrs. Elliott BOUNDARY. EAST: Wingham General. ed oatt. ietire the side_ , Dzarys., 040-0_0 0 50:4, Walkertop away out in ItOnt With San ‘COn t 1 • fourth Luckliow stretch:- !...7"4a, ;.retired. In, tile meantinie, Pon I and .Edna of .Deirnit, MrS. Chas. t .lid-avi P the last ,eearruir leatterstc; g,ektgrertaurt. EToutedy:33•1;errtia3664:2-hase hits; Tifffnr.An_ : had relaced BiSgett on TigarIlley. and family and Mr. wt;: w e Greer was safe on. errOr stop. die 13ru. ce County TOwners •hOlidaying at the. home Of -Mi-. 1st, and store ,2nd. and u.d.„ out;lay Carruthers 5,, by Graham" and Mrs Wm acDOnald , artd sae, ,,art‘m.n :fife, throw , J. Ier 2,.. Graham ty, rplay I - ,.1,1M,:soansnd,,,v,Mi;tsdGaet when. Weis lined ane. tor secirkid-. 0 _ pport of neutra obser-, r ,r.,_GodKereinehne.dohy • col of plate,- .1. munity picnic be: held thit.1 Don't forget the Institiite CO/11- ..drOve•WeishoMe. He had seOond' stolen, Cle'arity„ bui...Overslid,. the Thursday afternoon at he • epth. !IninPir.es Mel Riggiri„ Goldie •Buckingliarn Kincardine BALL M BAD USELESS runs, batted iitr, Tiffin 3, 2, • cher in anYthing, spoUting Von Hatten was. ahnost knacked :.citit by • the hid* but fgqvg onta,,the ball, and Warren .waSpromptly.. banished from the • "'bag to retire the'Side.. : . Bridge,. There will be a . ball.. From here rn rt was a different ratei and. contesti with 1 - story Inc the last five., npurigs , Doctor; You have acute-appn- Fait -Patient^ Oh, doctor don't flatter trier • •Tle• struck out Seven and alloOtrec1 The re -opening. of.; the . three 'fits- '• — murlity Memorial hall. at :White- , Lige' tfte.:firSt three iuniiitgs an church was held a week . aga at least,: a:heetic ttip, ta'St, Marys .the first -one 1.5 to 2„ but: Walker, - last week *hen they *absorbed fort edged them at home 9. tO..8. • 'with noile Ou ,t-742i4the-y failed •to :,Itti.it Whie.!'. i n'' - * ' thin .1"1 ' P lilt P -L -E 'G KG • *0)' let.the only Thursday , night with a. Monster. . 'The• 'Lficknow SepoyS had a third' arid -deciding game. in the. crowd' in attendance. •,The pro- iray.: A ititgle and. double Put. gram, Witli7 Rev. .k , Wilson as: :•playets on. the pa Bladkrnan and 'Varier' oni third chairman. consisted'of 'violin sel-• Score. Weis made a rniCe triTaSebit ~The- game -11aS been ordered -re- Marthes,grourider. to; holc1 Mack- plaYed :today- (Wednesday)‘ in St. Mr,." and. Mrs. Robert Iliinfer & *tan du third. $Wan popped to. `1,1-arys., family of Toronto visited at Mr. first; Oliver Walked tn. fill the ' -.VitedneSday's. fiascd, lookS:1 Sara Enierson's on Sql-idair.. -•':itYases and ,tifellrWMftetra-13.1ghtfrorzi-here-4s-if3---thergrOupl....CMW.„,„"1 rid Mts. Gordon Avis ana 'pne .'tel) Oairtitliers: to end. tile' ,.venar;: a .$t.: Marys man,: ii4 the babe visited 'recently at the home frame. ':The• fifth and• •iiith. Went i btill T65.rr : the horns a •bit -Pre- , of Mr. Will Walsh. ", , . by 'Withaut. 'incident, but---,:iiten' maturely, „in , calling this first'. Visitors; laSt.Week at the Koine .Crrie the fatal,seventir. game af the group playdoWns, -:of Mr, and Mrs.' Dian McCosh 13radleY smaihed- one.to short -.With a seCond, one rushed on in were . the' following: Miss Betty As• safe,:oni a 'Close ilIa aS•14ticknoW on FridaY. A :winner 'Healey , of Glarnis, Auth. Forster,' . ninineritarily,, had trouble. by . the 15tii Was • given -AS -the 1. Gwerinie Colw-eW,Joyce 'Arnold.. 'hanaling, t he'. .b a I L i' arahatrt reason far the ;fish,. but.. that is , Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Doherty doubled seoring13radley„ Who, ad,- hardly,consisterit reasoning when t arid MO; Vina. PercY ,of ,Detroit •wanced on, Grasby'S single and the Goderich•-Crlinton series didn't visited'at Mr. Jack kernerion's last 'scared when gedy made a bad, , start , tintil.,:,this week,' .',ixith the I week.' eg on a p4ay to $econ,d as. GrasbY limner to meet the t., Marys- :Recent visitors with MiiS Mat- • • sirtt lc out Lucknow ' series winner for the ville• cott were .Mrs. Fred Fisehl. went o Wickman; tripled stiating,pias,b.y and Turned Walked. 'NI t n .- ',Only' four.' it tea faced glliatt arrtl Group .cliarriPionship. • Further, We understand, wet.- had an uncompleted . game to lay, bY.. Which if :Was possible •fOr therri .t� tie Lucknow for .4th place., further, the League ;President, To ry Gregg,.. didn't et, and Muriel of Vergus nd Mar"'iari of Toronto: • Mei, HattWicic and babe returned to Kiricardine .Satur- i day after a.weelesNisit with 'her , ihe ninth and' another: fair -run know- thig "playoff' game Was be-, . Mr•I and M s, ,Isaac ixpri o rally bit. the visitors. It. started.' ing .played • and the •afficial Belfast •and f amity 'spent a day when. Blackman drove and uP arid ,umps , for the series ttn4t,,have tete ly Mr. John Erriersan's, Satin • Wingharn;.: speeches by.lieV. Cox, ReeVes Elliott and 8eecroft; and the guest speaket,. Mt.':John A,. ststing ...Of Alex !Robertson; James booth in the hall was much , in. demand -Music fat the ,dariCe orche-itra. Net profits were ' Recent guests at the :home of, Torn thglis, were Mr, .ancl, Mrs..Mac. IngliS and Mrs. Wilkins Flanagan, Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm and 'Roddy, Inglis of Toronto and atld Mrs', Clifford Ileffer (neel .in Whitechurch in honor of .Mr„. Stora e Batteries • :23 Engi,nedied Types fel Farm Lighting, .ctc. -.00*:otge