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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-08-14, Page 3
WEDNES,DAY.'AIICUST 14, 1946 Local an Mrs- Clair Agnew isill at her home here. Allan Stewart of London spent a, week's holiday at his 'home, 'Dave ,Horne of Toronto visited. " list week at the home of . his grandmother,' Mrs:.J. A- 1lorne.✓ b and Mrs. Frank King and. Bill of Toronto visited -with her • mother. , ]sirs. James MacDonalld.. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Grahmiti And Welliuengton Hendersonvisit- ed last week, at Smith Falls. M •Lena and Elizabeth Rob- iinson and Ha zel .Culbert are hol- idaying this week : in Toronto! • Mrr :and :]litre. Alf- E. Busher,.':ol'. Hianlltton are :'on,.two' Weeks' Yam- - 'Lloyd Stewart: - returned 't Brampton after spending two rV ellks°' vacation at his home here. Mr.. Philip. Stewart. and Lloyd spent to few days at. Niagara Falls last "weep: Il1�s George Campbell" and :her g ndsoo,, Ian McKay, or: Thoma ]teen are visiting wat h Miand 'I ; . Jopo Humphar'of Pi e 11.ua, er and ICUs' Christine Ruttier - fond Of Ottawa *ace gaae 'of M Elizabeth Welsh; IA1firs. 0. L. Beatty.. and., Miss Jaanae • Elizabeth . of 'Montreal are visiting with Rev. ',sand, 11l�ars ,T . • er 71k— ''11.11"1;1'44441111,411WIMPLIPW4MglinkWE UCKNo` . LIIC8ITQW ONTARIO. A S RATION DICDEASED THIEE POUNDS • Afr: andMts.. T. A. Leithnaan. and .children of Sudbury are vis- iting here, Everett Lane of Kinlough bas .completed a: course, in muse in structiion at Toronto_ •Donald Thompson isi visiting this week in ElniraWith his cousin;; --Bob a t'•. . Mess' Brie Mac,Xerizie of Nor- folk, irate, :is . . visiting witlna''irela lives. Her:\ ,She, is engaged-. in .'public health world . i . Dtlr.• and Mrs Clark Finlayson and,' daughter. Janet:. have Moved to • thetir Anew homnep, the • forme • It/Smith 'a' esi•denc'e..'� Mr -';and Mrs_ Robert 'Browne of British Colut ibis r e n e w e d acquaintances ` here at the week- end. Mr: and. Mrs- 'Mach• Gralnait�n Of Galt spen two weeks" holidays with tier parenits,, Mr.. and . las_ ,Wellington Hend nn_' -M - Wellingtons • Ninon o ff • ' Lucknow Spent 'lam week visiting with . Waits turtle• Jenheti • in' Waanghatan.;,. •'Mr. _ma !Atr ;••-ran Henn -o$ The Canadian, sweep tooth goat a lift. with airutouncement of • an increase of , pounds' in the individual sug ration for 1946 'and .corresponding boosts in the allotment .. fPr.soft- ', drink, biscuit, cereal ,and, confectionery- mane- fa ctuiers, bakers, hotels' and. res'- tauMu � ' The increase, fust announced in - the' 'Commons by ,A ng Fin- aide•• Minister Abbott and later' detailed " nn a - Rices. Board state merit,- resulted from. an' • improve meat in *and Willi• be ; ef, fictive for the last three moms of, this. year_, .., The +oonsemner increase of three pounds• , will boost ''the individual • dation tet 31, pounds for the 'year, I Pared with 28 poupds which the average. user Would get at the present rate, giving;, the in= dnvidual the .stile :'amount as he received m '1945_' he board said the : increase 'Will be made ' bb: increasing' the tratte at,which sugar ration tom - eaten.' good.. for ,one pound,, • bemonrre valid.. Under the ' neY plan„ two •a c®upOres_, wii]il donne alnd ring ,Septc her and the -third-01111 •or•-a:i•li'antDeceminher-6th_ Berkley. ; �; , ate ' Tnolna$aying l : ; Orin. thins basis :. e sugar ' eon- with ': hits 'mrno i :Mrs_ FDawndll @limn nn', the new n enon ,k pito Huston.aannd, ' M1�'_d mmd-' Mas. Wes 1 On. -will ;be SOlecl jredl •vva]hid :Septemt- Bunstona. be r 119,, two others. in October:, • • i n 'Il November and °ileo in • , � Mr'. and ]�>rS..' pita$ Jimltn and- ldtiss Meaner of Torzontto'. 'speun t. last week with Mr. and -. Mas l' .Vers • Jolinmisoml ammo$ : faaain_ December... In, adcintici n to t ,alt- wtnd iraattu® for . tthe year etch 2 coansan lea ' ally is entittled itis'g® nn ~wr =f s --vain rtig , tial ](:l0ndon ,vii ted lam week wraitht_'Pbqes, it -lilt -16. ¢s veith Mr annna$ imus., 14irs. Wilfred Sackett' 'and 'Mr ]hut Ih , j(D 'Ste.' . .�r'eare'_' Mr _ MUs la$ai> ,; off BrammgDttnin„ Miss MrRD INSANE 'end ' Mas...Gllen. core- og 1. Mattel. Wagnergvff • Wateirlloav amd _ COY 1�'8p� H�pSpl'T'�i, auanilltten viisuited: at the weekrid• ..3.1(1." a erl<ey ': :' ey of, IOndoun,. , , , wraith thea mother,; lmGlas ' F N n I. . • atana . • '' " itis®nnnitng at >f u ni . �-llet Smit h .anti ; II1_ ]i . Ma: L,e ;n in�►a a mitt t , ed .to the a3nIlIlage aftt a �iricinne ' Beate:.' ' ` ` eai i ttnn ty, .Firs,., iH to `G ld •Bradley .a M 'soma Toronto... . Mr, Ma Liean ]Beit this pert Rruice':and da aagltotter Blpan *leek. for . ithe-Delhi annslhiiet, to ,as-, • -age of, Ftbrt,'' Erie visitedat r the ; 4ii-Ktt iiia the tt ail:meetoi hairvt t: • Ble=_]lvnllle. W»l1k ; .foamier Owed: Sottan, d..' ,resident„...,„Whoa .: a capes$ II1LLL..•.W,e,OnU.aUL<llo, :. vv.. it iiia lfon: ', Will C r irtb i y: Insane ':;at PerlOan- gnnnsh ea on Viansdair ewe hung„ Y..244411.4.3relil,,. • t •..40a, has' l t eRn-••)lani $,- hrnnne f her bmmther, �kr ,ugh' : : • t�•nsad.` Wig_ - Miand,::Mrs.. Ga$ MaIett off e# rnnnatiat'iha iioumauugan!, - IIDc;Waamt visited' with. r.i.:JameEiincegine' spirnmg ,off 1933,- after heeaiid ]bsDawaBarn�w -, -e -itnr^atmrci- iiilt,i,F:�' u:- t..e a. ffoa>umd 011W at ' 'fidGa n off l arninette,; .attnngaallra. Ellii�tt ,Fvits Smanoth' :'. > ) of ' u Hui rttieairnng 'lktn t wnffeA and .o°>finld - - 'rte • nsnttoirs tt>}41.0'st week 1[rwithin { l 'tithe,. � stet o mnp iimneal, , 1�, 6161 their u by se tthi ng $ to them' hoe ' nim _. and•Mis...,. tri. • MacKeni ne, • rYetlanaan» id�eaund--2ill$a ,. �. i SanmvmaL t ,i a 1t�me>}„e u found in sanee,and was sienntt'to. the > 't.lx, tdmmmaniiii* ' .' . •wed vt titto,o s: at the, hnomm n ',home Omiltaan®, . Hilal., .I (1)4. Mr kali Mm... W •0 An „1t ng fu ChatrIle S1fawaau$ )trs aYe- y veeirte anal'211•a .`_F' - cll AIlttho tin un bumminea troika. a tva�t» wave ugh annor+e..tthaann Il3': ears. �cm )�aur•lbilaira off W[,.®un¢flon„ lm:IIr ; C_ �' Visit, nn Limndonn"wntth:_tier smni.Gor to to te76lta -since., a;!ies ea�nammea. w ai 0n and .Mas:.' Stet 'ard„ : hem haat Ilv lnavr-: ,cif lLa!Dimr�coian , 9a1[it EllIle conn initttet ; the W ilD net ata ns tlit' rt s , Artura lrto'ng 44. ]El,e�u¢i nn anal Ir: ffaD . tto ffail)<, town I1Jr !n nm:`ttlnte in>mnnds off thea aft i1 en"• ho rue anud fear•• a$ •hutea 'midi 1 iters;., Joe id tn•an of whiter, mm A ' Y • of . (� t+), tun u'.ltt �a� ow Of t:u aI8ly•' nttl 1' • •Mr. a,f .Dins., iueur r>n •:Ma pain- Jtlirie'` . ,,,i,tos1t new®_ Atnmig ®mine • ewer Y,Mr and ,iMrs.. J,aninmmy:np>f flfl ; n11 ;Laumd •]lnttt"e, ilauOlntfer" Maui) E. I ilho alto d •nn tthat, duty *rade; 11Duoit •p ��t� amid 1` >rs Lottmte inmates t»c�na=d t© lt1hI > Ii,i( il,lie?r ap. I th© un mmo l ani niittne ?iknllll,; rill gaff Cim➢Ilnnngwtmm Odd: (Clhaatinaaan hal: Hang, s e'nntt itlhienr a ; at ties iti* iiim hie nalnnelt :ave Bnis 1�e eSl'( a:'”i msistier ' of Mud- �atitbq 1 ep aiir.+ nuat'r*s:e.o ff beili.•. nfs': g'' 'bnsmia " d(Il i rafy b➢ast>wr > *jib MS ,.` ..od -arm, chas,.. Stward wind mnanr>iaifl )Inns'a,n'inn .v i ,s$fauna&Fle;' ,• ,,„tc.,1ti11 sl:nim' u1i.tar 1.nfrbalaii113:711>M5FL, fir tlfn ll' d -ten vi,i41mus awns • alma Mir #innt IL's, arinn u i, >nool,•Ill, c 11�'a7..G ' -ti a4ei afMrs. OS, D id;©f I al Wil tedl•>►rrumie •ffnnr>ni i t ea"s •s rte Mrs, :Edith Maur- Y 6ie:t vri t hi >i'c:, aFnt.. Mir het 11#e fawn of ",' gra' `, ei j) e7,nn his wofft .t wait a a of .1130:21:1d Of New York and. Ilifns.: ' liths,: "ri,kmcnnis: ,Ben -n 'Tnine int'3 ge ioilinn chi:lug t)h,e. ''ewzoiiim' PI 0 a e'c tears tiff. Welain -• • ,hint no. ¶,6inio�ti>intat witch.; •-ie:u aac g ,it 7� ¢, : � ate• of � •anrn men arllmttbne�', � 'LL'� son.who h!� recently, ',IMiM r. t inti t,11,1 ... fauna lent llama$-avntt1T • IIlint It.. -• W1 Cana at '1fh, " coat* ry g +�1 tl�it w� btettwte�n the ¢lalloi;T anti$ D) •w • ;, later. „The child; 'severe months r' old. and j> 4 -tatting tting to, ".. was Withered in the but ring laaitalgi- 'ing ' Deeluarid Iasaae Following lam arrest, Wilkie. made a full,; nfession of the. ter- rible deed When the lime, tame for hint to go on trial in Owen Sound, objection was taken to .the ,MRASE. • AI.TRAIL"LL IANr DIE OF I itrnall '.,borne held' here on thn: ground that so ,much .publicity" .had been 'given .to 'the case that,' it was iinnpoasiblle' to give ham a • fair ,trial The cash -,was traversed t o the sp»g , held, '' ill! Walkeriton. This, was. -one .of the Most . seitiooal trials ever meld in Brucecounty, and lasted; ahnost a week. 1' wu^c� r w nal e Hatar3ld away �> ttlinatt Were. iii mina +K 4 , • ",�.WAilitt4llf..M't4L.t�JitU • • • Ilillte; „1 e , in Iibe . .. h ".�iiau";aisi� zi•'•, • •i>it•�. M> ~ S:tilti,ROSS. CORNERS , ;rt .:55 ,Ed-e(een•Rim ofttntee tm�ne ,1) n iih her " 11101 di_of id�,, mllu. •' If arienll ttellt has returned and, ` 1lirs..,�a�c lfw c :: , *-ii e e ��,4 . 1 -the other rro,omm,,.timid p� it. on the ttro • 7t!rnrnntuittai Oittkir speualluttng Mr .: aiiie 41: mile 31[c and I a $ 1 lr•- fluor tti;e)lnnnail . the alae ':1e 'went. Into :the win** wee final. a�Rnnitt$ Iseme sileepiing, turned r•i +7 ni 4 Ili Jlntt„ • stn :1 iimmtttli - 1: oil -J11ow w. .. ,p (II 1 (1)(1)11111 Se ew ' �aimd Mrs: . eavrth � 1ialimnaiCiw iftiattaktonxe'm;t a ttew litNmlln i Anvil n ' IIs . mini tTtas .Jo fid- ort , lot 111 Ito.- or; l to ter moo • ;, �`5 wltith lm�r c ., ni (l. ,w �111it , JC,rt tL ll} tv • ifiu ! inLl All's' iin� andttWi +iltID(61II@. urili I I is' (:s tit taps 8 '' a4 truth agedMfrs, doo •staut,, match ''from . ...tt J`11)511.41161/ . : r� ; )meet” Kitt ht mire hii5 ' punts swill' '. and Verrii ni ai u, In�u1 t. ai tsiannpl]e of,days]Ldonmikditat � �` e'en Ja utI ia, went at wait the 41161r Ittact Vic, , , m..n ,nth w t tt her .,tete rw M,. 'G47:4H- . "� was ru>n thug pCa W .I • mini' OF Omit Friy,gis 11two �rieiseaS • Mani ]Wear titirtoott gam, >iie. to • ne zee mod hie to mar 10613a111Cpa: r , to •ia nae.'ale hill . oda' dintotikle diar r *MINS TOME' • 1Y' and Mita Azilithvv. wrio •sly, nlleU «. � iY"t5i$tr „ . trk,•�m' r4 r�tQt�ti�'7' �i>kltlt s. • {� r-- k div«:t tet Y "" ]i •��r'y'`�Ititt� " tat +�� ., (yl { a ' Dll1 ' i t t �t ilo • UIt lir t4WtIlL[t �,'7«y'. n��ft- :off I1L •'!!(e +(L�'�lf�. i:,•WuL�.i, ., .a�,i...r.14 W. 4wif1 u� iF7i:Yry • 3,tinrlli k eM (4 CUtr`uattlV `.4 Qillillll til �t w ) i 1.NUlI r mina LKLLti. 'wiSn"'''�i', RJ`nJ'«"4'. . !id' «�.`..�; i « ..... ,3V�::s. t�ix,,t u ui " �at•yl��yy��,,,,rd: i4k ,rrrtit�U1l''..'!si'1�' -L'.,w 4•� �.' i tw;• -tiar L'A, i '1iri:11 G ' ir•rr �' h" i tai Wit. ir+ w ' 'C�t�:4te' ��yl.W1- I 111 ip ' o f ' heirs r a tt :lf. M nit ,.1 1 t. e=.-1# l�t' ...wMh•.«. • y n r , rort Uir,t4..'it8`i,', "1;��3;ti: � �` time ' ts • annik .1 " ,19,�C#MA1f YA�,,y�� LLi::. ,4. 4�•t ♦'Yt t'u " "tCi" • )w ' )d"I+r• : bract 10;,w,.i .1... 4e., 4 (.Rf• liar htai' z i h dry s.'1) Sen"Cce-Ter rwtId`1'Ly�. td) rtrat 41%-1• giii threes. •dila di tit tiT > •i4 i ,.a14.,.it4;41 'set t:lu )71aF'trs et sit j Gtirtithoimalith • • V