HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-08-14, Page 2'4 • .. • �4• 4 4 PAGE' .2 ' ." , THE O 5. E .Itstablidied 1.873 Puhliahed Each, Wednesday Morning Sutbacr ptian, 'Rim —4, 22.00 A Year in Advance—fib U. S. lam Authorized as :Second Class Mad, 1'43t Office Department, Ottawa Member of. The' C.WN.A. it. , C. Thompson; Publishes and Proprietor WEDNESDAY, AUGUST" 14, •1946 I T O,. L:. oti THE HIGHWAY ' SLA HTER' , � "The national death<traffic toll,: which is rimning 47 percent. ahead of a year ago, substantiates the traffic police contention that ` t, as well as care- w ional'problemc> , but they are also' a local `problem and a personal problem with every. driver. The way -to stop accidents is to dribe safely. Check your° speed, k your:,, car; check your'driving! `. Who doesn't have, . an accident must' pay for .increased. accidems +q. it and ;costs .,in the form of higher insurance rates,' because: Tie one known when • `that same'Fa�notorist Enol ui en ill be *volved in an accident. tw e9,. pm_.. less drivmg, _ , has. turned our `N. Automobile accide its are a:nat= ; streets and highways Into vast. abattoirs . where the innocent, • as Well as the 'foolish and ignorant; aTe needlessly slaughtered".•That }s the calculated statement of •Robert E Raleigh, director of .the police traffic ' safety ' check pro-: - ,gram being conducted by the ,In- ternational association .of iefs- of . Police, after reteiying.prelim7 :jnary ' reports' from ' 23' states,. in The.:re t to Which. the YACP. official referred, revealed that one out of. every +1uee—a '.total of. "35:3 percent=of •t'he venules !..x7 amined ez - amined .in. the Brat part of the cheek, failed to meet minimum standards. --' . .Out :of a. total of 163,576 . *re,. hides •in 23 'Oates • recorded in niinary f t 13.5 Per- • cent had. inadequate percent defective 'tires; 22.5 per Cent faulty front :lights;' 29.9per cent. ,faulty ' rear.;:or stop _lights,_ 9,5 percent windshield wipers not Wig; :9.11. :'percent: defeetivee luras;: and 10;6 percent other ob- "clam ,and. liazardo is • defects.. While these figures apply ` to', e iiu ted St iter !here 3s ?no reason to. expect , any Substantial. 'variation' front,: perms- `ages in Canada or Ontario. effect f accidents result- i as • hour .A '.train . P- Th :The Most farmers are on:eight-hour •shi€ts--eight. hours before.duu'ter, and, eight :hours' after: -Farmers Advocate. rs To The _.,.toe,; Llette Pear Editor: A. few d .. aoISaw acopy The of thea p�byterian. Record. fust thing, 1 saw in large' type when 1 opened it was,' "Assembly. Decisions at a Glance", i and the very first of, these was,. .4 l Stipend'. for all • Ordained Md Aid receiving b of 9 to 8, amen e - Dougall umpired 'the game - A baseball club to ' be eared the Seppy Club was' organized. with the fellosvingofficers: Hon. Pres;, 'Dr' Garnier Pres,; .W Mel- las; vaee-per., Alex Ross; .caPt., lt. . bei see.; W. • Rook Cham set.', T. - a lid�' gRe-: •ttre D. Hager;' corn., T Little, T. W Rooklidge • ` attended -the the: 'Same 800 persons . - ,, Old Testament the Hirli is �. condemned. In annual picnic of the Roman Cath- Micah scath n8ly one con 'egatiou of Ashfield held Micah 3-1.1, ' 12 we nave Y "The , ore Grove on the Iyakesh ' at .Dean s Gm . Road.. gemnents: were. - in LOOKING . • 6 ►CKWAR:DS 'THROUGH: ;THE ENTEI.. FIS •. Suety Years . A s at Lochalsh played between a `team composed' 'en- tirely of ";Johns" and . the. *Odds- chargn, wa and and Ends" was .won JPtf ie, Autter es, . ,was • fixed at $1,500,00, pluslumanse,; except where the by a score minister is lus fust year under appoint Wit"• was • simply : appalled that things had come ta.such a pass,: the.. General' .Assembly. `"o#. ,the Presbyter . church. So flagrant= ],y ignoring the Most fundamental tea of 'Jesus Christ.:H.e zays chings that the ``"Hiram Shepherd" is a thief and a robber, and in the Some .'manufacturers ,say : lane shortage of material -for -pockets is holding .up suit,, manufacture.,' Nfsybe, ..but ,payingafter suit; who needs the pockets: o — y k r a. " a 4. a•+ a. • • • defies thug± v-• ermnent he, is quidd Put in his place.' If .,labor union • defies• gown= = the government - b as no eh is deniocrac`y-,-and politics. heads 'there! judge for reward,. the priests thereof `teaehfor Vie, the prophets thereof divine ' for money, yet will :they lean' ups the Lord, and sag. Is not the -Lord among us? None 'evil can cine i- f-ttt fore✓sha Zion .+t -your: sakes_lie.._plovoed.;as a field, and : Jerusalein• ,'shy becomne heaps, and the iaountainn of :the: �auseas the high places of the forest" Now ,this is 'to be Lin the ."Last Days", the final de true As I;'looked through' The Beet- ord the whole gist' o f its message s that the church, was.coin- pletefy' dependent' upon : money to "Advance".'God_ had' o "Mark tine", :until they . could ; extort. money to carry ' an his: work ' No source too ' polluted to accept, or impoverished enough.. to refuse, no aneans condemned, except, per-. Savingmoneylfor a--rainy%day : is; all 'right, .'says a contemporary, as long. as .You, don't get soaked later ' on ; St. Thomas ' Tia�es- Jiiurnnal.. - motorist was 100 yards an open ' level railway .• crossing and' was proceeding at 50 miles . . n int from careless driving ann =prtiach nig-at-60-mues.an Incur atnd and defective' automo+. its distance the was crossing Over -age biles is ,also reflected . m figures on claims released by the world's 'largest: automobile insurance coMpaiiy,--ancl,'-this experience is general among all automobile in - Sums. This company' had aa, m . crease of. 51.3 percent.* the•f four months' of 1946 over the first four Months :of 1945, while the ' average cost of claims 'was rip 1 3.75 feet Problem:, Did the motor- ist" get; across? 'Solution Yes, the motorist got a' cru His agidow ;'flit' it out of the .insurance 'anoney rip Pe Magazine. With a world scarcity of butte it: seems strange: that a"shipment shouldbe sent. into Japan, where' they don't :;even, Imow what it is. Capt„ B. Grant Jefferis of Cala.. City, Kansas, arrived ;aaere ..to.. take '.charge of 'No. 3 Coaanp during a week at brigadegip. at London, , -.. • office ' .of the reorganized,' quoit club were; Patron., ,T ` Gam."• ache; press fit,' Corrngaan, , A. • Lawson; treas.; , B. alllow * . execUtivek)com.,' I, ' 'Corrigan,' A. Lawson and, Wm;, ARM, Foirty Ye+ra Ado A' daughter' was 'born. to Ur.' and Mrs. A. '0. Murdoch,' 'Debbie C. won tka_ nand mmeanmeg at a onssearsaY tithe Rutherford of St Bei: her piano exasaauasettno, alt. charge of the Parish priest,' Rev. ,'t h ..London ' Co¢nsea•a�aatroay of Father Boubat. „Specialty- mated:. Music • as :being' present. were ' Joseph The admission to IATirptide • Griffin,; reeve of Ashfield; M. C. League ball games' was l Caoeron M.P., Hon. A M. Bons, tOc with the band: in a : MCGill�icyda :wed 3'i> ie `.ileattn oc aaaa�e� of _. _. JO�utof,-Dr -t idYi Dr*-- hife tevenso n of the' -tion . ; ly and James Bailey from God: sty. . He was in his tth year. ie ' 'Arthur McGrory. T. Fr The edaltor critncased;:t these _ � Wallace: " ratted" 'toba�. ',ins Cam, . James' A�eGowan� expectorated" totACCO Grenache, and D. E. Cameron of the sidewalks of main slit 'I ucknow.:D. E. Cameron, won. the W.• J� Earls was offferaang Il�Il 'gold headed, cane in c[ npetition ; piecednnner seltss at fang i With James Bailey of ' Goderich. $9.50. "`!he 'friends of, both 'parties . 011ie Jennings o 140 tliT. camicAt a gin, to get sin the 'money We :.`see•- :tthe :a nenao- of mianism sweePing over the world, and . its patrol w mean the complete. dent ction of 'the churetaTaind- this 1te_ r ole , - ' tive force :will come upon vs *- cause of '•.the ,inerimary attitude of ' the organized , church- When •. you see the ' mouthpiete of the Presbyterian 'Church., Which; aibly :has Been- _tb -Tsa loathe. to surrender to " the worship' of Manunon, so brazenly proclaim *g its Complete surrender to the': astry.:It was thro .bis zeal and claarins of this false god; iben...tet uantiring,• efforts that thehannd- F+okC-eneaigeti ali8-mut w of the notes were counted Mr. (mad cir'cles,. died fad buns a as eronn was declared D dec ac d the:win'ner.bywhen a .kerosene: Ilaanp es11 261bd• a brie rna0o_�of 1090 to 375Eggs were 1sc nd as E.. Came on's tug -of- war 'te+aria ':ter 18c • a pound. of ten stalwarts .was •awarded the '" 'T'he • death.' oicurred at fit: $10,00A Prize when the ,'other `cap- ` Helena's of Mr Win.. Took.. Vas 'talk failed to come -to the scratch survived by two-sc :annd 'a ate` .with. hit; tea=s.' eater, William,' Charles At the Owing �� , 1o 'Tvu sons predeceased 11111111 i" rantfe , L dies •• College, ' ass Richard, died in;n u a a Jean Murray ay recited 'like Lady. the Boer War and 11 of Providence" -Telegram re- Winnipeg two , years—Prieryears-Prier itoz ltais fern to this' number;:followsi father's death. - ."hlinss Murray's elocution i fault Ii ;R is asmd Lawreret less and she received a , hearty, were spending trca Weetsat, deserved a ate"". Blackhorse rake. and > �. .••.,••,. •Ref era a n.g to Rev "Tar 's 'The "Lanae fifer. to Goderich;;' The • Win- ran a pial e tkretsaid_' asryan ease:work: Kincardine„ -leaving er and powerful preacher ..'andhas accoMpanied , by 'few equals in the Methedist min- fare was adults t5c 'and lnim tbatis *the Jiidesa fieeiantsome"newchura-was erected last . *Kt Oaring his tWa Year, Ministry iheire the etturtli,inern= .A Dominion paybah. &melte, Played at ,8 osellaelt in the Morn- dolhus, this comPanY Paid out and showed up with beer bottlft,i There. is .- lug a relwastmative $7,890,943 'in claims fiF the first and shaw bags. one woman bon_ of the ammo or a Christian note 1 448 for the same period last year- she sinend the weld along an4 Typical of driving conditions serif -tilt the 'women sveze Wiring today, perhaps; is a study« Made their 1"41lugagaer for the a. such a by the Kansas CitY Stario 'which thing Must make a bit of :Metter - drivers ,of 'all classes of vehicles ham.chroniele. has beconie virtually non,exist- • ent. Slow .signs at. InteisectiOns run. Bulge ias 'seat oat a can are ignored` by 80 to 99 -Percent of all drivers. Stop ,signs haie wa„,_ 'uvw, 'Wr gine so cammon .1-iardli attradi hetot?renonit hasoutcanadaquietl,ypu- that, u'yo.slxvi/ tention 'any 11201e.7% mo-Mittiestse:relrotUP-9wd indiAtPdcreeeiut. overthat :15.71.:1°Zeigalis -;tussian-agitathr. com'l"ucii)atrioti tting in and out of .traffic is far a chriatian ParlY be would bidden zones fir double park., and wire whial tbelr ,`"lad hice to that more than hall of the motor- uZe_it°,,wri...4...intenne____.411 1°3111 eithel2&— ists ignore school safety zones tru- a a" -a .r‘laa". aw!-`124- ' Out of 1,c125' accidents checked In daily Toloms rep= in one month, however, More 'were caused by careless driVing than by defective Cars. Among the drivers, the great majority *were from 25 to 40 years old; 85 w.e.re intoxicated; 16 had been; four had physical defects and 2 went to sleep. All the others were normal driVers who did « not ob- serve the rules of safety and' of courtesy. , As traffic and insurance Of- fic.ials have pointed out, the only , AT =SUMMIT, METING. of the WALS. :was held in the Presbyterian 'church on'wednes- day last with the 'President, Um - Mullin, in the chair The topie *Education in Africa" 'Was taken * Ham !Ander- ton 'and the Mole study en Paiars visit to Corinth "by Was' Dean 'by, Gretta tranpbell. 1213. afired itti speak, told of,* ham. occasion when' their church mit, colored, peoples church in «the city and. pleasantly entertained. tures have appeared shoWing rived borne lotfa -six-inuothe for-, tough, told setnetlike of Riti Dickson's ViSlit elfin on in Formosa and the rnar way the Churches there ma*tained their life and 1/17‘2441C ‘diatt114 g the war years: She alin led the meet - 'Mg *prayer ef thanksgivintarkel The' Sepoys defeated Kiucar-.., dine in azu excitkag b*I1. game 20 tei It The local plawerii although -their potiticen weren't giveA, were as follows: W. Hetherington„ Sanunertrille, T. Latle,„ T, Lind- 461(4144:1- iburiat • Iznik the 04 Smith- Sold' son, Allan Tharnerand Burns Lodgaid St. vAa at- Ikank Mar.Donikl; oPeriVtor« in criticised the .# ihe. telegraph: office for couple tabbed jab ton daubed with the word "scab* in large. latex& 71r) have , the families of the nou-strilons mol- ested in 'soeh a despicable `man- ner should be ve•ry repultive to those wbo prize fteedom•and fair', play- The men who stayed in the i plant` and. continized productioni .-4 1 for their fight ta, work --i right 1101idaY, %Via** Esher, MiiirY1 ey were sirnply standing up ItY Vcal of 'celebrating"; Code Rev. 4higent,and he Was tramsfmted-im.Mati to the. Metliedisttbarch' centre' Solution to the increasmg toll of WhiCh belongS te every man, just Stvithers and GLIdYs Itneponr highway hottar =pie. -caTelail as Muth as The right 'to lettve bit .04' • dani*1 'cieliste:Itarb, and. • driving on the part of every mott I work if he 'se *isbes, is every wheeled from here to Damganrion cast. Even the automObile owner'. 11121PS privilege.—lianaver Post, and b4,0.1r, harvini 1=12 eproutte, 44. Mclerale„ 'Wesley , Tre- leaven, V; McDaniel and Mur- doch Mc1Cenzier-puplls Luck - will Public school. -rreze attend-' ing second class eassitn'inatleas .Mark Burgess. G. 'P.' Tennison" and John Onion r'eturned from a trip to the ItipisSon. g district ,Where they weren't greatly' Ira- Presset with the prespects irk that section. ; stationed by the MethudS Can - Sound district. Irhe manic al F. T.- Re* Wrci frrit prime et *Mg niends an, the IF .6 re maw Kenzie :with a rtair- prim leaving fir TirOt&ro tuirpate!k the .1145; Pau* tent-gon reported' 41ga:id* a horse krikd by • tonnes !Oh her scrl, Dr. 9 1114 'a 411 44:44 1111;1411. Will