HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-31, Page 1,946 :44.06 A Year --In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. K I N LOSS COUPLE WED, FIFTY YEARS On Monday evening,.' July 291; about 125 friends andneighbors called :at the, home of Mr.. • and. Mrs. • Garner Stanley 'to honour, , them on the 'occasion' of their 60th wedding, anniversary: D - v nin' a short .:. -�--ing the•, a +� g program in : ` of violi onsis readings, •gs►, n • music and • impromptu speeches was. .enjoyed;"• with Mr. Jack 'Emerson of Kinlough acting as chairman Following,the program the bride and groom • of 50 years ago were called to the front and tie following address was read. read M iss Kobel Nicholson it and M`rs:. •Ya' Y t ro„ We ..have gathered here, this evening to honour, you • on ; the:. occasion of your: fiftieth wedding: anniversary.'; We ,:extend .our heartiest c ngratulations and . our :very best wishes for 'Many years of health 'and . happiness.. We have ; found you both, kind and friendly. 'neighbors, always le ndur . g.a. a helpful -hand -in -time- arf• trouble' • and ready to take- your 1art in any coinmuliity a ti vity. We would 'like e to' express our best wishes in a tangible . vfay Please;: accept this gift as a token LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, `WEDNESDAY, JULY 31st, ,1946 PICNIC TODAY' •• The Andrew -Lane annual pic roc is, being held : today ° (wed- nesday) at Point Clark.' Mr. 'S: B. Stothers of Arthur.is: president of the Clan, Mr Mac. Lane, vice- presiden, ` Mn'a C. E, M Do c nagh,; :secretary_ and Mr.; W :Cr;.¢ AndreW "finance minister:" Relatives 'to' JOHN •:ELLIOTT N I N.ETY-ON•E . ,Con Saturday, July,; 27th, Mr. John:..Elliott, of London, , and a pioneer schoolmaster in "thikia, .dis trier,. •. observed his ninety-first birthday. Still enjoying compar- atively om ar atively good health, Mr *Elliott the fourth generation will:. be i (recently underwent an eye;.:•op.- attendance.; n • 'PRESENTATIONS, MADE: 'DEPARTING' TEACHER • At the Presbyterian.Y,, W. A. picnic held last Wednesday after- noon; Miss:•' Marion MacDougall • vIr*C• : cu; U• ., .. . Y..~a; plasEve, purse by 'the members of the Society. At' the close' -of the school. term. Miss, MacDougall, who will teach next year 'atSpringfield, "; was presented with two lovely china. figures . by the ' pupils of rooms •• one and d two,. arid. individual gifts from former pupils, as well asg 'a Royal' Doulton pin and. aria s , from the members of the staff. HALF.'CENTURIf :.OLDBARN _ :HAD ORIGINAL ` SHINGLES Clark nerly ldenl Y. vas in fide. br ise of uinor, ' idenly • r par - to her ceived ?iiebec nerly of Mr. ,m and ielenS. red 3eorge polish ad the fife and oposer, . Story"', `; nerican `. (July aundaY ( long to enjoy it. Si ed: ;-on behalf --,of "fri ' en ds Mit. Alvin . Irwin,A win, •'Miss Isobel Nicholson. At , `this 'point Al Irwin and Robert Reid presented them with a lovely s ring filled mattress` as well as :rnerous 'other smaller gifts. _bin. 'Stanley extended, 'thanks Y• those who• had so kindl re :membered them., Lunch: was. served .and the remainder: of the emenin& spent_ in . dancing Mr. Stanle'y.. ' was born, .9n. the 12th of Kinloss on August ".2nd,. 1873: 873,' He was a ;eon• of the' 'late. Wm. Stanley and' Rebecca:r- Mo gan and, was one of .a family of four .sons • d I au three; daughters:. Of this family Mr.Stanle:.:and YY , his brother • Williat i of the, .8th ,of Bruce,' who'.was " resent' on onda- evening, y :are. : the only surviving members.' Abs. Stanley, y, who''..was form. erly•Rachael'1VfcDonald was born on the; 6th of Huron on July: 24,. 1872 She its , -.- I a daughter of"� the xlate John MacDonald and• Anna 7. belga . 1tathesori and ' ... d was one �'-of as family, 'of six 'daughters, three -of whore • are still living besides Mrs.'� ;Stanle w Y . They ire,Mrs: S: Robinson ' (Tena), -.-Detroit; � Miss' • Mr. S. E:; Robertson,. who re - eration which has been successfyi in' helping to restore his eye- sight which, was ;failing him, 8 PAGES HANDICAPPEIDi ypoperator o our isnot • e onFI FIRST TIME BACK • Wits} the sick list the publisher has : I• N. HALF 'CENTURY. attempted- to get this. issue • out, single; handed and as nearly on,' time as possible.: We regret` that a few articles have had to be held over until next week. --APASSED =AWAY MONDAY • Mr. Dan, Alton, who has been spending the past couple • of weeks with'. his ' cousins in this •community, plans to leave: in a' few : days on Ws return ,trip . to Vancouver; -It is I -'- Y hys -- f firstviSft • to: his native heath M- over `fiftY •The death of James 9R: Haeke years -since 1892, to' be exact. .: • tt ! , • • occurred in Toronto early 4Mon- i . 'Dan' as . he Is ,popularly •known I o day evening. Although he., had was 81 years •of: age on July; ,5th,, . Mr; Elliott' was borfl ° on July. • ,.. , ..< i .. 27th,1885;.on a farm ' • ( suffered a ,.severe head'• injury but is alert:nlentall• • • y 'and physic- .. , in Colborne, : ally ao a degree 'that' greatl be• Township, He received . his boy -several weeks ago his death came 3' 'hood,'sdiooling at S.S No..6 � Col-• unexpectedly , from ' a ` heart . at lies 'this tact He' i :servig lis fif h to as r rrn id t .`of: _ t,. _.... �sp �_ en .the,., Bruce. County• Old • Bos and tack.9l e --was. 72- years -of -a � e- borne.' Varna and-Benmiiller and Y g The ,funera i_ 'ii • , .-r. .. r--�-'��M� c�_��_ �•�c_ ,-.,u��n- - a:S. Y - .-.. _ .- ya. -•-a ... :� .N .. . was "on his o -held `' at the home of :.his • son, • G inti}ori , lsAssor or . yancouver own". A ',few years which is a re ' 1' •• _Wilfred R ..Uackett,.-Con�-10-Ash a . hve organization Llater he ret xrned -to sehOol as a �, young _man d_at' the- er,of -20-) afield, Township, on • Thursday, and lipids monthly. get togethersi;: g , : from October to„ April. The• big .n • : 'event of: the .year, the 'annual teaching' certificate `' II • . terment M Greenhill..demetery, g :. _ That w`as uz .:. . 1875 before .t a da, today ys of the Model basket picnic , is :being :held .' h �: in • , j .Stanley, Park 'and • Mr Alton Condition$fproped regrets not': being able to':be be al ' cently; purchased the "bus 'barn" a block north of the :Post Office, from, Mr.:'• Peter : McCa 1 ' . as a 'over:. Mary iMacDonald, Detroit and Mm• Harry f�Muir_ (Kate);• North Dakota, On. July 29, 1896•, Mr. rand' Mrs. Stanley' - were',. I united in1 marriage by :Rev. Robert' McLeod: Their•, � attendants were Mr. Wm. Stanley of the 8tli' of ' Bruce' and Miss Mactonaki, now ,of • Detroit. S- five years• 1VIrY and MrS• Stanley 01 Kinlo Y lived- a • mile west ugh ' and;on the '21st of April, 1921, moved to their 'home, on the Boundary west of. • Luclrl now, where. they • �' have made rnany warm, friends. , Or tweet .• f • • paired the building as a• seed cleaning plant, wriich is now. �a en for operation • Mitchell.. 11 One of. the repairs ` was • Mr. Elliott's first 'teaching as ` Mrs. James Alton is, improved• g In h sighment was at Holyrood,wherehealth again since suffering he commenced his duties in Jams �• a weak spell while attending. _Alton, -.one of-five•,brothers-who`.-.. ,ary, .,1876. Fron- 878-- to 1881 lie + -More` fi" Ek : ago Sunday;-- er. came ' out. ether, :'fro I tog m Ireland'`• taught .at•�Belfast, and':during this daughter, Mrs: • J. G. Mantel of tithe he advanced his education Oshawa has been with: her since. and :each: ;took' up adjoining 100. I effort _.: then..., -} ;. _ r: acre farms it Belfast= on.' the '•. Y . personal • • and in July I. 1 Gravel Road' and, 10th: Conces.. , ' 882' graduated from Goderich fl .. Sion, • 'The five 'brothers High :'School; qualified to act •'.as Struck. ByLightningere, . • ers '•w • ease • =cilia a a e• erne e r • of an ornamental 4 ue and and •:Daniel. �• later at :Br . ockville:and' Walk .mapie maple •,tree' t: the' home of J.. C: • erton.. Mr Elliott• Mr:--Alton's•-father�- -erated Elliott -then obtained elsjab had a stri of mark io °p �`' P hotel in ,Lucknow for a • tune•: Y >n' su 'se+ off it afevv days ago wltenstru ! � � • ek quentl served `asprincipal sit Y t ' by lightning L_ a eamin ton � • Bo I !• 1g. •Ile, is a n, so , of the late'Joseph rn. a universit degree ee and sub a . • uated where Elmer' Johnston's' g v�man�yalle and ragie: now- `stands,' but when .tc e the FOR11iER.; PRA , PRACTITIONER' Tamil :m For •some years now. •he has Y owed to the Parry•Sound • • `Dan :'was ;'a lad. of ' twelve the shingling of: the he north 'side of the I CALL i. ,.. g g . � Ep. SERE LAST • WEEH• lived' retired at 800 William S 4 district. ',Mr: Alton lies been` in root which g many m..F 'Fowler foriner .-:•F-- - __-- _._.. .years_..he <;was in the emplo of i a • . f., . had • the original , .. .. London. Since the days :when :he. ff the West for 57 yea{•s For shingles which>.were put ori ;when, E . • Willa • - 'Served as Sunda •.. • y•'school. super- ._.. ..,..�._,._�.,__. the barn was buil : sorne 5 , years .. - . inedreak practitioner m,.fc u'cxnow, . . mtendent and , .lay . p eacher on II, � . ....the CPA.: rose o the?;poli- �. :....: - , : 1 and .. Y , .. , .. •. +. • rose now: director• of the newl Ott Y tion of bridge superintendent. He -` sr it r tolarge barns Unit . m a ,age. ba s by the h r � � wa►s- a caller m,•town• last of ,.the rob ems:that ' c. u ch work, _and lies .risen -_to a . , � ,: -�.. p i confronted r ago. ;The original owner"was :Mr.. the, Ashfield Circuit, M _ Ells W. J `Litthe ` and it. was framed organized�` g Bruce -Count Heap . . ..,can has been aitivel � �tell manyuiteres y, associated with, �-- t�rg :tales late : Mr. James McCoy who was . Tuesday in Connection With his . -widely prominent • lay position• in ; the- �tliem in ; P g; the steel thrtl ' • known for his skill as • - ,new duties.' • 1 the moon United Church.later years he travelled for a firm as ane' •�' , T. Dr. Fowler. went to Erin' from here, 2ii�id during'.•th war . �s epent five ears in the:medical Y I edical service: He', went • into .Sicily with ' the Canadian Forces ,, . a • • and accotnpan ied them through;Italy to Ortona when be was -posted to -the head- quarters. staff.. Mrs. Fowler' and two. children ildren will.•take upresiden1Bruce residence, in Bruce., when housing. accommodation can. be obtained: a framer and there are • several in the tdistri t that.` : till fratz}es c s evidence his handiwork. • o e.� Zealand' and •Australia: 'Reis 'proud of'. his . 67 years_; an • Oddfellow and 'was one western his` duties tookhim to New. of BOUGHT ASHFIELD FARM Cliff Menary, who i:S' -presently em •lo ed'. b . the ,Treleaven Mill• - ing,_. Y Y • Company, has purchased, Mr. T. A. Cameron's: farm -on`: Con: 10 Ashfield. Cliff has purchased . r s- with ; J ke-Hunter -the 100 ac e , a purchasing' the adjoining forty- Aire orty- five.: acres- Mr, and • Mrs-' Cameron are re, tiring . from. the. farm' and will' move .to , L;icknow where, they t. the residence of..Mr: have bough, W. P. Reed. P • ossession is 'obtain- ed case on September 1. ed in eachp Fiye children were born, ' to them, • Harold' of the Second Con.; and ' William and Melvin of • the Boundary. One daughter died in infancy arid -a; son Clarence 'died fourteen years ago.: On • September .•9th; 1904, while operating a threshing, machine at Mr: George" Emerson's barn, Mr. Stanley had ' the misfortune • arm Wand very, to lose ".his; nett Y nearly ,was 'fatally injured ••In spite of this' handicap Mr: Stan-. ley- lies 'successfully managed his farms through the years., - the earliest' 'members f ,th Lucknow Lodge where he joined the Order His wife, formerly':Margaret McMuillen • . of. Holyrood,' • passed away in .1930: _ To Teach Near Listowel 1. Mrs. `•Jack:' West of Listowel, :formerly Miss Ross` of -Lochalsh, has •been engaged; as teacher for. the''schoo on the Eighth of Wail= ace Township. ENGAGEMENT& 'Mr.•. rid Mrs.,William J- Doug- -,las wish -toe announce -the'.-engage-. ment of their daughter, Margaret Isobel ' to Mr ,Herbert .: Martin Garniss, • son of .Mr. ;and.---M,rs: Jahn F. Garniss, Brussels . The m Triage „to take' place : in Luck now Presbyterian.`' Church ' on • August 20th•: C • ,MING EVENTS DANCE - in the. Parish Hall, Dungannon, CLANSMEN. PLANNING FOR ANNUAL ' S'UDIMER CARNIVAL For .eiht :years' � Y ' • he was super- intendent: of streets in 'the. City` of • Edmonton, before retiring to :Vancouver 'on account of -Ws wife's : health, h, and• whose death •`,;' occurred' a few years ago as a F. result of a motor accident. Mr: Alton has'.a,fami 1 of font_ • sons. lie claims `m embership in 'the -- Orange the- Orange Order for a :.period of 'almost `;65 • years, 'holds a Grand Lodge office, and was one of four -Plans- -ar-e•-_fortnulafed-4or�--the -B C:—delegates tes `i • ; . r • � o attend the holding 'of the 'Clansmen's annual. I • ., •. •• : Orange convention. of �• 'British- •: g summer carni -vel ...... "America --in: Winnipeg -early, :this.:•- summer: : The date has been set; ,f or Wednesday, August 68th, and the place, , of : course, the arena • There will be an outstanding 'Program provided by • Russ 'Cres hto ,,, .. g , n s , Variey Dance • Band and Entertainers, which ornis s l're to le distinctly diffet;ent. This band will play for danc- inY.Y'. g after . the ,floor show. There will also be 'a wide `varietY of on Wednesday,. July • 31st under carnival' garries ` and bingo,, .and auspices of the Agricultural' a 'prize draw - for ten or. a' dozen Society. Music' by Garnet Farr- ier's 5 -piece orchestra. Admission lovely prizes,; ' Ieep the date of this big trite: in hued...—August - 28. BOUGHT WAWANOSH' FARM e . Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Foran• have • purchased the •Durnin farm on Concession 9, West Wawanosh, from Allan and Wilbert:' I urian, and obtain possession .Se tember • tst, . During the . past year"' this farm has, been operated by Jiin Diirni , • a brother of Allan• and. Wilbert, . who owns • the home farm, on the corner of 9th and. , the St. ileris sideroad. OW* Ailltiiiiiliorktotiir•- i- " Ilr:10: .1� ,y 1 *rte• rrr ....' •