HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-10, Page 8r t `t,`,. 4,... Taz vvcioTovir SENTINEL, 1:F.:NQW., OImmO irmiribeimemalsommoidim"1"....." 01, LET S SHOW YOU nig., ,r Seasofl's.SmarteSt.T AVE HAVE THEM. SWISS MUSLIN with fashionablehigh neck, button down the back, short -Sleeves, size 14,20 years. MISSES SLACKS -made of blue cotton. drill,, trimly styled waist band, with buttoned,. side fastening. Sizes 12-20 .yrs., SWIM SUITS made of floral crepe. Skirt has cot. ton jersey trunks. Bra top, cotton jeisey"'line-l., PANTS, Bolts*. LONGS—Cotton„cord, belt loops, hip pock et, cuff bottom, color navy, med. , blue,' brown with white stripe. Comfortable and dressy. Sizes 28-34 eton 1, WEDDING BELLS" SIELINC,��---ROSS T h e Lucknow Presbyteriap Church 'was the scene of a pretty wedding on' July , 6th when Elva Annetta,: eldest daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs.. John Li, Ross of. Luck- now, became the bride. of Da'niet. Clifford Sieling, younger son • of ,.a Ur. and Mrs. John H1, Sieling of Goderich.. Bev, C. H. rit, c Doruald officiated , The. bride, given in `Marriage'. by • her father, looked" charmingin avhite floor length gown Of white•'crepe,mar d shoe 1deF length veil., She carried 'on. her arm: a bouquet;, of ,American beauty roses •and maiden hair fern. Miss Gladys :: S'ielrig, 'sister . of the groom was' bridesmaid,' wearing a blue' flo©r length gown and' shoulder• length• veil, and carried a, bouquet of Pink roses . and. maiden hair fern:. June Ross, sis :ter. of the bride, dressed in' pink'' taffeta 'with match%ng headdress., and carrying a bouquet of sweet ' Presbyterian 147.1n s.: , Livingstone, was taken by. Mrs.' C. peas, was flower ,girl: Harvey ' The July meeting was held in 'Cook • and ' current events:prepar- Ross, 'brother' of the bride, was ed by'Miss Pearl Henderson were, best man ' Rexford' -Ostrander ,. of church -On' 3rd with Mrs.wedding; the ch• urch the- _ read. by Mrs. C I3 . MacDonald, Lucknow played. the Mullan in . •chair. 'After open. ing;exercises-and buthness details, The meeting ;closed . mn:.the usual music. Ushers` were Orval Sieling:'. • 'Miss Katherine Agnew . sang, ac- Way.. The next', meeting . wiT1:�be and Arnold Ross.. ' •companied:by her mother' at the held in the church with Mrs'A ,:After• the ceremony the wed C. Agnew in charge. ding dinner was served at the pano• '%e°°roll' call was .answered. home of • the. bride's parents: to from Acts 17, :Which' was irniriediate .relatives. ' For travel- t later :explained. The sick coin, �* H U RCK. • P f CN IC zng the; bi ide wore a blue flower-• ' �•.. mittee' for the next thr`eemonths ' • d ,jersey with white.' acces- I I. will be"Mrs. Spindler and Mrs. C. HELD AT: P91 NT red silk. After a short h it e acces- A leader. for . the . Mssoprcouple will reside in Gorier-• :� • Cook.... Band-was--considered--to-='take-the-.-..-Lucknow.,_ United, Church Sun- place:tint! of Miss.Marion MacDougall. day ' School ••' and Congregational -ach The topic on the life of David picnic was held! at .Point. Clark filacHEhTZIE 1VIIGKUS last Wednesday; with ideal wea • .. n The` wedding of Margaret Jean,. ther favoring: the annual outing which was well -attended-. , • daughter of Mr: and Mrs.' Andrew `1VIickns, Dundas, to Mr.. William The ,following were winners in Roderick, mon of . Mr and 1Vlrs. the sports events under 5 years, I Wn MacKenzie, Lucknow, took. Hunter, �. p ace onatui • ay, i _ _ . • . . ster, •Joan Hunter., Leona, Collin•s, Knox Presbyterian church, Dun Bobbie •. Johnston; Tonnmi " WEDNESDAY, JULY lOth, 1946. • - LEATHER UPPERS, and.. RUBBER SOLES les KOOK. SMART with. • •w• 'M • APPETIZING. TIPS For S� er- A einm RPtites- Of course .we think :of ,Picnics these :hot. summer days, , and i#they you have yours. ,at the . lake • :or in some :shady: corner 'of your, back yard, remember' to have: lots of "eats If . you'r . at home; enjoy cool, crisp: arriersalads; meringplate:-ofJ a smhaimde= with Horn's, • Nit -S le :Flavourings Bottle For refreshment at its bet; serve tall frosty' glasses of iced tea or ' coffee, -and ter-- for - the children ice - cold chocolate milk made with• Fry's Cocoa:. 1 Ib. tin • .33c lb. tin ” . 21c. Then there's Muskmelons, Watermelons, elons, Plums, Peaches, Cherries, etc., so it's ,bound to . be . a .. real picnic at home `. or away. . IF PICNICKING or holidaying. at Point .Clarke we:. have all. our, re quirenents at our Booth there. as 'Rev W: B Mitchell officiat well; girls 6 -and. 7,, Nancy Hewat, ed. . Dona Johnston, :boys 6 and' 7,'Gowned .in whYte eyelet lace, Steve:. Carnegie, .Bob Johnston, ant d'net over, satin, ' with finger,.tp veil and flower -.headdress; •the bride ' Was given . in marriage ' by her'father. She carried 'red irises., Mrs: Bruce Harrington;: ; matron Ruth Emberlii;'.boys .&sand ,0 Ken: McNay; Bob Iewat;• girls 10'. and Caroline :Gib-• Leonard, Caro . ••Janet , , Carter, of ' ii • r:'. arid • Mrs. Ernestterof C . son; boys 10'arid :1;1, George An- �.of 'honor •wore pink lace net with ' Ashfield were recently presented Simpson, g Sheane,• flower girl, was • dressed rom adies''.'and. -Men's Ready -to Wear athnE Trunks, weed` Pants, Sport Jackets, } Plastic~ Belts and Braces • Presented With Purse of; Money Will Not, Lose.Eye.. derson Donald' McNa ; girls 13 c roses _ n - : y a _..: ink.. _ ' and co:t ifLo�ye $- 141 _v�ith a:-.-:Pilie. Of --money amount and • 14 .•Gladys `Gibson, Roberta `P' Betty. ;lean duet :and o iris -18 and ,und r, Gladys Gibson, • Jean' Treleaven, - rn -pare blue ,lace and carried' pink young- ;:Mo en, •- .Lean Treleaven,: 'xriien . =ing . ao 3 ' 75, . by ,Alan Schrom and] ; rnembers of the, Nile, Victory was a League. ' It pleasant sur, 'priseo : sweet "Peas -arid co r .riflowers. Mi... Doris Taylor; _Young • J ' C Drennan, Keith 'Kilpatrick; ;:mar ;man, and :1V1-essrs. r c ried women,:.Mrs. :Alex Andrew,•were ton and:Fraser MacKinnon, Mrs. Ernie • Crawford married, ushers.:. A 'reception Was held in men;' Stewart, Harvey Tie 1 the ' church• dining • hall' after leaven; coat : race,, J. • Hall, Doris .: . - Taylor.; Mrs. • Crawford, . and ;Mei ' which`, the couple left on a short. honeymoon ; Stewart; • relay . race -Alex ' An-: drew, Mrs. Hunter, Gladys Gib:: Son, Harvey Treleaven; ,J Hall, Doris • Taylor, Jean Treleaven, - Mel Stewart; three -Pegged' race, Gladys, Gibson, Jean.' Treleaven;. •Mary. " Struthers, Celia Wilson; boys ''three-legged race, Donald Thompson, 'George Anderson; Bruce ,Johnston, Joe 'Whitby; 'wheelbarrow race,' George Andy 'Donald .Mr. and Nils. Carter MacKenzie vas grooms- whose home was burned several Bought New Hudson :a ..formyx residenti of . L ckn , has,-pur- chased -�p�r- chased a. new. Hudson -and .after visiting with friends at rt Crewe ••plans .to. start. 'on- Thursday• for. a . trip West.' He will be accom- -•panied. ,by Homer .Durniri.. who ••recently:• received: his army dis- • erson, Donald • Thompson; Ken charge. Homers two ' brothers, Mcl ay, Donald McNay; married 'Allan . and Graham both ,paid the' rnen'S.:; wheelbarrow .Lrace, Mel ' supreme sacrifice in' World War., Stec Xt; Harvey 'Treleaven LA....J... 11 Wilson, Melvin 'Morrison; ' ladies kickizi slipper, ' -. Dor - Betty *Johnston; drinking: bottle, .Mrs.. MGNay, .Mel' Stewart; • Mrs. J. Hall,, Melvin Morrison. moot s •ago w • community ieresi•i • 'Fred•31'tla:c(lre,g r. 'of IKi.rtail;W' f able to 'return horn;.' a few.' days. . . Loritiuii, 1 c u he lead ago ::from 'been receiving tr ttnient fo• ars ��'hic r he 'Suffered ,eye �m�':ury. „when his .glasses tit', re .shattered -sending par,tielc . ur ak s into the eyeball. It �i a • thought at first the eye' xnigh-t-1i:f1'e. to be. remoV ed, , but this has pt ov. d unrieces- 'sary, and the. sight will also be retained. • Held Shower For Time $ride' „ Miss Grace MacPherson of Mil- ' verton was hostess at a recent. cup . and saucer shower in honor of her :girl -friend, Miss, Elsie Sue Mueller, whose . marriage ..took .. place on June 29th .at St: Paul's Lutheran Church; Moserville,• •to' Mr Bernie. Addison King of -:Kit chener. • Miss,' • MacPherson was 'bridesmaid • al this charming double ring ceremony and for -the occasion chose agown of peach, frilled at the •neck and waistline. e--a--paC11-•,-Shy with turquoise daisy bandeau, . "I`ll teach ya"`u o "make Tove`ro " peach- elbow gloves- an-d-4ur-q-uaise. my daughter". accessories and carried a colonial "I wish you .would, Old Man; boucjtiet ,,of Talisman roses and I'm not Making :rnuch.progress":. daisies. • Annivers: � � •ices Sery , . • ar. y ST`. PET ANG LR CH '� H U . :' C AN IC .... :• • Julye 14th .Sunday, • P.m. -=Confirmation Service, 'Archbishop rchbishop Sear,ei'+ .D,r.. • #7,,P fn. Evensong <- -.: .:,. Preacher.. Rev.. Owen,`: Rector lit`. i;ervie• 1V,[n s. and Bos Work P . f a ants; Shirts,Smocks an oodStacks Q S , ocks, taps,braces 1m to Store rets