HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-10, Page 6, SEIPOTS LOOK GOOD IN' With a revamped line7up that showed :a good deal more ptblch at the plate, The' Sepoys nosed *week a well played battle,' leam 4;10' I lead in' the Seand -inning' and there'the C.01111.t stood •• until the 6th,, When the SePOYS' , pounded in 'three runs to Ictiot tallY 'on a ' squeeze Play in the In a tidy pitching: duel Elliott Carruthers whiffed ten 'batters, - with tob,Craig orie Short of that slugged the A -B boys 11 to 6. , thtir",2SSI 'AtkiriSen,, -c; Bob Craig; • LtickrioW Belli John, 2nd 4P4....•• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, :ONTARIO Week's Results Clinton '7, ListoWel 5 BOUNDARY EAST Mr. and Mrs. Albin Grittill and Lorraine of Detroit spent ,last week at Mr. John MacMillan S. is' Mrs. Tom IngliS attended the 'Miss Yvonne MacIVIillan spent last week in • London. . Mr. and 1VIrs. Pharis,,,Mathers and Carolyn spent Sunday ai ,Mr. Earl -Wightman's in Auburn.. , "Mr. and Mrs. Airthur Moore' held a reception for the' returned .seryicemen and_ women _of' White - and Mrs.. Thos,: Dickson, 2nd Con: gram ; wap ' enjoyed with, Mr, West Wawanosh SPeni *flidaY• at. Moore acting as ,.chairintam• The, the. ' 'Dickson cottage Hunter's rograrri opened With' the Maple, Wituii-fred Swan, Ripley, is .spending two weeks. with: her sister,' . Mrs. '1Iarvey Mole at Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Harvey and family,' Teddy, Peggy, Russel and Naney are visiting their 'cousins, Messrs: Ralph and Jack Brodie. Mrs. Mabel Glazier of Guelph has returned .home after a few days yisiting 'Mrs. W. A. Culbert, ab 11 4th Con. Of Ashfield.. 'Glenn_ Ball_ Mrs. Bali "FinlaysOn, R., 1st • n2 and five children ',of ,Eariie have Mks. FoWler, before, con- . tinuing their motor trip tb • 1.' 2 win. reinai,n wit4 their' cousin, Mrs. .R. J• Crawford, Dungan- non, spent a few days last -Week with, her -daughter, JVIrs. R. E. Willis, and her daughter; Mrs. ROY ' E. Willis; 'Mr. - Willis and her, granddaughter, • Mrs: Robt. Mae - Milian,. Mr: MacMillan, Bob' and Billy, an. of Detreit at their cot- 'Manager- et Baker who was at the. he,lin • for the first time, had something 'to enthuse!' about as day's victory over 'Auburn:" The ,boys fielded. well and were sWat rni..- • at short tO ,date, •WaS .out Of. this' . George Harriilton returned Leaf ForeVer; violin selections by Miss _Ballach of Teeswater arid readings by her sister were. en:- joyed, The Highland fling by: Reria Moore ,and Vivian- Fisher. Anyaddress .by: Rev. Mr. NeWton arid one; by' Mr. Art Moore both eXpressing sincere kratAticie that so Many, of Our,. boys' are home safe, and Sbund. 'A niiritite's Sit= ence was observed by the aptii- ence in memory. of the three boy's 'who .Paid, the 'SU,Preme. sac- rThifice. The. meeting 'closed with the riational_anthern.,_Mrs,LEzra Scholtz, was pianist. Ltineh was served ''and dancing enjoyed' to the tnusic of -Wallace Conn, '•Ed- die Waddell, Alex' RobertSon,,and pe_tr.Pit T.yart. of relative's had been holidayirig, at the' Straits. of Ma ki Sault Ste ' Marie and' game with a' smashed thurnb suf- to London on Monday after spen- fered while having catching prac- cling -the week -end at hpine. Geo- tiSe, :but BrOther Roy was' back wh9chad been 'engaged iri much in the ' line -:up: for' the 'first time OrerseaS srvice in ‘EuroPe.' haS A courile Of Other smart bail for the past several MOnths until players; Johnj$611 and Mike Weis lately, deciding 'tc:, take a .cOurse the .. played their first • game with the ir1:1, illechanieaiTdrviiiig. a" -.t to lst, and George' Chin tq Short; Death of Gladys, McLean With•Bell taking over af.2nd,, and Mrs. GladyS,IMcLean, native of Wefo on the hot cornel.% t. Dtingaimon, 'passed 'away at :her horrie in Bogota; N.J., en Sunday. Clark Finlay'son called. 'them Her Parents were 'the late 'John father passed away cwhercshe was This iSn't the first. game Ati-, quite sniall and her 'mother `two ..burn hag' ' dropPed by a 'One -run years ago in March., Her parents margin;and they'll be heard 'froth. were alsO born in: Dungannoti.;' yet .befcire the group champion - ,This victory gave: The. Sepoys , four wins agairrist 2 'losses and • 4hen "they -Meet', IVli Wet torr. 'here: this afternoon' (Wednesday) ,,an- ,mighty,faVorable7playoff spot. And- doril-underrateLthose. Mil-. *Orton -lads. TheY've knoeked off the leagne-leading Clinton squad, ., and thatfis enough 'to earn plenty of respect from the' opposition. since'`beingtilaid low in 'the''God- been home fOr a Year and had • • WEDNE.SDAY, ,11314Y 10th, 1940 itou01(00w r. lot Games §tar at 645 shar13. Thii Game Will Be Tops Don't Miis- ADMIssioN: ••A,11 lts 35e; Children • 15c Jaw •rnOved a vote Of thanks -to... Mr, .and Moore and JaCk 'Gillespie seconded it, ' Miss Florence Ilucistin of God'-, grandmother,: and Aunt, Mrs. Hyd- son and Gretta. and Mrs. JameS Smith arid Lois and Mr: and Mrs: Laverne Smith of Detroit, Mr.. and Mrs. • Cranston arid Fern. of Godericii, Mr. ,and MrS: SherWood of Ash- field, Miss ,ShirleY . Moffat of Lucknow 'and, IVIiSs Betty Twain - ley and Mr. Jack MacDougall -a London. -'vere visitors- of Mr. and .Mrs. WM. MacDonald, last week. Little David Inglis, son' of "Nfr. and Mrs., Jack Inglis 'is staying' Mrs. Jack Flannigan of Toronto is spending two weeks with her Camp Opens. ''Carripl, at ••.',ISiritail opened' last .Week:V:First camP to be' held is. the Boys Camp which '',haS a r.e.g7 1§tratiOn: of 80: ladS. • belonging to well kriOwn families. ,After the death Of her father the late john 'McLean whose farrin ,was on the. north, Side, of tlhe 1th 'the --MacLean - homestead and. Where „her uncle, Mr. Thos. Mc- Lean still farms„ she 'and her .mother manalpd „the DungannOn -Poii'office for a number 'of years. .•.Rer _mother's :-secimd :marriage was to Mr. Harry TUrne4, native of Auburn; who lives' at ,Bogota now 'and:with whOm she has been living. After 'leaving DunganriOn, she, liVed her Mother, and , stepfather' in Goderich, but her .their best. ball now, and this af, actilltlife has been 'mostly in the ternoon's tussle should be well Worth seeing. • or Many of our-boriowing custon2ers, , saving is still the prime consideration: For:, than, ttie time to borrew is equally the hand in hand. • Thousands of our, borrowers has;e sizable holdings of:Victory. Bonds and War Savings Certificates, Which, they leave with'us for Make it a date — Caledonian Stiff Schedule. Next Week. , Liicknow c has' 'a, stiff pair of games next weel&-They take On the, Goderich Nine, in the • Huron County capital,' next' Wednesday, and on Friday 'evening', July 19th, tangle On their, home •diamond 'with the. fast travelling Clinton A.ir School team. „ Unite States. Miss Ida. ,Whyard, R.N.,.her atint, who left here two months ago -to assist. with her care, will accornpany the remains which, is , expected' to arrive at Brophey's funeral home at Goda eral 'service, will be ' heid Friday, and interment will be made in t Dungannon cernetery in the 'fam- ily plot., SurviYing ,Close relatives living in this district are besides Miss , Whyard, her aunt, Misses Frances 'and" Lily 1VicLe.an„ a,Unts- and Mr., 'rhos'. McLean, an uncle, they, arc guarding against inflation. By conservation., ,Conservation financing.is prat- . , to/tiers:By borrowing for some useful pur- _:. posc, and by malting regular repayments on. . production fOr the community. Mean h ilc," they are keeping their Savings:intact.' ' -then-do they borrow fronrthe-Banla. Siinply because -they 'want to 104 their laving . ic not only to themselves, but to their fellow citizens and . To Die Customers, • and good citizens and their personal finatting • grByammmaientoafi.nrcinAiusta'thr bminal:Cymfoeraanosmgeeraefrol aPriorpfroostne, BANIly .,,1111110% C.411ADMIll t This is conservation -the 'secu.rity--the first attribute of •good citizenship.. . We also tax "Don't acll youe, 'Victory Bonds . . if you need cash,.get a low-cost loan and pay it' back out of future .• r. • BANK OF, MONTREAL..