HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-10, Page 3•
WEDNESDAY,: JULY 10th, 1946
OCal A11�
Bob Thompson of Elmira' is»
spending a week's. holiday here.
Mt, and Mrs. E. H. '.,Agnew
' moved last 'week from:the Russell
home to'the Gammie apartments.
Dr, and' Mils. J. F. MacKenzie
of Detroit are holidaying at :their
cottage at Bruce ,Beach..
Miss, ,Sower and son\ Lawrence
of Kirkland Lake arevisiting.
with -Mr,. and Mrs. George -•Bower;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hetherington
of :N•rwthde; Maltitoba -'aye visite
rig with • hei• si ter,,.,Mrs. Sarah'
Collyer, r.
A. M. .•Nicholson, M:}?., was
from Ottawa to, spend' a' recent
weekend . with •Mr. ''and Mrs:
Archie MacIrityre ant?,. `family. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wes, .Huston
, fished fifth with .2' wins, plus 20,
in a mixed twilight at' Wingham;
• with thirty rinks•. competing::
Mrs. Tena Hunter who has..
.spentthe past °few months, as the`
hon -le of her daughter in:London,
has; returned to.the .Village,
Mr.: and .Mr•s.'E. Ha. kin= -'o
• Tororato`:are visiting with their
daughter, . - rs Joselyn:, and, .Rev.
11. A. �Joselyn . at :k'he Rectory,
Mr. anti ,Mrs.' Wilfred Hogan
and children of London visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.'Mike.
1PENIS" ►' , :,.., ..ata*.► '," nn, „''' !
• Mr. Albert E,, Johnston, one.of
the�'oldest residents 'of 'West Wa-
wariosh, passed away in the Alex.
arida and Marine Hospital,'; God
erich 'on July 1, 1946, Mr. John
stph . was, in his 84th '•year and
was born on October' 8, 1.862. He
was 'a Son of the late M. Henry
Johnston and Mary Sexton, who
came -from Ireland to settle on
the farin;n• Ashfield now owned
• by Ills n'ephew, Mr. Cecil John
:•stop:e-ell' ---
H` was. a.»,farmer''alhis life
eXcep.t _ for 'four years which as,, Young mean jhe' spent -in ,Chicago-
' and: Exeter.. In 1893 he purchased
the ° •.far rn - in ` West 'Wawanosh
where he lived until the time of;
his, 'death,: In 1894 • he 'Married
Miss Honor Parkins of: Exeter
and .two y.ear's • :ago they • celebra-
ted their golden` wedding. .•r
He took' a keen,riterest in. pub.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard •Arra- •
strong o f Meaford called o n
frfends here the first of'the week,
Miss Tena Buckingham return:
ed ' recently to the horne of Mr-.
Adam anti" Miss Jane Bowman,
after two weeks in Goderich. Hos-,
Mr, arid ' lVii•s. W, F, Thompson
and two idaughters of Toronto
Visited. last 'week with his; par -
exits, Mr. and Mrs. .D..,M. ,Thome=.
Mrs. K. C Bridges Land daugh=.
ter Donna Mae° 'are °spending;
=time tulle at Aylmer where her
husband is stat'i.oned',i•n'the'R
A. F.• •
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan
arid Mrs; Melvin Stewart attend-
ed the : McLean,-Raynard wedding,
in North St. United Church; God-
erich'.on July, 3rd
Mrs .D.. J .;MacLennano
f -Tor_
onto isspending the summer at
:her home here, where 'she has• as
•her guests;" Mr.. and Mrs. Mal-
t , colm MacLennan' and daughter'
Jean of• .Barrie:
Visitors »with .: Mer. (Hugh' Me
Intosh have been his:sister, Mrs
t-Angts-Goodhand a d his` cot sin
:Mi• George; Cameron, of.Detroit.
Miss Lena , Treleaven ..of
0nt :spent_'the--?a&t.week
Mrs Treleaven ;and :Miss • Gert-
.rude Treleaven:
Mi s.
S.n,Grace'' Snider'and Miss -
--Carol Silkier -44 -erf-
Dear b`or
are. visitors„with ~',,Mrs: Josephine
Teatiero- i r -two. weeks: -
kr. and Irs.
G S. McIntyre
aee s "enol July •
' where, Gordon is . taking. a su
:mer -course.';He 'taught, at' Sioux
;Lookout during_the:� ast t
... p • erm�
1Vf.r., and 'Mrs:. Hector Purdon
have.' taken up;'. residence. in the
•Gamrnie ;Apartments in the. •old
Soinerville- home at':
,the southern:
entrance. to •the villa eHeetor r
e 1oyed ., � s
mp here: :in • his . brother
Athol's. bakeshop.
tic affairs, serving about l0; yeaxs
in, the Township Council, num-
ber pf,
umber..of. these : being` as. 'reeve. 'His
church at. 'Donnybrook' was, of
paramount interest in his life arid.
he gave liberally 'of histime and
'means to -;-'its support-» -lie-- was - a:-
men•rber of Old -i Lightj.,odge, A F;
& A.M.; Lucknow: •
Mr. Johnston ` was' a man of
honor and integrityP
who .s oke
his opinions- and `•convictions arid-
was ;respected for it. He .had un -
"b and d `
.o a energy,Nand even., when.
past' the, four score•: °
mark'v►�as still
mazingl ; energetic an ac ive .
rid the••. equal of anyone"in` doing
his .share of farm .work. �ij' _,
His' rugs
ged constitution. ro .
vel - • itself ._ . l? _ .
uring his'` last•''illness,'»when.' he
epeatedly., • threw'• off complica
ions that it wasnot considered
e could survive. '
e is survived "o his:•wido
:Y. .. w;
_�Mr:_ and Mrs. Donald- Low•- a
• _ _ -and : -
,son'Ian of Union, N'ewlJerse ' are ''a
S eri'di 7'r .
1?.. ng a few'; days:• w4th '.Mr:
and Mi s; Ili '
A ste•r .]*Lu hes- and•1-
other,..::._ ;•. .;d .::_.
Eric rids in this commuru y '.d
where,' they, for•rnerl'."r:si� r'
y e ded.;;It
is •ei I t e.ais sinc t
to Y .. .. e .they visited
here: h
.. M.iss Rub : Irwin': who o, has.'com-
c to - .-
-1 d 13
ki brrs-i-i�:ess�-µcourse-;-at7
Wells Acadeiny! ': spent a
days; •.with her ''parents, 'Mr. and
Mrs.: W. ",T; Irwin: of ,Kinross ,... rile$=:'� be-
p"�ng-a�exn-p oar -a -i
;tion' with •a:.consti uction
London Ar
ignews', INSURANC
Lucknow, Ontario.
ow Ftepre"sent"ing All Corinpank s
Formerly Served By .The '
Geo.; H. Smith Agency.
was a faithful • attendant whi
health 'permitted and 'was.: pa
titularly .;active ` in the Women
Missionary Society.'
-For-,-some--�-t-hree years Mr
Mowbray had ..been in fal
health, and» for bo
a u.t .'a .year, .lie
condition:lied been' q site. serio.0
-With her familyaware-, a
w re
reCovery was 'not. to be expect'ed
During ;•hei . illness _ she had. th
w v ..tied : care f
.0 1r
two •
tern; Alba . arid. Helen. •
The. funeral service was: hel
;privately at 'her late residence o
Monday. afternoon rine it£S?41:
; herpastor, '
.•Rev:'C. H '1VIaeDonald
Interment was in Greenhill; Cern titer th
w `
Y W. -W. Hill,: J. Ds Ross; -
W;• B; Anderson,. Russell Robert„
Son Harold Greer. and I+�oxman
Taylor'acting as "pallbea'rers:''The
latter two, were boys whom Mrs.
•:Mowbray ..eerie=' brio
ularly, while' they were ;overse'as; .
and who she • s
pecally requested
as •pallbearers. i
• Besides -.,
'her ':h
usb '.�.
.• and
Mowbray is survived- ; by three
ons and two daughters, Virden
rid `:Ken of Lucknow' .J. ..
medical -=student at-
-- Toronto-t7ni-�
versitY, ._ Mr_s N!: Wv..MeInt y
Alba) 'and' Miss `Hele'n''at home.
Mrs. Mowbray's father .prede-
eased& her many; years', -a o� • b
,-age .;• but
hrice Withmthe past'three
he ' h years.
ad been 'bereaved bx , the
r -
Mr''and.Mrs. Jones and .family-;
Wingham spent Sunda • w`
their _daughter, Mrs. • . BensOrt
S•hackleto . •
• n
r, r.
M i�.o .
urnin : of .Toronto "
s '-rrsitin ' f'entls:
�- _, r here ise�fore"-lean-y.>
r ' ink" :for the West. - '. • • •
':Mrs .Marie '" `
Granat '•and.
Mrs.; ;.
e` ` Cameron 'R'obison ” of
pentTthe h�olida
week -end
Y with•
Mr. Orville Durnin'. and Homer..
Vietor for Wliitle '
y of Ham><lton
is assisting Jack M.
0 ons
t .o�.
w da •
hte •
rs•' �r
ictor:Johnston : of • •Lucknow,
Johns •`
ton a
y t home, : :Mrs..
ohrt. Freeman (Lottie). of Brant.
ord '' `and Mis. • H. `` darn bell
ary. o uburn;, ,also •fourteen'
rand.children . ; One. sister ..:
, � IVLrs.
arry` White •(.Lottie) is living.
The funeral was from' hi$'.•
;'residence ori Thursday, July .4th,
:the • cervi
ce beang,.conducted' •by•
g ,_ on
d. Church ,Interment was in•-
Greenhill•CemeterR '.with` the fol-
lowing `aciirrg' as allbearers
P Jas.
.4.- T -h- gmpson,,
Cranston, • Brown Smyth, , Mason'
Me llister and 'Mr., Gibson, : and:
his gr.andsoiis: • as' flower'bea ers.• '
;: Friends . and.: relai fi`
a atives from a:
distance included,' from `.•Exeter,
rs T: •Harvey,... Mr. and: Mrs.
arveY 'Perkins,.. Rev. " and, Mrs.
Mr. 'and :Mrs:,._Dayman°,
r: • Sam 'Saunders; an.d.• Mr:- and
rs : Haryey; froth' Watford; .M
omn Wgods,':;Mr." and Mrs. Hiram!.
effatt ::and Mr.. Gordon' Moffatt•
Mrs H.: ,White -of .Stratford .hand
1Vfr a'ri.d. Mi°s pliver': White ` of
'Toronto; also Mrs:> L Delmage•�
firm .at:
Too Late. To -Cl` i
ass fy,
DON'T •SUFFER with your `feet
or an ;itching skin...Get' a bottle
,df PEMILI3C'at MeK;m'
s or Tay-
lor's. Drug Stores,:the'new'-seed
remedy. -speedy
for 'athlete's _ foot corns,
> ,,' �
chillblains, burning
ite.hiu •-feet ° of - i
g p son `ivy, m�scluito,
black fly • and insect . bites, heat,
rash or`itching skin. Money' back
`guarantee y
e regardless •of ;seVerit
or duration. Y
Mr. and M , 4gonald�-Rothwell.
of Norwood : at e''visitor �;'
s wit•li` her
parents, Mr:. Mrs
:E.,,,LT‘. Thom.
Mr., and Mrs. 'Georg'e. •
and son Joseph 'of G'oderiel'i'were
recent;guests of Mr. and .Mr
I. Miller. s. W.
Mr. and' "his. Bert Walker :of
SWitt' .current; Sa'sk Mr. and
Mrs'- Wm. 'Walker of ,Preston
were recent visitors at, the . home
of thei' iisin, Mr•. -i aliarc M i
miler ,. .
Mr and M. Robert McO4uillin
:and: George .. �of .:l` ainilton ' are
-spending their' vacation" with Mr:,
Wm. and Miss .Beatrice McQuillin
and other relatives.'
Mr John .Wallace: -of• Norwood•
rs a •visitor with Mr-, and 'Mrs.
Wallace Miller: •
• Dr. Hugh MacCrostre of Van-
eouver who arrived horn to at-•
tend his mother's 'funeral arid
Mrs, Earl Graham •of Edmonton
Who, had been in' Goderich to, be
with her mother: when a
an the patient.
Goderich, hospital are
iters With thcjr brother, Mr. • and
Mrs:Will MacCrostje .
•• The postponed rneetin
women's. Institute g' of the
will • be held
in the comntitrlit
Y' hall oh Ttiu'rs'-
daY afternooy •
Mt and Mrs Allan 1VIcAul�eyµo,•L'
P Y d Mr. and Mrs::
Frank :Ritchie .on`•Sunday.
Miss Kathleen Gardner-of-T,or
onto is spending; her vacation at.
her home here :this week.
and Mrs.; Dick "Gardner;'
Dungannon, called. on Mr.' and'
Mrs' Henry Gardner Saturday:
Friends of .Mrs Gardner will''be"
glad to know that, she is feeling M
somewhat better ; again.
'Mrs. Ken' Laidlaw; patsy and
`Dianne'; and Mrs'.:George ,Hunte
visited with Mi `and.; Rr,s....Jim_ .
Laidlaw on. .Sunday.
Mr. • and •Mrs:: Donald Murray
- M
'and •.children of, London spent
Part, of last week with..Mr.. and,
Mars. ' Sid Gardner. ,While • there
Donald . assisted• , with. the hay
ing, retuitning horn.e'Sunday
Mta,rray- : rdmained for ....;another
'week • •
Honor Bride -Elect
number • of fenkds an ''nef i
"Dors" spent an;"eyil"oyable time to
getFier.' on Thui sday evening :at
the hone' of Mr;; and L.'Mis.• Will
Ritehie: in -:horror of this=daixgl
tr `Violet's approaching • marriage.
During the evening an inte'resting'
program , consisted ' of a mock
wedding' of considerable- humor;•
solos' rendered by Misses Eunice
Helm; 'Carol .Gardner and Olive
Blake instrumentals by Mrs,
Wesley Ritchie,. and. Mrs. John
McDonagh; ' readings by Mrs.
Woolley, and Mrs., G.. Kirkland,.
after which, a well. laden' basket,
of` gifts , were presented 'to 'the
bride=elect accompanied by.'an
address read by Mrs. C. Menary,
Violet graciously thanked her
friends. Lunch was served byTho
hostess. '
Zion W M S. nieeting':.is post-
purled until tsex week..
and L;:;. Horace Delmage `of ;Cam=
lachie •
:.... i_
Cr iti a-11y"nll for -a .Itangt-bY per
roil,th'e =death' of'1M1 ATe5 igiiiii
bray occurred at her*.home,,' in
i Lucknow' .on Friday.
Bporn fifty-four years ago ,near
Langside, ' Mrs . Mowbray was.
formerly' Mable A: Morrison; a:•
daughter. of the. late', James ;Mor-
• rison and: Susan Black `
' . For about `21 years •Mr. and
lvrs. Mowbray. resided 'at Bine-
:Vale, and had previously lived at
'Dungannon for.; a time: Some
eight years age' they moved to
Lucknow upon purchasing the
property of the late James Millejc.
Wherever'she went Mrs. MovV-
bray endeared, herself t'4, a wide,'
circle of. friends. She was. a kind-.
ly and devoted wife. and mother;.
with .her; home and her. church
thi centre: of he ,iriterests and.
activities. As a member of Luck-"
now' 1 resbyterialn Church, slier
• Mrs: .
• .Jack Bremner o • S
rs-visiting-her :sister,=Mrs:: James'
death of her :mother, her brother,
John . Morrison of California . and'
heir sister, Mrs:: Thomas Taylor
of near` Winghanri: •
'BY A.•VOTE' OF 127 to •16:
may. ratepayers..have given en •ap_
proval . to the issuing: of'deben-
tures up to „$20;000' to' `aid in the
construction of •a teomrimMit Y
• a
Mrs. 'W. Dodd and' Walter, Mr.
axil Mrs; Pope n.dMr'
P a s. Galimor `
of London--sperr�tast :Spnday with,.
Mr•.. and' Mrs.. Jim 'Sherwoo
Mr : and . Mrs Wm:::. Smith.
Leeburn visited on Sunda. `.ev
• Y en, •
:ing ,with • Mi..:„a 'd Mrs: Marvin
Durriin j
Mr :Colin':' Crozier was up ”.
London for a few days;:
Mr;` and Mrs:. Cecil Blake';
famil __visited'on-S_un
with Mr, and''Mrs S.', J.:Kl atm
rick. - . 4 • .. ' _ .
How, To Keep, Your Pets -Happy
AaRPY --
Too ' ;few:, understand' the,
e,. tech-,:.
nique; .of making •pets contented'
in human : surroundings. Ari ><I-• ,:
,ltistrated article :by. George Wat-
son . •!
Little, • doctor of ;veteripary-.:
medicine, iii . Th:e. Americafi
Weekly; with this SinhdaJ
14) . -Detroit Times, dramatizes th
fascinating possibilities where
- y.ou can, find greater enjoyment.:
.... ..
•arid co, panon'ship,:to .share wit
your ,pet. ''Get. •
s Detroit,
own Hall)
Starting July`
N , .
Clansmen Aus: ices.
Carruthes. O
r. chestra:.