HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-03, Page 5• WEDNESDAY, .JULY 3rd, 1946 Lyceum Theatre WINGH�NI Thursday, Friday, Saturday JULY 4 5 CLOSED FO REDECORATION Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday. JULY 48, 9 10 CLOSED ,FOR EDE R CORATION CREWE Mrs. Harvey Maize entertained. aonie 30 'members 'and guests of :the, 'family from ., Galt;Guelph "GeocgetdWri— and `:Wingham...a,t ;birthday. partyfdr her "mother Mrs; 'Glazier, .it being. her' 86t birth A--vei enjoyable `day wa's spent by• all..We join wit the family in' wishing ' ler ,man more, happy bii9 hdays ,,She now visiting with- friends ' a Guelph Mr.. Marvin.. .• •D�.irnin' returne hone `: frorri `London hospital ` o ••' ha? _been•' a patient for -the' last three •weeks ,Me are glad to ,report `heis'mak ing a 'favorable • recovery. ' Mrs.•; Chelton and two children of Guelph •spent a few da s•with her aunt.' Mrs:` Harvey;Maize:�; • Visitors. with Mr::and.Mrs. C1if- ford: Crozier over `the weeken were Mrs, 'Crozier, Frances, Colin .and Lorena Of London, .Mr. Wm Campbell 'and' �'•Mr:` and Mrs. 'Al- bert Campbell' • of Westfield; ;Bill and Miss'. Jean Allin of Lucknow. Neighbors Horior Mrs. Crozier,' On Saturday .evening 'a, few of -the . neighbors gathered at ,the °'home: of Mr.. and `. Mrs Clifford' Crozier' ' tb .honor one who ' had been a' kind friend 'and. neighbor to .all: After. a •;dainty lunch • ha'd been'served, 'Mrs. Kilpatrick read Rshort address and 'Mrs: Wm. eid presented Mrs: Win.. Crozier with a set of colored ,Pyrex. Al though taken' completely .by sur- prise Mrs: Crozier' thanked them for 'their kindness in remember- ing her, •and extended`.an invita- tion to visit her in her new Thome London,'All joined in singing. �olly..good. fellow"%. 'Presentation Made • Crewe Servicemen. On' Tui ;clay" afternoon a corn-: rr1unity picnic was held. on the. riZ r lie-n-Lsotre--75--,pevfrle- were°" pr-e`si.nt� >to enjoy races,' .Win i•ng _.-acrd-a saftl a t'"garrie-. After lunchP had been .served,' Rev: lloger; called Elliott Rivett, Colin .Crozier . and Homer •Ditr- nin, who 'had erved ' in the ai.r, , force. and :navy to come forward while Mrs. Raymond. Finnigan; read the 'following' address' and, 1lrS. ,Jim' Sherwood and Mrs. Bert Treleaven • made the pres- entation of a Parker pen and pencils set 'Althoff gh , taken by surpri5e, they replied' fittingly and , said • while , overseas, they never forgot' or •failed to' ,uphold and rememher their home corn inuhity.at Crewe. Crewe, June 25, 1646. bltris amends: With a.'feeling of gratitude that we have;, assembled here this afternoon to ' do honor'' to these •A THE ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ANT RIO PAGE 'a , High. School Proficiency shields To Mary Aiiderson, Ardonna Johnston • L11CK1yOW HIGH SCHOOL •REPORT, JUNE 1946° u' ' tire following students have obtained standing • in the various s • bjects • of the' general High .School course as . indicated. below: 1--75% to 100%; First Class Honors; 2--66 to. ?4, SecondClass Honors.; 3-60 . to 65, Third Class Honors; c--50 to, 59, Credit. The.Shield, given by the Finlayson Bros., for General Pro- ficiency in Grade IX has been awarded to. Mary. Anderson Mary Chin came second • The Shield, given ''by the -late Mr. Wm. Maf;Kenzie,for General• ', 4 Proficiency in Grade 'X has been, 'awarded -to ArdonnaJohnston. :Jean Taylor 'came 'seeorid, ` GRADE,•IX • Anderson, Mary 2 3 Bolt;. Will ani. c c. Chin,' Mary " .. 2. .2 '1 Cook, Viola 2 'c 2' Durnin, Helen Elliott, Eileen Johnston, Lois Lyons, Robert c c • -c • MacMillan :Clifford c 3 MacQu'aig, D.onalda c •c c: MaeQuaig, Joan c c E Mc'LEAN (Prim) , c 3'" Morrison, James!.'3- a., '3: a Murdoch,' Mary•' • c , > Nic.hclson, Mari iii c h Ross, .Harvey c Stanley, Rca 3 •Treleaven, Owen • h. y • Little,, Lorna ,: c 1t •+ 3 3 2 3 c.' c 3 c 3 c'i'. .3 t '• Stewart, Gwen ' • 'Stewart, Jack• c. . n :GRADE X c 2 •Black, ;Wilfred Dahmer, .Ruth .., d; Drennan,Pt J. C. Gibson, ,Dorothy Hamilton, Alvin.: . Johnston; Ardonna Johnston,. , William' Little, Lorna Marshall, 'Betty. • Milne,' Carrie Purvis, Eileen Salkeld,, Lawrence Shaddick, Bernice Stewart, ' G'wen . , � Taylor, Jean Treleaven, Jean ; Gibson,: Catherine' ..:. Reed, .•Eunico ,Barger Jaynes • Chin, George, ' 2) c 1a-- 2 '.,. 2 :. 1; ' .; 1 2 .-3` c' 2 ' c 2� 2 c c• c c ,3 ,1. 1 'C c. GRADE XI. • es ar' bo o. en c • 1.1 c' Graham,. -Margaret .3... 2'. Graharn,-Marion :..:. Gibson, Catherine Irwin Ma 'ne ;. , c....,.._..2 "Ii �V iii.:VVrlda c -Lloyd Macintosh, Dorothea c c Macintyre, A1�x 2, 1 1VIacMillan, Yonne .. •Marshall, Jessie , ... Sherwood, Shirley MacPherson,' Margaret ..".....:. 3. • Ashfield Presbyterian W"M.S. The June meeting of. 'the Ash- field W.M.S. met at the home 'of Mrs, ,Wm. Johnston; 'with 23 Pre- sent. The vice .president,-, Miss Sadie' Johnston was in charge ,of the program. The scripture read- ing waa` given ::by ' .Mrs, " Huebert: Wilson. Anna Mae` MacDonald gave the 'meditation on it:' Mrs. Russell Bissett :gave a . reading. An outline of 'the' life, of `David Livingstone •Was . read by Mrs,, 'Rev. Rhoad, Mrs. • Neil' MacKenzie' 'of#ered�-gayer;,-,Mrs-, D:-A:•-�Mac= Lean: gave • . a reading entitled `.`Sone have gone ,forth!', ; Mrs.. Simpson gave. ' a' report on: ' the. history of :Ashfield given at the: Maitland Presbyterial - . held: '.at Wingham; Mrs. 'Collinson offered. prayer. Mrs.11. •MacLean 'gave the dedicatory ,prayer. The presi= dent, Mrs: Isabel .MacKenzie,. now took charge. A committee consist= ing of Mrs. D.. A.. • MacLean,: Mrs; D. R. MacKenzie; Sadie Johnston; Anna Mae' 'MacDonald,. Mrs. Liz- ' zie' Roseland Edith Johnston was appointed . to select •furniture•, for the ;church. vestry. ,The .hostess served refreshments. • HELM PICNIC Hgip AT KINCARDINE;- • On ` 'Saturday, June .22nd a number of the . Helm• clan: met atu:the picnic grounds at K ncar- dine and enjoyed' the iafternoon together The young' ' people: en -I -toyed a game. of'�ball itithe--after-1' noon:: and . about' 5' o''ciock',' about: 50 sat; down to .'well•laden tables prepared=. by ., the. ladies. Mr. Bert Helm acted as ,chair- man for the day, ,and:,the follow- ing officers `and committees were appointec' fo'r 'the following year. president, Mr., Wm. Helm,. Tiver= tong secretary, Mics .Pert.-ielila; table:.committee, Mary McKay, Myrtle Helm, • Isabel Ritehie, Maizie Mathers;.. program, ,. Alma McKinnon, Marjorie . Helm, �. Jim ::Hunter and Allan. Ritchie; sports, Wilfired 1=ielt* Grant' Helm;;.'Lyle Ritchie . and'. Pharis Mathers.' •• ='It was' decided to meet the 4th Saturday •,in' . June at' ''the :same place: •.' Two miry. tes : silence'` was Ob - c served in'memory of Mrs. Albert' 'Hely; . and ' Mrs., :Edgar Ritchie wh passed away last July. :: '. Orad ' Richards. 'Tea ; was poured ;by. Mrs.. J. W. 'Stewart and Mrs. Tyndal Robinson• and. the ` .wait- resses .. were Mrs:; "Jack . Ackert,. Mrs. Melvin Stewart, Mrs. Melvin Morrison, Misses • 'Eileen Hall, Elizabeth Robinson . and Doris, •Taylor. A very enjoyable program, was presented consisting of; . instru- mentals :by, .Mrs.• ,J. A. Crispin; • •solo, Bessie • Reavie; readings, Mrs. Ewart' Taylor; • Mrs. -Alex McNay;, .vocal quartettO Mrs. 'Hoag, Mrs. Hall, Miss Elizabeth Welsh, •Miss Doris Taylor,_.-:_wrtla. ,accompaniment by Mrs. G. Mac- Diarmid; solo •by Mrs. to, R. Mc Leant--with-�. accornPaniment - by Mrs. H. •R. Ahin; solo, Mary Jane ;McKpp, dUPt "rM Ss=Ii 11=grid Dfiris PLAYING AT THE REX THEATRE -JCKHOW To=Hite Wednesday JOEL McRAE GAIL., RUSSELL * *.*•, HE1JNSEEH" This is ,an unusually,good. mystery -thrill° away r.abov`�e the : run'of :the mill' "horror'; picture=plus a,:fine.' cast.` FRT., • SAT..'d & MON. `Eadie: Was A Lady' A very light and very gay comedy .in which :you will get a peek into the , private life of a public figure—what a fig-` ure' With : ANN' -MJ LER JOE BE�SSER: Allso Chapter Two fur .new Serial "JUNIOR ' G -I s" • PLAYING (NEXT WEDNESDAY I SING CROSBY in "HERE --COME THE WAVES" —.wr�.�e•w - • COMING, SOON= "STAGE DOOR' CANTEEN" FINLAYSON .'BROS, LU.CKNOW:_ A program ,of .songs: by ,fie Tiverton children and Lucknow., `1 girls ;'followed and' Eoin McKin- non favored' us with a .recitation.; 1 The 'sports connriiittee conducted 3. some ,races' which• were enjoyed by the children.. 2 1 ;young men ; whq have given of their service to our country. On behalf of this' gathering we would ,ask you to -accept this gift as a token of the' esteem. in which you are held. We can assure you. our .thoughts' and • prayers .were ever withyou while you were absent from, us, and how .. happy we are to have you back unharm- ed. ' 'Our with and hope is that in the future you may. retard ,the the same high ideals: you have in the past, 'and when . you enter into the higher services, of our Lord and Master you may be rewarded with a :"Welt done, thou good and faithful 'servant". Signed on behalf of 'Crew'e W. A., president—Mi's,; Bert Finni- gan; secretary ,- 'treasurer, Mrs: Jinn Sherwood.. ti Mrs, Harvey" Maize, Harold and Mr. Fred Morris visited with' Miss Connie .Morris' at London, whom, we ,are glad .to say, is much im- proved in health. . W. A: GROUP HELD . SUCCESSFUL `ROSE. TEA • The Henderson -Richards group of the Women's, Associ'atiori'. held a Rose Tea in the'•United .Church: on.• Tuesday. The school~ room of the church and the •tea tables were decorated `beautifully by the committee,- Mrs. i',. W. Hoag, Mrs. :Alex_.'Smith ....and Mrs-,-.4.-W:-Ste- wart' , ---The- guests •were -'-receive°:-'' ljL s_ ..,Elden . Henderson and Mrs. • Taylor. GRADE XII, Canipbell, Gladys • 3'•` Crispin, John $,, ."""",."...22.' Gibson, .Catherine M. . 3 Graham, Marian ..E .,H, amilton, Betty' ....... ... .,c Hamilton, Frances A. Johnston, Mary L. 2 Lane, Wm. Everett Lloyd, IIS Ivan :,.. . c MacLennan„, Catherine M. MacMillan, .Yvonne .. .:.,, c MacQuaig, Marg, ".... . • Miller Patricia S.. 3'• Murray, Veronica ,� c • Porteous, Mary' L" . .»...,..1. Stimson, - .Bertha M • 3 • x =. 0 10 • 0 c c cS c c: 3 c •c ,. c c c ' c• c''. c.,. ,e a 2 2 2.. ,c