HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-26, Page 2"Fi
.Lucknow. Ontario.,
Esta —
'Established 1873 _ Published _Each_Wednesday Morning
Subscription Rate $2.00 A Year in Advance --To U.S. $2.50
Authorized as Second Class 1Vlail, Post Office Department, Ottawa •
Member of. The C,W.N.A.,
L.., C. Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th, 1946
Chesley ,,has
, has a new industry
located there, The Canadian Gen
eral. Rubber Co. of .-Galt, but
which is handicapPed' by 'a short=
age "ef help; and an'acute..housing
situation,, '.so common. in , many
In • respect to . these Matters -the,
. P
Chesley ' Enterprise
last. week in : a veinthat is . of Russia, from the October. Rev-
eua y pp
said in. part: ", ''
"Chesley fades -a proper,. today
which -sits squarely on the
'shoulders of: every resident of the
"We 'have' 'been to inclined- to -
:hese' were. ro 'lems
think. thatthese' . p b
-for the Cott! ncil. or some '.other
organization. They: are problems'
(The Vancouver' •Sun)
Russia's fourth five-year plan,
now 'under. way, is. designed, to
rase .tire annual 'income `of ;the
Workers .and employees of that
''country by :30 percent'' by.:1959.
Prices are °to" be rediced, .culture'
and health' tressed. 'The struggle
11 ` applicable here when it olution to date, has been to lay
the. :foundations of a. modem,
economy by . building' heavy, in-
dustries. Now, while the 'heavy
industries .',program is not being
allowed to Tag, the 'stress will' be
shifted somewhat to those lighter:
:industries which have a :direct
effect on living standards., The
for, the ,people of Chesley:, We ,acid test of -socialism i .,beginning
nee'd people; Here; to invest Money and, the *hole world watch
in;housing people. who .will turn •with absorbed interest..
their homes .into :apartment. -7s`
who . will. solicit .their friends' to
come here to work '•
•-:Chesle • now::has a chance to
.Russian standardsof: living and
of general. productivity, . despite
nearly' .30 years of an; economic
and social system based .theo.ret-.
The : second annual consign-
ment ;sale held by Jas.. A. Little
and George .Kennedy, and ' held
WEDNESDAY, JUNE .26th, 1046 •
l G, -Hr .Smith was Oh Ct(d ri esi.
S><xt Years Ago l
. at the latter's Pine Echo Farm Y ' dent of the Lakeside Bast�hall
last Tuesday, .Proved _ quite :sat John; S, MulUn of Belfast school: ; .League;: coprised, of Kincardine
isfactory to -these' two Hereford won' a magnifying glass donated. Lucknow andVinglam:
ers ' • by the teacher, Mr,. McKenzie, to Thos Falconer, agcy 4'0 years
' Twenty -.eight lots were sol f
d. °r a pupil died at Moose Jaw. The funeral •
a -total of. $7510 .or_ an 'average. of
$269. Seven bulls of serviceable
age brought $1,715, pr : an average
Of ' $245. Twenty-one. • females sold.,
for $5795,' ari average of $276.
Little's herd bull,, Pine Coulee
Britisher ' 58th brought, the. top
price of the'day $375, from John
'Black.'. of Chesley:: Top„ price fe-•
male was Kennedy's Jarvis; Dom-
'no: sass `76th bought. by Nelson
Webster •of Glamis for' $340: •Sec'-•
and highest . priced` female . was
Kennedy'(s 14 -month -=old heifer-,
Pine Echo. Miss 'Tone '16th, Which
tN` obtaining . the -greatest,
number of marks in fifth cls,: "-
•Robert Paxton .and Thos. Mur-.
ray . were 'auditors- of , Kinloss
Township.' Total, receipts for the
year .were "$6,920.:' •
Rev. Mr: Leaske of St, 1-lelens:
united 'in: marriage John.''Irwin•.
and Miss Mary Johnston. • ,
Pupils at Cherry•'Grove -School
•were . Beatrice Finlay,, John Mor-
an, James Stuart,. Ida Finlay, •.Geo,
Cranston; 'Wm. Kickley, :`Joseph
Moran ..Catherine Blake, Maggie
Finlay, Anson -Finlay, Matthew
from J. Ross Mac-
Blake, Janie Treleaven,' Michael
brought $305 Griffin, • Jas.: Green„ , Mary Ann
Donald, of Appan. ' • .. whi ly; Lena Clare, Emma Me-
Consigned, ; by J. A. Little Innis; Wm. Treleaven, Sarah
• Bu,11s —Pine Coulee Britisher. Kelly,. Janie Reed.:
58 h John' Nl Black', - Chesley, i ,.fair' under :t e
t � The. first cattle.h
terview. Britisher direction of the Agricultural
$375 Teeswa
8th, F. M. Morris, R. _,3, ` Enzbro;. Society was 'held" in the C'aledon
$210; , : Teeswaterview' Britisher: .i rr: Park, 1.0.0 head were on the
th 'Wesley Guest, Kinlough;-s a Kenzie,
we°e_ old' at. o.d
7. ,..;. y , , , . .t grounds and.. z s � o Fire , of .unknor�>n origin .:'
$225; .. Teeswatervievti Britisher rices. - de'
p troyed `ane barrx : on' - atlles J;
-9th, I. R. Forsyth; Kipperi--,'$220-,, • Best sellers in the monthly_ °, `,,•
- ar' tta .2nd Alfred' , p Bowlers, .farm, Con. 10; As ifield;.
Females M match' at .Cherry, ' ,Grove School near Kintail
in er Mi"' dma:' 225; • Tees-.►
'wa� .. g , 1 Y, $ were Beatrice.:F,inlay, 'Mary; Jane LL
' .Morris 'Salter Mr Wm Connell pias malctng
waterview .Marie,... � h Blake' Maggie
« Gowanstown, _$200; Marietta 4th,
• Cragie, Leach; ..Walkerton, "11$2041y0-..; .
really go'•ahead after a war -time' of the com
f ourboca-l-ly on the Welfare Marilyn, Richard ,Elliott,
ec s ton Whin marry e 3j behind the. rte Re Nie-
' W'' 'and iris o'ined the services and, mon.rnan; .still lag far b rood; $235; 'Ma�Nuei , g
Mc -
other residents left town to take'
employment in war, - industries.
But -we : will•;, not go ah'e d until.
er erson in ,Chesley realizes
ey Y P -y
- 'part to ': la'
that -they have .' a play.:
t Y p
r . they the, And, the . Bette . _patron data,., has Russia ranking.
part,: the more the town • will go': almost at the .ljottom .of ;every
service wase field -at the home Yof
his father,, Thomas Falconer, Coil,
6, Kinloss.. pouring 17 years' in thin
West,' deceased' had acquired . 1200
acres of.latid.
James - Findlater, Who
clerking for D. 'R, MCTatosh, 'left
for Detroit. .
r Miss Gordon of St, Helen`•aef '
for Winnipeg to attend a W. • F,.:
M.'S.' convention, •
Rev; Angus 'MacKay', forinerl.
:of Lucknoww, was' electe.d'anper
ator of the Free Chuff e}i Synod. of
Moray; Scotland,' •(
Twenty .Years, Ago
Eli McNamara of Lothian and
John McNamara of Kintail-:Were
in Detroit attendingthe funeral
of :their" . niece.; Miss Anna Me-.
Riddle, Catherine ; ,a favorable
standards ' of 'the West. A review ::.Gee, ' Goderich,' ,,$270;. Teeswater,
e nth.
_ K n e ,
o u a ' iew
. Sana
'ut'' out `•b
'the P 1 v ,
recentl: P
y Put -_
_ �� a �Bur-e-aa�-�a � .as = W-ooal•a�•n $205;Be11�a-I3:o;nxtae,
tion . � efere �
re Everett 250, her calf;
a'e_ :Gilmo , , $ ,
ngton; an,�org�anization which-
Wr Paisley, .$190; ; Mary.
votes l :itself 'to 'distributing po u Y,
Finlay, Janie: Treleaven, • Mary
Ann . Whitty,, Isaiah :�Killiatrick,,
Julia Whitty.`
going: a • serious' operation' in,-
Wingham Hospital, ' -
Free balloons'' Were. offered : re
P. .
school-age, children tiff^h.o ; visited
The : Market :Store accompanied'
h tie -pe- sons
M; -'Gullies was Offering-. 'T The, death occuit e pi
d Aslifacld
for 'sale -by' public auction' at the of Mrs. James Griffin.
King Edward Hotel, Teesw-ater Mr. John •Mirehouso of White-
Forty Years Ago
P bella R.. H Bickle, :Tavistock,
$230; 'her calf, T. E. Smith, Elm=
vale,. $150
Consigned by Geo Kennedy
Bulls—Pine : Echo. Prince: Tone
20t E 4--B-
h ad"
a e ,, index measuring level Iof . living.
The authority -:behind the bur-
;eau's:facts:on Russia is Prof. Ells
ccd err-protect—in—g- on o ''a e Uni.-
Bruce" County Council appears
theta.: --post- ar_ne �.eggY"-:�hienversit�y, one �o
f the w
s f,
was built/uby' VictorBond mostex erts on .geography yand
purchases Some outlandish
' re- Population. population. According to. him,
• ,
: quests'; for >grantshave been pre=
sented by. municipalities
:u ounty legis)"ators .have
, decreed`that the distribution,
.wise ,
_when it :i Thiade,-: imust_he on a'
mote equitable basis: To , "satisy
or. at least quelch; this> municipal'
holler of,. "roe , too'•', Council de
-=tided: at the June -session to grant
.$500' to each Municipality toward
• memorial, ' under:takings.. as they
-see fitand to. cover: these grants
:-tacked- another•• half mill' :on the
" Count tate.
Russia ranks 30th, ,among 32
'es_as,'r ards;. ket , P-'ak
-aoux�l eg .
'.r man. -on
cultural productvity'.pe
the:,farm it: ranks•19th amo
gn 21
countries stud ed.
--_. just abov
China and'. India. Indices of fried-'
_icai care, length'. of life and pat
en,ts issued - list -the Sov. et Unit rr
almost at the bottom. Russia has:
a long way to . egrrie to�> catch up
with even such -countries as Ger
many,' ,where the pre-war..:level.
of . liviin half that .:of the
• Otto Lantz,:' Neiistadt, $150; Prin-
. . American standards
gyp'cess Patricia• 9th, George Herd;
ith the.past : week -end brio *_*` *'.
W g; • —
ing about; the' first summer
• - we hesitate : to•
weather to date, s
'-be so ".loom as. to' remind ou
g Y. Y.
that the: .hours: ,of daylight are.
ne .L t Fri-,
' startingto wa as
day, ,June,21st, marked "the long-
est. day ,of the : year ,
recovery 'after under...
aood 150 -acre farm on Con. 8,
Wm, Murdoch was presented
with a gold ringby a .few of his
chttrch died Budde iffy,
,' At• Verinillion, Alberta a da
ghter • was' born to ;Mr.' and is;
J. F. A:ndreiv,. , •
Horticultural Society-toses and',
$25.0; Pine.. Echo Prince . ';Tone
21st' Murray Crewsen; — �Bb-lbeck;
, Y
$21.0; Tine Echo Prince. Tone
b G1
$225 Females= -Jarvis Domino
L' ass• -76th, Nelson Webster, Gla-
mis,.. '
is • $340; `• Pin.e• Ec o' tanway
Lass 5th, Ralph Foster; Dungan-
non 200 • her calf, Morris Salter;
Toronto, : ._ ,..: .,
gladioli were ':available,froini Mr:
W. E. MacDonald.
end-.-Br-ueo-Re ament;-w-as:- • •-
-.=-:.�kte-�.3 g �
The death occ a rri•d
•n We ster ami rag erg s on n, on n •
22nd 1Velso •ari M.r �.m.`�.Mc `uiita;tt of -Sri
d s W �
i he 11 < cit tl` , '1'orx'lanrl
• Jit'rr M tc ..
COnStructicir , i, t i p :a n 1
awarded. 'the. cc fit r:,t-t.f.)3.'
Echo ' on• Havelock St.:: in his 80th',year:• . ,,rads in.' :the'\' il,,; i+,.
Gowanstowrr, $210; Pine o
Miss Tone 2nd, Jas. Douglas and
Sons,:: Mitchell, ; $285 Pine..Echo
- s'2rri�-�"Ro"..Goo
d -ii
��tanway:;:I,a�s 3 Y,
fellow; Stroud, _ $250;..:Pine:; Echo
D ' ino • Stanway.i. Lass, Milton
iidhia 240; Pain-
Filsinger;• M d , y, $ ,.
cess:: Patricia. 43rd; Richard. ,El-
liott 1lal -rood" :.$2i5 -- lie, calf;. _ ;o
Mary•M ui71n
'H `ht ; L 'do June 5th cQ i.
George• .Lawrence :of Lu';ckriowY.
and .George •Thompson of Hamil-
on: . ought the Dauphin : Furn>,,-
tun?... Co. at Dauphin; .Manitoba..'.'
W. •Carineli died 'at his.: home
After • a . loci period of:: failing
health, the death.of " Mrs. ; D.avid
Fe -i -icier• --•-occurred an-'. -W`i-i ghaim
H sp'ital• on Saturday, June15th-,_:"
. wher,e she had been a 'patient'' for,.
'more thanthree weeks. Mrs: Fer-:
Holyrood,.. $235 Princess. Patricia`tier, ,vho.was 75 years of age, had
'1. 7
' years,
n o
10th; :.James: Qouktes -Belgrave, beenin„
160• her calf, Kelley' Brotherk,; from 'an asthrnatic condition
Blyth, $125; Pine Echo :Miss Tone Mrs:'Ferrier was for
merlY .
6th' Otto Lantz" Neustadt $250die El aeth Lott� aughter of
9th, Archie'"Fannie
Pine Echo Miss,:Tonethe, lateThomas Lott andWn
i- e,,... -$255; -Pine: Darlrn'
St�eW:art; :Kirtear•d n ,Board:--Bhe-•wa5-was-at g
Echo Miss` Tone .16th, J R.' Mac- ton; Ontario on September •,1.9th,
1871 and carne with, her. parents
to St. "Helens When——a •child- o t
two Years of age.
. There she grew, to womanhood
and upon her marriage to;David
:Fer-•ier. , on December 23, 189,1;
the young; couple .took up:, farm
ing one and '•:a half Miles :east ' of
`St. Helens on the farm now own-
ed by, Arnold and Elmer Woods:,
A. number of years • ago. they
rnoved to :Whitechurch,' and later
;i tt k w to: -make -•_.their-. home -
here 'with' their daughter (tuella)
Mrs John:-` D. Ross
The funeral, service : was field
at Johnstone'ts ''Funeral Parlors
on Monday; June I7th; • conducted'
by Rev. C. H,, MacDonald Inter-
ment .was in Bethel.' Cemetery
east:. -of._ 5 "-wHeelnsY' ,;with five-
Alton, Carl Lott and•Will 'Palmer
and a' grandson, ° Harvey• •Ross,
acting. as pallbearers:
Mr. •Ferrier • predeceased his
,Many .homeseel ers are fed up
with ;the promise of'. wonderful
gadgets in future' housing plans
for :a'
t d
settle right 'now
he g
ready.=to Occup 'old-fashioned g.
• In T r rito' the Wedd'in ofMiss
oo. g
Grace Northfield Reynolds; .•dau-
ghter of .Mr: and''Mrs. F. N. • Rey'-
,, holds, ,546 Huron 'St.; to Reginald.
•Tra. Hill, 'son of -Mr. and -Mrs. Hill,
also of ,Toronto, took place June,
•121th .at • St. Thomas Anglican
Church. Rev. James Jackson of-
ficiated, assisted 'by: Major the
•-�•Rev:;-R:=--M-:-�FiEld-uncle-= f=-:th '`
Flra' 'd rtin
o eco at o s rr>�the•
were.carried out in `white
earnations.. Organist was A.‘ E.
Clarke with = Miss Barbara Hill,
sister of. the' groom', as soloist.
44 I
brother of the bride`, and George: Dbnald,. 'A.ppin, $305; ine Echo
Fisher, as, ushers.': .' :. Miss Tone .17th,',Osburne ;Jrwrn,,
200: ' '
At', the:� reception• held .:at' the Mansfield, $ • . .
,Prince Arthur House :the . br.'i'de's
another received in a blue crepe
frocks with a .corsage .of roses. The
groom's mother was gowned in
'orchid 'crepe with a `similar • cor-•
Eor the honer moon • trip' 'the
, h
bride .wore: a dress of. blue crepe
;with a beige' wool'three=quarters
length coat arid -black ' accessories,
Twill �rrrake' their' 'home' i'
hy e n
Toronto. '
Given ' in 'marriage, by her
father; the- .bride- wore a ..white
flowered organza 'dress with train
and a finger-tip veil• Her bouquet.
was • 'pf ;red roses and baby's
breath.' Sister' of the bride, Mrs.
C. F. Ph•ripp was .matron of. bon-
our.:She'.wore a pale blue taffeta.
dress with matching 'veil' caught
to 'die head ��•ith'a flowered halo..
''.Bridesmaids were Mis's Mary
Reynolds, ''sister of. the .bride and
Miss'' Dorothy Hill, sister of the
groom. They woreidentical
•f'•rrycks 'c. shell pink taffeta. With
,matching 'voils, .iaught• with halos
of flyovers and carried nosegays.
trf sweetpeas .and roses. Assistirig.
the: ,groom wag Cpl. Ray Thomas,
1,.0 A.F:, 'with Fred J. Reynolds',
One, of Listowel's -oldest• build-
in' s the. York•'' Ho el '
g � to , formerly
the,Arlington hotel;. has been; sold
by Ross- Fischer of Hamilton to.
Messrs. Douglas Trench, Listowel
and J. O'Mara, -•Teeswater. SAX
though 'the ' future plans of the
new proprietors are :not' definite,
the intend to use the. building.
as a hotel for''the present: •
The Kingsbridge .district was
saddened last'..\veek. to learn of
the death' of %rev. Willam.Au us
tine Dean, which- occurred in, St.
Joseph's •, Hospital, Chatham, on
=Satu-rda-�nigh-t;--He- w-as---69-years:
a'e, 'and althu confinedto
f o ti
Of g , g
the. hospital ,his ;canclitiontt riot
been;:regar"ded as serious. .
Pontificial'high mass was'cele=:
brated on ,'Tuesda - n --
y morning , at
Sacred` Heart Church in Port
Lambton, where he has" been par-
ish: priest for' twenty -.years.......' _ ._
Father Dean` was' born In Ash-
field' township, 'son of Michael
,and Abigail O'Neil Dean. -Ile was
educated at Goderich, Assump-
tion College and Grand Seminary,
.of Montreal; and was ordained .in
:December,` 1810. • His first parish
was at' St. Augustine; going later;
to his ,,native pariish at Ki'ng's
1VIr;' Trench is a •rrieniber' rf the bridge. In' May. 1026. 'he was
Listowel Casket Co.' He came ci' tran'sf'erred to Port'--Lambtrin
t awl7el°e lie `had been . until his
Listowel frotri Tceswater, .whr.rci dcatlt.
he . conducted 'a ' funiaral ' parlor .leaves
F ,i , 1Tc. lear,e thi e sisters, Miss
ancl, furniture business, in which Stella A. Donn .rt t La b '
Mr. 0,':Martt ho recently r :cel t . 4a4.1,cisit.,M,i,,,,r3Doam,..74(olh. reinof'i�r l:"011tcecl.hisdiseh4rfefromthemC.acid fG dBanner,
A,' F:, was e:mployed.•--=List(i.w; l • o o . ra -
ren,. a brother; `Teti 'tius I . Dean
of Iontreal.
Wednesday, c vi nine a ,largi
•crowd-•-of--f-t•ic'nd-a =ncl= neighb,,t,
ion' n Holitriiotl
-a:l;teitdcd :a .r -cc< Ott a
Hall in . honor of. Mr. and IMF.5.
Ted. Burt •. Knee Mildred Irene!'
DahiTier)' who :were':inari'ied -re-
cently .in_Kincardin.
' `ears'
Ted, .a : ti eteran .of five y
overseas service, indtidii g the
Italian campaign returned
last -fall.'-Hc. ,:lad his bride
,,.• nt
-taken up--resrctcne(. tin his, far .
on: •the South Line, and are, re
ceivin the :congratulations'
best"-wis'hes.of a•l'fl5 t ts'ffriends.
At the r ecccptien, the young
couple were''' pl c•,c nti.d with a,
lovely ,stud'io:eouch:, after 'Frani.' .
Currie had' read the filllor�'ing a ''
Dear Tod and,1\lil'dre-�l,'
`. g'�l'Gtti+s1 of
T 5
h Mac
tire -that .:rr cr, y. eta t
thered ht?rr tc nigh tet do ltottttr
g ,
to-'iou : on. this: moi( cif il1c._n
i portant oceasi(ttt:� of y
ti ,are glad ',cavi that yc r eft€i
` : served your. King' anq
having .s ,
Country,so .we_l] }r�ar�� seer fit to
'make your home `:lx�i'tiTancn u
.-11s' and we lino,,' that•Y°
among .
will- give of yopt bc�t. tit ilio' eons.
as .you :r3tci the tc .
.. inutrrty lie
naphews, Will; Walter and Elmer
rldred altla•itttf;h rytu are.
1 M . e reel-.
anctst (,C 'tt;;, rr
stranger ' to t C4 ill
ti>Yae YOU and ltl=ltc� lsitit Sot
•us • ood ft t,t rtl� .and'trcrgl�•
f.iii , g
_ 11 . 93 Surviving bores.' ' it
vt fe January , . 1,. 6 S t
X.s an , rsnly 'child, Mrs:. John•. • D',
.Ross,' Whci 'ave her: -mother kind-
.ly and devoted, care during her'
long, illness:
Surviving'also aro, lwt; sisters
and a' brother, sirs. `Ida McKay
and Miss Mary Lott of ',I3rtissel.s
atd Mr, V4alitr .Lott of •White-
r'hure i.
TwO ',sisters and two brother"
gin) ., t� .l.irlt.% Mrs
ctitli:, r""1` ' "t"t's, Julia P<tlts'101'
Arid Georrro and Levi, Lott,-
W:e ask yctu t�i•a ,;�
i, •. t ,, t: rr r�,t
and wrf.la`it , .,.c,i
for a-.l(t.ta,g ir,,d y! •�". .tial
Signed ttt"'
811,01 I:1 I,t<it `,�+
('11, ,R1yru.d'i '1
ell',; 1Vtorh' 1:
; cl 1Z4.
.1<'y... 'L'i.n