HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-19, Page 13iV;EDNESDAY, JJNk' 19th, :x46' • WHITECHURCH� IHARD SURIACING, • •Mrs. Robert Phillips of Goder- DL LIAM.JAMES ROULSTON. ALU EW eER STRI ich spent the,Weel -end ,with Mr. Death came,with shocking sud fTP and Mos. W- R. Farrier and, other denness on Tuesday of last Week Workof ha'' Gu' rrelatives, to William Janes Roulston, Blue- .ate Highway h y surfacing', t,h- • ' lifelon :.. W r Highway from 'Am-. a Mrs. Payne of the West and : r g. and highiyrespeeted ,res- berley to .Port Albert i who •is' visiting her Tiffin rela- ident• of the Olivet comrnun°ty.•i advaneedh . s well . Huron Township. t -Y n , . - With the' ashphalt be- tivcs • around here;. fell off the p Mr. Rou1stori ing P61reel at: _.a r had' 'been - confi ed . to' bed 'half a- mileate .of roughly back' step last Tuesdays eveningn for per day; at the'horne.of her .uncle, Mr, and about ten days with phlebitis the " The as'h halt is being second attack• he had had within • at the D ngannon , i Prepared lVlis Joe Tiffin, Sr., and:.broke a- cou p t, It is a' ,her arm near a the _shoulder ' She . plc of years or so', but .:a p11ed hot thetoP is in Wingham"'hospital.: geared to be p_ read ' for roadway and is prog'ress%ng favor y traffic by" the time it Quite a number from here fat-• ably.. His, death occurred almost has cooled. It is, ro ll instantly as he• o ed under tended the anniversary' serVrces, was'aboutl to' ' �• heavy• pressure •„ • , • at Langside •. ”'• Foundation work ditching . Messrs,'' AleX • R Kennedy, his r bridge const u i ' avid .¢two sons Raymond• and, Cecil, his was born at T Roulston derway ' .• ,r ec r has been un= o onto on Janizary Y for Several months' � `on wife, Mi:s, C;,' Kennedy and. -fo children David; • Donna, Doreen Roulston and he a pre oration . fo t 1 to •Mr Roul p r •the• hard surfac THE LtjCKNOW SENTINEL; LTJCKNOW, ONTAARIQ BITUARY 4r ;PAGE fl his supper. 1raV. In his '57th year, M ,Ter onto 23rd, 1$90 a son th ss•l2-rrri° of Mrs. > Janies . le- sirete -of' highwa :• . 'n s , ston'. As h , a cfitla he• moved with . ting., which commenced "at ; the. d, . his parents' 'to, Lot•. 10, Con. 2, Adays a ey end' of. the 'road ' ten his Huron Township," where he had days ago:' • er since; .resided a; n d wh :: ' This... stretch when ere . he completed, n ' Proved .himself an, industrious leaves the' Amberley, to Kincar di 4e farmer and an exemplary citizen ile link 'as the .only remaining s ' and 'neighbor,: unpaved: portion of'. the . Blue= s• water>d ' M. . Roulston •vvas `a e Highway, and Work on this sn Olivet. Unit m n-ber of section is, slated, to commence • ' ed Church a. rriemb • .menee .this .o. n. •and. Denny; his daughter, Mr Art, Dawson,•`Mr. A;' Dawson' a ••. two son% Ronald and Bruce, . granddaughter, Miss Jacquelin Larkin and.Mrs. Lear,. all of Wi, nipeg, Manitoba, arrived here••la l Tuesday evening by cars and vi ited the •'former's mother, Mr David„ Kennedy....Who.. had seye of'her great .grandchildre i 'Pres -f .the Session and C1 seaso ent. The _._visited oth._ • at for 10 years -_ y , .•��r ,re7. .fives. T. here and attended the Kennedy.. reunion which'•was 'held at Sea forth last •Thursday. 'They:left oh Monday to motor: back ,;West •a a g n, Mrs. Dean Moir 1y..McGreg'or) 'and .,her.- baby of Y • .,Winnipeg,; flew by plane • from there to Toronto and 'is .:visiting with her`. parents,. Mr: and:, Mrs. Duncan : Mc.Gregor, Her 'father; is not'as welt as his_many--friends- wouldwish, Mr.• . Clark' McGregor had:: acted as -church' :treasurer. He, was'. a forme'''. ;rrr;errfbe'r. of suffered Concussion Ina'. Closer Valley School, B collision 'at. .second base•in Board. • , the 8th `inning. of Frida 's ba i On June 121h, 1918, he .mar_ a y 1 -: ;;. •.'. , ._ ..., ,_.. g,..me, RAy;�Finla son ._' . .. •. i ied Miss Mftna S th• , ,Y was so bad, rn of Iluron: • 1 sla 'ke . Y a n u that ' ,T P, he e ould n Township; t n (formerly Mal ship, ,and to them was. born take •his turn .at' 'b w at, hen the - •one; son,:. eh-arIes', -by-;whose death, in his" 17th year, they wer s ore -1 ..bereaved pn•'•December 24th•193$ � , Besides, his widow' •M r, Roul .•ston' is: s1tivived •h•, h;;s '05,:ycai= old other; Mrs.. James. Roulston ' formerly: ,. of.: Toi onto also spent+. the . week -y' Myra 'Hur.'lburt and one end here.' -Mr-S=Jourriilespie,:- Sr; spent „- -- - o a couvei,. -.. - - - -. - - A •. pi ivate-- neral service, was ' ' n • y, _ .,, arke's . ' "Neighborly' `. . ,, ws. broadeast, wll,,be •made. xtS't�nday morning �ron•i•, Dur-. team came rn 'froin 'the field;Ro was.•.in a daze' and couldn't re member ,W1. -rat : happened. He was 'i:mme'diately taken to the :doctor,. and was -;• ent home to bed, believed-• t-o-be,=spfferi:rig` o :allgh concussion...: a• few : days last.1 week •with' her .held at his late. r " �r esidepce on "Fri,. • e . daughte,... Mrs ':= Charlie :Martin.: ,day -afternoon,-followed:•-b-:...n-e, Y • •and: Mr,: 1vfartin;_,' "public ,••service: id .Olivet ham Town �. United Hall.. •iIncidentail. he The. Kenned _reunion - ' :Chureb : : was held , . . ucondaicted • by''.his pastor; will be ' honeymoonin :and . � ' is'st. Thursda at'Lio ;.:.Rev; g, he y zas :Park, -Sea 1lugen•e; Beech; assisted �b� and Mrs, Clarke will be: •forth; . With. . about . 60• relativ 'Rev.; C�•. N. y week.: es MaeKertzi.e• 'Aof Olen ,endi'_ .guests of Pub.l'i'her' Frank present It -was, a nic da � ' an Allen• and:''Rev.-:' I y d ,T. C;. Wilkinsonr«•iriand`.1Vlrs. Irwin of Durham all • enjoyedgg •', •' hernselves: �•.. ,. <, of ::Lawi cn . • , D. ..'. : ..... •• .• • '. • �, •After ... .. ce •Station. D Ur- �n•g y...,Tichbor-ne, the ,t-hc •-sei r�:e Mi-ck--R�a\Tie ' , sang Doll r ,.N:. .: residen _ ,... , .... , :..a s . at Do 's p t, had, meetin "On ' Sw 'Thought": . g., and 'a ',Sweetly Solemn '.Thou ... good ` . •• :. : .: , • ght .. .I'm •,.-last. , creek s re .ort � •of ;' g • .Mrs.n the pro rain ••was , given ...in w a s i.n'. R i:, :1• e Villa e Council's Alex:;Purves i• . • war.• � ri p Y Village ,June 'Meeting, (a b . de .of the .Ceetei y:, •' the -. Pallbearers. beingwe' stated: that dog Isle, of Marl. in 'the Old. Country) ;M 's. tax 'had been eceived aY. e: s� s W- TouJstc�aa;-.-e�-pmid ono-eiigs-t-11h 'r present for. ;•the ,one. Guii e. Howard McGiu •e, ...Donald: 'been dollars '.'not' do ' . coming tlye ,farthest distance , ; . gs, Tax 'pay-. .and. nMcC:hai lc�, �al;ter .Walden lrients totalled poinin lh e:farte st di a m 'land to led, :$74, net;.the 'd'ogs:• present- -Fla--n-an- Barkw'" forell. Did strike us, as quite ' ' the :Oldest me : ' � .., , :a :flock. fiber:` Mr •Dun - Fi: icTids:•:: a . - ; ; .• gnu:nes': but a e can'Ker.., . .introduce itencted t �e . Tunes al peri: 'ag'ain,: there • d ever-' fr i ;, , 'e;. •... _ s .: o n Kr,nca2 dnz�,; W � �.�,.h•� m ,.. ai Mmes �..hen .S ou d surea�•, the: body 1VIrs..Geetge •K'ennedy; was � • . St: atfr,a d Hai' ' '°r1h e d o u .•fin chaff ge sof: thc,-games and races i.iston, . Clandeboye, t?' clog' P p latronA, Was : tori-:? which . st. Thomas Dundas La. 'r -scivati\rely estimated : a t . t h ` ch.;weie held inthe•afternoon.. W.,ence a t� After su er . Statr•on, Detroit • Ai mow:, 'Toronto. figure. was s,pp , Au1d ' Laing'. ;, S.yne: '.and Eervic. . ung. .SOLD:HOI1 .A SE AND •BA.RN ON GRASS FARM,' Mr. Jack MacIntosh, 'Boundary -West, recently purchased the 50=. •aere .grass : farhi on' the 112th Con , cession of Ashfield•:frorrr Welling ton. Harvey and . on Friday e'ven- ing held..an auction ` sale of the house.�and .con•t.ents .meld the barn and:machinery The' house wa• purchased :by 'RUM Button; .t+rho we understand plans moving ,rt to. the 'Button property,, ,on the Gravel,: Road, just north. of. Jack . Wraith's resi- dence: The 'barn .was purchased by Billy Farrish, yvho lives �nea-- byr=and will use:., rt:. where it stands: for the time .being; Additono Office :Works,.•g at D ,constructin present l underyvay. . - an addition `to r' W V Johnston's office;' to provide sufficient offieevspaee•for. -the:U0e-f-or' and his associate,. ;Dr. - Ross Hows.'oh, IMPROVED'APPEE •� EIVI ARAIITCE ' AR SURROUNDINGS A few•,. days ago our :attention Was drawn by R. •J `Moore to.the' oved • appearance '. generally 'n 'this' district `of• farm.' buildings' and surroundings, Not in twenty five years has this "old tinier" seen, farms. offering tidy and pr o'speroua he' r#ance that they do today: ppearance Bob was unaware that this is - 81.1e WaSlbeing devoted to a "Sal to Agriculture •is .uite timely a ", so his : ob i -Pais it 'quite We onso that .those• folk who ar9 devoting time . and ex ense to improving;' their' fart>tii p Dines, will know that their • of-• f• ors are not going' unnoticed,.'and }ion bund worthy of .eommenda- •.• . y.,their.urba'n friends, Sells' WawadOsh>,Farm }Tarvey; Mole • has;. sold his '100 nacre farni,•a.t Glenn's Hill to 'Wm Caesar, an Air. ` Forceveteran: This. ,farm' on the -Sixth ,of, West Wawanosh:;has= been' owned'.by the' G.lenris or Moles ever since it, Was • taken up;as :.Crown . land : by ,the Glenn Family, who , hewed theinhorne out Of:the bush:land - MRS. ' THOMAS. AITCHIS.ON OBSERVED:.,8I tit.BIRTHDAY '. Mrs:" Fmily Aitchison :recen.tl' • celebrated .her 80th birthday. the home of . her 'son and daugh, ter in 1.a Mt arid- l Ls,68V-nes. 'Aitchison. of Harriston,a She was the" recipient Of many: gifts:'.and: cards. •Among the•telephone calls were •those froni her granddau- ghters,. Mrs. B.• W. Dixon, Port'. Carling, and Mrs -. H P. - Martin, M'Ontreal - ' iVlrs E.. atchlison -had-a- brlrth .clay dinner in her. honor, With • the exception of -poor eyesight,' she is ' in very • goed health: She has one daughter, three sons, 14, grandchildren and two' great- grandchildren, Her many Lucknow fr°iends ex",- tend c- tend congratt;lations On `,this oc casion. f' ; MADE, •56 CROSSINGS 'OW LADYNELSON Charles M6Quillin of St. i c'lens has been, in London receiving 111.5. army discharge For ,some three years ' Charles as , a aellcd to, the hospital ship,v Delon, and during thattime' made '5t ocean 'crossings • - •lXrs ship dolked at ports •1✓ngltind, Italy, North.: Jainriica; at Gibraltar, and:on his'. last trip, at Germany,. W,itir' lzt"i" overs on board. Whe '• to'irer nment ,,,pays over-' its ceiling price • '.for. • grain a bonus When an individual .:does' the same' it's black mazket. To Teach At Home School Miss: Helen. Stothers, teacher. of the ,junior room in Dungannon Public school,, has acceptd .the position as 'teacher in theone- room' sehogl of U.S.S, No 17, on the second concession of . West - Wawanosh, the first school she herself attended 'as a 'child. Condition. Little Changed The condition, of Mr. James R, Hackett,• who. is a patient .in Tor-' onto General Hospital, is little changed. X-ray .has revealedM, r. Hackett to have, suffered a':frac- tuned skull, -but' so 'far an oper-. atiori does not.., appear imminent, with rest :and' quiet most import- ant'at .presort. " " TO• BRING .BRUCE"COUNTY HISTORY Up TO DATE '•` Bruce County Council, at the concluding_ :Meeting . °f : is : June session on Saturday morning, de- cided to request each .municipal council •i ' the comity to. appoint some person to:'compile as Much of�'th`e, history, of the •municipality. frim 1906 to the. present, as pos sible. This .was the: Council's. re sponse to a-'suggestio., •'made earl-_ ier 'in the session by W .Donald of • Kincardine that Nor- main--Ro-b`ertson's history of ;the County of • Bruce should; be re-. published ,.and ''that 'the..`history .from 1906 ' to the present :should be :compiled"; :At the ,Novemb ` ` session the Council •hopeC, to •ha ,reports• on progress' of the ,work in the, different :municipalities •in -the eouMy=but the-Pitlec,f1: — t expected; tube°;completed ler =3 or. :lourYears. ears. ... • Graduated At Grand Rapids •Mrs: M; Sproul, of : town has r e., ceivn ed an :announceme t . of the. graduation.' of , her. ne ''h w Theo- dore G. Rosel„ which. took 1 on .Thursda ,r evening at Creston t DECORATION DAY (B canna, Buckingham) On' this our Decoration Day Our, thoughts turn backward• once again • . TO lonely crosses, far• away, That mark the graves of our • brave men, i• F.o . sailors • For l rs. Who -went down <at sea Where stands no .cross to marls r their gray, 5nly the ocean's swells can . know-,' Where seamen sleep, beneath the - waves. In far-off foreign lands today. Some lonely `grave is hely ground :- Becatise" shine • soldiei , that We 'loved Is, sleeping 'neath :a cross and, •` ` ` mound. Or;' on' some Island far away,. Some giant bomber,, sand •. her..`', ' • crewe, Their. ashes .mingled' in��the dust Are still : ...,. a,,part of England, .too: On '.this ,our Deco• ration Day Where'er they •sleep, on land : or sea ' The . crosses wM. ^_ y t row ori 'rovtr, • Each white cross is a Calvary :.' i GEORGE R. ;GEAR . TO HAVE. AGRICULTURAL ASSISTANT The ever increasing,, duties of Mr. ,George R. Gear; Bruce •.Colin , Agricultural Representative,. w1 icIr L ave ' reaeb proportions beyond .the capabilities of one :man;- ;have resulted in the ap pointment by - the . departrnent_of g an' assistant at the local Office, .. The .:man chosen. for the,' work was Mr..: 'J K NtcRuer, ,... G ,. pace home, is at m Kenore near Ot- HigY�- Seho.ol at -Grand- `Rapid , awa Michigan, where •he : was a senior, student. •His rnother..was .fornier-.' ;1y. Gertrude Begle • a. fist' r ` ,Begley;$ e of. Mrs. S' rout ,, • I? 'Get' the.."in.-the-ways'' out of the way the want ad way; .Si S al• Firth ,Fir Signal , � Re-Orgaiized , ,With :the: retirement: of :Mr,, A. Wilkes ', ,.. ,,, . ,• , froi!rg 'the newspaper. business, Mi Geoirge. London has acquired • an • interest in the Sign'al-Star. 'at Goderich' ,and will actas business pmanageu; ;with Mr,.W. Ti 'Robertson as':edi -tor. • '> Mr. McRuer Is 'a 1946 graduate4 of theicult Ontario. AA r g ural lege ;at Guelph, where he special-. ized in Animal "Husby .and. is well informed:' for thcive' �•ork Bruce County.: . A s assistant 'to Mr:.' • : Gear ,he will take chaff ge of the various activities in iuhior work • alien. as the unio•r-larmer organ- . izations,' calf ail . :