HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-19, Page 12• PAGE 10 ;4, iF. • 011:- v. Sikr"Plir • THE LLTCK.NOW :SENTINEL, 1,UCKNOW, ONTARIO, D U N:.G A N N,.Q N Mr: Clifford Kilpatrick is 'able to be around again after a seige of pneumonia: 1 --lis little son Bar- ry had also been sick, batt. is getting along all right now. Mrs. Fred RoSs of Auburn spent the.. week -end with Dun- ganncin friends and attended 'Er- skine Presbyterian Church, an- niversary services while here, 1r 'Harvey .Mole :has sold hie 100 -acre :farm at Glenn's Hill to Mr.Win. Caesar, Jr;, who has re-, turned from overseas duty:. in the air. force' and has. chosen a farm near : his . ,birthplace 'and. -.also: of : . .. his ancestors.:A similar: choice. Lucl;now ab r h• po a e L'UCICNOW WON:OF.ENER, D; Fira son; 3 ...3'. 1 1 3. 0' 2 BEFORE LARGE; CROWD Three -run splurges in the_ lst Mier, son, ss 3 1 2 2 1 0 ••Miller, rf ..,.. 3 1 0. 2 . 0 '0 and .0th; innings gave Lueknow Andrew, if . 4.: 2 0. 1 .0 0 • ,a, 6 to. 4 victory over 'Goderich R. Finl'son;; 2, 2• . • 1 1 .1 1 1 ori;' Friday evening, as�The Sepoys Cook, st .,..'; ... 3' 0 0 7 0 '3 made their,' W OA,A. intermed- Eedy, c .... 4 0 1,10 ,1 2 iate ' debut before a large .home :Wylds, of ...., .... 4 0 1 ' 1 0 0 crowd. it .was Lucknow s second. Carruthers, p '4 0 0 0 2' -.0 as man starts: ' 1. 0 0 0 0 0 . E in plenty of them al a >±'owler, 2— _ — F' 1 8th was ' made ' by • Pte Harvey .Cul - mors, �. . though not of '.a glaring :type; 31.6 `6 17 6 $' figured in; 1 the scaring, • while on. the mound° Elliott Carruthers and' 'Bob Carrick, were pitching master�l ball} with . the', lattter. ,touched for six' hits,. and ' Car- ., ar .; ruthers:. 'for only five. --;Elliott whiffed ,9 ,and walked -four,+ with. Carrick having a bit of .an edge Caxtir , in. this department with .12 strike- outs : and three passes. '. Generally, speaking ,it •was a i ht T ood opening ' exhibition Yn g 'of the game . which ain't.; - been: in nigho.'•nto: 'a decade;' •seen. here .. • ,:and it 'should bring, the fans :back 'for,' more • • In the' first inning�'Donald .Fin led and' -Brother Clark. . meson sing a -batted for R m, ayson ;ln Score By innings bert, who ;purchased the faint' of Goderich .. `0 2 0 0.1:0 0 1 0-4 Mr:. Earl ''Meonlalso near the of, parental home, y a matter Lucknow • 300 030 00x-6 • Summary 2 base hits R. Finlayson, H. Westbr.00k; left ;on bases; L uc1§-; deric'f 8 struck. put, 1 Carrick' 12,; by. Carruthers 9; base on ba11sR -7off• Carrick ' 3, off .Car- 4; double' play, Falconer Car- ruthers to Phalen.' - hes` doh U mpixes—Jim. S r Russ Johnstone. as 4 ix sacrificed him to'second Gorda ' Miller flied ti to" 'right. ,' Carrick d rt. Andrew's . ,roller; hfu�ble Art. to 3rd. -Art went' down, to second. and .Roy Finlay: soil--eoMPleted�.the. brother act by yelling 'a,' double 'toy. score: two runs. Jack- Cook , .walked = and. Prank Eedy-'s:;.-.-sharp single:; brought-- °^R0- E- lay hoisted to; 3rd • to enol th frame: GoderiGli :got a pair. back .in the second.,Carrick 'flied ;:to right H: Westbrook" doubled Eedy:;:threw. Clemens, out -at` first advancing Westbrook, , who ' scored', when Worthy was'.safe: on' Cook's error; and' went to° . second 'from •Where' he score Phalen' drove a' ar grounder. to 1'st. for the 3rd' out 'In the first of the fifth, :a single; f : an error and; • a fielderts ,•choice •oderich-r-un�nur-n�ber 3t.and Macl�onaia a ..� � O �� :,Donaxd:.`' funet: temporarily, tied it up ,But in. Lucknow's • half of the. 5th; 'C. •Finlayson led. off with a:,hit,Miller `walked._and'.'two er'-'` tors on Art :Andrew's atte i Tedi sacrifice and. 'a passed . ball, saw • all - three . runners , score. In the 8th, a single and a pair' ... � _ ___ 'ti_ LL...-. AFL.. W.O A.A. Results • 10 `'Milverton:1 LucknoW , , _ Aubu�rri� 2� Goderich •"Clinton '9x .Listowel 4 . . 7 Goderich' 1`7 : 11Ililverton , , Gods b. , St;.; Marys 7', "Listowel 4 Clinton 6, ,Auburn 2 4''. Lucknow 6,' Goderich Clinton 14,-_Milyext_on 2 a few rods in distance ..apart.. These are, only two examples and no doubt there' are' quite; a nuni- .ber of other boys' in the. district about doinglikewise. They;have u travelled ''a lot and some' have seen many • countries 'and seen :various examples . of- farmlands, and--We-take . thetboys ' know what they are- doing Tn,dz that .around here isn't too- bad. Hats off 'to them in,their under- .oin 'back to .the. takings::.and,.irt��:g ...g-,_._: ..:_:. soil to produce; foodstuff. They are still ;dein* -a nig jet) to, help them , over there. , Mrs.. Will, Ski' earls. who sold, , her, is 100 -acre farm. on Which :She RIFLEY ' GIRLS --ARE , AxtIN-SE-T-TING "PACE Although losing~the=services=of; WEDNESDAY, JUNE .19th,.1945, •W'. MARYS 44: LUQ CKNOW In The. Caledonian :ark Luc ,now. Wednesday, : Jnn 26tl Games Start at 6.15dsharp ADMISSIONi ' Adults 35c, Children '15c Henderson -Richard Group W.- A. ,The 'Henderson -Richards group met ,.e at th ' home of Mrs. Ewart. sox fo; their' ,June meeting.. T•aY.. `' Mrs. Henderson.: pre,and 26- sided, a ladies answered the roll call. The Meeting opened with ' h`mn 'and the'Lord's prays <. r in .unison, The scripture' was•read':by Mrs. Adex me -N yt--Rep re- _iven f o' t e: various t' comrnitt'es.- r r "Rose Tea."' .The following, pro• - Pia were " completed . for.• , a �:vvas"then, enjoyed: solo, reading, d h ea r , 1 g i e f ,, _ n . o 0 d y d Mc Le ';An a K. Ripley, r; D. 5._:..:h .M r -I. �of-f-a asp M T ^' iso; soldrth-e buildings P- � _ture_:_i_arm at Cransford : nearby ` to .Mr. W. J. Acheson, Goderich,; Thi' will, remove them. . livng,''4th Con,, 'of. Ashfield, to gram their„former__ starry pitcher; Jean.i� ' Kr. Kenneth Edwards,” Nlapl� MacLeod; -to-.Guelph, Hornets,.._the. �, Creek, Sask , is visiting his sister, ,TRobertVoore' and;others iii the ladies' softballseries.this district Ripley ..Flyers. 'continu.e :to. .set the Mrs. pace in of the W O A A.. 'having taken .the Nir and Mrs.: Abner 'Morns are measure : of Goderich 14=6, and spending' a few days visiting. more ,recently scored a 10-7 vic- _their,: daughter, '•Mrs 'Anderson Evie 1%/fact_ionald's fielding id Out- Mad)onald, .3b;: P.,:_171acp.Onala-daeen._capably: in charge: for 20 .day Was Rev. Alex Nirrirno of :church, arid Who -gaye.two-spleni did. sermons tP the, congregation,. ,-C.,51,171;i?:6An?.;:.ivi• obnadial yg.,,a,riXiorrew:ja..irs'arl4niends, 1, rneocna,lleol days. SPent in pung'an- Ireland, from. which -this Mrs. Alex. Smith; piano solo, Jean Taylor. Miss Hazel. Webster con- ducted a':very interesting'•contest.' ` At the close .of .the meeting the ' hostesses.:in charge assisted. Mrs,.• Taylor : ri,-serving"'a' cup of -tea: and a social . :half hour 'was, en- .joyed.. This group -has , been pre= • viously entertained at the' homes: rs ':;Alex-:-McNa Mrs Ro Black,: Mrs. ,. Tyndall ' Reeinson, rs..Ala�x-Sm�th�at� Mrs-`liad- dick. .'The 'next .meeting'. swill 'be held. September..11th with- Miss Ethel Robertson at- the home -of:, Mr.. W. E: Henedi so STEA risks wkich should be covered by insur- ance.., Let us, analyse your needs, exp aim bow. insurance can protect your business nesl Pilot policies to cover all. eventualities. We writ-e-Pilorrisnsuranee-to ected risks in AutoMobile, Fire, Personal. Preperty•Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva- tor, l'eams,_ Plate Glass, General and.pub,- .of errors- ,run. In.'this.inning Eby Finlay- • ;Catches of foUl „flies 'Off firstl speared a. nxce dile in deep -short and GOrden Miller made -a neat funning 'catch in.;;right- centre. %and.' etening anniversary services at ,Puiiganrion Erskine Presby,7 terian 'Church -of Which Rev. .C., MOtWAY'S GAME.' • lie,Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds., on Stinday left the- diamond too threatening . Weather on .1VIOntlay,' eliinated. any Chance 'of playing The Idea1 -nirW go to Clinton today : (WedneSday) 'and their next. game in Luclsnow on Wednesday, June 26th With St. *Irish birth,' it So happened :that lkhert'a young man 'he' had been employed in, Dung.annon, 'Ireland for. four years, 'grid, said is' was LOVelY- early. summer flowers de7 .Coratecl, around: t,he altar and the, neW -electric, lighting reaently Marys_ as the Visiting team, an 1,Stalled gave 'a hrignt :atmosphere. the teard to' beat... • Glenn-LOdge Goderich . who also Mr, Sheldon Baxter,..aleO of Godif .at. the organ.":311.ii.:-TIL-r-SfotirerS, _Organist, played the hynnis di -id Other voluntaries, 'Mri. Allan: - Reed and Miss Helen • Stothers sang duet parts .in, the anthem PNear to the:Heart of God''. The tiest speaker, Rev. Mr. Niriiiro-.). Pairs curate, Mr. Wyatt, pro- nOunced. benediction, at the. latter Otvice:, ..cepted the position.Pto teach in the one-roorn•school,' 17: Miss Annetta Stewart, , Toronto., is enjoying a ten-day , Visit with .her. parents, Mr.. 'and . • 1Mrsl 'Will Stewart, Glenn's Hill, • Jack Thaler' of Walkerton, and et -0:s junior "4" team for the 1.3aSt 'two seasons: .6as been. granted' perniission by the „O.H.A: to -play in the SCottiSh,Ice Association in AAION al/ UARTER ;c' REPRESENTING GOOli'geing from 12.00 noon, June 28th, until 2.00 p.m..MondaY, July, 1st, 1946. - midnight Tuesday, July 1.a4, 1946. Vilna shown are Standard Por fares and furth'er Ynforrnatiort apply to youf snearet Ticket Agent PILOT INSURANCE OMPANY .11 turned horne the latter' part ,of. the week nfter, a, few days spent in Goderich Hospital. George had been 'repeatedly .getting a. very high teniperature Without . any which *seemed to doun ter act. the frotible, and we ar,e glad to know -qe is More like himself • and thapics.. .ou,i; Farmer Friendi who Over., the yearS. to the .succesti of. our com- .of, the patiOn• 1