HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-19, Page 9WEDNESI Aif', J.il ' 190119
On the success or failure of the
• agricultural production of Can-
adian" farms depends - to a very •
large .extent in 1946 whether mil-
. lions . of people .iii, the war-torn
eountrieS of the -world are oing'
to 'starve .death during ' the
coming winter • or whether ' a. sof-
#ncient quantity of food is going
, to' them: to carry them througlr-
' "' until there , is a resumption of
something resembling normalcy,
or ttntieir `'own' ,crop • produc-
to is large enough to warrant.
an, easing ;of the, situation in this
country, : ' During, the war yearsw a took
• it,as a- Matter of 'course that we
would have to, makesacrifices in,
the interests of the progress . of
the waif, _ as µthe troops had to'
have first consideration, and Cart- '
adians responded . -magnificently 1:"
to • every demand ' made upon' ,•
them: During .that period -.these.
countries which comprised the I.
battlefields 'were the ones who f•
suffered most,= and when • tiie-war
was oVer they .were left in• a de-
plorable ' condition, Manpower
had .been "decimated; . countries
overrun, no crops were planted1
industry was destroyed' and 'men: s
-if-women an d --children 1 did not
Know • where to . turn' for relief
or`succon:--Annd'so Canada, along
• with other equally • fortunate
countries, i obligated. :herself•• to.
supply; 'food,. clothing and. other'
necessities to these--geoplP7, in
order that they; the innocent Vic-
tims" of the_Most terrible ;war in;
the •,v worlds •history might 'su
Agriculture, being the basic in
dustry of this', country; : is expect-
: ; ed to : Measure ups` -to every prom„'.
ise made;•by the government and
although Beset with : many ,di4'fi_.
cnnithes such; as ':..a shortage.of.e
labor,; lack of farm. • rnachinerv.
lIliOl. 5:
e Depending
ing to the. Call and will continue
o respotid;'tntrrt uchTlime, as i
has eomplieel-i, ith : every demand
• being made upon it •.a
Shortage of , Labor , . •
With t nadian •
shores .9f the, thousands .,of ; young
men`' ;rho' sen fed. in '.” the' armed
`•forces; : nnan of them ii ht rom:
radian farms, if was I'1lliought
that the labor situation, ,so far as,
-the -fVons ^ere concerned, 'would-
be eased, if not solved ; altogether_
lloweveril it has apparentl not
red out „that Way„: y
y,�, and the
labor shortage-Jat—the; resent
Iomnent is said to be much 'tsorse
at any tame} There May be
a nw ber. of reasons for, this,.• but
kis apparent that:large numbers'.
off •these, young men, haying' en
lured to .a; : certain : extent. an ,
degnende,nt- life ;..t'he :: y. , they
Fdree; or the, .Navy, • so far
money:,is 'concerned, finds, it
asst to again. adjust .•him'self'
tO. farm Fork,' and •rather•• than
go back our the :farm . have gone
to_ladustryz-'_Theny 'too, it' must
remembered that the farm
IS Made their sacrifices as.'well
` b e other': lads:. and many off
res in, Italy, py�g soldieras.
,, n It . y„ ""r„ance,,,l3elgii�tm
riany`aand'ithe F'ar `
/ast*.or wherever 'they were Call,:
to serve•• -their: cotttit y,
at there is 'ac 'very • decided
of farm help when: it is
mel Mes?�•,with, the result that
here"lthere.is Just;:a- farir er- ant -
to: ca' on there is
-�--�1u orne�-c
►':111 :71 TI
,on and production.;
. a farmer, he is • hese looked ooked to re g thataxi
11 production„ �fom=
®� iaairder than�� .. perhaps
ever before
credit t' most tie given, ;him. for.
effort,' There is, too, a'� -
e of • fad: mashort :
• one,. and this
of tithe .factors the
brinier has had •to •
•conitetid kith. •
. machinery manufa
busy duringcturars
: th!', war years
off Making • of the munitions
ar, s it liesS : taken. them
time it
reconvert •their
we Pea'cetune pursuits with
p.•...pi: _hat • they have not
able to meet all demands
fact:'. emends
has .had the effect
retarding' the work on
°Liar 4ucti •
oin 3a1� �
.'fie..... ..
generall.. �
tree f
'ou've never seen° anything lake :it because there's never` been an
thing like it! All you've'ever,; hoped for in ariy high-test gasoline PLUS
a unique new -sntoothness .a uniformity of -high linocklesa performance-
in .all cylinders that isnot excelled : by any other gasoline at any price!,.,
7,4,44ed 9the4 qaet A BIG PLUS
the country in.these :post;war
ays, • een or ng er prices
and This has had its reflection on
the farms.. Many; a"farmer '' who
has' bad his' ear':•to the, ground
realizes. that the right 'tisane for
him 'to sell • is. when, prices are
high, and: he: has been ;'quick :to
take .advantage of it The result
is' that`• there- havfe been. more
auction sales 'of farm, implements
and livestock than for a great
many years. This does not mean
that these farms: are being aban-
doned, but ' just that in. some
cases".the fanner, feels that he is
getting along in j,years:. hz s saved
�d withhigh
some •rmoney} am
prices can get .a sufffficient'sam enu
which.. to live. Other. ffarmers
think to better their condition by
sedating a l tter farm than the
One they are, noir on, and so:theyy;
make' a change', lt:is largely a
matter '•of change of ownership„
with air $grim being operated
6 '
It is worthy .of note that the
farmero. wishes 't
yvr h a• succeed
adopts the latest . methods With
regard' to livestock on his farm.
He reakites ;that it does not' pay
to harbor inferior stock, but that
it pays gooddividends, when he
`used . nothing but the best sires
in the i rov ent' of his cattle
herd: the sane applying to,all
other livestock onthe ffarmn. Re-
sults have , shown ` that' he re-
ceives better'prices for whathe
has to sell If he .has the right
kind of stuff to. sell.. It, has taken
'beim a few .years to realize. this
• Riot. but .the, more study he gives
to hiss farm , problems the more
4e is equipped to rneet the de=
rnanndh , made .upon hirn.
Il`ederation of Agrtcn
ltnr e.
The greatest 'Movement r
history . of the farriers of.his
.. ��arr.r� �rir�•a�
ics that of the, Federation. l o� earLmm :in.greups ,rn-..the;
gr ur This'
• movement communities . once a : Week,
has grown tremendously during.•
or the.diseussion of a sinle sub
the past fevss years,..and . at the ficial results. Everyone 'has their
pFe ent. tune is the most. mfluen .
tial agricultural 'organisation 'in .• n viewpoint on the gariotis::
pies . presented, ,,and ,they .can
this country. Its continued _sue, trot fail to• be helpful.
cess will depend upon. the
animity; of Support 'it receives "Ptospects for • 1946
from farmers all over the courn. At: the time •of writing '
try. A great deal can be : accoin- • - ;ting the prod:,
l. the.Y peens, .for, a suceessiul• year•in .'
d by Federation under ,agricultural' pursuits • iii Canada •
competent and. forceful Y
leader area .garticuIarly ,bright.. Every,
ship, and already excellent pro- community reports that.the f ,
press has been made and tangible ible ers are farm:.
results'. attained. , � • gong' all out; labor short-:
age, or no ; labor shortage., ,,sin an
Another popular activity ' a -effort toe ._. ,
eclipse the Iasi year. The
malt the farmers of the Doinin- spring has not been .a backward
iota at present .e the weekly one; a'- great: deal of seeding has
Farm Fortims�YThey are par°tie- ' already' 'been 'done; ' the winter
ularl. y iter
y popular and have proven crops ' ' carne through in 'good
to be an important factor in the shape, and• with : a few nice rain
.. � , d some bright. �Yt"z,Chizte there
rural tconnyiiiiiutjsocial life of the an ... � . -
*'hen farm is every reason ' to. anticipate a
ers, with their wives and fain- btitnnper crop in 1946.
• ,4,
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t 44