HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-19, Page 3$2.00 A Yeah—In Advance; 50e Extra to U, S. !OWS" mer Hannam, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, .:1046 12 'F ES .ppreci. axtirrLe WILL DECISION` I WAS RESERVED V VJJ Int•h, matter of . the will of th'e late 'Alexander •MacKenzi'e of President, Canadian Federation of'Agriculture the S eeond C • ,The • Canadian Federation of Agriculture has accepted the pro- posal of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers . Association., to join with them ' in :a nation-wide !Sol- ute to Salute.'to •Agrictlture':': during the • -week of `June 17. Many 'farm or- ganizations access•" 'Canadaare planning •to hold ,their annual. picnics during that Week, and: it is hoped that eventually this week in the 'year, .imay becorne established . b the.. me ..- :.. Y, ,method of. practice and custom, to be' nat ional farmers. week, with "pons Tibl � oneda'. in th • *eek ' Y a eek' selected • as National Farmers' Day, •just as there is a •national' Labor '. bay; 'The • Canadian +lireekIy :News.-. paper Association, h as always .shown -a -keen in-terest-=-in far'.rrrner organizations;, and . in farming, in ener' al g and for a very • '_good. reason. ' The average ' `community --•-•weel ti -tievsa, p p .editor is -ver .;dos : t . ,, .:.., Y. e o the people, who::make their living from the. soil, ` and en erall ' g. e �rkiai Y•� g he has an un= derstanding and' appreciation, • of. their problems and their• way • of. , The :inau' ration � of the :nat= tonal_" Salut` year is takin •the'fo ni b' r of an' ap- -= r-eci - p attgri -of t'he'---wartirtie — j o -b do n e be- th the fanners rmers of Canada. In 19 94.0 with Irian • rho' use Manythousands of. young. men and• women leaving farms: to join the armed- •f. Mesa ota of 450,000 ° left' the farms during' the' war' to enter .the .ser.= vices::Qr to. 'go:.to..-war •industry);`., '=the fanners -were-faced with � the stupendous task • of .producing a large':velume of 'food required by the allied .nations„for their'armies and navies. and• 'air forces., That'' the farmers. of: this. Dominion ac--.: ,cepted` the challenge' and met it• nobly ~is anip.ly evid'en`ced by:the' records... During the five years from 1940• to 1944. inclusive the . farmers • of 'Canada exported - overseas :,Imre than tit o 'million tons of bacon*. :•beeff,;_dairy products. and poultry ' products for'the_;use of.our 'own' and allied ' awned• forces. and to feed the beleaguered people of Great Britain, In orde' to do, this and • meet domestic, requirements` .:'they stepped ,up annual hog pro- ,duction to a point 145. 'percent above pre -War • production~' • in- creased' beef, production by .over, 30. percent,. sheep 'and .Iamb, 'pro- duction byT over • 30 percent; total nail* ' production • .by .19: : t :•:tw `biiljon°`°poui ds -yearly ore-rthano in pie -War years; with an in� crease"- jri `cheese- production as high as 80 million pounds . a year above pre-war production, ''and butter production by: over fifty mill�on�potznds..yearly::.._.: •k. �w:.:..�. Having given their bes efforts ' T to thetask of'. wartime, .farnrfoohPrad�tio'n*for'Wartime, people are :.turning thoughts to ,the ' postwar ' world, They believed that we f°iugd for, an ' opportunity to a' better, kind of ...security. and fred•omr►' for..all men' than we have had heretofore.: They. tt`aht to see stability 'for 3h ieuiture on an economic plane will make 'its° possible to 1 maintain' the fertility of the soil. and insure a 'd( cent liveliho Q• d for. the numbs. ' of Q f�siiilie5 required • '*Continued' on Page. 12)` • I STORE BUILDING c Rc. ='t'c11 8,; Son 'recently purchased :the store buildin g ! V.here'.they are located from Mr. Rerft.` T•lte' ltiilding"' was':, ginallti o� ,n " - 'he late John d . Ackert.. 4.. • .; oncessi:on Kinloss t ommuni#� othing lit „• ' i Residents ..`' fhe Supreme.Caurt ofnf Lucknow' a nd 'ter. t" Canada •has • • , .. Ar Ic1es..coIlected will' be •ds=. resei ved its decision,. and• Vicinity are urged.to contribute tributed. °to . • it is liberall to the National 'Clothin' ! the .needy :m every nota expected that the verdict will k y' g country where Canadian soldiers' Collection, Wh ell': opened, on bion- .tt ;fo '"' be read until the Court resumes ( ugh* whisk • include Bel ' ' day 'and. will • ;conf'._ .e ri. •hina, '.. i its ;sittings after the'sumrxier 're- I�u until 'a• F r a n c e , Luxembour • C i cess:, week from Saturday All.. contri-•.3 Cze the , h h- : •... :' °I 6titons' from i kra;' Greece, the Neth _ChSlOVa : The'Appeal., $Cgurt of • Ontario toren and country .erl nds, Norway, ' •Poland I May, be left at' , Mason's Garage. i Yugoslavia. Y, and Cloth - Unanimously decided that . 'the g. , goslav 't The Nat'onal Chairman of. the local cant a ti'` in } ro will' was valid,. `after Mr JP ._ g Cohectio ::. _, ., ,Just . • :.alt:.. .. g . n ..i inclUsi Is Rev• J, W. Stewart. ,� _-, , scheduled: frotn� • . . Kel3y, the •presding judge, at the. � June 17 to' 29 •inelusive: Ho - . ti use • iec 1 LOCAL REEVE NAMED AS ; WARDEN. CANDIDATE Thepossible' line-up fAr the 1947 Bruce County. .wardenship race, when the 'honor goes 'to an 'urban ; reeveis reported :.to be William Walsh, of Kincardine Cliff Taylor,_of_::.Wiarton,Wesley Joynt . of Lucknow and :Everett Shor.tt of South•arnpton.. Completes Post Graduate °course Rev. ' George; . Douglas a n d young on, Georg -e, • have ---,been visiting with relatives•.•here :for, the past week: Rev... Douglas ser- ved for a. „time during the War' in'. the `. Naval.chaplaincy service. Since' obtaining bis discharge 'last. fa:1L.-he�...has been talon ;graduate 'course. at'New. York,. which, he re sen 1• t co` y mpleted ; 'ALS $ �USHI NG ....._..._FIT ,IN•,:NE V �. TOWN: PIT Joe' Scott who •rLeeritly opened new a" new,gravel: pit' in the embank,,. Ment. that` runs along the'` west side' of the; gore.•road', to the flax mill, has installed a Weigh scales for handling gra •ellina jobs one and Mr Hugh Ru -1'clothing g Rutherford: d T u'€ will b such as Walkerton hearin • .• To assure•• a co le'te collection holders an g, had ruled , . mP ction d firms are asked to. w organ- cure un e = but otherwise.Iii the Village,the newly g se 1 b dl b not sort • The Supreme Court h Ized Boy Scout Troo ions a their contribut P • as e- : •_ __ : .., p ons, house :to:. house canvass.. on ':Sat All kinds ' o . & ' ietved. the ..case as a`• `resul f ;qf f used serviceable a counter a { urday .of w.ee ppeal against: th _ I k June.PazeL. and beddi3i are- rm• aI d on .T' will h eS . e n include cud in a suits, overcoafis, rif O T unaf rms . work � k clothed, •'for' :men ' and h '.. 'boys, infants' Y aand children's • clothes' ° of all types, coats,: dress- es aprons n pons and smocks *for ' girls • and w. en;_.--in-pairs Pates---kt3ed . • . •-� .. The Securely with. i •. , . ,Clothi.*Ib Coltec-; y .... string or '-laces) pear Courts verdict; .which was x. entered by. those.heirs who:' seek to upset: this 'will • M'I'NG E�V - - — � Th National ,DANCE, AT DUNGAN\T ON - . tions � , s ari�o ea b P the.:.-• C�n3 . � y Ian: a There • will ..be an •, open ' s'".Allied Relief Fund at th.request _ Thefollowing info .doubt be of inf armation' to house- holders ' in .Carrying y g• Out • the reocrnmendations 'designed to ob-• lain : the _best results 'in' -..__• : 1 this a nation-wide effort 0 • e cap; felt ;hats P. , knitted ea� , lh dwear, gloves; wollen socks'undercloth- e day tI ht tons ' whIch I •and • _ • g , ..( gnt) June • 19th,. .. s acting ,on the plea. ,of linens, draperies { If Weather is unfavorable. dance International . Relief Agencies riazits• and' rem- will be inthePr, 11 a_ i,h w H : ' All ashab all. • le tin c F arm ar Unl e� C anaS�ans._.and other of•- � - g .., t--•-. -.-arid. rier`s orcfZesfra: •^.-the _i ort '. goeda slouId i?e�:washed. but• - t d s .more-.fortunafe�: �' u- they. •� a ioris � e iron .. • • • ' ••..answers t •s ° ...� . . • , gar_ '.. T; ST.. HEL . _ hi ,appeal; 130 ,. � . g ENS ments need ,,not be , -clean 'million � humans'•: ' : Inc i diY ed: A dance Will be . held' lading • 25 [Clothes eld in. St; million thes without • buttons f children' face death from are ,ac- Helen'. Community< :.'Hall, o n ".: ce. aaoleas • s exposure and. sickrie _ 'n �. _ , P • _ u1�pIIeS •are•. pour . T #hope an. • �i e. d. L' 1 t Poli ' need not b ed DANCE •A Other Of -tii•hich :eve-uneiel`st,airi�in-eAr., Vection-hasp-•.•�ee3 ��t', ' -�--- e. worn._ Items Iudes 'and . 1'frs Iiugh Rutherfor ' _'the— t'rhzch + hats, . cannot b a ,bi • d, -..for• June -so -that e baled—such conte: act fa orare HIl an ghtvay °86and - the :boys who, -- , , FP a , � ,. o. <<.eren t• .over: -1.1 bedding • , _ ...trate.. . �;� ill ,feather beds ' .ill w •' from'' L arrive s eo uckno� ovP v to Am erseas a berley, ,seas" Lances please bring lunch . bp.:distributed- before: next .rid and matire��es=should *coli.. • iv en: .. • eye- WHEREAS ann rs C anada *have successfully .fulfilled the. expectation; of the Allied Governments', • i ° in -supplying: food fat' the Ar necl Services, and thePSPle of Great Britain 'during, World War 'II, and WFJEREAS. they are' now beingwcalned on .to su I : the . . .PPY sta`vi�n peoples.wof Europe ; with foodatuffs� .and. to •contri-- : , ., , • 1• •. _ ._.. w •y .. ,.. bate• in reat Measure; to producing:a large: portioli' of the.. g • world's • needs -of ' food,:arid • 77 H REAS, it ' is. felt. t 4 • this- accomplishmentof • Canadian Farmers should be publicly reco.gnized.by. al I THEREFORE PROCLAII - :a '•"Salute tri, Agriculture"' during this week of June 17th, 1946 and request all 'resi- dents and merchants Of of the Village of Lucjcnow to, con- sider and adktiowledge the importance of agriculture to the economy' of the 'Dominion of Canada., W. JOYNT, Reeve, Village of Lucknow. ''GOD SAVE THE KING • • • not be r " forms maybe given if all buttons are : removed. ; ,Donors are asked to --remove all =T rnatche.s from ' the pockets of• trousers and other apparel be- fore the .articles are 'bundled up. •II StrictI:.: observaeliinatencethe of.po`, thisssibiii y . requesoft;, m' serious dainage in sorting and shipping h • Letters of good cheer may, be . attached to contributions if -the donors Wish to:send send. • .a message, with their gifts.. It is the 'belief of. > the ana:. ed • Relief. •Fund thatC'thisdianpresentAllis:• an op portant~ for 'Canadians .to .write. to ,their " Allies as an expression, of ,goodwill and. a desire to Cher .peace in . the 'world,' on a basis ` of 'International friendship; among individuals. 'HEADS GROUP TO STUDY, RUR ;I; CHURCH PROBLE,�iS . .Rev_ C. H: MacDonald has-been appointed appointed by .,the General As-, ;.; .seinbly as convener of a newly formed ',committee to study the ? reds "'and:, problems.` -:.of , rural ` churches throughout Canada, with ' a report to be,'inade when. the Assembly convenes at • Cal- ga. Rh . year et ,�MacDonald. returned • fro+r gLelc:S�`-..e.. i ..+:GC,T4'.:_erclonS,:i .i• -••for in-t'b. last Friday, diiring which•he acted...as convener of the '"committee on: bills and overtures. , He was also appointed to the Committee of, o ecargelasm' and social` action MAK S9000 P AYMEN'T .' ON KINLOSS••DRAlLN; ••� .. 'ThfiAckert Drain, in - the mortal• cipal`,lirnelight in Kinin e Town - Ship. for several years ,is ,. bait' ccs: kp'(eted . The ditching cf. the • main drain has. been drone f, ;' a • c' -'e Ct.:t a b'arch. t,'e.' rI in ' o w x .` din was f ar tied: - „w . ng -s ;_ .had: weather; W• .the e Y * m e n d's .�+. M Y }}�� .y w .(.�yy .u� /. .•� Wf .cal th W.W "PY qtr y. 'wotgr icti Yr Cpany. bad the con•. tt' ^t. I. as paid SAN.) • • • • :i •