HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-19, Page 1�i mirtamamemirmartertawarmwmizwmardsaiogrukommtuip .......... . $2.00 A Year—In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, • JUNE 19t n.. Irt -19.46 • �ws recia ion ar#irr�e= By H.. 'If, President, Canadian Fecerdtion;. of Agriculture :The • Canadian Federation' of OCAL REEVE,' NAMED • AS • Agriculture has accepted the pro ;WARDEN CANDIDATE • : poral of • the Canadian_. Weekly'• ' •Newspap�r5 Assoc�ation to, join The Po ssble .1in e_ up'• for the with 'them in 'a nation-wide "Sal - Ate. to Agriculture", during. 'the 'week 'of June17, 'Many. farm or-. ganizations across' Canada'. are .plenning to hold their annual. 1. picnics during that week, and it hoped;th. t' eventually •.this, week in the year may. becorne b ' ' establi s y the method' of practice and:` customebe •nat- ional pat - "ora1.farmers week, ' With : oss P ,ably one day in the ,week selec' ed• .Far' ' as - National mere Day, just 'as there is a 'national Labor Day. he' n' T, Canadian' Weekly News- paper : 'Association .hays always. shown'- 8—keen—interest,—in—farmer `..organizations;• and in farming.in general, and:. for ,a very 'good: reason, The' average commu.nit weekly' newspaper'' editor isl very Y close to the People :' who make: theirsJiving; .from the::.'soil and. x ener 11 � a y speaking he leas n u - a ..n 1 atanding,-and- appreciation;: -of their problems' and their ,way. of The inauguration of the nat- ional `Salute to. Agriculture t is f:- •:;..year.:is_ta=king- the for-ri - of --an -ap- `:,preciation of the. - Wartime• . job 'done by the farmers of Canada. In 1949'With Many y thousands of { young .men 'and women • leavin_ ,farms' 0join e armed forces. (a total ; of .459,000 ' left • the •farms 1 ; during .:the 'war to enter the ser Vices : or. _to. go to < war industry);- the 'fanners were fated -With. the' stupendous: task: of producing ; a i.:large volume; of food required°by ' the allied nations for• their armies ,and'.riavies. andair' forces., That the farmers. of this Dominion ac cepted. the challenge and. met it nobly is• amply eitidenced._by- t records. During the five years from ` 1940 10 1944 -inclusive the farmers of `Canada exported* overseas more • than. two million tons of . bacon, beef, -dairy' products :and.. poultry products for the rise of bur , own anll allied'' armed forces and to fepd'._the7 beleaguered :'people of Great Britain:In, order 'to da this' and 'meet don }estic. requirements' they stepped up annual .hog. pro-;. duction to a. 'point 145 'percent; above pre-war production, • • in- creased beef production by over, 30! percent . sheep :arid', lamb pro- duction by over 30•',percent total ilk.--picditct o billionY uP to two pound's yearly more; than prewar- yips,° . with an in- crease in cheese • production" as high as 80 million pounds a year above, pr . wa r Production,an d 1laving,givei„heir Deetcifortsbutterrtroductiorr -be overTfiftya,9undsready • tothe task of food prodtictiori for. . 'wariinie, farm people are turnin-" their' .thoughts ' to the g • World. They - Post-war believed `that . are fought' for: an oPPortunit to :build• a better kind of se ciirity. and freedom for all men 'than we have had heretofore..•' They want to see stability for:: agriculture on an economic plane' that te *Will `1n ke 'it possible • to the fertility of th soil and insure a docent livelihood for " the number of families required, • (ContinUed on Page '12) IMY STORE . BUIEDI G' punchC. l athweij 8z mon recently 'where the store building they are 10eAtdd from 1Vfr: W' P, heed, Tho x tiilding'' was ' originally owned i - the a Ackert,, l te'Joln 12 PAGES WILL DECISION WAS RESERVED. m the matter' of •the wi11 of e exander. MacKen the lat • A zie•of 'the Second .Concession,; Iinl.oss; the Supreme Court of Canada has reserved' its decision, and it is not expected ;that the .verdict will be read until the Court: resumes its sittings .after . the summer Ire •1947. Bruce. County wai•denship 1, cess. ' 'rade, : when :the honor goes: to an Thea A ...eal '.Cour • pp t of Qntario urban' reeve, is :'reported to • be' .William Walsh • of , .Kiricard'i, ne, Cliff T a lop. of Y Wia• rto ,n , Wesley Joynt•'. of Lucknow and .Everett'' Shortt`of Southampton unanimously decided. 'th.atthe will was valid, after Mr. Justice Ke•1l. y, -the presiding judge'at the Walkerton " hearin'g, had.' ruled" otherwise.• Is *The u " re:me Co urt has r o -Completes Pot Graduate 'Course ,thecase as a result of"'Rev..:George Douglas ' a n d a counter: appeal against 'theA- I youg son, George, have . bees ' . ea Ca u-r -t=s-.-verd et, -. w hich was w"th., relatives here' enter d•,bYthose:. �e rs whoseek• he past week Re.v ]? ou 1 as Ser.-. '� to u ved for a time during the war' in psetthis wily.' the'''. N av al clap1ai n c 3ser v. c e. Since obtaining his dischai elast :�"O M1 NG EVEN TSfall .be has_: b&ri takinga--ost • graduate course .at New York .::DANCE AT N,Oh'1 • which he recently' completed' Qrnmunit� icthii,i elp r. �1]"ticr • Residents"; iof ; Eucknow 'ter. Articles co�hected' will .b'e'..dis= Vicinityare urged to contribute tributed to the: need -in ever liberally 'to' the National Clothingy country wh'�re ''Caradlan .soldiers:; ... Collection which opened on Monfought which `include .Belgium,' • day and will continue until `a 13' r a n c e ,;' Luxembourg,China, •week from Saturday, All' contri- Cze'chs;lo akia, Greece,.: the Neth-' btitions from town andcountry erlands, Norway," Poland and may, be: left 'at Mason's Garage. • Yugoslavia. The' National_' Cloth Chairman of the local ,campaig'n ing Collection is.,sched uled from' • is, Rev.' ,J. Stewart, -June� 17 to inclusive. House.-' holders and, firm's.' are asked to Securely., y . bundle -L --but ' not "-sort=- their contributions. All :kind s of used; serviceable. -. • apparel. ' and bedding, are requ;ir--- ; .• .• . " + .esd Th ese.include-suits;: overcoats,... .uniforms,, work clothes for men ''• and .boys; infants' ' and chil Y , children'•S clothes' of all types, 'coats, .dress- • es, , aprons and. smocks :.for . girls and • women, shoes pairs airs '(tied securely-=with:string'-or laces),, caps, felt"hats knitted headwea g, ol' yes; , wollen socks, • undercloth.-. -iii Tee o' g, p e g- -5'- s blankets, :Sheets -and linens; draperies -and rem :pants,: 1: T-:_ � - ,..-Al r washable • garments ...and .:.:- gods should be Washed g washed butthey need not. be. ironed -Other: gar ments: need not ''be, dry-cleaned;•_.: Clothes without ,buttons • are ac=' 'ceptabie a's supplies' .: are ••'now - • To assure. anomple'te collection in the Village; the 'newly. 'organ ized Boy, Scout Troop plans a hose u e . to louse canvass on Sat= urday of this week, ';June • 22nd. The f oll' ' o�tvin f g In orznaton_.-_wit1 no - doubt. be of information'to house- holders . y na i `carr' ng o ';the, reocmmendations designed toob. ta'n the.. best results : in this nation-wide .effort.:.• , The.' National Cloihing Cp11ec- tion isspolisorea• by the: Canadian There will ,be,::.an :c• en _.:.air 'Allied:Relief .Fun, d 'at the request ince at Du�xgannon*nnVedne :of • the .. Dominion` Gov, ._. tent -INS. NG OUTFIT day. ;night (tonight)" ane' 19th. ;which _ is' acting' on the lea. of 'plea IN ' NEW TOWN .PIT,' ` ' If Weather International :.Relief Agencies: -. --: wilx „:be:=,1 n:. ,h e: Parish'.: H�11:."Far.= e Sc' ott who' recently e e , d r.er i orchestra. � a new gravel-pit=in •the; embank ment . thatDANCE A , T ', 'i�tins� 'iron the wee . ' �� ,' . T S .HE• LENS ,, .;: .. ` - . g t . ,.,:along . ,..., .... .; . ,,; million : humans' • including'. 25 •side' of. the -;gore road, to, the':'flax •' •; A• dance will gibe 'held in St :' million. children,g p . face death�-..from mill, has installed.,a•••weigh'scalps `Helen's; Community hall'- : o n, a .osure and i" '' . , ' ra' ion s. y, .une !' . in onor.: ,o f , t 'r in,. E rope and ' •' u. , P ..A -ria, for. handling ravel tin . - , .: a ..._ g g 1. � ]-S?bsane_:_:. Mx aped.:-,.-Nip-s-:---Hu b-�utl�er�ford. .. • . , , •; Ig ... This-�-o-13�ctiori�as been•-. 'set of which, we understand' includes 'Mr. and Mrs:'. Hugh Rutherford,, for 'June. so that ,, tlie:apparehand_ a big. • contract . for Highway -'86, anad the,, bo s who weren't•: o _ _....:.,... y ver bedding, will arrive overseas'arid froiz'i :Lucknow 'to , Arnberley•' sea's: 1: allies please . nn lunch. `: g be distributed before next win • B: i Unless :-Ca-riadiaifs 'and"other of -the World's more ' fortunate' popu , rations: "answ r ' this '.aPP eel 130' a-. a •it • w ere e C io . ill be„worn.--•Items • which : cannot be::baled'-such as •st awria feather . er- - ts, ethebeds : � iIlo ' . and ,mattresses= -should: not given. Navy; "Army :a .f Air F'orce 'uni- • WHEREAS the Fanners; of ,Canada have successfully ' fulfilled the expectations sof the Allied :Governments, In supplying 'food ,for. the`Armed:Services,'' and the -�`eo leoof p P Great' Britain curing „'World War II, and 4 WHERE S.t er.are.now called on to stiPPly the `starving�peoples�-oF Europe with' foodstuffs and to contri- bite . in great' measure . to producing a large' portion Of the • world's needs I of ;,food,ands: :WHEREAS,' it is- felt :rim this accom .� p its h _ ... �t .,.. hrr><ent :of � the r Canadian Farmers. should be publicly, recognized by all, .� I THEREFORE PROCLAIM-a.,``Salute to Agriculture during :this week of June 17th, 1946 and ;request all resin- g • to con-, dents and merchants of the"Villa e 'of Lucknow . sider and acknowledge' the importance of agriculture •to: the.. economy of the ,Dominion of Canada. 'W.. JOYNT, . Reeve, Village, of ' l.ucknow. ' )D SAVE TACE •KINq forms: may be given if all buttons'. are removed:' Donors are{ -asked -to remove all •mat hes from the pockets ` of trouers and other apparel- be fore the articles are. bundled *up Strict.: observance : of this. request will eliirninate the possibility of serious damage in: sorting .:and shipping• , • Letters of ;good' cheer Play attached to contributions if the donors wish. to send a message :' with .their gifts. 'I±'is the belief of:; the Canadian Allied '. Relief Il,' Fund that this presents an .op portunity: for . Canadians: to Write to their Allies 'as an. expression of geodwill and a :desire to"' fur, ther peace • in ••'the. ' world on' a. basis "of. 'International:' friendship, among • individuals;• N HEADS GROUP, TO STi7I3�Y RURAL CHURCH: PROBLEMS s: • Rev 'C: I MacDonald has been appointed__by: the 'Czen.er�a1, A q- • sembly, as �co.imveher of a=• newly formed committee. to • study; the-. -._. needs arid ;problems of rural churches throughout • Canada,• : with a report to b'e made when the Assembly convenes, at Cal - gar y •next- year. • Rev. 1VIacDonald'returned from . MS6-fit:ay sessions in Toronto.last • Friday,, during, which. he. acted as convener of•. the :cominittee, on: bills and overtures. He, was; also appointed : to the: committee; of evangelisin and ,social action, .MAXE $9000 PAYMENT ON' KINLOSS DRAIN The Ackert brain, in the' muni_ cipa•1 ' limelight; in Kinloss Town- ship for several` years, 'is about completed. The ditching. of the main• drain has been' done for a time, but a.''brancl tile ...drain is not finished' due to the .inability .. to obtain "tile. ' ' Work . on the drain Was started last fall;Ibut Was abandon ed t;11 this ' spring dile to bad' weather. At the last meeting of Kinloss Council.' the Drury, Construction Company, wft ch had the con; tmet,' was. paid $9000' on ace; unt, Z 5 r'Clr� • - ;«- : ff,1I1 1 ;•w�: r�Yi f iii • • • A