HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-05, Page 7WEDNESDAY, :.JUNE 5th,I90 DUNGANNON. (Too 'late for last week) The funeral 'service of the 'late Mrs, Robt.: Davidson :was: hod .Thursday afterngon from Erskine }iresbyterian .church, of. which the deceased had been an 'ardent worker for many years The ser- ,vice --was conducted-b3� Rei; t H; On Sus d d =F".a,"i'-ti'' 'MMIIIMEMP!ls"'.ti►'-*,$, 4 THE ' LuCKNOW Si NTINELLuc*xNOW, ONTARIO pen a Sentence On, bond of $200; . a White- church district youth Was given Suspended Sentence•.when he ap- geared; :before' Magistrate J W. Morley, on charges' of breaking,; entering and theft at Wellwood's. Service Station at Whitechurch,. He trust also make restitution of $12.5ffor-. a .tire and , .$13.95 for' MacDonald, ,assisted by Rev, W:, silver taken. Counsel for the ac, church. Mrs Herb, Stothers and t:.e., grounds that he was his 'aged J; Roars of Dungannnon Uri tlx: use appealed ,for the yout.hdon daughter, Miss _.igen iStothers, sang a duet "Beyond the Sunset'"... ° 'The pallbearers: were Jack Park, Will $tothers,.' ,Frank Pentland,: Bill Wiggins, Carinan Anderson; Wilfred Pentland. Those,who, cat; • ried the many' lovely floral pieces were Robert McAllister, .Stuart Reed., ,Arnold 'Stothe>rs, Ajbert Taylor, ,Clifford Murray, "Walhace Wilson :and Hugh Bennett. 'Inter- ment Was made in. Dungannon. • cemetery. Mr. George Hodges was taken. to Goderich hospital:early `Mon or ' quite m in n ..g, qu to ill with pneu- monia, , after .being indisp9sed. with ;'flu about: a 'week previous. The Fourth Concession west in Ashfield is`; a •steady and ,busy road from.t1ungannoh to the Blue, Water Highway, as . they. :widen the .road., .and it <-the gravel; pit father's only 'help in operating, their 100 -acre" farm. The 'Magis- trate required, that the accused report monthly to. the Wingham• police, and set a weekly' .curfevu, by whichµ he is to . 'be 'home "at 10.30 .each• evening',, with the ex- ception'of once. a week, .when he- may be out until midnight. Suffered Stroke - Mr.; Wrn, .Robinson of town suf= •fered a ,.par.•alytic, stroke on •Tues day of last week,, -but in spite of his. advanced .age has 'recover ed from the ' seizure:to 'a . sur- prising degree: •Read v l or Racing' Seaso n. " In `preparation for "'the 'forth- coming racing season 3 horses, owned ' by D J. MacChar, les' of. Lucknow, are in tr • ing, at the much- equipment'.i located.,sup Gotle ich• ova1, •They re' Christo plying asphalt . for paving' the Aher ;Stout, • Texas ' Sadie and: highway Major Grattona horses are We •heal; that; the Condition 'of being % trained by Lloyd Turvey Mrs Wm Maize formerly ' Hazel of • Blyth • Augustine'. of ' Dungann'on, now ' of Montreal; is , very serious she e t: ',having lately had a critical :o .er stion; Mr: Earl • •McNee, having_ sold his farm.ust J south -Of :the villa e' to , r..: arvey iiibert, held • : a clearing • '' uctio ' n g a sale oftock and: :implements, of 'Tuesda: ` .Mrs: -liar-�e-y � M•ar�e:. and-tihr sons, .Harold, Gordon -and: IP: �. C• Take' Up Residence Here • Mrs. Ross---Howson—e;� taken 'up residence in .an `apart rnent.,in_Alex;�MacLennan's- om which wase•: formerly the 'Balfour residence.; D:r. Ho son:' has :been associated' at ed ' .for s2�m trin .;. - - ,e.,' with Dr W. V.:'Johnston brut not until, e- now was able, fo..obtarn' housing • accornodation. enjoyed. Victoria Day .in London: with. Miss Ellen ,Maize- and while • in the city. call . Miss::Connie Morris, who' is receitiing medical tre;itrnent :.gid ::irpurts. are ',that Connie is :rrrprping cjtitea�lat' and they were told she would be. ,home. in a .couple ,of . weeks. Mr.' and `Mrs. Arthur , 3rbwn &. • little'ilaughter Dianne, Of Duri•das' and .'rs . aurice' Woodford..'of °Toronto were .week-endvistors with Mrs. G._.C. Treleaven N1r. -'°Brewn and ' little: daughter', ape remaining for ..a ',week longer; . 'Mr. Hugh Stewart, after three •.weeks with 'flu, 'was almost well • again, wen ,pneumonia "develop=. :ed He is being., rtirsed by, his daughter, Miss Margaret Stewart. Mrs.. Mary Anir Glazier,:.of Guelph has' • come to Spee summer with her daughter-; Mrs. Harvey Maize. Mrs. Eugene Thompson of: Cori; .inth' arrived ones day, last week to "spend' ,a wpi'le ''with here parents,; Mr, and Mrs: Geo. Rivett' ,acnd. ;meet her • new sister -in-laws Mrs.: -Albert ,.rtivett ...from- England. Mr and Mrs. ,John B1ak'e '•who sold their residence and :acre lot to Messrs.; Harold and •Cecil B1ake;_.:have+-moved-=to, the house of Mrs. Abraharrm Culbert south • end of; the :village, 'he • Blake. brothers have moved. into • their. •° w Home 'Mrs. Marcy Rivett went to T,cir-• onto last-,Week"where she: -under went a goitre operation. Mr= -' Vei ett-Finnigan: is at his home in the village recovering from ar •attack''of bronchial pneu- monia "which was checked in. )its early 'stage., , ' Mus' erri.ice Blake, B A• of Oit Springs,: Who taught school- there 'for three ' years, has accepted, a similar position at -:Lambeth with duties to commence in.Septeni ber, • • Miss Jean' Stothers of 'Tor • SAent the holiday . �,.. � onto: slier •week -end with father, 1Vlr, ••Thos. Stothe.X's., Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupons now valid are,•bugar - preserveS. Si to S14`,., butter Al to RIO, meat' M29° to M40: Butter R1' to R9 and rhea t M29 , .to; M39 e = erre June 30:' • MRS. MCLEOD , • 7CRAIG arrived n Canada -last week on the' Queen. Mary. Her husband; " met her. iti 'Toronto..Craig...shortly. take They will Shortly . t up residence in with Camv'here he is associated Practise of la�vt.� Granit in the Accepts. '.ondon •Position. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Steward who have, been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles. Steward for the past few weeks,; �! have left for their new'home in Loricton, where Gordon has ac- cepted a position in the 'chemical laboratory at the Medical_t,sa buildfng, Gordon has received his army discharge having joined up over-' .four=' year , ago for active service :in the. Postal 'Corps. • The Girls Who. Glorified, Ziegfeld, . Who were the spectacularly beautiful, glamorous be y .o n d compare girl's - Who glorified :Zieg- Zieg- feld? Where did they`come•from? Where did.they •go? Ac .'eta Rogers' St; ,johns,./writing hi, The Ain= erican Weekly with this Sunday's:: (June••..9) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, es, tells the'' fascinat- ing story these fabulous show girls; G,et Sunday's Detroit Times. PAGE 7 news' INSURANCE g ...,. Agency • .b Lucknow, Ontario.. FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBII; Now •Representing 'All Companies Formerly. Served By The' Geo. H. Smith Agency:'. THIEVES E VES Brea ' kin g into Thomp-.. 'son's. Creamery, at Teeswater last week; 'set off :a burglar alarm" at the home of the':proprietor,' W, ,.Th mpson;_. who,,......: phoned , phoned police:: Th • telephone call, which sotarid-. ed at the Creamery as'_ well, sent ,the',thieves;x., scurrying, and the :open building' was, deserted `upon` thee arrival of the law.. OTIE If you are a . yo,un� woman sixteen g years or over and wish a . position that, will pay Y....,.,..good ,.,wages in... leasant .surroundings • Ina good. \ '. • town Write to O J, MOONEY Rand W .. Out Saturday . •• Sponsorlc •by ,the Busirlessr Men's, Association, t he . H,i g:h, School Band, presented'.a" second ,band, concert_ on Sa turday even- ing; f ,when :'..they . rendered:'; Ilan hour's program thatwas:; much enjoyed:.: ost ;Office. $ox_.35l,; Kincardine,`-; Ontario. -- NATIVE QF LUCHb7OW I: . DE ,. I ill IN THE- WEST", •. The gals are buying their 1946 .swim -.suits: and don't seem. alarm=: edat the thought,: of sone.mi'nor • shortages -=he a `and; th r ere. Mrs: G. •McIntyre, 86 .aP ioneer resfd rtt -o t#2e: Oak -River, an it oba district, who 'lived in' Wir;i- nipeg for 'the' past. 10':years:; died at.._the. hone of her.daughter; :-Mrs. A, G MacFarlarie Nokomis: Sask.. . Born in. Lucknow, Mrs. Mcj- Intyre went -to --the Oak River -dis- trict ,with. 'her husband in .1898r Mr. ' McIntyre"died 'in 1919.. vivors . include . one •son, ':Ewart: c n yre of. Guildford, England; :,three ' daugh;ters,e. • Mrs. `MacFar- lane;- Nokomis; Mrs: Donald 3" ko B _ e ass: wo0d' an toba; Y and Miss 'Miura McIntyre, Winni peg.w,.. " • ice— .;q e:4"a.s4 E CANADA AGAIN" N 13, oucan' plirto. see 'it now--to,,,get. away an:• that :-pleasure; trap, long deferred because of wartime restrictions. Step of ;board a. Canadian National .train • Wand go in , relaxed comfort: You'll find new pleasure 'in train travel: . and Canadian: 'National service' as ctsurteous as. ever. LEi~ 4 . BLP"'PLAhi€BtFR •�iililp ` At Canadian National's nearesstticket office they'll tell you about the place you ' want to see, arrange train reservations and other details. Make travel a pleasureall the Way—drop in and talk it over with Canadian National. ' ... �, ... 4 .tw • Y• n4yKa++� r • A Cr • • .411 0