HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-05, Page 5.,,X.4111111.1MONFAEXTift‘ii..1„..7,404.„,4„74,1111114.0.0..441141101,, • EDNgSAAYt JUNE 5th4 1946 • . .. , THE LHCKNO'UIl .SENTINli' LLTCKNow OITARIQ Urs•, Sp uni ;.I•A L •acczca:e0000Q.:.wx.w. .,�,�...�,� r: cAo� G ` �a�00.6 the • 11'• wosob o, day to. •U.. bo sh)00 ° 00On c hQ^°'` 4 . v(ti!� HUME • CROI Audre�` ATTER 1:Ed-die 'ROCHESTE n R Ane:rsotl • Regtngid 0 • WfRI Two Shows each night at 7.30 'and 0 and- YVIa i #neeSaturd ay afternoon : at 2.30 :• • PAGE; 5, `INLO.UGH MA°F`EKING The Horyrood Women's Insti ' tute will meet at the: home 'o,• Mrs. Thos. Harris on Thursday, June 6th. Convener, Mrs, perry 'Hodgins; asls't., Mrs. Alex Percy;. tglaic, .Agricuitufe;;•motto,:'Free- o of'�•farmers•••--tornpared with City cousins; roll call, Flower slip exchane; lunch•, Mrs. Thos, Bar- ris. and Mrs. Howar"d', Harris. Mr, ' and Mrs. John Ferguson -of Gleri 'Huron, • Mr,' and Mrs. Archie Manners and Mrs. Wm: Evans • of Kincardine spent a' d'ay 'last week with Mr., & .Mrs, Robt. Mcf,ean•, • • Mr, •:arid .Mrs. AI „Irwin and family, ' Mrs Tom .Irwin and, Mr, •L• eonard Irwin 'Mr,- a•nd' .Mrs. Ewart Taylor,. Doris and ;Jean; of Luekno 4 , ,visited .: recently with • Mr: and Mrs, Midfor.:d Mr.': and 1VIiltori. Walsh and Scott; .. Mr. and Mrs, Miller Hart- wick visited with relatives at' Walkerton on;Sunday last,. :A • nurnber from here' attended .the. • confirmation service at Kin garf 'on ' Tuesday afternoon when •seven-'<young::�people •'from Kin lough Were confirrned, , namely, Mildred :Pinnell, Joyce Haldenby, Mrs.Midfor.d Wall, Mrs; .Ronnie Thacker,. ,Scott' Walsh,. Jim gins.: arid:;bonny •Haldenby t. nndT Mrs,-Anson--Galbr-a7th and Mrs:, Mary Jackson•of Gor; rie'• vrsited•.'W dnesday, with Mr and Mrs. Frank . Br own:.• ' Mrs. Jackson" remained here :.:for •'the surnrn&• months, 4 Mr. and Mrs, Milton Kilpatrick f spent Friday and:. Saturday in Woodstock Mr,' and Mrs, Robt Bereii Dun gannon, visited on Sund'a'y after= -noon Mr. ' and 1VIrs. Henry Raton:- Mr. aton:Mr. and Mrs. Oral;,• brooks and Wayne, Dungannon, Mr. 'and Mrs.. Harvey Brooks :and • family,. -Mrs.. Geo Brooks .'and Gordon, ' Clover Valley, were guests with Mr, and Mrs. Rich, • Kilpatrick ' on • Sunday, S. 3...Stothers and 'daughters, 'Mrs R. C. Passmore and Kaye, Stothers, " Arthur,. . spent'. Wedi%es- day' afternoon at the,;: •cottage,' Kintail and; 'at, the farrti:.: Mr ;and •Mrs, Don, MacIver .and -:Jack, Kinloss, :spent Sunday°'at the 'home, of• her parents.' Mr and 1Vl';rs Peres! Blundell and Melvin, :Godericii, returned to : their home on Saturday,,after a two week stay at.her parent's home while `Percy was laid off with an injured hand. Guests dui ing ,• the „week. ,.with.. Mr. and.: Mrs. Hernmar . ' Phillips were Mr..and Mrs., I3enry•Carter, Clintc n, Mrs. Sam :Durnin, Luck now, Mrs Jas. -Bird Brussels and '1VIrr.. •Ezekiel ''Phillips, •Aitburri. -FOURTH CONCESSION• . The ladies;:. of the, •'.Kairshea Club Met:.at the home of Mr's: A.:: Graham for '. the :: May 'meetin g. ..�_ A>eFa 1 6 D ana Andrews or entertainment—here-is' ' f a ,, goad ,. melod�ra vatic plot.:. Show star is 8.00 p.m. ZO"N. 'Recent. visitors. at the -home.of Mr.and. Mrs:. • Fred -Anderson, were Mr; Old Mrs. 'Herb Eilber of Crediton, Mrs, Ward- Fritz and daughter Mary Lou,' of Zurich, Mt, Carmen and• Misses' Mildred and Helen_An.dersonr of—Dung—a: Mr. Alfred ,Andrew of: Sault, Ste, .Marie spent the. week -end idith Mrs: Susan Andrew and Mr, and Nit`s;' G Kirkland; Alfred ex- pects to 'take •: up . . residence in North Bay shortly. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Gardner, i r.' ilarbld Gardner Mrs. Will Ht ler and Marlene visited Winghamr friends on Saturday.: i�Ir Arid Mrs.. Ric-ha'rd-Gar ver Tined thea Household effects to �!ingannon last •Thursday, thus • leveringanother link:- which bound them 'to this comm'uni:ty, which will greatly miss' them:_.a- anexeell Mends and 'neighbors.: We extend a' heaity Welcome. to Mr ;Jos•' Wall: ,and family who have now tak('tl-osses p stun of the= Miss' Isabel MacKay of 'Huron visited Tht7rsday�wrtt} Mrs- Graham. 1VIrs= Duncair Canrpbelf and Mrs Dougall Campbell visited 'Tuesday with Mrs, F_r_arrk. rowri Mr.; and Mrs: Glen Pinnell and• family of: Windsor are With Mr. and Mrs, Wm. `Pinnell .Mr's: Wesley Boyle is confined There was . a large—attendance. 1Vl:rs Wm. Maclntyre presided W 8i- ope ed• the meeting With the Ode followed • by repeating the.• t,ord's prayer in unison �11VIrs. R. Martin read the minute4 of the April .meeting:;and, Mrs:_ -Wm : MacDon .ala gave., the • treasurer's. report Afterr community singing the' roll call was..answered 'by"My Hob by". Thebusiness was dealt with. f ' 1lw • oedbyaprogram.4r ape Mis'S ,Phoebe Pinnell,' of ' L uck-. n-ei spent a`few days with Mrs. - W. J. : McLean; Mr Ralph :'Blight of -Huron W 1dc.-of—aenvie visited Wednes= hom.etead . which has.. been;':in: possession of the, Gardner family. y for:u Awards: �of 19.0...years-, yearn; since 1.854 to ,'be 'enact, having been taken, up: from the'Crown in` that year by the. late Wm. Gardner,! Sr The boyslave organized a soft. Lail t -am-acrd �lravt� alr dy had a .couple 'of ;encounters with Bel=' fastteam, ,in which they have found .the old Master' .twirler,; Alex •Hackett, top 'much for theme to' cope .with 'successfully: How ever, •a lif.tle r'nore ,•:practise 'may improve:their batting- evb.. Mr at. Mrs: ' Chester Ritchie' of Detroit visited. with Mr, and. Mrs, Will. Ritchie 'on' Sunday, Mr, .and Mrs.. Sid Gardner and family, Mr. Darold" Gardner and• Mrs:; Will Gardner ,spent Sµnday .With Mr;. and, •Mrs,• Joe Freennan. of ,Colborne 13LYTI-I' :COUNCIL` has adopted a 'resolution requesting Huron -Co; Council to. include• Blyth in the Clinton High- Sehoor':District • 1 Farmers (drive' ,_ 1 ears less than .city people :and get r low rates "front Pilot. ' ' ' .' But farmers do drive==one • 'min- ' sured; 'accident. cotilll Wipe out your hoine or your savings.' Buy the full protection of ilot Automobile:', Insurance'now.' STEWART, LUCKNOW REPRESENTING ,„ N i•: Property l'" traeivrite,incl COMPAnce to cover selected,rrisks: sin A:ufontolrile, l�iref I'�.Yrsona1 eater: l<tur sur. flute Mass, uad other g eneral insurance R yy day., :with.'fi ien,cis •.in the village; MrAlbert.Crang':'of 'Toronto, Mrs. Edgar Harrison,--Mr..Ross, Harrison and Miss 'Ir lma; Harri- son, of Wingharn called; on "Sun-. day: at the home of .'M , and. Mrs. Janies..:Ho•dgiris. , Mi. and: Mrs. B, .E. .McLean, .Balfour and' Bevin,:Mr..',and. Mrs; Totn Hodgins; arid .Jim, spent Ffi day. in Owen • Sound,:" -` Miss; Ellen "Mc$riae has bei re-engaged : as teacher' of our :school °";, A .. number from.: here ',attended the . rrniscellaneous shower for Miss. Doris .Johnston 'at' the house. •of her-. parents;•• .Mrs 'and Mrs:. Mark 'Johnston. • • • - Littre : Leonard Stanley has re- turned • from' Torontb . where: be has kbeen . a'. patient at the. Sick. -C Mar s- osPit l,. _ • Mr.' .and • Mrs. Jack 'Graham of. Ansi ,Arbor~ are holidaying ;'at the horde of hid parentsr. Mr . and Mrs. Herb Graham, • Word h Leen, ree'eive h e of fire death of Mr William Boyle' -Who has- °lived .for Many 'years at. Moose] awl,; • Sask. ; He ,is a brother -of-Mrs.-John. 'John Cox and Mr. Wesley, Boyle. He also leaves to mourn -his'. loss two 'sons, Chester ` and;. Fred. ,. arid- .',two daughters,.: Vera anal'. Mas: • Duncan- .MacKenzie (Irene)-. Sympathy ' is extended to.. the bereaved ones. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holland and Jack o, Kincardine spent Sunday. with 1' r. and., Mrs, Bob ..1VieLe.an. E'LJR P',LE .GTOV E (Tob late.,for last Wee),t Itilr:..ani .Mrs. 'Sam Emerson and Hilda visited ,at. Mr. Stuart Hun- ten's ; a't . Arnlow on Sunday. Mr, and' Mi•s,, Howm ard Thop- son• and fantilti • spent, -Sunday at Mr. R. Thacker's. • Mr -s.,. B. Watson and. 'Edgar of tllc` : 4:th spent Saturday, .at Doiia.id ' 11TcCoslr,s.° ;MIr. and.' Mrs. Will' Arnold and family visited at 'Mr; Lloyd A.rn-` 'old 'i, on r "" r 'r<C)rl.,'t*jsited� atit"t,St week. "A Thing:. of beauty., is a f < ,, joy , or . eve Mrs::H.:-Houston; ,a -solo -4-pleasant-tithe-spent- by Miss Jessie McKay accompan. • •red' I• by Mrs D • MacDora;ald; ' : a reading ' .by Miss Ruth McKinnon; • a paper `;on Canadian 'handi•crafts • by- M-rs�Gt=Loc`khart;• a :piano solo by .Miss`. Lillian Car uthers.: Mrs D. MacDonald favored the Audi= eee�wit,>s"everal'" Scotch pieces; on the. •piano; ,A;. 'quartette corm- • posed `, o Mr a p f s. $; . � 11/tartin Mr PLAYING AT THE REX:TFIE LUGKNOV To-nite. Wednesday UPIBONNET SUE'S A delig ,tful pSictutre • ,starring. ALE TORM., Two . ..Complete shows staing at 8.. -and, '10 -o!clock. Be ` sure you `get to ..see "Sunbonnet Site" tonight;; F T; 01 BUD; ,ABBQTT ; LOU' COSTELLO Here Come -the Co..E PLAYING • - NEAT .'WEDNESDAY .__`PAN...AMERICANA" `. With :Philip . Terry, Audrey Lotg,, Robert' Benchley, Eve Arden- Erma .Truer; Marc' Cramer, Isabelita, Rosario; and Antonio,_, 1Vliuqueito Valdes, Harold and Lola,, in a 'sizzling happy 'goT-.Latin musical • Wm. McDonald, Mrs. Dori McIver and Mrs: R - Middleton sang'; "The voice in: the old:. -tillage choir" accompanied by Mrs D:. M.clver:I. A; :vote,; of thanks -wa$ -given .the hostess and those helping, ,:The _meetin anthem Lunch was served :an a. -'The-June meeting will ,be t.' Mrs:: Martin's home on Tuesday)June 18th, in- stead of the regular day. , ' FOR FIVE' INFRACTIONS .` :off • Wartime Price's. and .Trade Board 'regulations, Theodore• Birder, Paisley•:butcher, paid fines totals= ing .$1,500.. OST LongDr stance calls: go through all right. But, from time to'tiine' there .is a delay'., hat, is because'• there are so 'many: snore telephones. now actiriP apany more 'pcopia are using Long Distance. WHEN YOU' PLACE • 'Long -Distance; Call .:< FIRST; give 'the operator;the name of the distant city THENv the telephabne number ' . of your party . c . ' , THEN, when the'operatoc asks it; your •own telephone 'noire- ber. . Ij you don't know the distant telephone number, please snake a :tote of for friture use token . you' hear the operator repeal, it. We're -hard.-at-work- acid .'" ing nelT . switchboards and lines' and 'training many more operators to get Long Distance service: back to pre-war •` speeds aiad • even faster. In the meantime, when . you find circuits extra busy y . 'ou can:help relieve the load byobserving the Proper ;se (pence, and by being patient if there is a delay.' • ,� •_- 1►:lair c' •��"� �►",:�:'=s+t�`i�ir+`+w+s�aa�ti��ar-�• . �._-.... • • •