HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-05, Page 2aca
,-a•-rr;,r:F-t+iy.. 4( . +4Y• ";•"c^,'•T'nr:'-•;r rr-•- .^'n-s�'...;wr',,•:r.:,s,:..�..a,
—BECAUSE the money spent big;'
American.. visitors filtersintoevery
community. It puts gxtra: cash in the
pockets. of Canadians, boosting busi-
ness for the farmer, the, town mer-
chant, 'the' city worker. It's to every-
body's'• interest to protect this profit-
able: business, ;particularly in, this
critical year when friendly,• couri'eous+
treatment 76f -our -Pea pay::blg'
dividends in the years ahead.
D.j &m.M of T[ad. i Coamrerea; Onaw'a. '..
T-_O1<I',NG B .CCK
of% Toronto Medical School ana
decided to 'locate .at Aulaurn, ;,
forty. Years Ago -
miss, S. Burgess was .teaching,
the 'following pupils: J. Bennett,;
Murchison, E. Millson, C. Ged-
des, A.. Webster,- Xi. Go,rdonf -C.
Treleave9,_.I.:.Dill, W, Reid, M
•Henderson, R. Whitely, L.°Elliott;.
C:• .Agnew, E. McCoy, E, lac
Quaig, A,. Whiles, •W. Anderson,
A, Campbell,; E. Cameron, M Lit,.
tie, L.,, Morrison, A, 'Spindler, C
Cook, N, • Hedley, • W, kustork, C,. •
Allin, R. Trevett. •
-,,`Long ' distance.. ph'ones'' `ware;
being installed by E S;'. McLean,
W� J. ".Taylor, -John Joynt, F; Mc
Caughey,.Jghn MCGarrys- W. Mur-
dief ;
• A; daughter .was born at ',the
.Ashfield arsonage to Rev. and
Mrs.. Smith.
" T h e ' commodious building,
known as' the.l+ armors' - Hoel',
was ;being offered for
A, Ss. .iNo .,'l Ashfield, Annie
MacKenzie. was- teaching A Barn
;by, J. Murdoch, '.E... Henderson,'_
E..Agar, .B. Hogan, L, .Henderson,
G. Ritchie,... K., .Campbell, • R.; Rit. '
chie, 'S. •Cooke,. M. McKenzie;: E;'
McKeith, 4D. Hogan,, M: ]1ticIn'nis,
G. Campbell,,, J„ Mclnriis,
Keith, M.. McKeith, S "Cooke; J;
1VJ<dKeith, J. Ritchie, K. }lender- •
son, • F. McInnis; K, MeNay,
Agar; E. Wellington,.Thos, Cooke'.
`',Butter `�ana eggs ,• were, 18c;
Wheat 74c.and Pork .$4760- per •100'
Dr ----G =A. Nevton; 1�;;D--S,,.was--
in. Ripley each ' Thursday 'after=
noon: _ 1
Biber was•agvertising eggs
for , hatching-= `Barred • Rocks,.
Brown.' Leghorris.• and Houdans
that won first: prize for the 'last
gins, 2nd; F.; Rookkkidge, I ss; -
SixtyYears Ago Congram, ,lf; H. Somerville, cf;
Robert A. Carrick. and -Morgan F; Gordon, rf; J Elliott, Mrd. Ben -
Dalton were auditors of Ashfield edicts --D D. , Yule, ''3rd; A. . G.
owns ip. `
The A , ' ell c; : D, E, Camey=
showed receip, s o .. ,and.
,expenditures of $17,512.51. Major on, cf.; D., Moody, rf,• A. Fleming,
items were ed'uc`ation • $5247,00, • 1st; W,• Shannon, It,
ridges 7 $3214; x County Members of ; Lucknow Lodge
'roads. and b '
rates $6229, • .No.: 112, I.O.O.F.' :celebrated• the,
Pupil;'. in the ."First. Depart- 67th 'anniversary .of the establish :`
h abstract statement Elliott 2nd; T. Reid, ss; J. Bryan,
t f $19 160 8, M Campb , ,
!Tient, Fourth', of Lucknow. Pu -
lie School were, M. West; R Mc-
Millan, T Matthie H Holmes,';D•
McMillan, W• Matthie, ' Grit
ofith, E. Mullin, K. • Caineron, W.
Lawrence, . J. Lees, .L McGrory,
:Wilson, G. Douglas, . D. Boyd,
E. Pt.. 1�.' M6c Donald W. W Doug
Ment" of the order' in' America, bl►
attending divdivine:worship in Knox,
Presbyterian Church . where' they,
were', addressed by :;.Rev.: D.-
eron. • The procession to t e
church . was. headed by Grand
Marshall. Alex. , Ross The first:
lodge • was organized• at Baltimore
ear ,
las, H
.:Grundy+ . J,::Fraser; L. Mc. 'in 1819 and in 1851 the degree of
Grory,' A. • McIntyre; H,,• Whitely,
J. Findlater,';G.. Murray, W.p3Var
tin, W. -Hamlet', -4. McCorvie, D
McQuai•g, .H. •. Lind•say.
A ' Good Friday, baseball game
was .held • on- • the oldmarket
square ,between • the Bachelors
and_..the. Benedicts with the for
mer nine winning by;* 29, to 22 in
6.' innings. Line-ups were : Bach-
elors B
A.. . Cameron, c;; D.
•Hager, p J. Lindsay, let, T. Hod
Rebekah was instituted.
The death of Mr. John McL.en-,
niot?.occurred at Lochalsh. He was
• 7.,
54 years of age.
• Norman Ker5- of •Holyrood Why
•was ,attending Montreal; medical
school was ,ome ' for the Easter:'
Mr, Jahn' Corrigan, ; Jr leased
:the -Holy, -rood Hotel
•D. M. : Gordon of St! ielens suc-
cessfully graduated,'at University,
%i %fri
l. ir/.;
41,F. ,•vLs,
you. `''•-
•,'n Europe today even a.:cru f .of breado
is treasured: pen' toThe
• work is p
leasant. You'll • be well,'
r�-.-for the spectre of:. sfarvohon :stalks, a Continent!, ;: ; • �. fed�►e1!-paid—and well• looked -after.
_. � .-. ,_ , • • �emberalm. '-st eve Ontario farmer is critically
l , Tiien-Ag'el's!, .High'�School=Studentsl:-�'Toung tnen=and= ----�: eher too,'t�ss , resent food crisis'
short-handed. Remember, women! Doter the Ontario Flarm Service:Force now.
en for !he o en fields for a month, or better still for ! �'is being felt at home—as well as abroad. 'Fill in the
th.Yseason. "'' Help` share in`: producing more .food -for--, -=,attached-�coupon and 'the -Ontario, Farm Service Force
will send you ,a. registration' form plus all particulars,
'Private Farm Homes.end 4Y Supervised -Camps aro without de aY#
nut -es •
across the, sea. '
importoett to Matriculants
ft riespere te' 1s Europe's'need for food ... se urgent our.'farnser"s
•oeed for hilp, that local 'school beards are being asked d back;
the Ontario Form Service force fo the limit. In many curses Junior
Makieulants' whose term work has been satisfactory in, every •
respect may head for the open fields'NOWi Upper School students •
con loin them as soda as fined''exams�ars written; The need. It
bwmediate, Send In the aftahed coupon of encu.
lie: ;Ill>• •
s on. =a: '— tir Ilii 111 mei
Ontario: farm SNvice Fera, ,
112 College„SE., Toronto., • • •
1. want to ''Lend a Hond", Pleas' send me a registration Form end ,•
all necessary infir'mulion about the Ontario Form Servki Fora.
(please print) (niysLbs 1 •S or over)
Addressy.. ..+....i......•••... iiTown.ii....•,..
rI will be availabli from 6V, y. i . i • • : i i • • •
NO•••••• ..••, id 6 ,r' 4 And would like to be •
accdnimadated fps. An lnipirMd Forint Home, Home, 0
A "f' Supervised Cainp . Q
10111 p fi!or .tills loll s — tea 0111.•.
threeyears at our local show".
MmTarsdh:e;Ea DStd. He ens .. Comm Unity ywveirneyeFnYaeeaonrs;atAnodLu.—eanad;
prior, to moving. to W -i• iteehui' h J
• The :Public Libr, ar`' Boai'd ask-.
ed~the-•'C-otincrl�for4f14, ar147 X340-
and receiv"ed•,$150 pltiQ,. the Counr:
cit:' uggeslion th.at•'rno e revenue:
he derived_ .f' om. p {I cLns or fail
• ing•�. this, ::an appeal be made' to
• surrounding •.municipalities• for.
grants to,' the library' ; ,
The Village. Council too c.:_no
ction': .on • the: coninUnit ation
friprii. the School Bo,rd that• stu
dents • attending Luck•noW School
be not 'allowed to: intend' dance
in .;the Town►': ipll
Bert 'Alton had tw 4 fingers on:
his right„'. hand "badly crushed • at
, a 'wood cutting at Roy Altpn's
The;: 'index finger was so badly
injured it'.had:to be ainpiitated.
The .death, •occur rt d•-.iti •Ashfield
of •M`rs. .tohln. Kil.patr ick• in" 11075th. year>
Miss',Agatha' O'Connor,''daugh=,
terr of Mr. and Mrs. -M J.O'Con•
nor of Kingsbridge;was fatally.;
injured when stack. by .. a hit'
and-run••.driv.er; iii ,Detroit. ,Mis"
O'Connor, •who -•was•' a nurse in.
ours :after be
'Detroit,. dyed five h
ing picked up unconscious •from
the': sir• eet
Cecil'"-Mutl-lin- wap'" -worshipful:
master of the Orange Lodge.
•Lucknow •Bowling Club officers'
Hon. Pres., John Joynt
•• 'were: , pres., Alex: Hamilton;. vice, W...1.
- Davison;'sec.-treas.,'Jos.• Agnew.
membership. cum., H•, J. Canteloit;'
Rae; grounds
G. , H. •Smith, R, �'�. Fisher and
com .;,'.1:. S. Reid,
T.' Watson Joel
' At S.S.,No: 5 Kinloss,Alma Cal•:
Little was, teaching ,Car,
ruthers;• ,James 'MCG•illivray," ifea,
Murray, Ruth McLeod; ar`%
'' ` e .Marybelle. McLeod;.• 1 ,
Whit. ,
otd Swarf, David CrrUt Rqb. Jo
.McKinnon, • Elizabeth' ;•. swan,
John: Carru,thers,' eth Mcl(ia•
Johnston tMcLeod, 'hazy1
non, Elliott' Carr there, whit
C'ar, er, Ernie :Cai`ter MarY peter
Lei Carrier,