HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-05-29, Page 2SGE; 'I LUCKN W SENTINEL Lucknow, • Ontario. Established 1873 Published Each Wednesday Morning• Subscription Rate; ' $2.00 A Year in Advance --'To:1J. S $2.50 Authorized as Second.Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member, of Th -e CANNA, L. C. Thompson,: Publisher and. Proprietor WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th,,1946;' * TSE •LIICKNQW: SENTINEL, 14L] CKNOW, ONTARIO DIT ••CRITICYSM •CAN BE HELI'FULL ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ,, rural Canada How :do, you behave undgr :crit= One of these days ,, ,. • , • - itorialin the. May sin asks an•ed_ •i • WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th, 1946. BOUNDARY EAST ''The annual meeting of the.Wo- men's Institute 'was held in the basement of the United Church, Whitectiure-h, as. the hall is being . enlarged. The :president,. Mrs.. Cecil Falconer, Was: it :cilarge of �the� opening---exercises:-•-The .roll call was answered by the nurnber of meetings, each, membw: attend. _ ed the past."year and by the, pay, ing _..of fees. "Mrs: Cecil. Fa1eonei* • ,and Mrs Ezra. Wellwood shad a . perfect attendance. All sang "The More ''We Get •Together" ' Then Mrs. Victor Emmerson . w s a s p pointed to take: chaff ge'of the el lection of `officet•s:.; Mrs'. Albert. Walters presented the slate of of,w.;< ficers' which were duly elected.. and 'installed ,fornext year: Holt ' Miss , Grace `Richardson past•: L press; Mrs; ' Lane -Grain;, p're}s.,• ,Mrs, Cecil, ,'Falconer; is :Mrs. Albert Walt Vic _C S 2 n vice;, Mrs. Nelson Piekel1;, see:7. treas:.; Mrs, James Falconerpian. ists, 'Mrs. Pikell Mrs.;. W; R. Far •' ilei, auditors, s Lo e John Robert. Mowbl �'n Mr. a �-,'re''. sto . , s. Y,_ p ss s rs J •D - e e re orter M S eci oft Mrs.,. Greo.. Frshet df_ectors,: Mrs, . Russel Gaunt, :Mrs: E Casemore, 1VIr-s; •=George 11tIcGk-��1►an;: M��-•` • M s '` : 'Ross Mr Thos. •Moore, i . 111,ac , , . s, J'as. La'dlaw; pt ogisam commit,, tee, ,Mrs, Ij.. CI aig.., VIi's.. W R, Farrier ':Mrs.' ,Geo : Flshet, MIs, •.' the •:. ' J•: 'Burchill 'M.i•s John MacMilr Recounts PostWar7 TraIs And Tribulations In Erg1ad i ' ' Philip' of South I w:as veTY interested idled IMrs;. Ly.d>.a p , Kinloss-. se'._:h'as:,rece'tved the to hear that there, is a Possis. i wi Man.,_ t j s s .0f your -"going to-Nancou :. , . f folk wing letter from your daughter settled there. Per.- Eleanor: Jacksoxl of London, Eng- y intimate friend of"many fectly • lovely r think the 1prosp�t. Per: - land an b lovely ecially as it receivin in the mail or icr ,. • vvl• be g . � 1 bli=' on, Official! pu from:. the local school teacher-ahe issue, of The •LI • • e card from cation of Lions International. an'; • .annual. June; ,1 Survey � i ' ureau of Statis- you take it? The arrows • of crit- the ,bomimon %l erson,;'eve`ry tic It is of vital'importance at 'icism• strike every p sinstitution,' on earth. The king -on ''this � particular .time that•every .the head of the •church farmer 'in the country who Te -his throne, ' . i thescr urch ' e cards should -every church, --.the ceives one ,of. then. - rate ' with the Bureau- and whose' • genius:: gives work to co-operate ands the. general who leads provide;• immediately and•'acc`ur- thous , ed.. an army and. the . admiral ' who: . • lately; the. •information •• r@quest • •• down to ' the s l oin- ;overseas tell of sails with a . fleet, do Report , �« _ ___ a are. -stung conditions, very humblestTrbf s,, 'increasing, stare ,;: How . "o you take it?: i ism y `not 'only • in former enemy count- by crit c a, Yindicate .what. is ndc *illi ed o u a= � ' 'Your answer _, among liberat p P i year1s. The letter was quite in- . must e, p.. teresting • and revealing and we er•-there than.is know, int• to readers. Will ap- cation. As y believe our thing h like so much as. fine warm predate it. .(r . " ' ri nbie, Rd.,, weather, and cold such• as:. we Denholme ] 6 'Ga o .. have been experiericinlg here in Honor Oakx 23; England for, the last six month s,. • o don S, �E. • and • • ' � • - London, , , .:mentally shrivels me up, ,• :13th March, .1946 • more, especially in •:physically,' My Dican Phil;:: :,. .. _•- days ,of . fuel �' restriotons, • I am taking this opportunhity to these . y - •We are ' only . .permitted a :ery'. ,tart• a reply' to' your. welcome let a 're ' s.0 ly of coke (suffici� ter, which I ,was very pleased to me g. ent for one room only) we•have receive not had a particle.'of coal in. our still -existing under .the .. n. whole "o of c war; -We We are, house 'the . to s an w r r he e x t g 5 -t-' t ion Y n Po . i io 0 dt t n is o c 1 c 1 same old � ,. • made.• aPP.- persuade. ourselves that we have' that be to be • allowed we hage a won the war, Which is indeed dif 4 uaritit , • lint up: to the. Mime' fie, sinal q Y ficult to, :realize these days of Qf wriai�ng•, have': heard'• nothing: multitudinous , : restrictions. Talk e have at::;long' last got ,our' yin- , , bout -a war -tor-•-�Ireedom,--neve�T.:- �• _,;F ut..in-sof--coon-se-rwathout .a do .s P was such a' farce ' surely in the' an fastenings,, etc;," but • it has 11 freedom Y • • he 'hi. stor. .A lasts Au Mist to t f � g o Y 'n hole n si ce vw take , has, 'corripletely vanished in ibis middle "of January to effect this,, .o ntr ... �ere.:,..s • scare@ly__ ‘any_., ,' • the-_,• ob -is:. not .;.finished :Yet. c u Y 'ou�can.do:,or' buy,.wthout'.an j , still re>�ins 'in.a .de- thing.YThe house,. a � -o`veTnmen,-:perrnit;=vuhch;�is_ra�able-stat-e-l�ot a�thiiig-dhne: g. P- 1 ranted after exhaustive en ilio s down, .walls down, quiries i .. •to it; ce. g• s and vexatious delays;.. I ithout locks,. � e, tc,,, etc.; needdoor.. w need hardly say the: numbers. em re nhouse ' blown out, , and - this e • "ed�.in ;this Gestapo, work are affairs.has ;existed since Ploy. tate :of : .. sta ening; 'thus cost 'e ..beginning.of ng �telY. Staggering; r,, practically 'the, in `tile already -'-=overburdened a' • g 'needed wi r, , er ''non'e sorely n. taxpay Y, You sa ries,-but, ;r. k"7"' . is -sparing, manner of man you are Do you tions as well,. Canada � .. , sulk, like the .offended•child-whoe no' effort to •assist .in alleviating , ,, • • --takes her doll, •;,rags and goes - °' ---in :.these .. _ . . � , . the .effects of�amiYre , :.. Lout: i t me? .Do•. ou: glare _.and.__s out stricken areas. Without :accurate ho Y (( other!" like the small an facts concerningu e e 'her: current live you re � at • bo who can think of no ad q .stock ,population .and acreages Y - •• from. crops Canada reply`?- Do you dismiss it . p G ps sown , to vari uS ore?• • your, mired' and. gp •on .as;:bef •wo d be--1•ik'e-� wxLol-esaler or . Y ,, , , Vit, ' rese ted Or do you, examine your -condo 'manufacturer , Who,- is • p , n • m learn wherein .the 'criticism` ' � order for goods• .but an � with a: large yourself to and set yo 1 'aur e he has "'bee tl ':fel 1 it to Zs;.uinab-le r got anticipated 'the order, ;taken - n P stock, nor, • made any arrange- storage, -transportation rnents for g , and distribution, of the! goods.' It ainst •being is � to insure , :Canada ag sin • ori- found ,in this ; embarra g P ureau .needs. an tion, that the •B o_v_e whelmin res • onse to,.the cu P • P the: re`iSTi farmer can his attitui e. hen y.ou a Only the Canadian - s ro supply the esseriti.al .data on crops stock. Without such: data . arid, live �W .;the= uantit-y=of.oiQw avail q... is, . merited,, , _ �: . n- 1 t satis action irritation and `ge .. u , 'er • fa f at ev. :correcting- 1 estlesstiess Which • might ,at brought it : on? era r s . Moment lead to: serious, :' ,., to any . m ,. a only w This last • is the. o Y Y reap the good o cri present overn- •'ou rse theg. f us if W E do fc d I criticism 'is goo ,. wh ch poor old• 'Eng '4.. the a groans, t es in, ez�s • stem: of.yawn 'be - the old • f `ticism-for` trouble.' or merit tinder.• :• 'i p let it o tp'� •waste: Try-. to g'eth •' not g .ans. onl represe, of `'..our critic ,land ro . Y ` at- the ox�' t:= of.. view , . ,•. y.. l ' • �: raera�tion':half: educ P., younger: •ge , and .nine titin t you wily d under y b b .• . e a, r• -in ormation in • a • t 1 fo f able `cannot. be. ;determine° 1 satis- fact rily and -there would be .no • basis for ;forecasting what -!nay' be ilable the' future. Without ...:.flava_-� in . forth e re incl. g ... _accurate at g r 'supplies,export : agree- coming P. . • t •'be safely': entered merits canno ro ve ment. .to way P Y Listen to, the critic, and`; make of his criticism ..an asset `' It'•may hurt him,' 'bu�L itC�help'-y'ou. Those` four 'Toronto- youths who- werentenced for the kiiing.',of e s , luck. The Meyer Tobias, . were y . jury might easily,: and. we believe,: 'recti have.. ...returned. ; a • true. .correctly, s! It' •is n the :. necessary ar-bill of murder,' Lucky toys! �;.;inta'; nor . can d: theywill appreciate ' ° n e 'snits for storage; transpor- to be .hope `ra rn g they w ere . the. • ro-' what fortunate beings t , utio � ... . and distrib . p _ • tation . � � 'y, in.' your, letter: you, are interested to 'hear anything: about ., d our _experienc s,,�during the war,,_ e' 'ou below extracf from so:Igiv Y h my diary :for ..Friday, June 30t,,, 1944: .. • with It was rather a •:dull day, 'Constant (Alerts" ;to warn 'us the s'were iii our vicinity. flying bomb . , After a very .arixious 'and dYs at '12:15 I went turb ng', morning,', for -vital necessities, creating des r '•lin, Mrs,', Lorne ohnston; Mrs; Albert: ,Coulter, Mrs,:,T G..' Gilles= pie, ',Grace . tichaixlson District: p director:to;attend, 'annueeting- •at' Tiverton on June 18th,'. Mrs.. Lance Grain, 'The•.•standing coni-' mittees are Ci izens:hip Mrs,. W. J: Coulter, .agriculture arid indu"s tr _Mrs... Oen McClenaghan, .his- torical research, Mrs. �A,:.McGor riiack; home -,economics, Mrs I r .:Iit bait: something for -ro th ing uP -. o to •floor of leo. Kings- This new • generation appears to on. the ,p ..got generation I d d 'n sou e g Kings - think ,that. the Government is�go= ways The.' --alert, th k. .,to • down- as soon as. • possible and i;ng to :do,. wonders for •th`em _ ' own A1d- he cradle Went for a short walk d -provide f-o�thPrrt fro2n, t `do not ',ap wych; ,then.• itur d -back -.and -en ---- to: the .grave: ' � They P nt is:'tered. Smith''s'•Bookshop in Kings- preciate that the' ggvernme le' book e...es•: . way. I : picked u'p • a little' yes and •whatever costs Y P ,, . ' therrasel deme •and to this out' of ' their :which interests are-�nciirred "comes u '"nation .pockets plus ,tremendous':ad- I ovve, my life.' The; exami own -pock , res: • of this book detained me' just' the ministrative: •+chi g ' Lied. verydoubtful of` the wis- new minutes. ; which' saved me. S fe , Minutes there Was .a terrific ex ''n : a coo `se: Suddenly .doin , of: 'embarkitng . o {{'• I cannot . describer' it..The he' co ntr . Plosion. on which will _'plunge . t u y i .e. : x'ensethat a tin, 'neater e into g p "be ��,;,,: �� , „�.,�'�-x �n�.,��� n;�r`�+ � •,:; ,�: .. 1 of - e-=--mese= �t. .�w ...e-�-ina r if'C"t �t. � t r he Ot t t k• f a: .,. facts the co-operation:' of each: and- every. one" of you . is essential. By fete in ' ruin your. card, :comp. returning la in -', will be, wi g . Y You P is u •:.. all respec y, .. an important part ;<x>i .helping Can-. p." d not Only, herself, but • a a to help,.not Nr : also the less •fortunate. people of ho: are now so. urgent- the world w - l• � in need.of :our assistance. • ,. :w. a •: : T_ our h -as- the resent, w en_,a11 such P asse-s--gone; ore much ofa e ere walso :.gone, °t h ecountry crying out wayward .yos ersist •iii rhard. work and retrenchment treadiig,the:path that leads ulti- .it , would be better' to irately to disgrace and. prison attendto building u,ptrade,• es - term. -Dur h• a CLionleis. � P eci 11Y extort, p ort , than, to start rt on • **, * ! shallwe.say "internal decorations s • r UT `�INGO !KIS$ ' By 'the ,local lack. of anything that is suitable, or :. sanitary. enough_t2 e'te me . a swimming �h. f this commW u` .:._Pool, the youth. . _�,:.- are • being dein ed-,Tie-•advanta a`" of .' a ' swimming and .water safety . s onsored" by the .0n-, P program, .,• tario• Division .pf the Red 'Cross Society: • (: ry - The : Society: has :fie'l'd supe as ors: who,. are ': ;prepared : to visit centres int-crested-in-.frrauguratiing such a program • Schools" of ' in - 1 strtictiofr are to be held to-- train ':candidates as, , instructora. :'and Day. comes around when -the 6roof needs repairing". Shut -i s I3 y, have one. mad, ,� .�I •'; Ithinkthepeople g d f�ii` e 0 list Sunday n a air on .the f y .g � e" - ` ' Many o -=this year June 2nd. y p. ple 'earmark that day for. ,some very. speciate • -visit--to call • on• some" flrienci, or • friends.; . whom h •-,,, . v ,., .mot •v'isited_for some they •have time. ' If they . cant yisit. Pthem,: flowers are" !.always in order; and a' cheeriTitter or card ifelprfar- more ' than { one might ..think ' In any ease, let. those Shut-in. friends'. he are'not-for otten, even know.,t Y.. are'notforgotten, they de have to'. atch life from a 'hospital cot or a wheel -chair.- waterfront supervisors, , a'hd: rro effort . is being .spared to ' make min a safe and healthful _�.s--vim g 'rec,reation that should be .denied ho'youth The construction of "'a , swim - min pool in Luckri.ow would be a major undertaking,, but major undertakings have not, daunted us in the ast' and' • should not p . �Sirl7 mise s= -s r ., E.' 'Purdon p.ublic'ity Mr's .Earl. Caslick.- : The.:• lari.es decided to Cas • take 'the ghort coorsc In;;bi'aided,' k -ed: 'r -Il s, in 2191,..g 1st and mid:Loo g . omrnittee. was':.appointed to . a:.c . look after _thepainting i the in terior of ,the .hall :.Mie. VJell�tiood .reported. making`:. up 'nine ,boxes.' for sick :mer bens tht, :p"ast year: fin. ancial re ort •\ti;as: receipts. The. k?. 4•.` .ex enitsk, paid' $911,92;. $rJ3�:7 P p ° •i . - cash on hand 518.82: whole Toterior of the shoed, 71; d Mrs, Geo: Gilch st1a� sedro e ,Mr.....and P eared : co p P.• •': h. son of G m .. Joe �rl _ t -'1Vii` .;. •a 71Vlit"' :d -t-• MCG! !vary spent Sunday' from ',.Port•..Elgin sp , Gillies and. Jack:, with Mrs _ ]a., . le Of Detroit` is' I •in • 'Mrs;•Roy C g visiting` her `mother`, i\Irs.: Dat•id Gillies: Gi , d -into=.the. street.. The sight that rr et ire--was"sui- ficient,- to unnerve the very stout- est,. The dead . 'and, injured .lay strewn in all directions Darkness' added' to the • horrors - the scene; of, , for the rubble and debris '.set free, by the ,;blast •caused a: species , of fog ytthich•-dimrried the light: . where on earth do they think the . Then::thee shrill 'Whistles. Of. the 1 • t -- ' elv A. i ard, who immediat •, 11.Ir. ng to do" took char.e;. :had sornething to g with • this. `With, death. imminent, was -as cool, ,as a cucumbers• -he .. concerned• '.only with •the safety o •his. sta -f. •' He" .really was. wonder- fol tr -C.hu:C Y . an, ..si. "though ' badly Wounded by ..cutting• his'head to heavy : di?oi y sr• assistance until in: the heart of London. ,lie. bone, I cfu.c t ,, attention, here 'ever iI 1 had::r eceiti cd o b fell at the. bottom ,.nig. - ..sit ntit•.bVhild eve Th b ria. 1Via�nificen:t,, iva. iso of Kn sway, aTittle to t e heft, ;n like tlicise; there have• me n land, in- front of ,he _post, offic 1wa•. s. be ;tiro Ei: g..,. _• _ , I groped' my Where • b'ack-.: inti • • • . us_ to hay"e Crown House,.. where the devas Nin: Lingat . told n reg voc we>;e:.:suffic ertt same. teas which, ti.(id bee P,a iattion and ha. • then ' go bonne : to .break one's heart,'Every win- liberties. ein= pared fol a-, - •. of to r¢' • _ : their _,eel_ � ooh. �as possible, .and n a�. clow smashed, even. s; s :fr,YlilmgMond 1 frames twisted and bent Into eturn:.till' the for our a+el 'eird and tortuous sha es; Wa11s,.jKihd'arid tliriu fitful,. w P - ipart-!tions, doors, ,•furniture.; 'in' fa>�e. • • • • • cltidiri... myclock, smashed be- ow our sd�•eritu�es ver g.:.... - Even n C. tiffs voe be- yond' recognition. Practically,• :the over; for when' a h ss whole buildin •:� •utted,,The scene ,not home. the ' ales,', g g half .Way inside and 'outside baffle deScup agiain. whereupon •• , : given, once � .cfchc�d tOt:.,farry tion, bus .,driver i _ . ,- ( .. equip- to descend aa rash ped „First ' d 'the fully it p We all had era • an4.r atel . ,: department., , ual-. . •est 'shE.1t o ,.11 irst Aid departm , q the neat d "tis by; hitt ,,t1 ,staff dealt with the injured, the bombs �oasse oivu�: Charing ....... an :ieiy of lir, prior to their removal .to course the t be onri• Cross • �lios til. The .alrrbu7ariceS -'the 'next second rnigh P • 1. t lined Ain at the door for this pun was truly aw f i;� There. 'Was but one 'death . possibly the dct pose. I though, po on`tur, staff; but the, actual death (..p_ leen might be, ref •iriterestl�at�i' roll outside was, 1 believe, 59 Y need ha'rdl�V sa,y hoi� t dead and 148injured: t those sibl o t ds - 1 am tha more in • In Crown: House there wits ab over, Z' trust nivel` c lu 'l no nic or anything of 0 . o to y. tp'a ,. turi�i. i i:s very " y, the kind, possibly the magriiflcerit fou �sincere7 e:rarrmple set by our cA ector, 'Mi'( ' The money ;''is. coming from to carry police.- could be .heard,above. t .out the ,random.' promises of am= cries' ' of • 'the ,' injured. There .Was bitious politicians... an instantaneous rush:' of am biilances from L know riot where, '' i • st e d. -to .• es me feel , It mak gu , . . _ . I first aid I es think our-Gountry�.has�:came__to Firms fig�tingapplianc ,. r � not '' eve u ;one Workers, . appeared like Magic what it :has,. It is r'y • thatTwisires to .live-uncle-r--a-=go't.•-=fxo--ell_directions your boys and, - , _. H one girls. from Oxer er the seas being, as ern'rr>`ertt-'vcrMcfi . saperiz�tei'ids o e , ''al t, fore. The ,re h to the from birth 'la death"- I 'for one • usual, .we , ._: ...• . resent it, I,, was :, under the. im- horrors of war, came .home to me es. pression that the war was . fought • Lucknow`! was about the last' P lace., of any; size�aroundL:to •go,' on fast Time: 'But' of - course those worthy ----Spots-- take, their time "' atchin on". about, c g .. However,, we really don't blame. the Sepoy. folks for sitting: -back and Waiting; to see what the, general feeling `iV'as.---Teeswater,:News. , • *_ • *_* The award, by the Ontario Red Cress• •ISociety •of the Badge •of Service to: Mrs. A. E. McKim .and now. There are'' few' centres that ,"Mrs.0 WM: merit - are ' not contemplating` some p major ' ost-war civic undertaking. 1 LucknoW, nolle could: be` much worthier .of`support than a sWirq- rn.ing pool and playground fadili- ties • John L, Lewis apparently .Was riot satisfied with the results . of the ''war. Now he is ,going 'to' see to • it that ,some real damage is. done. =Mildmay .Gazette. •• r.. for; otir freedorn• and the freedom not f r' the benefit 1 of .aixib t ons ole .. ... handful ...i. � .... Poll- of: a ha u - .. p ticians who appear .to be: ready to promise anything so long as they -.are_. kept.. 'in. _power,.. and _Whose purpose -is' to further restrict :our, liberties. .._'.. _..:: of the world, o g ed. These Itwo'. ladies . have ''given outstanding s,rvice, ' and leader- ship oto . the local . branch, and • it is pleasing to• see some official recognitionof their untiring ef- forts: * *._.* Another good rule for motorists to obserVe . is that pedestrians should bei seen'. and not hurt., Kingston :'hig-Standard. Since , the first ...part • of • this let - ler was st rted, 1 have .received your'. further 'letter with plan of• y sur •vicinity at Luckno'w, : for which, I thank you. • • ' It would appear.that'you are in what I call "Real Country',' which. I. love, and not too,far from Lake Huron, -which I expect as 'soon' as the Weather conditions permit, You 'wilM 'be visiting..I imagine' it it is almost like: the sea, at ,any rate as regards size. How f should 'lake to do a little of tile: travelling you have done, instead of spend- ing my time in an office , The M'ansP does not seem to be :inconveniently distant from the• churdh, although possibly xri`veryt severe weather, far enough; Is it countryfrom, the Manse to the church? '