HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-05-08, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MAY .8th, 19.45 . WEDDING BELLS` TREMAIIN--WINDSOR • By the glow of tapers'in tall candelabra, vows were' spoken: 'in Corrie United Church on Thurs- day afternoon, May 2nd, by. El freda Louise Windsor and Arthur 0liver.Trernain of .Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs, Win. J, Tremain, • 'Arthur, The bide is a daughter of Capt. and"•Mrs,. Jabez Windsor of St.. Johxi's; Newfoundland. - a ' Spring flowers against a back- ground of flowering' cactus-' were used as , effective decorations in' • the. .church,:. Rev G•: G. ' Howse' performed the ceremony • f'o r which. Miss• Hose' Howse Played: the wedding• music. The soloist, Miss''• Margaret' Rae, : LUcknow; gowned in pink. net ''over satin, sang "0 Perfect Love'..: preceding. the.ceremony,' and "I11 Walk Be side, You", during the ,signing .of 1' the' register.. •' • Mr: Jack Windsor; .. Toronto, ,gave his niece in marriage. Her gown, . made 'arid sent by "her mother, was of creamy satin fash-.. long' Sleeves, 'ta ri coned :in. a g .vper ng • nds. • The softly over the .h � t Y flred a skirt fell , into a 'slight )train 'at • The oke was of the back y sheer • • embroidered, lace. H es•-v e2- was fulllength and held rn•place by • a headdress of white 'gardenias. She carried an arm bouquet of 'pink an'd •white carnations -=Miss-Jean-Windsor,: Woodstoelt, was her. sister's • bridesmaid,', and wore a gown: of `.turquoise' crepe with shoulder length veil 6,1 in, place by a headdress of pink gar; • denias, She carried a nosegay of .,pink and -Mile sweetpeas.. The groomsman,' Was Ivan:; Tre main of Arthur,» and_ .the_ ushe-rs. were Gordon and. Glenn`Trernain,` all brothers, ' of; the groom. A •reception .for twenty-five • • guests'washeld at the parsonage:. ::Receiving with--the-bridal couple :washer cousn,'Mrs. G. G. Howse,: in' navy ensemble and 'Mrs. Tre Iain,, mother .of the '• groom; n blue with black' accessories. Three ,friends of the bride, Misses Betty:.. Howse, Qroiriel -Irene. Morrison, •Drayton arid: Reita Kirkness,.¢ Mt. ` Forest, :served •. THE: L"UCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, O>\TTARIO SMART WOMEN BRIGHTEN, HOMES BY PERSONAL LOAN FINANCING • Instalment; 1 payment Plan Makes! Buying for Cash Simple• • ° When cash . is not : readily available to, buy new sli cov- •eovers', curtains,' drapes and such like; or'to take care of that long overdue paint 'job around the house,, many women are con - suiting' with their husbands and getting therm --•to arrange the ne- cessary :financing' • through ` the Bank of M'ohtreal. The'i procedure • issimple a personal, :loan, repayable in easy PionthI.y, instalnients. °Th cost is very- low: just ,27.` cents. a month -for -each $100. borrowed when repaid over: , a, 12 -month period. Nowhere an you borrow or., less, or on more convenient terms.' • If' you would like t•o da a spring im pr'o vem ent job arou n :your home, tellYoix husbandd ''to see . Mr :Thompson, p a ana ger of the. Barik of Montreal. Her =is • ready, ' willmg sand glad :to help in p"rovidirig ithe whe'r� withal .for this and :a score of other useful' purposes. • PAGE.7 • "OBI'UA.RY ROD MaeLENNAN The death occurred in . St,' Thomas of Rod MacLennan on April :30th.. He had suffered.a stroke a few days ., previous to which he succumbed„ He was • of Lake Hui on, a son 'of .e rale born 59 ears ago on • of the late Malcolm MacLennan and -:Mary $oyd to ;whom were, born -eight children of: .whom. only Kenneth ;on , the homestead and 'James of 'Chicago'remain. Rod attended Goderich 'co11 , egiate. and "taught school a, few: years, at Dashwood after which he' went West and a . few :.years later' returned tQ:. reside at ' •St. Thomas. He was: possessed of 'an 'inter= esting, and 'pleasing•' personality. The funeral service was • held' at the home of his brother,. Keinneth,� (r Friday and was Icon.ducted.. by Rev. W. O. Rlioad, 'A large num- ber of.relatives and friends paid• their last respects: Interment.took place :'In Kintai'1' cemetery 'and pallbearers were. Donald McLean, Charles, and :Stewart; Wiley, ,Wil :mer Robb;: Neil. MacKenzie and Donald' MacKenzie, • . Mr s...:Johi��Maclaenn:`.n., of;,: -Tor. • Onto and James MacLennan; were in attendance at _ the funeral; ) b».. 6. ...: money to make money ., Electricity and modern machinery are time- savers. and money-makers. The 'Bo€M is.• ready to lend you money to help you make, r more money,: Ask or write for our folder "Quiz for a Go-ahead .Farmer,"' Better;.: still, see your B of 111I manager today.. MY BANH' 10AMINI 011104111 Ansa; BANK OF MONTREAL 1! , ki i 11/ll) (.,ills!/i,,,' /1! i'(11) 1(.l/k BLUEVALE PASTOR ,GUEST AT EASTER THANKOFF`ERING' • The Easter thank f of, er.irlg of the Presbyterian Missionary y 'Society was held in: the •church oh 1,day' evening: with Rev. Georgeri ozLofluevdle the, giiest_,speaker. 'Taking.,..Rom n . °.1 1 a s , 6.�as�- his :te t _ S �. , the thmeof his address •'was`. "Thegospel of 'which we are not]: .ashamed". The, unsaved man, he said, was ashamed of the g'osp'el,..' . .because it was foolishness to him but there were -ths eereasons we • should: not be so He � k • - spoke on "The :Good News'' r the heads content, t' r; , po .er, scope, and since, -it is as..wide ass'the world we Must ,needs have a missionary spirit. H For. • their.-. wedding trip 'the bride travelled in aa. gown of peri- winkle blue crepe with matching :coat and: hat,. and accessories of black. -.ler.. 'It reside in Scotia, 'Ontario. DRENNAN NIacDONALD Dr►_Saturday, April .20 at 2:30 o'clock' a charming, spring wed- ding' took ;place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.: Lloyd MaeDoriald'. Kincardine,. when'. their elder daughter;'.Marg.aretJeari Ann was united_ inaxriage to Kenneth- Jarnes' Drennan, soli of Mr. and Mrs Elwood Drennan of. Ashfield »Y,the Rev, Stanley M. Scott' of. Knox Presbyterian church, Kiri sardine �- Given in_marriage • ny -her lath er +.the.bride wore 'a' floor length, .gown of white embossed organza, made :with Sweetheart neckline 'and long sleeves: Her :headdress: was a :(coronet of white flowers'. with waist length veil. She car- ried a bouquet of roses and White snapdragon, AS bridesmaid, Miss, Shirley MacDonald, sister . of the bride,.. wore ;a' floor length gown. of pink sheer with headdress. of 'pink flowers and shoulder length, veil She carried a bouquet ” of ;pink and white carnatitins. Mr. Bruce MacDonald , acted as groomsman. A reception was 'held at the• bride's homey fallowing'"the. Gere- °nY at. 'Which, ,guests ' were Present from Ashfield, .Goderich, Respeler and 'T'oronto.. . "the wedding . , eft ng trip to border brown • the_ •bride wore 'a wn tailored suit w'ith", pink: blouse and 'brown ` ' ac ce ss ories.The cotp le will reside inGodersich • • 1i • • :Happy Cherry Pickets • his ssin spring, hundreds of enthusiastic teeen-agets will So desperate is Europe's; need., for food , .. and. so : take to the c . ountry side. For pleasure -for profit --fear • urgentour farmers'.' need for labour that thousan s of national service,; they'll go fanning for the Summer. Out . in the sunny • fields: ?nndorchards of Ontario, ambitious young folks n 'earn,7pot merely pocket -money—but. a. man's pay. They'll 'enjoy good com- panionship and clots of fun. They'll come back in this Fall "radiant and"'happy. helpers are 'needed this > spring: Attractive Community Camps are .waiting. . Work Is guaranteed' under skilled; pleasant' supervision. Here's the opportunity for youth to; pitch in and 'help' a vital,' worthwhile cause Teem ger Sign up for the Farm . Service Force. today, DOMINION PROVINCIAL ` COMMITTEE •AGRI.CU,LTURs LABOUR Lend A Handy Your help is needed on all types of farms—nowt You can;be•accommodated in Inspected Farm Homes or 'Y' Supervised Camps.*' ' If you are a high school student, check `with'.your Leather regarding the neces- • <sarypermission to leave :school.early .... then fill in '. attached coupon! • * This summer, the Robert Simpron;Ce Ltd.'wili briny fo OFSF Comps a series' of farm Frolics r-= featuring name bandy and entertainers ) • ir:.ii::>:r:.ii•'r,'r;G " :4%:,:;:i•+,Yi`': i:ii: -•: sir%i / r :./.4r Y•Y.. i •+! : / 0l fir' •,�':f�l'j'••'4••:.J ..�/,�lr ai+Yll� c !/ �/'/+lfli {ilJ.•'r t �. jr • / r c:>'4J�,:;•.;% ii!i....', ON- FARM LABOUR IDUCATION , • milk trait t N. :a' ear Aim gm Oa Am .mu M MAIL THIS COUPON AT :ONCE 11 E: ' Ontario Funs Service Force, ' ' r.: r .r.•Y.•.i:+.+i• f .. ,:/•4444 ':'•'3•rk: r/i�! lrlr��r:r.�Vr%4'rr�i 112 College St., Toronto 1 want to "Lend a Hand"• ' Please' send. me a regisiratlon form and' all necessary information about the Ontoile Farm Serylee Fere, a . .646 4,44.44 4: •••••••••••1%••••••••;•• A git (please print) Address. .•y•. ,•,, •• .Town,' 4444.+4444 1e1. No. 1 will be availabie ham. ,...•.,.,,••;••. le.V.• .,•. ...,: '444,•4 And would like to , accommodated. in. ,An Ihspected Form Honse' 0' . A Y. Supervised Gsmp 0 ss.'1110 01111 W' 'tib - - gr • . 444 4•C . �lel�b�!1'!" 41111.L&A.10..411 r .• y��. .• AP& iriMPANM.01=1."41=1111Prallai a. 1, et meg. i—•.. yds i• 1 r -di. Agit • • 11 . • • 1 •