HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-05-08, Page 6Ii
If -you y are' a oun woman Sixteen years
oilyover' aid wish a position that will pay.
ou o d, wages. in'pleasant surroundings
?Y. g P•
in "a good. town ' - Write to
Post Office Box 351, Kincardine ,
• ne,.Ontaro..
Major the Rev M: J: Dalton;
M.B.E., ., •`chaplain of the'' Essex
Scottish Regiment, . who recently'
• returned • from. five years over-
seas; .is spending a while visiting.
his . Tnan
y° •�fritends � and .relatives
here. •'., r . •
Mr. and Mrs, ;,Addie Martin
spent Thursday t isiting Seaforthi
^ M
11/1r.. Will. Halton of . Detroit
with friends
apeiit, the week -end
Lyal Lannon made a: busi
trip to London on Saturday':
• Mr. •-Nace Martin ,who recently
•et rned. ;from overseas has. , pur
•chased; Denis.., Dalton's farm and
gets�ossession soon. We regret.
�R v
losing Den* and his: 'family from
our midst.
Mrs: Jos. O'Loughlin and'Len-
non and' two sons of Detroit spent
Sunday in • the burg. w .
'Mr, ' Frank Dalton of Cleveland.
is spending 'a while at his. home.:
Mrs. Howell 'and family have
taken ,Lip residence In Kintail.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil eall
called onMrs, D.Gileast,
Wednesday. •
Mr., Scott Patterson of .Detroit
visited at Jack' MacMillan's on
Sunday. ,
Mr; •, and Mrs.. • T.. Jantzi and.
Donald .spent • the week -end at
George Fisher's .
Mr•• 'and Mrs: Pharis Mathers
and Carolyn silent Sunday with
Mr.. and Mrs, Alegi Hackett ' in.
Wingham. ,
Mr. Alfred Patterson• visited iri.:
London the 'end of the week.,
Mr. and M'rs.Ilhys'.Pollock and.
Mr. and Mrs. George; "Fisher spent
Wednesday evenink,at Mr;. Foster,
members•• of her 'family in'this
. .. -district.
Mee.srs., Mike Martin, Jim, and
Clarence ' Dougherty and Jack
Austin' spent a • day . with their
p• parents ' while • their ' boat, tlie'
,Al rail was in Goderich.•.
The play "Good :'Gracious
Grandma'_', _p .4 .nn. last Monday
mgh""t; was `very much- enjoyed-by--
njoyed"by-everyone present,
.Mr. and Mrs.' H. P. Hogan ;and
Nlr and" Mrs. Ray'Hogan of Han-
over' visited 'friends on Sunday,
WEDNESDAY, MAY. 8th, 1946
Sells; Butcher Business
Barney. Benniger, , who has
xnanaged..the Dungannon , meat.
market ,for ,the past five years,'
and who formerly lived in Wing-,,
ham, has disposed' . of his business'•
to ' Orville Stanley , of Windsor,
Mr, Benninger 'will. conue to
live. ,in • Dungannon, for ,the°" sum-
mer. er at least
':Mr.. and. Mrs. Robot. Rtitledge,
Son Lloyd and : Miss ' Stella, Rut-
ledge of :Auburn visited the for..'
mer's' son, ' Mr.• Roy Rutledge and
f milt' on Sunday. . '
Messrs.' Thos, Dickson''and• Mel
Dickson: made,''a• trip; to, London.
on Mon ..ay • and were accomp� n-
`led back 'b their ,mother, Mrs:.
T. .Dickson; who ;twill:liisit among'
Miss Olive Blake.. attended. a re-
ception in Ripley on Friday even-'•
ing held in honor of Mr. and Mrs,
Frank ;Fair; nee Elizabeth Scott.
Mr. and Mrs: • Wm: Keith, ' Mt.
Forest, visited . at the 'end of the
week with 'Mr., and Mrs. Will.
Smith: and' family, Ashfield
Mr,. and• Mrs. Bertram Curran,
Goderich, ` visited at the parental
home on Sund ay..
Mrs H. Horton spent the week -
Crispin, ,Lucknovv.':.
LICp1, Howard . Blake,:'Brock-
vilie, spent • the • week -end with
his parents and friends.
�/a e,L
addressed to All Members of the Church -of ' England ,in. Canada by
� E
THE: �1�IC�ST REVER�E�D D 1� WYI� ,..
Primate of=all. Canada
• We are glad to know 'Mrs.Chas.
Fow,ler is I\ recovering•, very nicely
since` her .operation about, three
weeks ago at .the- :Goderich Hos-
pital. :It
os-pital.:It is expected" she will. be
'returning home soon.:.
Miss • Bernice Blake,
S rin s sent` .the week -end
p g , 13.. •� . o ,
'with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Blake; G'
And -Mrs: _ Donald Fowler,'
Mr. George ',Irwin. and. Mr. and
a The Penszort. Fund now, Pr
�,�,_. ,�.,.. -inni anr-�: vis d:..-.. 1?.�,
Mrs.. Ro . F .. g ....-...,,..�� _ - _ � r ....__
vides' $20 far.' each year of service,
with a maximum of forty years,
making a maximum . annual pen- .
sion of $800.': The'rninis.ter's "con-
tribu-tion=to-the.-fund a-n-n:uallyis-
5 percent of •his 'salary.
The Pension Fund ca'mpaign--is—'.
-bei_n_g conducted sul_e� intted
Church. laymen. The ,minimum
objective • 'set` for:, the Lucknow
congregation: is' $1650, payable
over a three-year period: '.A per-
sonal canvass •will be made .by
G. Andrew, :Wilfred
cuulton CAM. AtoNS.
(:Continued from Page 1)•
appeal was elected' for each coo,
gregation, 'Chairman and ablpet,..
Ives are . as. follows: St, Peter's,
Lucknow, Mr. T.'.W, Smith,.$501;;.
St. Paul's, Dungannon, Mi•, -Win,
Caesar, $238; Christ Church, Port
Albert; Mr. R..Foster,;'$270;-St,
Paul's, ; I pley, • Mr. W, Culbert,
$2 i. Total objective fol• the Pal..
ish is $1240, Contililautios>s,
+'desired, may be paid., over a.'3. •
year period,
y j
is $12,000 and Huron Diocese
The r:uce' Deaner oh'
se ol�,e
jective •$500;000, The 'Archbishop, ',
Most• Rev, C; . A, Seager,, has call;
ed: on,people seize rhe
'opportunity : o`f• t lz e Anglican
Addvance.Appea1 and- make cer-
tain 'that the Church o'f. England
in Canada is equipped spiritually
and financially for thc' woik of
the' peace -making, years ahead
LocaL�,LObjective. S,et •
. On Sunday 'morning, Mr. Pat-
terson of 'Wiarton;' „Presbyterial
cliairtnan of the.. Pension Fund."
was. the: guest•':•slpeaker in Luck.
now United" Church when he out
lined the plan, ' and the' need for• •
Putting ; •the pension, fund on a
sound actuarial basis,
Fleshertori • and Dundalk' for the
week' end and attended the
Henry-Murca.r 1 wedding on Sat-
urday; The groom: is theelder son:
of 1VIrsEverrett Hentrand—the
late :'Everett- Henry, and is;; a
baker at Dundalk
—�F�kt2 rr„i.�srrh' cF+ryr[P Waw
held Sunday "evening, sponsored
bythe Women's MissionarySoc
iet�y. Rev. W. J..Rogers. conduct-
ed the' first' of the service 'and
Mrs: Mel Reed,' president 'of :the.
Society, then introduced. the ; crest.
speaker,: Rev. Miss Reba Heim of
Varna, " who ..gave ,a very impres-
sive address in the interest' of
Missions. .' Miss Hern an ordained
minister; an
d twin sister of Rev
EVER has humanity, been in greaterneed of the Christian
Gospel, 'the inspiration' and guidance of Christian teaching.
and -the Christian spirit..
o -day we give -thanks -fora physical'wrctory over forces opposed
Ito every Christian principle. ;•'But these forces must still:=