HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-05-08, Page 5w pNES.DAY, MAY 8th, 19.46 •....'.v ..P :...,"'c .. 0 irtALTR.', THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' 'LUCKNOW, DOROTHY'. McGUIRE • GEORGE BRENT, ' ETHEL BARit,YM:ORE.:' in :The Spira� . Staircas,e" A period melodrama to.¢fast irate the most. discrimina ting followers of mystery: stories.''. ' Show starts,.at: $, ppm.; Satuitday,at 7.45 No: M'ati:nee•This� Saturda. Aftern0on SPECIAL ay 13-1461 Play = Scor. Plao 'rREDERicR nuLc l 1 I R&1 NAh ina YINCEN1: aAw and.William* Wsi fht t. eased on a N Rty le naDatis. or,:xntn.ny oinaea er.vIGTOR .r owl er�clyd Brion o�+;s II LEMING Pianos: by SAM ZIMBAL1ST'. 'A Metro-Catl yyr-Mw Poeta:. :. • here ill be Two` Show►s:` Each Night at 7:30,.: p.m. and 9.30 p.m. Mr: Warren Zinn, spent , -Sunday in London: Mr. and Mrs'Lorne Durnin and -:sans-cif=IJn'len�-aspen t ---Thin; s- clay' el/Ie ing ' with. Mr. and '1VMs. 14laiviri.Durnin. • Mr; and Mrs.Clifford :Crozier and Joanne visited on , Sunday with ':friends in London. The Crewe' W. A. are sponsor- ing a play; „ "Good Gracious Granfft a" T put .on by the ,Port. Albeit 'dramatic society ' on •Fri- clay evening, May 10th in Luck"- novo town halt Musical' nun -fliers 6:etVveen• arts'.:Come andenjoy' a good evenin'g's enter.tainrnent. 8:00'.p.n •Easte•r n. Standard. Tir ie. • :Mrs. Beit spent, 'Treleaven 's a y p , S t urda with he?r cousin Mr Wi'ggiris: ONTARIO ' WAGES MANY" PATI E:NTS,. FROM THIS AREA,, 1$ 3. Percent Of Adtlitisstons Wingharn, Hospital Are Frot Lucknow, And District—Hospi- tal Building Fund, Still Short $14,000, Figures are rather a,boring way toy present a problem . but 'to get a 'true picture of .the service that is being rendered • by . Wingham District General Hospital to Lucknow. :and' lithe surrounding territory, it is necessary to. quote a few statistics; . Last ` year (19.451 the hospital 'served'5.50 adult: Patients .and 162 new-bprn .babies, which•.makes. a ,grand,. total. 'of .71'1 'hospital ad - 1 r iissio1i .•'Lucknow patients tcitar- 1:ed.. 54,. adults arid' ..17 new-born babies (.a .total of 71), or" 10 per- cent of... the adrnissions .to .:the hospital. Froth' Lucknow routes Athere were'.48 adults and 11, new- born': babies, (a , total of 59) or P$.3 percent; Thus••it, will be seen that Lucknow' and district ;hada . total of 130 admissions, or' 18.3 liercerit: In 19;44 there "was very little, difference in. the ',,percentage of 'admissions. Lucknow had 7 per sent '-arci..�the,routes 10 _percent,- -1-0• a:,:.lotal_pe.i centage.� of 1'7, . In 1945'.,the " total. nuni,ber:; of hospital days • amounted. to: '816.5 Thus It Can be assumed that Luck •now `folly' spent .81:6 days in .the. hospSittal lasts yearand-Lucknow 14gnd691day_ district'` peophe, '.'combined, Thi. nu==.bei' of nos l -days= has increased from,*4993: •in 1942•• to 8.165 in 1945 1946 is well ahead of -last year, there, being. 54 more ,patients: up'.,to the'. end. of April:. To• meet.; the deiiiand in 'his district. for hospitalization; slight y over 100;000 '.is being sperit to' have. Wingham- District liospr= tal • as, fine :and' modern' as any hos.R tal'_in'Ontario:.:In fact `some of, the e , appointments in: 'the neW 1„ :bu loin g,, Which Will_ Opened •aboixt Jirly, exceed even .the cif hospitals $14;000: ,More Required : •' Miss Marion; MacDonald ntisic supervisor, and , Mrs. Durnin are •to be congratulated' on the splen- did success.. of . the •pupils f om this, school.. at the d usic: festival. held in Goderidh: the past week: Mr. andL 1VI;s Andrew 'Gaunt and Murray of Sty: Helens visited With Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwobd ti on Sunday:', resa 1875 Xterian' church in Cana 1 ' -YEARS 194..6 875-"1` , he se•�veral• branches'of. the.' . resbyteri<an communion united . to form the Presbyter lau , Church in Canada - a single of f ecti' e` uproclamti n ><nstr merit for the.� -proclamation of the Ref ' . • • .._• �.. � . ormed Church ,witness to the •Gospel' of Jesus Chr><st` .� To date .$86,000 0.0 has been ,raised toward this .'4pioject as; ::follows: Huron County? -G -o roil ---$25;400--- Town ` of Wingham: 15,000 Province' of Ontario 10,000 .H.owick . Touvnship. ^ :'1,000; Turnberry Township 1,000 Morris, Township , r : 500 :West' :Wawanosh Twp 300 Brussels., .300: Wingham sttbscriptions : 33,000 KINLCQIJC Mrs. Peter Murray who has spent the winter with her daugh- ter, Miss ,Margaret Murray at Montreal, returned home during the week and. is visiting with lVi, and Mrs, Alphonse 1Vlurray.. Miss May Boyle .attended, tlae•. annual" meeting of the Women's Auxiliary held at London •Wed- nesday and Thursday.. of . last. Week; Mr,' Glen Pinnell of ,Windsor is spending _a. while with his par- ents, Mr. "and Mrs. Wm. :Pinnell. Mrs,. William Waif spent Wed nesduy ., in .Loudon with Mr. .and Mrs,•' Allan; Wall. • Presented With Signet Ring ' The:; Wornen's Institute met: ori; Thursday afternoon at;•:the :home.' of 'Mrs. James' :Hodgins .With a good •a' cndance.' The ;president; Mrs. ' Tom Hodgins, had chargeof the meeting which opened with. the singing' of ''the Ode 'and re- peating the.'Lord'.s .prayer in Uni- son., The secretary read: the :cor•. respondence`' and business was dealt with,. The . district meeting will be" held' in Tiverton on June ,18th. , At the, dance.: sponsored by the W,I; dur.ing"the'week-another of Our servicemen;' Edbert Bushell was prese4ted.-w_tt1T:a_gold signet= ri-rrg�-;1VIrs--�Erne$t, �Acker-t favo'red. with :a solo; Miss .May Boyle:'read: a poen and .Miss Then McBride gave, , the topic , :on ;;trees arid', "shrubs Mrs.;'Jim Boyle, Mrs, -Jack odgins, �Mra Archie' 'e Arlan and Mrs: Albert 'Thompson were ._cosen..,;.judges'for .the lemon pre •carates -,-Pies went to' Mrs .T.o .. Harris and,Mrs Frank Thompson: The roll call. -was .answered with the beauties : ,of� a : farmer's ; wife. The National anthem ' closed the meeting and lunch was served 1 ,the hostess and `;cominittee' 'in. clarge: Mrs. Thomas Harris is the 'June, hostess *i.;,. -i ussell,' Dobson of Windsor visited:.:.: over:' the ;week -wird with' Mr,.• Wm Dobso anid:' Mr: .•n. Mrs .:Wm Pinnell:; r:.' and rs. im ,ow er. ,o Windsor motored here :Saturday' for her mother,,•Mrs. Susan -•,Hod gins, who returned . to Windsor; with them HongresL_Mrs Fred:-H.odgms • ,The Ped' cross ladies gathered. n. i i is o . Friday evening .at, the>;home``of Mrs. W: J :�MaceLan' to honor. our. faithful :: president; . Mrs..; `Fred w �awil1 _be'making her home elsewhere: Mrs; . Milton Walsh :presided. and the following program: was given Blest;be'the; tie. that: binds,. reading, . Doris. Barr, duet, Mrs: Alf Haldenby and May oy e, guitar• Solo;'1Gfi s::` Jaynes. Hodge;°reading Mrs .W:, MacLean;, solo,'__ 1VIi1di eci., Pinne11 reading, ,Mr�s;,,Bert' MacLean. Mrs.. W: J. MacLean, read a; suitable address to Mrs; Hodgins '.express=' ing deep 'r.egret 'in losing' her from the 'Red Cross' :and; the comrnun' icy.. She was J presented with, a beautiful Scoffield : bible :, in'` ap-. pi oaati•on ,of•- le -r faithful erviee- Mrs:- Ho'dgins.' rplied' fittingly, and XTHE, • IUCKNQV1 To nice Wednesday► DOUBLE BILL 0PROGRAM Thi Strange Mr. Gregory' EDMUND LOWE and Lonesome Trail JIMMY WAKFLY FR I, '. S�#T &MON: COUNTER, ATTACK .• Starr'nng . PAUL MUNI This magnificent; story is: •adopted from; : the Broadway stage success' •"Counter. At- tack". _.lack of K>:r-icardine -Sp nt•;Suinday • 'with 'Mr. and :Mrs. B Obert Lean. • "`The. Anglican Sunday School ;' .' re opened;on _Sunday:last „for the' summer months: with ,a, rally ser-. vice,',Mrs..„ ('Rev.) ; Owen gave a very. interesting'and instructive irl 'i -alk to; tti,eeh-iid erin-orn thet-e t - "Ye are the light • of the world, a. nuriiber: of; the •litt10 pries taking part,. �lVirs. Har'old' Iialdenby favi,,. cared with a beautiful solo, .'"My. Little :•Prayer" Total, ,., $86,000' An oppor,turlity for the' people of-Lncknbw- arid -district to hac1C this great district enterprisejs at hand. $14,000 at• least•. still' hhas to: e. subs. 4bcel l-laz--nQw--t-o-'2-assist this worthy ", cause.. • {F RETIRING' 1'I9DERATOR' BC•ANNIVER'SARY PREA, HER a Anniversary. -services in_L.uck-� noW, Presbyterian'Churcli will be ,held on ,Sunday,., May 12th, when Itie '.'_Peter _A • Dunn, 'of St: Paul' s''Church•, :Hamilton; w it bete iii est- s '.eake'r i} at- oth. b se•i ieeS..'Re�'. Dunn is the irxi- me:diate :past moderator ot the. .'S;yriodt of Hamilton and `'London, w on gr• ati�-n-is and the Lucknow vcg eg o fortunate in having,the. opporstunT xtv to laca �l�i-i1% this--arrnlvera--- sitry occasion. "* . Special music will be furnished choir assisted'b:.y Mrs. :T: y �the'ch r A: Leishmati and Mr; Lloyd .Ste- wait, • An Open nieetirig of. the: Sunday 'School will precede the morning service at 10 o'cldclz; • at whieli Dr. Dunn will speak,,•and when. certificates' will . be 'presented to 'mem'bers hof the Sunday School. 1946.=.. _ It is of the' mercyof or God that the Church, so formed more than seventyyears u ' y ,ag o has enctuired to this clay,; and that the � r" Gospel of: the' sale tion : of men', by ,grace alone'. is heard in our Published,in the interest of the Presbyterian Advance' for Christ Anil Peace Thankoffering, and publication dtidr authorized. • It is a)vays so easy; -to see throiigh' people, who: make spect-= rclos of themselves; �► M! • a11' joined .in -the 1iymn `Wh t a. friend we have in 9esit? ". Mrs: I -Wes Guest conducted two con- tests and. ,lunch -was. served ' and a.' pleasant chat was enjoyed. Miss Calyni:"M Buil `,y�of Km enidine. visitt#d, Over the week -end' with. her ai:int, Mrs. B.ei t Mae- Lean: d. .Mrs. Arthur'Graham.spent.the week end with • Kincardine Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rvey.Hodgins, Glen and • Kenneth'' rrioved on Tuesday to 'beside 'on"their farm here: We welcome.::them to our co'xntnunity r ' 1VIi 5 H A. Graham spent, Thtir'sda;ywits her daughter llWeS., M.' Johnstone' and My.. jo' nstot e at Listowel.."' ' Miss Ellen , 1VreBride and ' the pupilsf S S. leo ,2 went to West•- ford r Arbor Day to. join the° teacher ;a4t' ,;riuils there for an kfte;r'nor ,' ; e "incl sports,' Mr. a - '.,,,. lInland and 'R n : Little Leonard Stanley, 2 -year‘,.: old son.__ofland - Mrs: Ezra Stanley, hadhe'. :misfortune' on Sunday afternoon to fall . through', a • trap door • .in 'the bar. n arid'fall down.. into ' the' stable, fracturiin " A - his hip:: The -little lad was rushed'' to the:'local:hospital and ;on 'day, was removed to :: the "Sick Childr,en's. Hospital, Tbrontoi: -We all wish him a speedy',' recovery. Mr. ' and-. Mrs: ,Ben Scott W and• fari-rily of '.:Purple : Grove visited ':Sunday with Mr „:and :Mrs. Alex • Don't let one disastrous fire wipe .out-the'results of years- o(lah�ur •Let us study your property, estimates:. the protection you need,,and write a Pilot Insurance Policy to give you adequate protection. We'write .Pilot Insurance'to cover selected risks u Automobile, Filre, Personal; Property Floater, Burg- lary, Plate Glass, Public Liability " and other general insurance, P. S. STEWARTLUCKNOW, 4