HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-25, Page 97777, URSDAX,: �iP#L 25th,. 1040; LyceUfl!. The:i,itr. WI NGHAM Thursday, ' Friday,, • Saturday i Ar.l. . _p 25 1011 • WAYNE y'IRA 'RALSTON WALTER BRENNAN. 26 -27 ":DAKO • in '* The icture-`-unwiuids 'as •an ex- citing -bit of;rough-and tbitnb1e (complete `with fistfights, gtirii- fights, and stagecoach :chase.. The show. starts at *8.00 • p.m. Saturday at 7.45 'p.m. Matinee Saturday at g..30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday r.:.1 .3 a. GENE TIERNEY COIC EV: WILDS 111 ave eav Taken from• the .:Ben. ..Ames' i• Williams best seeder thi<ss its. 'HE' L.,LTCK]OW SENTINEL,.. Ltl'CKI1iQW:,..Ot!TTRIO 'SPHITCTS . VPITtiE HONi1fJ MADE EASY WITH LOW -COS'[ PERSONAL LOAN PLAN •' Repayment by Easy Instalments Males , Purchasing, Possible • Without Hardship T• o ..get the things •they want for their homes•,—new furnish- ings, new appliances,' •edecor- ation; and ;Various home • im-, proveixrents—_many:.. •people have found;that the 'quickest). and, most 'economical way is• through. a low-cost B of M personal loan, ' by ,'.which you .can, obtain, cash at just 27 • c month ,•for $100 loan, ' . epayabl•e• in .12 mon thl,y Inst intents.. To- an one' in'a .positiop to re pay, :withut'`'hardshrp,:. the • Bank is in a' osrtion to lend,, and you,, ,may be 'sur e � th 'when �. . Y at ,,, you ask, fora loan at:the' B,of• M 'you do • not ' ask a favour. . See Mr, -.---Thom psonl, manager :of the- Bank' of•A .Montreal He' •• :will be' glad to disetiss the. fin-, ancing,•. of.. your • home- improve- ment 'plans :with' you. RECEIVE 'A` .70-YEAR70LD ISSUE OF ` THE GIOBE :Frdm.Mr•s. James • McFar ran:. of tgwn we hay.e, r;eceiVod•..an oi.d: copy. of ,the ''weekly edition of The Globe. rt is 70'years'• old,. • ',bearing' the dateline, !Toronto,, Febr wary ‘4th;. 187.6", and is • very • preserved .-Th:e_-'-p'u=b-ircation- is. a sixteen page tabloid,•. with, the, front . page .. devoted`' •to an ar-trc-1' n .:i . e --o R h-t�-mon. rri•-�Ew- g � .,.... rt Fr- adstoire T- ---tFore--i-s a-eoo'ct o th most elaborately treatei * : . �j�der melodrama, insome and time`; —4. The show_ `starts at 8:00 pan, W'kUITECHURCH (Continued: from Page 1) lost `their. lives in, World. War' I. Messrs. Arthur Simpson,Mornian Wellwood and Kenneth Laidlaw unveiled the tablet and'windows.' Mr E-Schatte of Wingham sound- ed the ,last post. • A• duet was sung' by Mr. and Mrs.. John McGee and special Easter music by the choir. Rev. A. H: Wilson gave an Easter sermon. The church: was decorat= ed •.with1.0Vgty flowers for this, impressive service, tinged with sorrow., • Mr. .,.and Mrs, Floyd.. Bott of Elora spent'Sundaywith her Par- ents, Mr, incl.' Mrs, Robert, °Pur Messrs, Mac MO egor Of pear OweeSound arid' lark McGreg- pr of Toronto spent last week=end with their; parents, Mr ;and' "Mrs, Duncan•. McGregor. Mr:. and Mrs. Mac -Ross of here alsospent Sun- rday.there. 'Mr and' Mrs. 'Harry. Hayes •of' Detroit: and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mer rill of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs: Fred Tiffin •or Langssde and Mr Sandy Murray of T.ol onto visited ,en Sunday with'Mr :and Mrs. Victor Emerson 4-1.4TheiliiitulGuttrnh. W S met in--the-enure - dGsL Wednesday- eV -- ening ', with.' a good attendance; Quite •a number" from St. •feelers .were: .Present... Rev. Mr; Newton gave.lantern' slides :on Easter ;and an. inspiring. mesage. Lun' h wase. served 'anda social time 'enjoyed �- all. Y ..... • rs. c --of` t.h ath tX --�15. airy rt'ed last Week with ier, daughh ter, 'Mrs:: Victor` Casemrore: and 1VIr..Case more ::.•Mr: and :Mrs. Robert „Ross : and: s. • Wm M .r, . J. Coulter motored 'to' Kitchener: . last ' Thursday, :•The of. interesting'reading in. the issue: 'Apparently .the present age'has no moriopoly on • crime, forathere were no:. less:.. than :four murders r'epor,ted.1 • Robert Baird was listed ' as the warden of . Bruce.. County °.and' R LE.,G..R:O•V:E .P,U PL• .4 5x' ES" .74 ' aK Mrs. Jaynes siVI'oore of Toronto (formerly Miss 'Esther' Johnson) and 'son' Carson Moore :are visit- ing her parents,: Mr,, and Mrs. Jhn Johnson. . • Mrs. M Duffy of Teesw.ater 8i _formerly_ . i�erg. • .SPel?t...:.a__:.fe. , days last week with IVIr.' and Mrs. Mac• Ross, . Mr. and Mrs, a W..: R,• Farrier and other friends,,: Mr, and• 'Mrs, ]tired Clark.. of Lucknow visited on• -Friday --with her father, Mr, Robert Carrick and 1Vliss Susie Carrick.. Mr. and • Mrs. Harry 'Tichborne of '• Goderich, Mr. 'and; 'Mrs. Dun- cay Kennedy .of Wingham, 'Mrs.. Lo ne'.'Durni'n and sores' J. t and Ross.• Of near. LU;cknoV:r• rand • Mr. and Mrs, George' Kennedy; and 'sons Wiliiarn. and.. ack spent Sun=. clay with their mother ;..Mrs. D. Kennedy. Mrs, � ,Cherry and daughter Miss Kathleen Cherry who were: visit- ing relatives 'arid ' old friends a round here;-l✓ucknow__�.and side • left Saturday fpr their honie in the West. The special t:oankoffering of the. •W.M S: '-of ;the Presbyterian church was held last. Thursday at the home • of Mrs. Robert' Mow .bray,, .president .of the W.M.:S, who ,presided.: The scripture was read by; Mies Arzrie f£enrledy; :=nedrt-at%on-by -IVIrs A:= Walters; prayer' by Mr"s. �'. Wellwood. A special •Easter • address, was given by Mrs'.;:Russell of Wingham`The closing pray er was giyeribyrMrs,.. Mowbray. Lunchwas served and • a social tirne ,was, Spe` nt by all. Coulter who is teaching School em Bought Village ResidenceC there •returned. > home .,with : Mr:. and Mrs..: Gordon .Avis. of Mr Dan nl = Or'the. Easter holidays..., a Fr ayson ,of Cones. Tiverton..and' ;Mr; ,and Mrs Ban -'..son 6, : Huron. Tovvnship lias .pier nerinan and babe of Kinloss, spent •,chased the 'Village, residence ten- ••:.Sunday at Mr. Will Walsh's.. • .anted bY Mrs. l•iassa1 and• George,, sale was hand' Mr: '.and Mrs: � Will • Busheh' •of The .. ... : by: '*r. Iisrcknoy% �risitedtl .1,11._ -Doi 'Well. ;.Id'enderson; led, c 'McCosh .recently: Scottr: .. We are.,_glad t9....�tepo_1r_t-.�T � GteV_C:_1-Ta-f1-- pent Morda Ce' enrn� -at Mi- 4ohn ,Emerson s: harles::Collins � much :ii'iaprove d g • hi health. '. Mr., -and Mrs. Will Staniev'--of • Miss,Mat garet ]sober tson visit Lticknow spent Sunday •with;Mr, ed With her sestet, Mrs: Goldie. George Tho:nipson: '$ust$rr1-a•t-.4WWeek:, � ;ors: ,Tack Emerson Mrs 'rhos. Inglis • Mr. and Mrs J.: B, Morrison visited..on Sunday ''with ;their. son, Mi.; Thomas : Mor rrs.on . and. -Mrs», Moirisori ivtis Lpuise Martin of Kinear dine and Mi.,' :and Mis.1qCameron. Simmons•» Of London .Spent the weekend with'. their. parents, Mr and 1Vlrs Charlie ,Martin .:. 1Vfrr. and' Mrs.. A..Fairbrother° arid. • babyof. Toronto= spent :the \., M', , George Ross •of.' 4'O ve • ,Soured spent -the week -end withh. , . his parents, Ir/ i and 1Vfr`s'"'�oberr Ross Mrs• . John Ross ,of--Saskatche wan spent a .few, days •last".wee-k with Mr, arid. Mrs Kerb •Laid=:' law. We are sort y to re_port _that Ml.'.. James Laidlaw• is not as well as his'many friends 'would wish, ,We -wish-,him • a - speedy - recovery; 'Master Rayritond Adam's; is -OS-, iting this• week with 'Mr: and . an Mr Dan :McDonald visited:over visited at Mr. Isaac Nixon's of tile tveek-end. with Mr.' .W: 'I . Belfast :recently. • arise r• eY. our, (onfiden:ce In The' Market - lll6rfT`Now--.ycl can look ahead' and 'see' an pro it .o a c, anc •ssiUr'ed,. rnai;kct: for, eggs, for ;at, least a• year tired a half -,the normal Life t-itne of y'otir 1046 cuticles» The "gamble~" has.•been7 taken. t tight out of poultry:. • '. There • is or reason 16 suppose Canadianswill'ser.iousl cuC down •on toot egg cohsurn t' on •which is high.. Then, too:, p the r itisla;..-g ceon-tra•cts -lia , 1 t] for rid lfr; v4 i .ettIec` r ;o v but •for 1947,• pt'oviding.a. basi door.; priCr for, all we'll iS , gs t4 e. try i : , c iiks,ly to produce, rrt}sh, rcquiremcnts foe 194.8. still be an,ir;lw before.the' end •ef 1447 The ,clef i.Yin 1--x -i • Poultry_ rnr t,,ts-- -bo:th dc,mestic and fos°ei n- is,vc cit ally strong: • (.onfider1 carr Bray hick Bray Chicks are brei. to be' vigorous, thrift', fast ar`ot�•- lag and gxcicl� cl., . '� g y., � ,,.. . tit p g o Y t hat e ctclo rn '-••••the, 'er;y•.. tralitics ort.Ynr�s aY chic'ks to have them mat re and laying for the, profit- •able fall aft wintery season. If : ordering 4I You'. have• been holding oft:. ing Your •Bray Chinks for 1643—or 'if- you. need ads dttional'ehirk's,_to take.•care cif. . _ :��f,iti'.-4411j.-ng' _- �-�p7ace sumrner��losses•-ardd .Yeor. Ocder. now; You can have confidence in Ythe' market: You can have confidence in Bray Chicks • :', Fred. *8 rte°d. W. .ra: , Lig .t20 J01LN`. •ST'. N. ". IAMIL'01f T. •FINYNROS.,Lucknow, Agent .. - ,_ .• • w<,elc-end, with.' her; mother, 'Mrs: ` Jas; Wi'lsorr, 'Sr,, 'and- -her- Brother,. Mr. Jas, Wilson, Jr. and. attended the.: memorial service .in the c}utrch•on,Sunday• Mrs.. J; • F 'McLean, spent a few cldys last week with•het;',•laugh- Itet' ' Mrs,, Gibson of' Cayuga and Mr. J. F. McLean spent ' Sunday t ere-- ef:het-r•M-r M.c-.ear•i: returri.- • iied'honic with. • ` Mr.. Bctth .' Caun:t, of, Preston I spent_ the i cek-end. With his .sis- ter,: iste•,: Mrs: Gro •ge ' 1V1cClenaghan and Mr: McClenaghan Mr. ztnd Mrs.' rm Thi -key arid, .children of London spent 1 the week end with. her parerits; Mr» ;and Mrs: •seri ,McClenaghan. Mas- ter "Carl Mcclenaghan.. returried hlmie with diem and is spending' his Easter holidays there/' Mrs, Isar ciidrparting and dau- ghter, Miss 'Marie S.par'lirig. of Winghani..spent Sunday with the Trr.r►er's. parents, Mr. and Mrs, his. Moore, . • . 1r and Mrs .A11bert' Coultes ;end children.,spent Sunday with her parents, 'lr, and. G i i ,if ae l /,. • • J REX THE LUCKNOW' FR I - SAT. & MON.. TURHAM BE.' "FRISCO ,SAL'' r' with Susanna. Foster Its a swell story of the Gay Nineties R.. • WEDNE 'DAY S in. P • w_ grade o� GALE STORM PHIL •'REAGAN We're confident you'll like this one. NEXT Friday,, 'Sa'turday,; Monday • • "HONEYMOON 'AHEAD" starring. Allan,' . Jones, . with Grace 'McDonald, Raymond Walburn. : w COMIN "PATRICK C THE GREAT" • • • • Ther-AYotmWonYen' Y 1 — s�`irieetirr�-�ng�e B FRIDAY _MOM.; TREAT E Sho Nuff Minstrel > Show, -an .. A. Y. P. A: •production o f St George's, 'Church, : • Goderich,,.wilty be .presented in. the Towne Halla Lucknow Ori Friday' night . of: this wee ,> .:un•er• ?'auspices. of `.'the: Lnrkno gricultural _Society. was held on 'Friday at Mrs :Jas.; Wilson's; 'Jr.:.'Mrs. ',Dawson. Craig was in the • chatr...,..Hyxnns_..were. "sting; scripture reading ' by'Miss Roberta Mowbray, poem . by Miss. M; . McEach'ern, > :meditation on Easter by Mrs J.', Cann, .closing: =which they .quilted, a crib quint: Lunch ;was: served.'and °'•a social Gime• spent : by all, Ration Coupon Due Dates =t� updns-`riow valid are. sugar: preserves Si to ' S7, butter R•f to R6, and meat'M29 : to M34, • • Curtain rises at:;. 8.15 :.for, two' .hours of mirth and melody. . ° The interlo`utor is ' `Rev ' • B.H. .Farr of 'St. George PariS i,.. 4 ti • • A dance will follow, the • show' • t` music by s ` o Carruther,,..orchestra.• • • L One - Customer tomer Writes:•f,;g..•�.' r- "Devise some Means so that if neighbours: ' must ,lisfen in, they .can at ].east � repeat. R;�, �. • correctly what they'. heard.." ei":.. , .`'ti; ,EfI i D, this "half -joking 'suggestion is ': one- of .111e most serious- of an causes of dissatisfaction on the part•of rural tele. • noir) subscribers ..7theListening-in • habit. if you find soMeone already on the line please niiake it your rule always to ]tang :up g iminedi:atel . Your neih ou _` Y b ra � ill aPpre- crate it.. and are more likely:' to grant you pri�wacy'., when you' have .oecasi'on :to call..; M- ti; 24. Ltiti...4 b�. • M kl wsi rr�•a�,+iir�.�� .w