The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-25, Page 8a��� saetiw:�zxa+�a•� yr a.:«c,.u4 . FA►GE 8 ++art'ti nt? 'd+�:1rira is LUCK W;,...: '-rr•+r m., ..wrZ w t^^ .. ,'Y`-.9o-cR•..:t „�..r,. Y ..... i . .w .. t�1• TT R' -I. 1\. v.,. w. .,.•n...,...,5?.-.;,. � �'i7F r��.....� -: �'C4:-�1Ex :.,r"..i:;: :.r;,.;, .. , . r^• ;..�, NEW SCHEDULE' OF losing The: L,ucknow Business Men's Association has' unanimously adopted the following schedule of closing hours .Effective..Ma est ida Tiles. Thur. s.. Fr • y 6.15 p,m _ 12:30 noon.. nesday Half Holiday . Note: Change of Dar) , Saturday f eration •o the public -is requested jn- he .Co-op . , observing these hours After May 1st, thel Wednesday Half Holiday ,: will be observed irrespective of another holiday in.. they week: . Men's -Association kno ` Business ',.;R. Rae, Sec. � •- �N. C ' Finlayson, • Pres. ' -, ' ; . BELE: ASTM Mr, and Mr$, Roy Alton spent a few days of last' week with r' Mr; and Mrs. Chas. Alton :of Til- bury. ` and Mrs, Bert Alton were at, London on. 'Thursday of last week. Mrs:. Hurd of Qrilr'ia•is hol}day- irig with Mr's..Lane and Clifford:: Miss Freda Hackett •spent.' a couple of days last week with Miss Carol McCrostieof St, Hel- ens.. •Miss Jean . Treleaven visited with Miss. Mae Irwin on Saturday `evening. rs: S eIrwin arid' ,Mr. and M .nce .. p familyspent' last Sunday ,with, Mrs.. Irwiri's mother:;:' Mrs,,, Rob-' erton of Auburn. Mr • and Mrs. Alex' Uactcett, of WmgYarri. 'visited with rela= tioris-araund -tile neighborhood; Mr. and Mrs. Gordy, Wheeler and Geor•ge• Of London are, -spend- ing,` part ,,of "their„ holidays with Mrs: Lane and Clifford... Mr..and ars. Pharis. Mather's, and aa`ughter were Sunday tors • With Mr:Alex and Mrs. ' Hackett, i and. • this together ,with.. large Jr Mr. and Mrs. -Hoy Alton, Alvin amounts.. of 'western grain to sup= and Clayton spent" -Sunday; .ata,-plement.,_afa1r Y good crap,.has with Rev.. Howse and .kept 'livestock, production, :Bruce' Corrie. w , Countys main industry,. going at faiinily THURSDAY,. e County ands T it Grade A Hag Prod.uctkn (By Geo, R. Gear, Agricultural:'Representative for Bruer:) . • } Bruce• County, farmers , lalf top."speed, Although farIm,rs had othe>" Canadian citizens', looked many difficulties,, pi ices' ; were favorable„ High prices of live forward eagerly, to the end 'stock. and. machinery ate f dist • war . and,, .expected it • to bring persaih sales' portrays the true amongst other blessings an end feeling, of hope for a pr'ofita�ble to' such things as scarcity of 'rna agriculture amongst, a lar t art, labor shortage, 'etc., 'but g' � chiiery,: of the farm population. have° found- that. the. situation is Althon li Bruce Con in• increasingly who r s e g � ty. does beoo�nn g not get much. rever}ue fr(,m cash i ather tk`ian better. This constant{. crops, the turnip crop i n ti'l'e suutll..'I• ly reminds 'Ehem that • no sooner :eastern .,part'o.•the coutrty ryas have_ they.finished producing' fort• War,: than `they are .called: upon to ries reed the. starving; peoples of a. war tom: world and with the, handl- th ca s with' Which they are so •fam pickling. p liar. 1945 was.. a . most . difficult. livest'ook and livestock year, Incessant ra}ns : during the pit, summ:er�:'months,- together awrth however,, ,that �$•;uce County., l. 'sinto its own. and i everiue. the. shortage of: labor, made''con- , ditions almost, • unsurrnountable, derxventi: '• from these sources • I amounts'. to many, millions of dol- Generally ' speaking, however, lags annually,: Bruce.. county has grain crops were good and , there • of ,rou ha e, consistently • � produced ?n o r were ample amounts g g creamery butter than any. other county in the province.; T w'o cheese •factories in the• so th es ••, '. . tern part -of the county . pioduee a. fair gitantity of cheese: of high quality., Hog production in 1945'!' was down slightly• front previous i, • years :but, the quality was up •with• increase of of 5'percen•t.of 'Grade ,A'; over. 1944..•, The 75 percent ,..Grade... A : Hog: Prod -t kin --club -hale• , paign to' improve the quality of •;'• hogs, aimed: at' • holding and do , veloping': the ,British . market : for ; Canadian: bacon. 108 hog •produ. cern in: the' county producing 15 or' more`• hogs put 75 - ,percent; or tnm. shows, that qualhty•,hogs can be produced' ..under .•'ordinary farm conditions" Bi;uce. County nowt stands third' in .the 'percentage: of Grade • A .hogs prroduced. How - ,ever,. When,.the number of • hogs The Scotch are a Very interest- use. for wrnout razor blades- J ing 'race. They've ; found a nevi', they shave with them 1 • i •,v'�ya�� an, excellent #otne' anti niost of rt 'was Sold at..high pr:.ices:' A" cash crop which•is'•gaining.in•fav or is e.. production of 'cucuxribers. , It is in the sale. of �NTARIOTFARMERS 1' es.... crate is Europe's' need for food' ... so .urgenro r- farmers' for help ... that `this Province is facing the ;most serious farm 1.946 is a crucial year--'- and ' every labour shortage • in' its. history. to . pitch -in one: who can'should help. Young Ontario citizens are urged and .:la a worth . art in feuding : the starving naions of the 'world. play •�' P • You and thousands of others . like : you—are ; needed on: every type 'of farm. The peak season runs from April °12th to October 15th. Pay is good. Clean ( supervised accommodation.: Good food. • Ir rtunit ainon • leasant companions—to enjoy a Here is your: open g' P profitable, healthy ,swmmer. . Join 'the Ontario Farm. , , . . Service nice-- • today! till in thie coupon marked out belowL A Registration Form, ` plus all ,particiiars, will a sen =oto 'olrwithaul--delay..: "Director;. Ontario Farm Service Force 112 College Street. Toronto, Oetarto. send ane a Registration Form sad all particularasaa I wle ....4••••••••••••• i.• i n •. Dear Sir: PIewMItroto Join lie' Odtario Farm Service Force aid '"lend Aa hind". '' • r." e •,♦•.., .� ••.i .' 7.. J F•':. (Please Print) iFoei Peke Town or Citl,.. ., •.•• ":: • ....Tel. No.,......,.,+�. �Y w..M be available freta .1146 to... , ...`,Wit ' (Date) • (Date>' 1 w.e d Otte iikbe placed . it "Y" aipenleed Cur Oar a pirate [brat d" g • DOMINroN .PR YINcIALOM ITTE ON FARM LABOUR.•... A.'GRICVitM11.:R�''" LAB0,111,R-' " IDUC:ATION .. 11 are ..taken into •consideration IIit stands well; ;,out in. front of the high prod-Ueing eoui tic,s;'With-the-�--- high ; price of live stock, sheep:, have. b d_;1..o. rriak j way for creasing', numbers of other live stock- and the .sheep poPulatiorI has. been : ready :decreased •dui ins the past`-few'-ycars Poultry on the nt �r 'hand':has: been grad. ..: ually :Increasing; Bruce :County; to ether: . parts of the, province, has been depending' toD an. e'ver. . increasing extent on western`gr ain to main- tarn a•- heavy live: stock popula- ti?on. The 'scarcity, of grain, how- ever,: ;will ntit• see as ^llirge a.de- crease of farm •products in Bruce,,:, County as in. many other aections;• since Bruc •• 'County has net dei veloped, its livestockpopulation on western grain' to the sairmeex-! • tent ` as many . Bounties farther: south, Potentialities of . Bruce county are. pOssible (if'great de- velopixnent. • Many thousands of acres in `pasture farms. would be good'irain farrni-• arid are pro ducin'g pasture mostly because of the scarcity of 'labor to ' grOW grain on tl them "•here " ha5 been very encouraging interest shown: '• in improved pasture:.' Farmers are seeding down improved:pa . tures as such ,,a rate that they could plow up • a rniich larger• aC'reage for grain, and 'these tW... €actors, should.' maintain the hod and . poultry population and at the sametime,' maintain th'e $nt` duction of beef ,.cattle and eVen increase it: in this time of .g)4t change these is nd• greater a"sstirance than that • Bruce County will continue to hold its place among the, high M N agricul1turai producin court`leg in :.. izovince - - the p fo adMil If `you're will When you ark.' . u re all wrong you'yore all right.,.,.