HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-25, Page 1-Tt ___
' • •
Year--4n:Advanck 0 Extra to 1. S. A.
PA#S •
. .
ged Liady Killecl OnITT Move To Cliff .Honse ..- •
INSPECTION' WEDNESDAY Mriand Mrs. Herbert Chalmers
,• ,,, - '.---- - ' • :
4 .
of Hanover have taken up res17
, GOING tO, SARN.IA. : ..
At-Rive'rsdale 1-jucknow•High Sehool Boaid are Ile•tla is eiriPlaYed. here as biker Dt. M.D. Carpeneto, who has
.The public and.members of deride here in the 'plifif house
invited to be Present at the Cadet at.Ptirdon's Ilakety.' He 4i a vet- Practised in Ripley siricel:941,.is
,Mrs„John 'Moore, 73 -year-old HALF HOLIDAY STARTR. • Inspection Day Program at the eran of World War II and receiv- establishing a practise in Sarnia
• Eiversdalc.,residerif, and a sister
WEDNESDAY NEXT 'WEEK' High School grokntls on, Wednes- ed his discharge In Pebri4arY• an leaves or that 'CiEY -about
of ars, Sarnes Valad, forrnerlY'Of . ', • : day,- •May 1: at 9;.'3.0 am, mgjoi. 3.. . • ., ,...: . , ... ,..
. .
...1./013.,:r6Pa; l„iias instantly' killed: en 1
'' The :change ?to. Wednesday , Young,'D.C.0,..of Ivx,D. 1, London, Landed At: Halifax .. • .. ' . . , .1\11.aHYe.1Swtill be'. silo ceeded by Dr;• .- •• *
,. .
Monday morning on he highway.. . aftertioc4i; '101 tlie w..4kty'half _'_:„.. Ontarib Will receive the salute:Hon Capt R., Douglas -Mad- J. B. Tindall of London,' recently
" •'Infront.Of h? home 4i, that ham- ...Iwo:110k in tnekifow will, go :,.. ... and .--c-Tari'VT;()Ut the insPeetion. Donald arrived in Halifax :the of 'Ihe Armed '`Forces,' 'and...who. ,:' , y. • •, ,
. efore: ijoo:11,.. : . : . , ''''''' into efifeet iext week—Wed- --To,in.ev7red;iwealll,t;bvbet..latr:is.i:hi'fiCleuirli'sditrgn.g?r.:arrin,,,,iilrte doo,f..:F'-rtban%eegulii 6i.1 ifs: boarddu-t duties 'tg hat previously practised at Preston. '-cr.": • -.': ' ;
let,..The accident occurred shortly...
' iriesday - May '1,st., Stores'will .` , ,Dr.'Tindall is..,a.11:9,38,gradnate of ...., l'':,....y•,•,,
First Aid Sigrialling and Band a padre require him to remain. the ,I.Tniversity of Weatern. Ont-.. •
Moote had, put her two.
iittle. granddatighters on cliqse al' 12:30 noon. On Ours- ;music!. j*,.4.1113.0ys,' and oiris ',will.. ati, the East Coast until Friday, ari(-3„.,mrs: :Tindall is a graduate
the west bound Listowel Trans- alt:Cri"qt the ' eb3sing . .participate. ' - . ,, , , . . .. ,., • ' nurse.' They. have no •children . : •
' . hour. will. be 6.15 pmf.• .... ,d, • ' . - ' ' ' • , .• ,... , : SISTER PASSES . - .•
_' The half holiday on. Med-. ' ' Be•fo -e: geing ta Riplek 'Dr.. ..
port; by which they were return-
Iiir,telh-ei-i-Aiorne7M-Kincareline:' "nesday . abolishes. the mid:, TWENTY-ETOIir IVIEMBERS ' - ' er,/- , ---- ,.. CarPenetd ,,was—as.sociat.ed—fOr-.--a• '
. $tepping from behind the truck . : weeic coven .nignti.. and Luck_. JOIN' UNITEH ;CHURCH .' I ,. - 'Mr.. Tnornas Burns of tOwn has • tirdeTl.with.lpr..W. V. •JOhnston, of . -,
• '
• . , :teedived word of the aeath of ,his
..• 0
,,,...Mti..... .1Y1.9.0r,.. ..W.4., struck-...h.'anNew Lucknow... I -,...', • ,_ .. . . .
to cross the inghway to her horne;.. 'now stores'i will hereafter be..
7:open. •:on. . Saturday .._nignts.,..‘„. .•••A .sPeCial Easter. morning ger, sister, Mrs. j.:W. Elliott of
VTde"-'iff7the ' United Church waS. 'Jersey.' • Mts.'. Elliott was formerly
east -bound Jog truck;, driven..by. made.- until ;11 p.m. ": • . , . • .
' ' dtiti nalli'Irripreisive by Rebecca Burps; .daughter , of .the.
a:Paisley residerit. Details of just
• ., ,, , ... , . . __, , • the., reception of' 'twenty-eight *late Mr' and 1Virs Thos.' Burns
what :happened *are. *ague, but
• .
the driver Made a. valiant. effort, CHANGES 'DAY. IN ;LITC.K1,19W,: new.. Mernbers; „ten by ColifessiOn 3.°11 oil Concession
10, Kinl°$s'
:IIERE. ONCE 8:146Toil, - : ..,
:, .of 'faith' and. eighteen by 'letter,. .'h' sP°nIt' 'he'll ..erill°°d. days
to avoid ,,Mrs. Moore, and turned. :, • ...._.4 • , - . In adoitioil,: tioLth6'. Te.o.ption ..of Lucknow, but has lived in the
... his-Irtick--oypr-in-AbingHsti. , ..- .--:-
'- .-:-A-1.11-i StrO n g OPO rae-- -neihnenibersTRey.'..LStewartH'S
••An inquest f was later Weld at*Mr F r . .
hist of ' Gode rich,: is changing the conducted the baptismal of Marie
day. and the frequency. 'of 'MS
. • Nerman. Schuett'S: at :Cargill,. .. .
Will b' at:Win: 'Sehinrefs Store On Ivir. and Mrs,-beorge Jardine, Mr.
8111111tb** * '' : :',::.• ,'.. • . ',:' :, ' ...•
Requiem:I-fie' Mass , is being' visits to .Lucknow., Hereafter he I,ThoSe: jeining by letter were;
the • irst ri ay each ,.,rnsinth arid IVIes.: Thomas Anderson,. Mrs..
Reqnire.' Caretaker
The LucknOw Bowling' Club
quires,a caretaker',fEi'the, •
greens and this week is 'advert-,
tisirig for iP131ications.• fen' the 7 "
. , . .
es„,for many years.— • •
held this Thursday morning 'at
' dale,- with Father. Leavey officiat=
ing.•Burial'is in Riversdale Cern=
• 'ee -6; nesd - rs. e antl-
from ten to six ' • Torn.MacDonald and, Dorothea,
Mr .A rnist4:-ongZhas4Pite,viouslY---1Vhaircl----1VITS7.-Geor-gelichris ,
IvffsTMdore was,• theZ.eldest"Of;•
lut ...the change vviis neeeSsitated j4ek.+L_Mrs„LGecalti.l.i..Vagner,_** Mr.:
• _eOt
when Luckriow Merchants adopt-. and Mr rwer
and had spent ,entireiife. in
that Corrunimity.,...1Vir.t and ,;Mrs.
r•Moolehave. for some time rer
• •
td g
ed .this day foi . their weeklyhalf •pi Hoag, Mrs. Isabel MacPonald;
holiday, effective next 'week. ... Mts. 'Melvin. MorriSen:' y
fesSiOn of faith,: Ruth -Anderson,
;. •
FillE CALL' THCRSDAY I oh.nston, Mary Durnin,
• . • ,
Riversdale .••••'„
Beside4;-her--so-rroviing husband
• \.
She is:survived loy four sons and
four daughters, Cus of HalibUr-
ton, f Kincardine;
lihhert Wilfred' :or BlvetS-
• :dale; Mi:s. Stewart Martin:.(Ethel.).:•
of•••Buf:fale; Mrs. : Sarn _Nesbit
Leo ,W.iler
and WS: jack•Murton'(Matie.)...all,
,.*.• of the.134Versdale
• .teri :and SeVen':
Nicholas.' :O'Hagan,... • John
'EtiVetadale,- ''MrS••• 'teemed: anci‘Ificmg .tc(miari of
• • CatlierinOil?son, Gib-
. '
The local ;Fite: Brigade,, answer- son, Marie • 'Smith,. Bruce john.
eci an alarrn last Thursday after ston TOM. MacDonald,:George
77" "
The' .fittcknow
Operative *inc., :planning the.
eciriStrifetion OfU10,0.0.0 fertilizer•
plant and* watehciuse at .the CNR
depot.. The site Will bel just north
dtthe. JoYnt Warehouse
ative jnariager,•SohA JainiesPii 15
hopeful that the -plant be
oper,ation by. early, fa .
, • a
' 7
noon, when fire .broke out. in the Harris and Fred -Bjunden.. , • ' -Co,;--oPeratil7e_:.directors were at
woodshed at the "'home of Mrs.
-Richard Johnston. The blaze was
extiriguished before it ha gam-
ed much headway' and with' corn-.
Paratixiely little . damage. •
• Thamesfo-rd-last-week -where-they
Arrived Home WednesdayinsPected• a new inking plant
Aboard the Ile, de Fr -lee .1Whreh whith is ready. to go; into., pro,
ddCled at Halifax on: Oriday Was of the l^n.Pt
Cpl.' W. Allan Durnin, who reach- erial that will:be Used, in bilildirig
ed :his hoine :in Lucknow yester- ,t s plant :will be ..obtained/.out
.1X • fLdi..4tricti.wha_re.„ turned -On thi§-t.shiP- Church". shed+ which :metal
:„ • • , aie Lieut. (N.S.y.)3ortilia R. Jones Sheeted,....and.Which tne-Co7opoi....
Mt. and::Mis..-Ralph'NiXOn,.eS-' of Dungannon and i3drAH: Mel- 'ative.P*chaSed YEar :for $760.
esidents of Ripley.To financethe construction and
Valail of. teresVirjtor,, Abe 2jon-trommu-nity •• , "to ProPerly-equio-thenew mixing
. , • .• „ • • ' ' '.•
t' •
•• •,,
• • .
Commencing next week the ,
municipal garbage collection -
service wIa' be resumed and
will follow the same plan as
- •
. '
previous years. Thexollection
I • •
the north side of Main Street:
: dOni. on -Thursday and the
ilitliside on 'Friday.
WERE FIFTY-THREEYEARS. 'other; .frorn'Ahe Yf'• Ashfield Presbyterian:
' •It looks : asif baseball is .to
rr-rate.a coinezback:•this Year in
Liick-now;-..--and 'if -the- -plans-7o
those. who •are :energetically
working for1 it's revival Meet
with succesS,•-:"an Intermediate • •
C U. ris•-.asSure
. A,..:Vateball Meeting is scheduled
• for 'Monday night in the Town'
Hall' at 8.00 o'clock sliarp„,and
large,turniitit iS anticiPated, :'•
_ eres___,ma ell for alikely-
• Sepoyteam, yet.some of,
,,the*"ord tirrierS." who are illing
• to turn out tO:get,,the game going
• .again, don't • Want to beinvolved
with .t,urining.the team or any of
the iinanciat.:, matters, or should •
we say • .• • .
• •
:T-ben,j--theretsthe-.probleni.4 of • ,
•putting the .'dihinend:' in ,Shape.:, • •
That's wherehthe' Village COuncii
will enter pictute.-•SO far s
the financial end Of equipping.,
and:running, the team, The CiarrS'-.
men have been Mentioned .as
prospect in this COnnection.
All'' in 'all. •' Monday night's •
Meeting should be 'arinterestin.' ••••
one; . There is the niateitial''tO.
• .
, .
td(.. be, will the citizens of the „.. .
iiedesSarY • 'up=."'
portto effect,. th"' comeback. , . • : '
Ati_a_rnee.tlit in
,_Hanover, last "- • „,
Wednseday,.sUch towns as South-.
'airiptori,:!•• Walkertoii, ,
194Z. and' intetinechate teams in. •' •
the'Bruce League, dormant since,
"_ .•
HanoVer, etc, favored :revival of
the above centre& are • pretty
ninth aSstired '
• The anrival• 'Meeting -,was Set
. • .
...Richard,. Sanitiel, Augustine and:.
Jeronie all in the horne commun-
ity. khrOther Jarnes, WaS .droWn-,
••ed a. number of:years ,ago arid•
anotherbrother, -.Peter, • pre-.
de'ceaSed- his • sister by about
NEAR TtvioiDAi,E
• ,
.•-• The. PreSbYtcl:faTF-Ch11170
• .1• •
• `
niversatY On ' a, ,
ant m n s hrtl • to be
lcam io
GOcdFridYApril Harvey is scheduled launched
inthe district. to TAISa
.19.11r.. Mr.. and IVIri.-• NiXeri' haVe. Ito . arriVe. in Halifax, to -day $10,060 on .a, shareholder
spent the winter .with:. their.dau..(l'hursda y.) and will be met in , itn•nett..Boak .get.-Treas,,% :.
ghter?. 1Wis,... James* McicaY. and Toronto Op Satin -day by her laus:-
Mr. McKay .of riett Paisley.:" ..: :.. bEinel... :..°, •• - .. ., , ..; • :. . : • annifar meeting • of' the
taieknOw. : District .'Co-operative
, .
Inc. -was,' held, recently: in' t
Town. 11a/17,. :when. a 'Very 'satis
faCtory 'arinual report:' was sub,
Mitted:: '.. .
71-11:i6ree. Whitechurch Airmen . In ;attendance was ..Mr. W.. G,
. . • . • ' „ . , • .
ItC..K.F. discharge, ...in •
eFebrtary, ifilied to capacity
Sunday morn -
h. as purhasd afarn.near eV- • • ' ‘1 *' '
iotdale; ;c'e, easi: of, ,ing. 'when, ,tlie special inernbrial
a short distan
,,h Tovintdaio..Arbuir highway,and Easter.' selyice' -was . held ' dur.L:
.ivirs, •Cox, ing:' which • a' bronze tablet' and
not far distant from
par,entaT horne.. ., . . . :., • two new wincloWs, were unVeiled
fonrsorly ,resideel...here where,.
. ' 1\fir^ 'aild. Mrs.' en'c and Jimmie lionst7thPe°11. °Iiev'etlis e'int.11Wre:ribcloWysarwlIT,
, ..
'P'ri ' t '
01 o onlistine. Eric was ern, ._o.xif-sc,e'll.m.YI.Cliel'IrYieleined. a.011-lido'.i7h'°qtn• elheriu'i'cihh
-ployed-'-as a salesman by ... -Mr. VT:
.L., Iviackenzie, :•". . .. and took :their place behind the
relatives .of the. three boys who
• (paid the stiprerne sacrifice,‘ .....
. 4
-.. -40ED .LAsT GA1HERING.'. • .. , • The:. tablet • was :dedicated by.
their' parents •and Was inscribed
• s flloW4,------', .•-- :-.,-,-- ' •:: : '
E.aster 'htiliclay • 'IVISItorS With, ' This tablet and these. Windows
Mrs,'DavidlltiiiiOn‘Were'Mr,. and are, a..ineMorial. to
..;kis, Williain 'Hustonn Of 'Berk- ' ' Flt, -Sgt: Alexander :1141cenzie
.,.. ley, Mich Mi. and Mrs. Robert MOvirbray ' • '..•.'• •
Pishet: opliamilton and: Maiir•of / FO. lhos, Ferguson Wilson
, ‘..0; Mr. and Mrs. George '.Pit -.-Sgt. Stanley jarnes. Is4,-c/11-.
rillstori of Malton' and .1VIrs.Z. An., •
'., Cire‘y..Huston,..; of •TorontO.
the .exCePtion I'..With Merriber• of the R.C.A.F., :tX•tlio'
Of, Mrs. Brabson of gave their lives fa the catisc of
•indsor, tixt fartilly was together Freedom,. 1939-1945. . ^
for the last time in .the old home. • '."Greater love hath no plan than
' ' 1 '.,.. Jrhiston .has:sold the resi:. I this., That 'a .:iriari...W.OPWil hiS
-,'ilencd• o Mr.'Robert Rae,• arid' IS i life for his friendS.' ' •
...hooldilig a clearing 'auction •••saio•. The • minister:. 11,0y. Wilson.
1111ge"f9oratimer-'ilY1:1e• will' niake her gaVe a special address in mernor
at MHarriIton.with Of these ho
' y , alio' the boys who r;
ad Mrs, Fish. er '*** ''• ,' . (dontin:ied.on:•Paie 9).
There will be :a dance'in/HolY:-.
rood ,Towtish.ik. :Hall next Wed-
nesday night May lst,;:under aus-
pices of 'the ,.1,1olyrood Worneri'si
Institute. ' Lunch.counter; . Far;
•ricr's" orrhestra:,
. •
Everyone interested in the r
vival of liasebali,i,n Lucicnow is
requtisted to •• attend a Publie
• 'meeting . in' the Town . Hall On
MO iidaY' night:Ail:n*11-.29th at- 8:00
Sharp, • ' •
• • .
• • __.
Ari At Horne and ' dance in
honor of Mr. Charles McQuillip
Will be held in .the' Community.
Hall, St. •Helens* temight <Thurs-
day)., , Ladies are: reguested to
. Adinission 250,
• •
Nuff Minsttels'4' will be
.oresented' in the Town. •
, Friday. April 26,. at
• ;
by St. George s. A.Y.P.A. of
.:(1-oci;Olcia. This, is tops in enter-
tainnient. •Corne early fir a seat.
Admission 50c and 25c, Dante af-
Joy to rnusic•:by Car lithers' or-
• chestra', admission 50l SpOnsored
rby the Agricultural Society;
NicholSon of the head office 'staff,
'who .pronotrnc4 the report as
eXcellent '.arid • whieh. :showed the
financial standing of this korgan.:.
ization *a. Very healthy
condition. With a higher pereen7
tage of business in .1945, as ,coni -
pared with „Other:branches' of the.
co:operative.• ,
Mr; -Robert Hoak .has be* ap-
yointed, as Secretary:-,treaUter to
succeed MrS, 'John Jamieson who
'I •
book-keeping duties Of the organ-
ization too strenuouS; The neW
.sepretarly.attended-High School in
LucknOvv" and •Yvas. overseas for
about two years with the R.q.A.F;
•.•7. :' • ' •
, • •
• 7. •
. • • . . • • "•• • •
--field a 'team, The question seems,:
There Was an outstanding ser-
vice at‘ Oorrie.United Church on
'Sunday morning, when forty-four
petSoni joined:the church, Of this
number twenty - two were: be-'
tvk..,een' the ages•, of 12 and .16 and
twenty-two •betWeen the ages Of
16 ancl':.68 years, • •
,The pastor, who concluded this
impressive .reception service be-
fore' crOWcled church, Wag Rev',
G. G. HOwse," 'fortnetlY of' Ash-
field Circuit. ' • •
' ` •
. • '
• .... .
• . .
for Por.t' Elgin for May Ist,,• and
sitch " and villages a
WWBS PaiSleYi:RiP ey, Kincardine+ Port
Thornbury : '1's,leaford Wiartori '
Elgin, `Teeswater and AlienfOrd
.., t , •,
will be invited into the fold.
It is also iii.arliredto operate -.
an interrriedlate st:.tics in the
i W.O.A.A, ' . 1
. • „ • ••
• • ' . • •
• s • • . • .
, ••• , •