HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-18, Page 6'V"tY 1 5 rr?viv t T The L,ucknow,Sentinel; Luckncw, O itario U • r, When ;ou ,bu . , MARTIN-SENUR-'enatnels,; : Op ,amts, varnishes ,and your dealer givesyou a promise with your purchase. •• A promise that every can of MARTIN SENOUR contai top quality. ingredients properly blended togive you most satisfyin results. A promise of beautiful long-lasting colors "that will give you pride and pleasure;in your work. receive .-prOmise_thaf: you will TILURSDA rlfb and 'Mz`s. ' Joe Forster - Of of ArItn 1$'th, 19IG Mi Winnipeg are Spending. a.. few --7 weeks with the former'$ parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Forster' and ,fami1.y.. Mr, and Mrs; Joe Forster and 1 Mr, and `Mrs. R E. .Forster. mot- . orEd'to Falmeztson> on Sunday toI. visit: with Mr.. and Mrs.Cecil For- ' or- .. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Coulter and Mr: and Mrs, Alex Robertson & :gr. Adam. Robertson spent Sun,' da , at Mr, J'ames Forster's. P. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichborne spent Thursday evening at Geo. �' enfedy's. d Yr. and Mtrs, Rhys Polloclt", .Mr, aiid Mrs.Elliott Carruthers Were'. tri*cent,visitors at Geo. Fisher's.•. 111, . • and 1VIrs. ":Fred ,McQuillan, •Ivtrn ;and Barrypent Friday ev- ening at Ed McQiullin s It:ev'.. Mr. Newton entertained the pupiis'and'people'of'S.S.'N.o. I ivith a series of moving pictures .tin .Thursday 'evening..,. ,A,' good x o-wd=-attended and the pictures; x c;.re both, interesting and edu-" cational. Community` singing :was. enjoyed, also a '.chorus,.."The` Y`e1 ioW Rosc.'of Texas" by sozxie: "Of the school:grals,.and. a number on. ..gtiitar. . ancr piano by' Mrs.. iIvan Conley and Mrs Wm....Scott, 114r. Tamers 1VMccntosh and Miss z•Mac- Donald "rri•oved<.'a vote of .thanks :to Mi.; Ne ton and_411er helpers. Genection:. ,am atinting. to .....46.09, went.' to the 'Junior )wi.ed Cross. T ,Mrs;:.. -Henry. Kruger ' of Detroit. i- Visiting -with her mother.,. lvIrs. DaN,'id. Cillies.S. :: your paint job, whether' it's, inside or out, will give you enduring Yes; the 1YIARTIN-SENOUR _name is a real promise of quality and --__protection—Insist on MARTIN-SENOUR paints; varnishes or enamels for top yalue. MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT VARNISHES & ENAMELS tt et • Is Diocese Chairman ' Mr.. j. Harold Dnplan, execu- tive vice-president of Silverwood • • ar wart and Coal RVICE or All a�ces (ars ,or -Truk's We,.F• have 'r aodern tools art:d equipment • expert, trained technicians ,..• , and a reputation for sat isfactoiry results. ASON her,' brOther, Harry: MeClenaghan,; . ' Mr', T. A: Cameron Was, at. Lon- and son Angus---inotored--to -Tor.-: . ,lay., last Week with. Mr. 'and PMr§, 'ton: Girls 'Scheel :returned horde Sandy ;Hackett .6f Wingharn. • . with them sand' is, Spending tito s. Mason Robinson eeks ,bblidays here:: iier':friend Dairies, Limited, . has . been _ ap- Hitron, Mr. Duplan' has served for fointed."organizer ler the, Align-. '10 Years as -rector's warden of St. can' AdVance 11.1 the 'Diocese of ,Patirs Cathedral, London. '. ley' of ;Wirigharn visited •Wingham. hospital is. staying Yet cancer irdii eirly ita%es"usually causes no • p . That is why relatively few cancers ge an'y treatment in their early stages.when most : of them' can be' cured by radium; or• .,CariCer of the lip may be mistakeh.fdr a cold cancer of the throat mar be hoafteriest. Cancer Of .the stomach', in its early .stiges, mar be, mistaken for indigestion. ' -',ro cut -down- the-deith_rateLfrotif cancer in Ontario (5193 Ontario people died frOm ,,disease in 1943) funds are now being raised ind a drive is be organ zed t pr vi ce • to conquer .cancer. H-ere-tare-the-Ohjectii.*if this -campaign : • • !toy portion. of the colt Of treatment of • canoe for those needinsnan4ial.k!ip.. 1 --.-To pay travelling e.'epensef 'to and froni clink! 4-10 ' con:dila air energetic ,progiain. of cancer".... research in On,tario, As citizen of Ohtar,iiijor,4, are asked to con::: drinatidti may help piit such Measures into effect is yvill save the llyes' of soine of yotir lovecl,ones---even Tour own ' life.- It mar help. s appeal s for an lective,af.42, 00000 • research, treatment ana pravince.v.!Toe service. E and iteseritch,Oundation and The Canadian Cancer • Lave, Your Donations At Your Local Bank , • oion 0 o pent ,the week-tt4 in -InStitute halt on Friday. evening. Mr. Chester. Taylor and fpr. 'firifiTii-orrifS, -Music was .,sui), plied by, Taylor's orchestra Mr. and Mrs. G'eorge:Harkness, ,Charle Tiffin and ; day at the-Therrie of 'Mr. .Vi'ctoi 7' Mr: Pan Tiffin,' whil.e..wdritin'i for a few 'clays :last week;at.Mr the rriisfortime h.ave' his fad .injured when. an iron feli•ori it, A special memorial service wil be held in the Presbyterian Chnrch next Sunday at 11'mr when, twe new clitdeir-vincrow bronze tablet, : tinveile Vemory Of Out, three.11:c.A,1 boys, 'Messrs: McKenzie' MotA ;the War. 'Special. wi ,be PrOvidedi. also. an Easter. 'se from around attended . funeral ot John Thom vingtiany held fro Saturday. i Interment i our .sympathy to. the Mr. arid -Mrs, .;trarrY tichl;or of 1Goderich, .also: Mr. arid 3,1 Ross •of. near Lnckno,,y, visited Sunday ;kith' their rnOther, Mr:, and Mrs, Reginald Sche and :family pnd 'Messrs. Cam and Elmer ,Scholtiof .4U'hUrn Reit on S,unday at the:horn'e their brother, 2Mr; 'Ezra "8cho Miss Louise Marlin of Kin( dine spent: the. week-ead_.