HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-18, Page 1$2.00-. .A `Year...Ain- Advance; 5
o�••`Extra to. S.,.•
" . , AiuO,, .THURSDAY, APRIL .1,8th, 1646
L[lC)iP�oW ONS, ..
With. : an attendance . of more
than twenty members, ',ucknow
Bowling Club bald an enthusi-
astic meeting last Thursday •even-
Ing.. The retiring president, Wes
Huston, presided, and the election
of "officers resulted' as foilowsi
president;• Gordon 'Taylor';' vice.
president; •. Harvey'•'. Treleaven..
Secretary -treasurer, W: C. Finlay_.
"son; >grounds'.'cominittee, P. 1WI,
Johnston,' Gordon Fisher,:William°
Schmid, with power to add ' to
their number;_`.tournament com-
mittee, D: Roy Finlayson; • Fred
Steward' and Hugh Coming;;:
membership' committee, Harvey
Treleaven,- Fred' Steward: 'Mon
day jitney 'committee, Wallace
• '.-Miller, Wes Huston, Jack.Hender-.
son,—l�ev;. J W Stewart. } -
The . Membership ..Committee
was made. responsible • for the .'en-.
tertaining of, local' men .'howlers
each Thursday night;at 7.45
.All .game's are to ;start at 7.45,
nna it was stressed --that- late play'. .
era• would; not. qualify: to play in.
the •jitneys. . •
Fees'' for this Season were set
at ..$6.00 and ":$4 OQ .The Club
starts the season with. 'a surplus
Uf $50;: `wh h _. is7 considered . an
excellent Showing, in. VieW..of the
. work that *as done . ori. the • new
reen last Year:. Work. on this
'for Use next -Season:. •
rnencemerit ExerciSes Were. held
on Friday eVening,. When- the
„ the ;crowd ,Whieli...setight;
Mt. Adain• McQueen has geld in_spite_of
ley. :Adam and his 'sister are iiLiddefs.
inakibg:,,their home, in Lucknow A. very. entertaining 't,Wo-bour.
.t the'morning service .in the••
United' Church; four new , elders,.
who were appointed " at the an-
nual meeting, toe their .obliga;
tion. and officially. became • mem-
bers' of the session: On'behalf of
the congregation they were re
ceived by the pastor, Rev. J. W;
. •
Mr."and Mrs, way b .•. " OVERSEAS BRIDE
son 'have; moved from Goderrc'h to.
the 10=acre property:. north of the.
formerly, owned by the
MacKenzie.. Brothers, ' and which
A miscellaneous,. shower, 'span-
SO'red by the Lucnow Women's
-Instittite, Was held Irr,the Clans-
men Hall on Monday, evening in
honor of .Mrs.' Russell Whitby,
week.•age to inake Canada her
Stewart, and felloW elders: The h°rnelancl 1?Y 'adoption:
ne''‘,,Nr• elders are MesSrs. W,` L._ ; .There was a Splendid turnout
MacKenzie,' Alex! Sri -nth, Ewatt 9f Members and,' friend's', and a
taY•lor and Wilfred 'Drennan::
.Mrs, D. R. MaCLean WAS soloiSt
at this serVice,. With MrS. H. R,
Hamilton .occhrted in Kincardine
Hospital on..Sunday, , lith.
'She was, in her 72rid year. -Mrs:
Hamilton waS formerly Sarah
:Jane Johristen and; Was born 'in.
-Kitiloss Township on Atigust.„5,
tandla feW Yeats ado, the Ham.;
ilton• home was .a •-shert distance
west Of :1-lolyrOod. ,
The, funeral' service: wa's held
On ,TtieSdaY afternoon' at'tirik-
Scott. Internient WaS in. South
Very 'pleasant, evening.wAs agent,.
during . which "Mrs; ;: Whitby re-
ceived a .levely let' of :gifts. She'
was assisted in :opening thern
her sister-in-law, :Mrs. Sidney
'Rouse, :and Was visibly. .touc.ihed
bY' the kindness of the Institute,
by Mrsi Philip ,Stewart, president
of the 'W.I • included piano solds
_by Mri Crispin arid...Miss _Eileen
Purves; a Vocal solo 'by Miss jean
McMillan, and• readings ••by Miss
SerVed to conchide this pleasant
sorLial,--eventr_and,„a__kindly and
thOirhtftil gesture :by the Wo-
,ArriVed "Home Monday
'wine' on. 'MondaY evenirig,,' after
.The 'engageinent iS announced
Of Elizabeth' Perils,. daughter ,of
the. late .Mr. and Mrs., Jahn 'L,
Bowers .:tot 'Fred . carter of
:Wirigham*Oritario. The marriage
will take place ,in Elmira, early
in May.
•'Sidney RoUse, who has received
Aquitania last 'week ,ancl reached
Lucknow on Friday night where
and 'two children, Judy and 'Sid-
ney, have.;been- residing awaiting
en --residing here- for •
',the past -few months • with' their
ood deal 'from rheuniatism and
gets about with diffitulty. I. He
_ elans_m_Lnliolding an atm
shortly. Mr, McQueen was born
on:the Setond,ConceSsion, the old,
'homestead being just to the , east
'The Lucknpw Agricultural Sec..'
the Fall Fait; and alrboys and
girls who.' are .interested, should
in an; entry form: now at the:
A. t, Robinson, Federal Meinber
,a report.. to tfie riding.. in an ad -
.dress from CKNX on ,Sunday
tprnood at two, o'clock. •
:Last year ItuCknoW Co-
ybpetative'..purchaSed' the church
Plied at ,the Ashfield' Presbyterian
,Chureli at Lochalsh with a view,
to dismantling this ,steel..Sheeted
: structure; and to erect it here as:
At,a directors' 'Meeting on Sat -
I urclay night, it was, :decided to•
View,other_stich buildings' before
Tuesday..a number, of •directors
set out on this misSion:
tOUt by the dir-
'Whether 'the bhilding Will be a
0.he-storY structure, or will: have
eral proficiencY shield • and the
,Day awards Were made
:Beryl Solomon. jenior .girls, Dor-
VictOry Parade",.:: 'featuring the.
b ' 'Ivan Lloyd- and a tap dance
number ..by Eileen. PUTVS,•;' erna
Little and Gwen•Treleayen, With
.a$ firiale:,Fch. this puMbet.
the 'stage Was bedecked With . the
flag$ of :the Altiedilgations....and•
.,Were,.. -represented, by ---Everett
Lane, George:Chin :and Lawrence
Salkeld in. uniform. .
The address Of ,-weleoine -wag
Weil given:•. by. Bill .C.bin, presi-
exteeding welcome , and ex.:.
pressing the; th•anksi 'of the Staff
and '. sttiderit$, Bill. .pointed out
that the preceeds•-.Were'used sole-•
the past year donatiOns had been
Made by ,the. High' Scheol to. the
Junior 'Red Cross, •The Navy
:League and the British Sailors'
The president.. made special'
Triention Of the, .seheol pianist;
Wilfred, Black ahd the..assistant
pianist, Bernice Shaddick. Atten-I
tion- was „ directed to *the Cadet.
Corp§ inspection. and the, rac,t that
referred to*the ,schebt's en -
Viable.: teeth d ih. 'Winning 'five
sCholarships in three years,: The
enrollment. this ;year is' 'eiglitY-.
seven Students; A5 ,percent bein
The .presentation Of certificates
and ;diplomas was madt--bs,
.MarShall, 'I'hese were presented
Alex McIntyre, Jim Barger,,Herb•
Culbert,' Heleri Mowbray, Mary
ham Mac' ona III I
ald'.Johnston and Alan MCM111.1...
Mr. ClOrderi Taylor presehted
the profiieticy shields and field
day medalscassisted by Jean Tay -
ler,' Margaret:Treleaven, new, of
urmertup, George ;Eh -1-n: Junior
.boys,, Harvey Ross , .runner-up,`
George "Fairish '
' ' Bill Chin thanked"Dr. Johnston
an '• r. ay or for making the
presentations,.andon . behalf of
ray'` winners expressed, was
apnreciation of the' : medais, :.and
•acknowledged; the" assistance': of
all who`` had • contributed to -'the
success of "'their annual sports
event. Bill 'expressed ,,the hope
a .agger :.an .e er u: er-
Scheel sports competitions Woul
be resumed; •
From Gilbert' and Sullivans"
H.1VI:S: Pinafore ''the Glee Club
presented, a :number, featuring': a
solo, "The , Admiral's Song"bye
Everett'. Lane; 'a solo, "Little But-
tercp by Shirley Sherwoed and
-the ' Sailors'• Dance by Doris
Lyons, ' Yvonne: Magoffin, Bernice
Shaddick, :Douglas ;Farrisht, Mary
Chin and Jimmy Morrison
The. High ., School 'Band, under
the directions of Miv. P. W.'Hoag.
rendered three selections,
'tight . Echoes""Gibraltar" . a n d
"Boys of the ,Old „Brigade" sand •
showed marked progress shaving
been ' made during. the past few
months. The band, includes, .cor=
nets Ivan Lloyd, $i11 -'Chin, John.
Crispin Jack. Stewart; • Mary'
Chin, , "Mary. �;'Johnsten; clarinets
Mary PprteOti ,Jimmie'Nlorriso •
"The Dolly Sisters", which re'.
concluded a. long run •i i
Toronto; :will be on the screen
at the LNTcetur� ;.Theatre next.
?� onday. Tuesday and 'Wednes-
day. It's .a sp:c,c rel with ,two shows
each night at .7.3.0 and 9.30.
"Sho'. Nuff Minstrels will.. be
])resented in the Torvn 1-iall,
tincknow; Friday-,• April 28th, at.
3•.15, by ,St: George's A.Y.P.A. of
Goclnr;r? .. This is tops in, enter-
tn:n ..-nt, Come early for a, seat.
Admission, 50e diad 25c.• Dance af_.
tet: for music by Carruthers' or-
•chestra,. admission .50c. Sponsored
by the :"Agrict lturyl Society
bass, George Chin, Harvey. Ross;
altos, Jack McKien, •BrUce John-
ston, Keith .Kilpatrick; baritone,
Don Cameron, Mary, 'Anaersoh;
slide trombone, Gwen Stewart,1 cently___returne_cl_Lfrom overseas,
in •Kintail. Hall On..)kOril '2nd to
welcome. Mr. • and, 'Mrs. Gordon
MacGregor, Go rdon. returned
years everseas service including
action on the Western Front .and
Germany. His wife, Miss DorotITY
Muir. of, Dumfries; Scotland,. with ,;x..
husband. ;
' Gordon. is the. youngest 'Son, of..'• •
Mrs Murdoch' MacGregor and the
late. Mr. MacGreget: He is a
great-great-treati nephew of ken-
peth.,MacGregcir, who was the
fitst to settle in Ashfieid 'on the •
1Rke shore, Cerning. here in 1838.
Duncan MacKay introduced the
Lerman pip ti‘. thern to the ftent
and Arthur inipson read afi ad -
'With Mr. -• Earl Howes presenting
,thern• With 'a... well'filled
Dalton, in -his uStial pleasing man-
ner sang "Always chasing rain -
and Doris"; two laVokiteS' of the
In 'dancing ,to Carriither$ oreheS,,,
tra and :mr, torn Bogie gave sel-
eetions en the bagpipes. •
The„follewing week,. the Wo-;.
.strocessful noiscellaneoui .• shower
in the Hemlock City School when, ,
75. ladies...gathered to again 'meet :
and honor . Mtg... MacGregor with...
Useful and pretty-- gifts: . •
m the Canadian . army who re-
'Grahamd Gwendolyn Treleaven. tithe when he :gave thenvan un -
:The tifirty-five veiee. Glee Club forgetablg talk .and_thanked them
rendered `:r Ldi.r.e Y9.11 TrulY" •for the Parcels and,. gifts 'with-
and-- "Were=1 :-A F3ird-11. . Everett- which the, society hia-roinembeK-.
Lan,e Sang "Mary' -of Argyle"'and , ed him while overseas:
G:Wen Stewart toOk the solo part I . Mr. and' Mrs; MacGregor
gJelin BroWn had a Little, In- 'taken tiP, residence in, the house
recently occupied by the late Mr.
clUb swinging eXhibition John Cowan. Mrs. MacGregOr is •
Chin, Everett Lane, Alex,
Ifityre,' Lawrence'' Salkeld, J, C.
Drennan, Jaek Stewart, 'Graharri.
McDonald, Alvin' Hamilton.
•Gave" Valedictorian
Miss Ruby: Irwin, a 1945 grad-
uate, who. "is at present attending
Welts . Academy ' in London.,• gave
the: valedictory ;address.. She ' re-
ferred' ''to her` days at Lucknow.
High . Schooll.. ash' happy ones,..and.
paid tribute to the 'teaching staff.
Not till we .leave school, do . we
community and is certain fo'' like'
it; far: she 'possesses . ;a ' cheery,;
friendly -nature..
realize .and appreciath the..effers
of our teachers MiSs Irwin. said •
She made sPecial.mention
MacLean,: as Principal ef •Liick-1
now High School • WhiCh ranks
educational field -and
of • which Miss. 'Irwin said she
'She had a special wotd 'of
thanks fot ex - students , who
Served in the armed fdrees, and
pointed. out' to preSent"studentS,
that time-Pspent on studies nOw
Would 'prove of great value in the
einted out that Helen Salkeld
was attending 0.A.C. at• Guelph;
Catherine MeLennan,..Bill Chin
and- Everett Lane .were Conclud-
ing their studies bere and Harold,
Henry in Wingliarn; Murray.
Thompson waS'attendingiToronto
-Norman; 'and7Alan McKiin and.
Rdnald 'Johnston were attending
Toronto University ' •
Th,e concluding nurnber 'en the
program waS an- amusing play,
entitled "Ici' On Parle 'Francais",
which Was well pregented by the
following cast of .characterS,,Mr.
'Spriggins„ jehn Crispin; Mrs;
SprigginS,! Catherine Gibson;
Major Rattan, IVan Lloyd; !qrs.
Rattan, Marion Gtaham; Victa
Dubois (a .Frenchtnan). Wilfred'
Black; • Angelina Spriggins, 'Mary
Porteous .and Anna Maria., the
'Maid,: Jean Treleaven.
received :Word' of the death other
Wilkie, Sask. Mr. SherWood who:
was 47: years of age, died. stid-
denly from ;:a 'heart attaek., He'
is survived by his -wife apd four
childree; his mothet, 'four .sisters ••
Mr.' Sherwood was born. 'at
of -Wm, Sherwood%and Margaret .
Jarvis and went -West -with 'his -
age Couneil ten days :ago, it was
'decided- to. contact, the . Recen-.
.strutieri 'Priority Officer: at Len-
.niaterialS Urgently' needed: for the
dati94,-:in the village
-In replY... the DePartment of
Repopstruction and Supply points":
out .that while unfortunate, such
priority' .assistance "is enly, _
homes ; being, built by :for
World War II Veterans.
regarding the nesSibility of hay-
ing a few rieW houses built here.
acute housing shortage which e
requiring that houses now ,vacant,
be made available for occupancy.