HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-18, Page 1$2.00-. .A `Year...Ain- Advance; 5 GORDON. TAYLOR.. HEAPS BOWLERS o�••`Extra to. S.,.• " . , AiuO,, .THURSDAY, APRIL .1,8th, 1646 L[lC)iP�oW ONS, .. EIGHT FAGES With. : an attendance . of more than twenty members, ',ucknow Bowling Club bald an enthusi- astic meeting last Thursday •even- Ing.. The retiring president, Wes Huston, presided, and the election of "officers resulted' as foilowsi president;• Gordon 'Taylor';' vice. president; •. Harvey'•'. Treleaven.. Secretary -treasurer, W: C. Finlay_. "son; >grounds'.'cominittee, P. 1WI, Johnston,' Gordon Fisher,:William° Schmid, with power to add ' to their number;_`.tournament com- mittee, D: Roy Finlayson; • Fred Steward' and Hugh Coming;;: membership' committee, Harvey Treleaven,- Fred' Steward: 'Mon day jitney 'committee, Wallace • '.-Miller, Wes Huston, Jack.Hender-. son,—l�ev;. J W Stewart. } - The . Membership ..Committee was made. responsible • for the .'en-. tertaining of, local' men .'howlers each Thursday night;at 7.45 .All .game's are to ;start at 7.45, nna it was stressed --that- late play'. . era• would; not. qualify: to play in. the •jitneys. . • Fees'' for this Season were set at ..$6.00 and ":$4 OQ .The Club starts the season with. 'a surplus Uf $50;: `wh h _. is7 considered . an excellent Showing, in. VieW..of the . work that *as done . ori. the • new reen last Year:. Work. on this 'for Use next -Season:. • rnencemerit ExerciSes Were. held on Friday eVening,. When- the „ the ;crowd ,Whieli...setight; Mt. Adain• McQueen has geld in_spite_of ley. :Adam and his 'sister are iiLiddefs. inakibg:,,their home, in Lucknow A. very. entertaining 't,Wo-bour. 'LDERS' WERE RECEIVED •IN. UNITED CHURCH; ON SUNDAY .t the'morning service .in the•• United' Church; four new , elders,. who were appointed " at the an- nual meeting, toe their .obliga; tion. and officially. became • mem- bers' of the session: On'behalf of the congregation they were re ceived by the pastor, Rev. J. W; MOVE FROM.. ODERICH, TO W I� MELD • SHOWER i�':I N,TALL, GREETS FOR 'NEW BRIDE . • RESIDE NORTH OF Mr."and Mrs, way b .•. " OVERSEAS BRIDE odgkin- son 'have; moved from Goderrc'h to. the 10=acre property:. north of the. formerly, owned by the MacKenzie.. Brothers, ' and which A miscellaneous,. shower, 'span- SO'red by the Lucnow Women's -Instittite, Was held Irr,the Clans- men Hall on Monday, evening in honor of .Mrs.' Russell Whitby, week.•age to inake Canada her Stewart, and felloW elders: The h°rnelancl 1?Y 'adoption: ne''‘,,Nr• elders are MesSrs. W,` L._ ; .There was a Splendid turnout MacKenzie,' Alex! Sri -nth, Ewatt 9f Members and,' friend's', and a taY•lor and Wilfred 'Drennan:: .Mrs, D. R. MaCLean WAS soloiSt at this serVice,. With MrS. H. R, FORMER HOLYROOD RESIDENT PASSES Hamilton .occhrted in Kincardine Hospital on..Sunday, , lith. 'She was, in her 72rid year. -Mrs: Hamilton waS formerly Sarah :Jane Johristen and; Was born 'in. -Kitiloss Township on Atigust.„5, tandla feW Yeats ado, the Ham.; ilton• home was .a •-shert distance west Of :1-lolyrOod. , The, funeral' service: wa's held On ,TtieSdaY afternoon' at'tirik- Scott. Internient WaS in. South Very 'pleasant, evening.wAs agent,. during . which "Mrs; ;: Whitby re- ceived a .levely let' of :gifts. She' was assisted in :opening thern her sister-in-law, :Mrs. Sidney 'Rouse, :and Was visibly. .touc.ihed bY' the kindness of the Institute, by Mrsi Philip ,Stewart, president of the 'W.I • included piano solds _by Mri Crispin arid...Miss _Eileen Purves; a Vocal solo 'by Miss jean McMillan, and• readings ••by Miss SerVed to conchide this pleasant sorLial,--eventr_and,„a__kindly and thOirhtftil gesture :by the Wo- ,ArriVed "Home Monday 'wine' on. 'MondaY evenirig,,' after • ENGAGEMENT . .The 'engageinent iS announced Of Elizabeth' Perils,. daughter ,of the. late .Mr. and Mrs., Jahn 'L, Bowers .:tot 'Fred . carter of :Wirigham*Oritario. The marriage will take place ,in Elmira, early in May. • •'Sidney RoUse, who has received Aquitania last 'week ,ancl reached Lucknow on Friday night where and 'two children, Judy and 'Sid- ney, have.;been- residing awaiting a ' ADAM' McQUEEN SEIXS Id be Id en --residing here- for • ',the past -few months • with' their ood deal 'from rheuniatism and gets about with diffitulty. I. He _ elans_m_Lnliolding an atm shortly. Mr, McQueen was born on:the Setond,ConceSsion, the old, 'homestead being just to the , east 'The Lucknpw Agricultural Sec..' the Fall Fait; and alrboys and girls who.' are .interested, should in an; entry form: now at the: TD RIDING 'SIINDAY: A. t, Robinson, Federal Meinber ,a report.. to tfie riding.. in an ad - .dress from CKNX on ,Sunday tprnood at two, o'clock. • ERECTING. • gw.BuiLDING :Last year ItuCknoW Co- ybpetative'..purchaSed' the church Plied at ,the Ashfield' Presbyterian ,Chureli at Lochalsh with a view, to dismantling this ,steel..Sheeted : structure; and to erect it here as: • At,a directors' 'Meeting on Sat - I urclay night, it was, :decided to• View,other_stich buildings' before Tuesday..a number, of •directors set out on this misSion: tOUt by the dir- 'Whether 'the bhilding Will be a 0.he-storY structure, or will: have eral proficiencY shield • and the ntyre ,Day awards Were made :Beryl Solomon. jenior .girls, Dor- VictOry Parade",.:: 'featuring the. b ' 'Ivan Lloyd- and a tap dance number ..by Eileen. PUTVS,•;' erna Little and Gwen•Treleayen, With .a$ firiale:,Fch. this puMbet. the 'stage Was bedecked With . the flag$ of :the Altiedilgations....and• .,Were,.. -represented, by ---Everett Lane, George:Chin :and Lawrence Salkeld in. uniform. . The address Of ,-weleoine -wag Weil given:•. by. Bill .C.bin, presi- exteeding welcome , and ex.:. pressing the; th•anksi 'of the Staff and '. sttiderit$, Bill. .pointed out that the preceeds•-.Were'used sole-• the past year donatiOns had been Made by ,the. High' Scheol to. the Junior 'Red Cross, •The Navy :League and the British Sailors' Society. The president.. made special' Triention Of the, .seheol pianist; Wilfred, Black ahd the..assistant pianist, Bernice Shaddick. Atten-I tion- was „ directed to *the Cadet. Corp§ inspection. and the, rac,t that referred to*the ,schebt's en - Viable.: teeth d ih. 'Winning 'five sCholarships in three years,: The enrollment. this ;year is' 'eiglitY-. seven Students; A5 ,percent bein The .presentation Of certificates and ;diplomas was madt--bs, .MarShall, 'I'hese were presented Alex McIntyre, Jim Barger,,Herb• Culbert,' Heleri Mowbray, Mary ham Mac' ona III I ald'.Johnston and Alan MCM111.1... Mr. ClOrderi Taylor presehted the profiieticy shields and field day medalscassisted by Jean Tay - ler,' Margaret:Treleaven, new, of • urmertup, George ;Eh -1-n: Junior .boys,, Harvey Ross , .runner-up,` George "Fairish ' ' ' Bill Chin thanked"Dr. Johnston an '• r. ay or for making the presentations,.andon . behalf of ray'` winners expressed, was apnreciation of the' : medais, :.and •acknowledged; the" assistance': of all who`` had • contributed to -'the success of "'their annual sports event. Bill 'expressed ,,the hope a .agger :.an .e er u: er- Scheel sports competitions Woul be resumed; • From Gilbert' and Sullivans" H.1VI:S: Pinafore ''the Glee Club presented, a :number, featuring': a solo, "The , Admiral's Song"bye Everett'. Lane; 'a solo, "Little But- , tercp by Shirley Sherwoed and -the ' Sailors'• Dance by Doris Lyons, ' Yvonne: Magoffin, Bernice Shaddick, :Douglas ;Farrisht, Mary Chin and Jimmy Morrison The. High ., School 'Band, under the directions of Miv. P. W.'Hoag. rendered three selections, 'tight . Echoes""Gibraltar" . a n d "Boys of the ,Old „Brigade" sand • showed marked progress shaving been ' made during. the past few months. The band, includes, .cor= nets Ivan Lloyd, $i11 -'Chin, John. Crispin Jack. Stewart; • Mary' Chin, , "Mary. �;'Johnsten; clarinets Mary PprteOti ,Jimmie'Nlorriso • COMING EVENTS LSC.EUM SPECIAL:`, "The Dolly Sisters", which re'. concluded a. long run •i i Toronto; :will be on the screen at the LNTcetur� ;.Theatre next. ?� onday. Tuesday and 'Wednes- day. It's .a sp:c,c rel with ,two shows each night at .7.3.0 and 9.30. MINSTREL• SHOW '& DANCE „ "Sho'. Nuff Minstrels will.. be ])resented in the Torvn 1-iall, tincknow; Friday-,• April 28th, at. 3•.15, by ,St: George's A.Y.P.A. of Goclnr;r? .. This is tops in, enter- tn:n ..-nt, Come early for a, seat. Admission, 50e diad 25c.• Dance af_. tet: for music by Carruthers' or- •chestra,. admission .50c. Sponsored by the :"Agrict lturyl Society rtc bass, George Chin, Harvey. Ross; altos, Jack McKien, •BrUce John- ston, Keith .Kilpatrick; baritone, Don Cameron, Mary, 'Anaersoh; slide trombone, Gwen Stewart,1 cently___returne_cl_Lfrom overseas, in •Kintail. Hall On..)kOril '2nd to welcome. Mr. • and, 'Mrs. Gordon MacGregor, Go rdon. returned years everseas service including action on the Western Front .and Germany. His wife, Miss DorotITY Muir. of, Dumfries; Scotland,. with ,;x.. husband. ; ' Gordon. is the. youngest 'Son, of..'• • Mrs Murdoch' MacGregor and the late. Mr. MacGreget: He is a great-great-treati nephew of ken- peth.,MacGregcir, who was the fitst to settle in Ashfieid 'on the • 1Rke shore, Cerning. here in 1838. Duncan MacKay introduced the Lerman pip ti‘. thern to the ftent and Arthur inipson read afi ad - 'With Mr. -• Earl Howes presenting ,thern• With 'a... well'filled Dalton, in -his uStial pleasing man- ner sang "Always chasing rain - and Doris"; two laVokiteS' of the In 'dancing ,to Carriither$ oreheS,,, tra and :mr, torn Bogie gave sel- eetions en the bagpipes. • The„follewing week,. the Wo-;. .strocessful noiscellaneoui .• shower in the Hemlock City School when, , 75. ladies...gathered to again 'meet : and honor . Mtg... MacGregor with... Useful and pretty-- gifts: . • m the Canadian . army who re- 'Grahamd Gwendolyn Treleaven. tithe when he :gave thenvan un - :The tifirty-five veiee. Glee Club forgetablg talk .and_thanked them rendered `:r Ldi.r.e Y9.11 TrulY" •for the Parcels and,. gifts 'with- and-- "Were=1 :-A F3ird-11. . Everett- which the, society hia-roinembeK-. Lan,e Sang "Mary' -of Argyle"'and , ed him while overseas: G:Wen Stewart toOk the solo part I . Mr. and' Mrs; MacGregor gJelin BroWn had a Little, In- 'taken tiP, residence in, the house recently occupied by the late Mr. clUb swinging eXhibition John Cowan. Mrs. MacGregOr is • 11 Chin, Everett Lane, Alex, Ifityre,' Lawrence'' Salkeld, J, C. Drennan, Jaek Stewart, 'Graharri. McDonald, Alvin' Hamilton. •Gave" Valedictorian Miss Ruby: Irwin, a 1945 grad- uate, who. "is at present attending Welts . Academy ' in London.,• gave the: valedictory ;address.. She ' re- ferred' ''to her` days at Lucknow. High . Schooll.. ash' happy ones,..and. paid tribute to the 'teaching staff. Not till we .leave school, do . we community and is certain fo'' like' it; far: she 'possesses . ;a ' cheery,; friendly -nature.. TrATIVE OP ASHFIELD DIED IN SASKATCii•EWAN realize .and appreciath the..effers of our teachers MiSs Irwin. said • She made sPecial.mention MacLean,: as Principal ef •Liick-1 now High School • WhiCh ranks educational field -and of • which Miss. 'Irwin said she 'She had a special wotd 'of thanks fot ex - students , who Served in the armed fdrees, and pointed. out' to preSent"studentS, that time-Pspent on studies nOw Would 'prove of great value in the einted out that Helen Salkeld was attending 0.A.C. at• Guelph; Catherine MeLennan,..Bill Chin and- Everett Lane .were Conclud- ing their studies bere and Harold, Henry in Wingliarn; Murray. Thompson waS'attendingiToronto -Norman; 'and7Alan McKiin and. Rdnald 'Johnston were attending • Toronto University ' • Th,e concluding nurnber 'en the program waS an- amusing play, entitled "Ici' On Parle 'Francais", which Was well pregented by the following cast of .characterS,,Mr. 'Spriggins„ jehn Crispin; Mrs; SprigginS,! Catherine Gibson; Major Rattan, IVan Lloyd; !qrs. Rattan, Marion Gtaham; Victa Dubois (a .Frenchtnan). Wilfred' Black; • Angelina Spriggins, 'Mary Porteous .and Anna Maria., the 'Maid,: Jean Treleaven. received :Word' of the death other Wilkie, Sask. Mr. SherWood who: was 47: years of age, died. stid- denly from ;:a 'heart attaek., He' is survived by his -wife apd four childree; his mothet, 'four .sisters •• Mr.' Sherwood was born. 'at of -Wm, Sherwood%and Margaret . Jarvis and went -West -with 'his - FOR:. VETg:RANS • age Couneil ten days :ago, it was 'decided- to. contact, the . Recen-. .strutieri 'Priority Officer: at Len- .niaterialS Urgently' needed: for the dati94,-:in the village -In replY... the DePartment of Repopstruction and Supply points": out .that while unfortunate, such priority' .assistance "is enly, _ homes ; being, built by :for World War II Veterans. regarding the nesSibility of hay- ing a few rieW houses built here. acute housing shortage which e requiring that houses now ,vacant, be made available for occupancy. • 4,1 •