HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-04, Page 5,TsuRsp4�� 414110 I:A III ri., a#., April 4, MED - FROM THE GREAT BROADWAY _ QLAY! COLUMBIA PICTURES pre3$nt$ T The Ludo:low 0EJEcTS OF THE :LI.QUQR AT` ;1 PR` 0 GEORGE AIBby f. HUR4! NERBfRs 04 Y°dodSGreonP.-y' storing , 11111os •'Corliss Arch. !MS* W $0.1 C. SIEGEI • Dinctsd :by !RICHARD WALUICE • so. "Short Subjects' • • ,.. Tna nutshell the objects of the. new license liquor act, which is at present before.• the Provincial "Government and creating wide-- spread controversy inthe': Prov. - ince, are as follows; 1. To continue the system of, licensing under. the. Board',: head- ed by Judge Robb, whereby ap- plications for licenses' will . be publicly advertised beforebeing heard and all transfers,. renewals; suspensions and, cancellations .,of licenses"will be dealt with' at pub- lie :hearings: 2', The 'first task,• of the Beard under the new. act :will be. to .re elassif\y ail " existing authorities into hotels, "taverns, , restaurants and public hduses, All of these establishments are defined' by .the act and; the special aceomodation, facilities .and equipment will be prescribed by the regulations. • S. The act and regulations deal. separately with publicnhouses forr hien only, and.' those into.- which .men` and `women or women alone may go. Two ,new . types. of lic enses-"are created;'a lounge lic- ense •and •a lounge dining room license which. are defined. in the • how starts at' 8,00 p.m. Saturday at 7.45 Matinee Sy. afternoon , atur....da^ ... at 2.30 pan. EeS Tom 'Neale WE:D. APRIL Barbara Hale.' w , :in . .• :nto•' ahrilli g drama of. the war in:the 'East. ><ng ► Subjects" 1so "Short ' how ;starts- at .8.00 p.m following address ` an -d' presented uv th ja.�gift of. S20 Mr,j and Mrs Russell ',Ritchie and .Mr =:and= �s 'lrner . ll. f Culross Were- Sunday, visitors With Mr. and • Mrs. ' Victor `'•Emet son of Whitechurch r: and Mrs. Chas. Johnson Mrs; Geddes ::of Belgrave and, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnson of East Wawai osh were;._Sunday_visitors_ with Mr: and Mis--Wm-Blown. • Mrs.;:R, ' Tiffin ris. spending a few weeks with " Mr, and Mrs. V, E mers on .iyfW hitechurch, Mr.. amtMr.s: George .Richard sOn.Mrs:.Roy ordori.,=George and Lily: of',Guelphtwere guests: on . Monday' ofd ,Mr. • and 'Mrs: John Ile hardson. • " M i . r. Jim. Richardson spent .Sun= day With :Messrs. ; Norman and F lb'righi of" C(il-r`oss. Mr. Wilfred Wadel,has';gone 'to he West: • Mr, and Mrs...Wini.. McAllister f Culross were Sunday, visitors. ith Mr. and: Mrs; Robt.' Stewart," Mr. and` Mi•s Lawrence Hen-,. er'son and fa:rnily, :1Vlr,: 'Andrew enderson and'Miss bora Proud.- Y of. Listowel; Mr; 'and- Mrs.. m"Dawson • andr'Nlrs. ' George if fin and ' Colleen° spent u-nday ith Mr, and Mrs. Wesley ,cif- ' Mr.and 1VT s r O Lle ' Tiffin pent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. obert McInnes of Culross, ae. Presentation On' 'Wednesday eveningh: t c mmunity gathered at the home' Mrs,,` Wesle : Tiffin spend •a . Y , social_ evening (with t and- Mrs.``V :Emerson before eY'left-the eormunity, The ev- nine was spent playin' : res - g p g. ive "euchre,. Thero winners in . chre Were, high lady; Mrs. Rus- 11 Ritchiey high man: Mr, Chas: Iliott,, low lady Miss Eileen Ste- ad; lOw gent Mr. John Craw.--,. on, After ]tecta was served Mr td Mrs, Emerson were: read ,the Langside, Ontario, . ;1V1-ar=cki-2-7�1.9�4f To Mr. . :. and Mrs. V.Emerson r special accomodation :facilities; equipment arid services will be prescribed.by.:the regulations. . 4. Upon reclassification' in cities of "'over., 50,000 .(Toronto, Hamil- ton', 'Ottawa, Windsor and. 'Len- - T..on,- ), lout^rt csixYtge-clxni.rr room licenses will 'be ..available x9 'for. issuance but in the remainder of,.. Ontario .the Only licenses. that Will be available for, issuance 'will. be to : hotels.. in :the 'strict sense'' of the word and' 'then only for 'h fer a .' - ,public house privileges unless ad; (ditional , licenses are ;voted in by, affirmative vote~-trnder�tbe.._J.;oca1 option proyisions of: the; -act ' ,. D,IJNGANNON _Miss, •Clara, Sproul .ofrStratford spent t.11 der sa- ters, Misses ' Rebind and' Nettie SprQuh., ..Visitors with Mr. and .Mrs, Harvey Mole'. on -Sunday Were Mr. and Mrs,. $i11 ` Johnston "•and. two children and ' Miss 'Beverley Brown' of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Merkley, Winghazn,. ' Mr, Alvin Sherwood .'has pur ; chased :a r'esideiice from Mr. Chas Rivett. The 'property is • sit- uated at 'the north .end' of Mairi Street and is 'in' a state of ,reno- vation at the present time. 11/Ii Bertr.•7V aize, Delmer, Mar:: lene> and 'Airs. John Glenn have. moved back talheir 'home inthe.t village after,'spending the:'winter I months in God'erich. Mr maize is driving back and forth to work in! Goderich.. a 'Mr. -Mel Reed, ' Toronto, spent the week-eiid at his hoine. here;. The. United Church W:M.S: iS'' h_olcting the, April meetingui...the church :on, Friday, April.;'5th at .2•.30 p .m. Mr, and .Mrs. ,Harvey' Mole and son, Donald . visited Mr. and Mrs.. John McDonald, 'Ripley, where, ,the Wedding anniversariffs-of`Mr: • PAGis .ri t!1t' LUC$ NOW Ts PENNY SINGLETON' ARTHUR . SAKE LARRY' SIMMS **in**' "LEAV IT '; TO B4QNDIE" Also Chapter 4 of the' Seal. Story "The • Devil Horse"' ' WEDNESDAY IMMY 91 t.41 ALDRICH SWINGS IT" NEXT - ,. Friday,, Saturday, Mondayy. Oke urb' and . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 1Vlerk- ley, Wingharn,: were celebrated. Sees Pictures' ;Of Her Son's Grave r4 , . RevGeorge''Wylie,' recently 're,. turned from overseas and now of 7.Gorrie, was a farmer pastor: of Benmiller when the. J '.G;., Mont, -gomerfamil-dthere;:He - has • visited Mrs. Montgomery here: .in Durigannon.. sand .brought with himseveral picttiires which he and,;.;Leotard ,Fisher of ': Ben- miller took when they, visited'her. son Bob's grave, which is situated Wettinger, .Germany at. 1 res ent; They •, had decorated ' the. grave with 'snapdragons and he, "CAN'T HELP SINGING" in Technicolor FOURTH 'CONCESSION 5:• Under the local " option pro Said there would be about' one visions bf the Bill the three fifths hundreo, ,boys there; They local option provision is retained are. all .being moved however` to: a Canadian cemetery in holland_ as their.' °final` resting, place,? :.In the pilcture one could see quite plainly the cross: with Bob's_ name an -num- .- a •a'te•of his -death - arid „his.. age:, Ir is in an orchard j;ist ' beside a Catholic convent, which was arr'irnprovised_lospita1 during the _war: but the governrnent stores'. for the sale—of• spirits and beer and every Dear Victor . and ' Valetta : . night, "friends 'and neighhoi's ;who wshed to spend a evening with you before" you lc'aye 'odor community:..: ty e of `license': may be •voted up- on:separately,`:ncluding'.,';the„ op-. portunity of voting houses 'where worrier inay- .enter: Separately. • • al{en. an active tivities the Red part in` many ac e , ., e 'Cross'' and Patriotic .Society'were .6: Reference t o Government toi'e'Jo eer; ifidi ates:, that the Governrrient has determined upon L a olic of: taking. over,. the ,br•ew, •• p Y�. ers. retail';, outlets:' greatly -.strengt.hened by Your ,..Upo: n the reclassificationi`of '‘;t,h'ohas been pursing recently' tri' loyal -support. • - . • establishments„:•.holdi>y _ Vie. lead r'x andira the message,sia;.e ' -Mr.. and 'Mrs. Frank Jones, .have received word from their ,daugh- ter,'N.ursing Sister Bertha.; Jones, Ye Your :efforts were untiring -to li enses ..as hotels, those not re- stated She ecpected to be home make these organizations a •.Sue- taming licenses• as hotels will not about the Middle, .of this' month ±. COs.: When asked`.;to 'help yw'itli be' permitted to i etit-;robms by :the 2 Miss Mitre,Anderson entertain Other functions there was' always day.but will be restricted to rent= ed - her .St.inday,; School.` classon, that willingness , to a s s i s jt in their' rooms by ., the. •week or Wig, g Friday evening at the church wherever possible:. month. rooms with games and contes �d ' •�regulation ' d ,h �It 1S :: i0 ' ose i' `to •' .,. ..Althou h ou ' inov n e i? Y .. p by g g i : .•. - , •bill... red - present location, is trot -a- perrnan ; under this , to . djust lie- room's r' is ent; one we hope your _ •future ening fees so that. establishments horne will bring happiness', and rendering: the least' services will contentment. -pay .the greater fees: • • We .ask ydu,to.•accept' this .gift' .9. The .presenttt Shortage of lie- as a:, rein'Crribrance of•tire Lang erase fees payable.. 'to 'niunicipali- side community. times;where licenses' exist iS`under„ review arida in..: future : these Signed on behalf of y 0 r amounts will be .paid' under def - friends and neighbors J Wesloy , :. k , _:. �-_ .. :_ initc�•"agreeixi•en-t.-with mu�icip.al ffin, Witt;. J: Bk own has - Richardson. ities of"";preyiracial police for the • put: ose of enforcing• the' offences n the Licensing Act. 10'. All the offences under :the present statutes. havebeen.retain- ed and'in addition other offences]] are added: Emerson replied•- thanking all for •their 'gift,' for .attending the gathering at-such•a busy time "of the,year, and invited'.allsto visit them at their.present home. Mrs. En iersen replied', alsoo thanking all for their gift and of how she could, never forget her neighborg- and their, kinct"ness' t_o,;her,.wlen she: was unable to do her own Work 'three years ago. All then joined in singing'' `For they .are' jolly, good fel1ovtis". TARA BOUGHT Kincardine's old fire' 'engine at 'a cost of $1506, Kincardine' haSit a new pumper costing $6,000. eer the Liquor Contiol'Act and • Parent5 or. \guardians `:w.ill be, ,prom hchited f' leaving,;' `small chilclreri unattended"°to 'fi`,:e'tlen't. licensed premises, ° bistillers *.bi ewers, : wineries wi.11., be prohibited from. offering financial or i :atet;•ial'inducements. to .increase -ihr ' sale . of, their brands. ,• • In addition to •penal p ()vision.. •to . that ,effect, a civil .liability is created for knowingly allowing arid, a treasure. hunt. They were later received „'at the Parsonage by l\(Ir.:and Mrs Rev. Rogers who'. assisted •Miss. 'Anderson in 'serving refreshments. Mrs. Minnie :Joneswas a recent visitor for a few days - with: Misses: Davies of Clinton. BENEFIT DANCE ,FOR' YOUTH WHO LOST IS=' FINGER$ • A benefit dance was ''held' in. the parish .:•hall, Dungannon;, :i;n•- aid • of ` Harry .Wilkins, 'son' of M.r and. Mrs. E: .C. ,Wilkins of Con.. 5; Ashfield, who had three of his fingers a'inputated while buzz-, sawing' wood near •Belfast.. The Carruthers .orchestra furnished music for , dancing: During the lunch hours the young pian ' was presented with, a well-filled purse ,of money.. The dance was spon- sored by ' friends and neighbors. Arid the. 'presentation,. ' made by Gordon .Stewart. drunkenness which..leads to the : in death or jttr.Yof • an person or .a thard`, par` death or injury as a • V ,• T.fie ladies of •the •Kairshea 'Club met At the home of Mrs. Hughes' -for-the: Marsh meeting. There was' 'a • large attendance:` Mrs.McKin non presided:' The ,meeting open-- ed pen ed with:the Odefollowed by re -:.. pealing the' Lord's prayer in son. Mrs.: .Martin read the mine utes and Mrs,' McDonald 'gave; thee treasurer's report. . After com 'triunity singing the roll.. call was responded to-, by _n virtue of the ersoli to your.program.. left.. The ro p gram... I included.' a duet ..by Mrs: -D. }L I Carruthers ,and .Mrs. Houston ac= _co - ni a ed�- _ b- ��ss-Li-1 :. . mp y . 1i2�-Car ruthers, reading by Mary Bell; McQuill'in, a paper. b y Mrs.` Archie McIntyre, piano solo by Miss Li liaii °Carruthers: Mrs:. White and: Mrs. Shirt Bowers` of Ripley ` were ,guest :speakers and' .both :gave' .talks:' which•• were verb- beneficial ariid _ ninth .;.'enjoyceL . Mrs White spoke of the Insttiite and: Mrs. Bowers •on Citizenship: A, very ` interesting part of :the programme . was' .a presentation;+ ` g .when VMrs .Moffat': was resente • with an. ' end table .and glass fruit.: 'dish: Mrs.: Martin read � the„ ad rdress • and Mrs Middleton :Made. thereser p taton. A vete of thanks was given 'the hostess 'arid • those: help h ping -by -Mrs. -..Carruthers:—' •The meeting:closed'.,with singing' the National. n. ational anthem. Lunch : was served and a soc1 .time 'Pe s `' t. Th'e April meetin.: is to be a g t Mrs: Writ. McIntyre's. I:J • THE 'SEASON f'o'r •speckled,, brown and ,rainbow 'trout , wilt open on Good •Friday, April 19.. t"• :`a""'t•I�""'� ''%"'moi HAPPY RESULTS :• Impossible; Accomplished On March .3rd, '1946'a client' wrote us -"Cheque, receiv- ed. • You are wonders, I, made every effort. 'tocol- lect this 'but :failed' -..rad' concluded it was' irnposs ible. : Thanks". The., same effectiv'e service is avail ble. to you. F. KELLY ' & 'MOW 'The Collection, Specialists Orangeville - Ontario •