HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-04, Page 3caJ an. Mr. Sant Reid, is 1,ll at. tiffs °hole. in town, Harry Carter has. been engaged to work at W. • E. 'Henderson's farm, north of town, Miss Lois ,.Hunter spent last •tveek 'holidaying at Stouffville u with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Webster • Mr. Fred Pearson ,is -in Charge of the produce business, . which he and his brother ;gook over last week from. Mr. Harry Nixon.; Mr, and Mrs. Sam Cupskey and roil fa have :• retUrned tot Belfast , .4)F -reside; They :had,;- been, living at Waikerten where Sant was employed- Glo yedat "the•'Truax plant. Mr. Wien, Johnston, of: Ashfield 'Aho •recently suffered a fr. actured leg, . is. ,at :the home. of his niece, Mrs. -.A. Thr in Toronto,'. The leg, is healing slowly. Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie had a phone call recently -from her:-d'au ghter, • Katherine; at Vancouver • Willie .she isteaching ;'this . year_' u der the teacher exchange plan. The. conversation was very .clear. •`1VI L';. Sanclerson�and-�1V1•-ss Mrs , M. hell Bronsw.. ofarrrt-�rT6trrr--`Ievr �ick,, :spent ent , the week=end' ,, liere':with . the former's mothe:r,. James , •-MacDonald: •• Mrs: Sanderson .arid, Miss ,Theil. are. in •.charg a of •thehosiery ansi;:lingerie `rment` ..of •Daniel's. DeP� dart • depat a e^ Twere-iii. a buy ins trip to Onario. 1T• to al• as he GG ed' r• dr. -cin ad- and rte and' liln. ear: ;ch- eral the 'peal Orli- �suc ;pot' }: so the `had the head: affled. pinch• ,.r lee Olney night etid' at th 4, r,. and Mrs. Merle Johnston of Lydon. altthe ,week -end at the'fiome ochis parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. • Johnston, . . Mr. Johni MacRae has returned to his farm at Lochalsh after spending the winter in Colling- wood and Toronto. ' I' Miss:. Laura Archer -Who. h'as. been confined to her bedfor the past three months- with a :fractur- ed knee and having had an attack :of-the'flu, is now able to• be' up. a littie each day,• , J. . rs M . _ W, Stewart,...who has been • convalescing'' for . the past month at ttie' home of ,her "sister. in Montreal; :returned to The Pare' sonage last.week. Mrs. R q.. Cameron who has been . in'Hamilton : General Hospi tai; •is recuperating and feeling much Unproved in..health, She plans. to, return to :her, home here o ont the -.end., t therm, h,, ., , LO UG Mr,..and Mrs. Harold Haldenby entertained at a dinner on Tues "day evening :last• in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George • Haldenby ho celebrated their 25th wedding• an niversary. Miss • Tena Buckingham' who was a 'patient at Goderich Hos - Vp,ital• for several weeks -- is . now at the home of Mr..`Adam and: Miss Jane --Bowman; and�is some= -vtrhra•t-irl:i-pro eed : in healt r Miss Evelyn McLean of•.London was home over: the week -end. , - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cassidy of Clifford' visited Sunday with Mr. and 1VIrs: Il, A. Graham,. Mr Reg McBride left Saturday for a trip to the West. •anciy,,Mrs. Joe Wall: visited Suriday with ''Mr,,and Mrs. Wm. Wall. °' • Mr::`Isaac, , Pinnell return home fromvisiting at :White- church and 'W.ingham, and rs: Howard • cGuire. of 'Olivet' visited . recently with Mr. and Mrs: Harry Bell,. Honor. Service Meyn WMFINKillraroalgalzrorawignIP PAGE Walt n• O Mi s' Ethel Haldenby of Walk; erten spent Sunday at her home here: .• " F.rends from here were sorry to learn of . the serious; hiiess .o ' Mrs Albert Crang; at her home in Toronto; v , 1 „r Present .• Flashlights • Miss Ellen McBride . and . pupils held a successful bo socia'1 and • On Thursda evenin �, last.. the sale of work' on• Fria evening g a Y Presbyterian congregation gath- in the schb01. The following,:pro- er.ed at the church to have.• a social. evening to,.honor the young. men of :their 'congregation who have .returned home' from active , denby; Mrs. 'John .Emrson arid; service, :Rev: H.Dann was chat:!r- Mr.' Arthur .Breckles, . ',duet,. by man and extended a welcome Marie Percy and. Wayne John grarn``N as given: choruses by the school pupils; solos by Miss' Mil- dred Pinnell Mrs. Harold- Hal- , , d • home_ `to 'these men.' Mr..John Lane and Mr.:John Emerson also spoke . briefly: -The, fallowing pro= gram was % . eh n"given-; c"hao °• j pupils'' l(` chorus; duet, .Rev Dann Mr.. and Mrs. Percy. . Crosier ofndBobB a Don id •:recitation- Mc a:,• , Delhi visited Sunday at the heme Loraine' Harris; duets;- -Jack and sten; ,v:iolin music, MesSrs; •Mark Johiiston and ; Reg' •McBride;`,`also ha a shadow play by the pupils:Miss. E'clno:_e a "Was at: airy ppan�o Jiro Mr. George. Haldenby, who .was chairman also. acted as auction n eer., At this time the .; Sr.: Red of 1VIs. "John MacDougall Thein • a'Donald• -solo Mrs: , Florence M c ., ., Cross presented•a number•of;Tocal •daughter. Sandra.'returne yore `Jack "McLean;;, violin music, Rev boys with: flashlights," Mts..Milton with them. after s ending the Past'Darin'., solo, Mrs John •Emerson; Walshgave the address,' welcom= ~- �-g�.tY�- �' _ .c�r�lrl•~�he-ae=T �. - --•- kid...�ay�-l�raan'e--�g�t�---�12r-s, mothers.. • • companistsfor the wereesley Guestmade 'the presenta . 'Phrid . The Biter Fruitsof Jealousy Mrs CREWE' ;Miss ' Doreen Petrie, 'spent the, week -end ..with:. her cousin. Mrs.. Crossett, .in 'Dungannon. Mrs. Crozier and Frances of London •spent a few••days • 'with Mr. and Mrs. Ciifford Crozier.. Mrs: Vernon Hunter and child- ren of 'Lilicknow spent Monday with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs_'' Bert. Treleaven.: • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Corbett and family visited over the week -end with : -their friends: at Grand Vali - ley. Mr. T. M. ,Durnin'who has been a • patient in Goderich hospital for- • the': past three weeks, returned'- home on Wednesday. e t' o has- bee • sail.,ing for the past t . year ris s pen d - ing some timewith :his, 'parents; Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Rivett. , Messrs. 'Bob Reid,Norman and Ivah Rivettspent•SaturdaYe en - r n withClayton '. and A to Belfas, . MissEdna,Boyle tion. Those present wereWalter • Jealousy is :deadlYx , yet it •is anthem:'all�:wereinvited'to the Aftere '.` g. ing•of; :the_ Nationa.1. Mi. 'and Mrs. John Gardner and condoned ;Elsie Robinson, writ Sunday.' School roomfor „,refresh - r " an :Weekl• ,men'ts. Mr. • Ben'; Scott.,:then• read. the names .on the honor:r.ol1:: Mr. • ',Everett tape -;was guest olois:: at the Wingharn United church on Sunday Morning last° The A Y.P.A' met at the church on :Monday evening, March 25th Medford'Wall;. •the president,. s in : charge '.'The ;hymn'; `;`Soldiw'aers with this Sunday's (April 7)' issue, :of tors, with Mr; • and. Mrs Lorne •Woods<,and 1VIrs helm Mr._;.and_ Mrs :.Vic ':Taylor_ •of Brucefield were. ' uests of Mr. and • Mrs. R: 'Woods and Mr. and 'Mrs: Lorne. Woods recently'. The Dei'roit Sun ay Trines, tells.. how -''two "usefu'1-ryes w etc snuf fed -otit--when the - lovely wife -of a physician shot up an imaginary " e e triangle". Get` Sunda .'s,' .,, eternal - y De Yo' •or• inked ' Time MOUS�� n egularly, $3.00, : now 1.7 Regularly, $5.00,'' now 2.50. The versatile beauty cream that ♦cleanses,' conditions, prepares the skin for .make", up: Breckles, Perry: Bushell, ,Morley: Bushell, Bob ;.Burt and; Frank Currie. Mr. Wesley 'Boyle •spent'a few :days ,last. 'week,•A+wt . 'r,ien's a London: United : Church,. Mission ;'.Band. .:.. The . United {Church Mission Band met on Monday afternoon. After ` the devotional; perio• ;• .a of the dross Arisei' opened' the worship; service •was,:hela in the. meeting and' ah -repeated the :form of'an, Easter :.thaiikoffering, • - Lo -r d sprayer—ir►Titnisnn" Helen the -theme -being, "TheJG_•ardtn of i•lalderiby read the. scripture .les God". Taking part:,were .Betty . en--rierx1-St.- John._Minti-tes of; the ijoanA_ohnsttzn, G.radys ilpatr'ic previous meeting -:were read` 4nd- 'arid Joan Johnson;- A chor.tis was approved and :the roll; called. given`: by :the ;Juniors, readings There Were 44 present. -The. hymn:.by:',Donald Tho{ri'pson and `Billy i err calami Icy Mount , -Matlrersµand-a piano instrumental- n-edley- -The :study 'per rod was 'on: Africa. Mr:. Wm. Carnpbell and 'son Al- bert of :Donn•Y brook visited Mr. . , and" Mrs. Clifford: Croziei on'Surt , day., r ' 1 NOW : ( N DISPLAY at GREER: RADIO & ELEfTRiC Radio Licenses Now On Sale. 'Phone 11• Luckno%41 introduced ..the ' r�guest' .:speaker, Rev. Mr:: • -Joselyn ` of :- Lucknow who gave; a splendid talk, on ,'his. 'work9'4in the .mission field where tierserved at Fort.lbany :: on- James •;Bay ' He also showed sev- era]. interesting miniature •artreIes 'to represent .,'his talk and give' us a iitiental, picture o.f the work dorie -•_ by the :Indians" there... Mr. Owen ••-thanked the speaker.; • his splendid •talk and also re- mind us all on thi's our -.:Mission ary, evening to 'heed the words Of ou•i Lord when:,'He .said, ,Go .ye, into the world and peach :','the gospel to eve y- creature: The 'de votilai'ial "part: of the meeting.:was closed with _brayer aOtl m the absence , •off `'the missionary° .con vener,• the president.' also• took ':chargee' of the following . pi`ograrn; 'cornet duets' .by Ivan 'Lloyd . and, John Crispin of Lucknow were greatly enjoyed, an interesting, read ing}do-Christian m work aoii"g- the .Jews' was read by :Mrs... 1VIc- ;Lean; Mildred Pinnell conducted •a humorous game, I::o47and :1. y •Halderiby contributed:•readings; Scott' Walsh took up the: collect-, lon'.after which •Jim' Hodgins con- ,ducted a ',bible' Contest;° ;Ivan. Lloyd, and • Sohn Crispin played, the closing number on their- _cor-. ' nets. On Monday evening next, April 8th,. the meeting will be'' held at.. • the :church ' With 'Jack! Walsh, convener of ,work Mr, :arid Mrs. Allan: Wall moved their household, effects .to London on Saturday, where thy will re-' side. Oi`Monday,blarch. 25tti Miss_ Elizabeth Scott' of Ripley' ' was' honored at . a:shower';held at the: home of Mrs. Joseph :Scott.: Mrs.: Thomas K npton- '.conduct short ' , program: Humorous ads: dresses were '-lread by Miss Mary Stinsen'and Mrs. 'Donald' McIver.•:: Mrs: Hamilton McKinnon,,direct ed •two• contests and Mrs Donnie MacDonald:=assisted-:Miss Scott iii-. opening the: numerous lovely.' gifts: �: In .uckno `o ednesday� -M-ar-ch-=27th,-Miss'-�-.Scott :becam the bride of Mr: Frank Fair U`;N.E•MPLO�YIVJ INSURANCE :B To A// Fmp/oyer.: All- Unemployment :Insuf ance Boils "for the year ending ,March: 31st;;''1940,. must be exchanged ,for ;new brooks ,• 'Kin4ly. coinrntif icate ,ipmmediateiy With your nearest: National Employment Service Office if you have not already exchanged 'your employees' books. 'There are' severe penalties, failing to Mah,e`Unempinyment I,,s"urance_contri.butions'for: your insured employees and for failure to ruenew the rn,ance Boots 'as required. or ro 4/16mp4oyees: • 1 you are an insuredperson • o ' f protect your. benefit rights 'by seeing ;• that you Insurance Book'Lias been ,excbanged. • UNEMPLOYMENT INSuRANC COMMISSION ,,;-.., , �ll� 7R` �>� �� �'•;, ' 4."NEL..r f1 144i4 .,fie +� • _-,.�:�.-� - • 444,4