HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-03-14, Page 5THURSDAY,, MARCH14th,11946; yceum Theatre. WiNGHAM Thursday, .Friday, Saturday14 5 •1.���16... March:...., , � .. . WILLIAM EYTHE LLOYD . NOLAN * in *, * "THE HOUSE ph1` 92nd STREET Espionage and counter-espion- age:In this story • of 'a 'secret guarded in the F.B.I. files • for, ,I. three years, Also "Short. Subjects" Show starts evenings at 8 p.m Saturday at 7.45 p.m. Matinee Matinee • Sat. afternoon' at :2.30 • :M • u . The Lucknow .Sentine BOUNDARY. EAST` • Mr, and Mrs, 'Tom Inglis: spent last week in' :Toronto Mr, and Mrs, George Kennedy have ' both been under `tile doc- tor's ;dire for the past' couple; of weeks. Miss • Marjorie Pt. rues. and Evan;VlcQuillrn .have- been 'assist- frig them.. Mr, and Mrs Melvin- ',Hackett spent :a few days last week•. with Mr. and Mrs, Pharis Mathers, • • Mr. and'Mrs-. Ed McQuilliri and Grant'visited'at Paisley last Sun- day, Mr, Lavergne MacMillan ;was• home from • Kitchener • for • the week -end ' Mr,' and •Mrs, Milas MaelVItllan • spent Sunday at Mr., John Mae- . :Milian's', ,Mr..& Mrs. Jack Sinith,, Messrs. Reg arid Wm. Smith; :af Kincar- dine, Mr. ,.an'd• Mrs. Fred Smith and ;family of Ripley' and' Miss Vivian Fishei visited"Qn•',S(nday °at Mie:.' Frank Miller's.. , Mrs. , Jaines Falconer ,,and Lois :and Miss Laidlaw spent• Thursday • Win` • ;Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mar, • 18-1 h DOUBLE BILL r, PHIL I AR11US' := a .in *. IOJ INDUCT'..RECTOR AT .,ICI N:LOUGH w,''Ontario ()..CINLOUG11 1•tEWS) • On .Tuesday evening .''last the Chureh of the Ascension was ed to capacity with member's'and friends f rein Berv.ie,_ Kingarf ,;and, Kinlottgh. who .,gathered, for• the very , irnpressive induction' service of the ',newly appointed rector,; the Rev. L W. Owen.. Archdeacon W., H. Hartley of Kincardine was: 'in charge of the service 'and Arch- deacon W. A. Townshend deliver- ed: a' splendid address,,: 'The keys'' of the church' werew•preserited. by Mr. Howard' Thomi si$n,•,The-choir was under , the" direction of Miss EdnaBoyle and during. the .of-. fertory, Mrs. Harold Haldenby sang ,a very pleasing solo. • Following the' s rtvice all were, invited, to .the- ,church basement where, a, receptionI'was held and the followin•g program given,. • Words• of welcome,• by the:.Rev. L, W, •Owen : who was . chairman; solo 'by. Lorene Reyes' (Bell ;Bot - torn Trousers), solo- .b." •M:ildised ^""'•*2.: Bot- tem Ohm' tt�� ' "-Pri n " e`l l' IlPa'.f Z. cicr own sacred. solo ,by., Mrs :Rev Cox, (Saviour•" lead me lest •°I stray), speeches by Archdeacons•Towns h;end. and Hartley, also ; 'the • Rev. Charles ;Cox of • Be•rvie.' , Du•ring' the prm ogra.the young :.people of; the ..three :congregations Iwho ser-. VE'A BANDLEADER and * *. •RICHARD CONTE ,,IN "THE , SPID'ER" Mrs:.: Margaret, . Andre, : who, Was taken quite seriously 111 .early, last week, .was 'removed immed- iatelto Goderich Hospital where 'sh-e--Js-nTakh g--q•aite satisfactory pr.o •ress andwe p ,g . trust -than` she 7nay--shoi tly,'be :.restoredto her f rn,ey.. health. . Misses Isabel Douglas of Wat erloo and .Jean McMillan• of Luck-` now were' visitors With Mrs. Ken, rieth Laidlaw on: ,Sunday. • 1Vt•iss 'EllenAndrew'. of 'Toronto. : lrti--.. o spent folIowing. • her. mothers illness: Show starts evenings at 8 p.m. g HAPPY -RESULT She returned to Tordnto on Mor' day. --Mrs. ;Jas.. McKay of paisley . -y Y. Vis- ited with her sister, Mrs;, 'Wesley at�h•e last week.. Mi•. and .Mr Ralph N;ix'on who have .made .their home df• -late •with ,Mr and Mrs ', McKaare Impossible Acconaplished�: �-Cri--Ma•r .- � d; �9�'6==a-eiierr�t .wrote: us -"Cheque receiv- ed. . You 'are wonders. • tiiade. every elf fort, to col=• )ect this.: but '`failed' and '-Ct7rIZlUcteti , it was irrip'osS- ible. Thanks". �r_ed_withthe armed_totces .we called, to the platform' to' be hon or ed by the Congregations,- Mr,' Owen 'reading the {address which expressed- a warm Welcome to each`and. wished .them, :the very best as they get, readjusted again: into', Civilian. ,life. All joined in', singipg"For they :areJ0l1Ygeed. fell' :" Mr. William Walsh was:,: also -called. forward ' ; and; presented ..with, ,a. lovely occasrona ii.. fon. the Bervie c.ongregation. As ' f:• is 25.•• ears l a recognitiono, li faithful service: as church wai -den. 'Mr ...Walsh although •.,tam by: surprise, made la fitting •reply:. ' "enjoying :fairly., good health.: :this The. same 'effective service • is available , to you• • ELL KE The Collection 'Specialists Orangeville - • Ontariu' winter • Mr. and Mics: Si Gardner, Keith` and ' .Billie 'wet e visitoirs with Mi and Mrs. Joe_ .Freeman and family ori Sunday. David •:and Donald. spent Sunda, • with Mr: and Mrs. G :Stebe and' .family and •Mrs• Kirkland, Sr.; of Teeswater,' 'ate"" V`ci:i1 sDay`6T-717ayer::.v as observed in • this Church ,on ., day last by themembers of :the VV.M:5. TRICK MASQURADE • g` i ifncrer alis rices: Canadian Legion ' rvitli proceeds 'foie games and recreational , equipment ; for the Legion Rooms. • • .. TH:E . TOWN'S HALL, ;LUCKNOW :, tries day, 1Vlarchf , $12:09 IN COSTUME PRIZES FANCY LADY, $3.00 ,Cnili1Cr GENT, $3.00 FANCY GENT,' $3.00 COMIC 'LADY, 53.00 CARRUTHER'S, ORCHESTRA AD;1i1;,crld)l`y )0e, I 1 ItI.TRI.SII VILI'�IT I,<)OI • PAGE flYI and committee, �41111111111111111111111111011116 Mr. Currie Colwell had a very, successful sale of farm stock • on. Friday afternoon. - Mr."and Mrs. 1Vledford Wall .vis: iced, on Monday evening at Mr. W Boyle's. omen's Wofld , Day,• of Payer service ' was held on Fri- day afternoon in the Presbyterian church with. -Mrs. Wm Wall -in charge, Miss Margaret Malcolm presided at the Organ, Mrs, Har- old, arold. Haldenby • sang the' 'Solo "Sweet hour of ,prayer". Prayers were offered :by . Mrs. John. Lane,. 'Mrs. Milton Walsh., •Miss . May. Boyle;: ,Mrs.: Alex; Percy anef` Mrs; Wes Guest. Mrs, W. J'. McLean read' and • explained' .the scripture' lesson,' Miss Margaret: Malcolm .' presided, at• the organ.: Mrs. V4es: ley Thompson was chosen key- woman for .next year. Mrs., H. .A. Graham returned home after visiting with her clan ghters at Listowel and. Lordon. The Westford, Red Cross group. held their' quiltingI,,party at, the home of Mrs ,Archie McKinnon. sented. ;Mrs. McKinnon .with ,• lovely .•erietable • as °a rernem-• brarice. -from'". the ladies .as ,• the"' ,McKinnon,•".famify, axe,..,moving...to,' '.the 6th • Concession.; This family will be' greatly missed 'and our best wishes . go: with thein .to their new home.' Mrs--B=-Slessci-r -has-'i eerr-under- ,the'. Do t r -:s: r,ar c o c e f or the ;-pant. week, ,.- .-. The- many' fri•eridg,,aof, the rev Howard' •Haniilton were deeply: shocked and •saddened on Thurs day last to.learn'the'sudden.pass mg of his:: young wife Rev; and MrS,, Hamilton_w'1te ...engaged in CK1 FR. "NIGHTCLUB, GJR with ...• VIVIAN AUSTIN BILLY. DUNN JUDY CLARK 'MINN : Ia011I\3ELL; Also "Short ,'Subjects 'WEDNESDAY We ,present Frances Langford, ,Guy Kibbe * in * ,* "DIXIE . . ! JAMBOREE ,4_. 'COMING NEXT Charles Laughton in "THE S'USF'ECT" e ty • . "LEAVE. I,T'. TO BLONDIE" "CAN'T HELP SINGING" Kincardine on==Monday-afternoon. ' The Sr: W :A..will; meet at .the Thurs-d_ay .afternoon. missionary ' work., at St.. Phillip's residential, school Fort': George g and. were .f o.rmer-1_y of': Kiillou.gh.._ Deepest sympathy is, extended ,to the bereaved husband and- their Friends ,from here_attended=the 1 funeral at the Church of Messiah, . sugar. I . ''little .:three• -year -cod : son , David. TEESWA KR FAIR: .plans t e doub'le'the grandstand seating ac ;eomodation for the. 1,946 •show • • w• Ration'. Coupon Due Dates now, on -n • up s ow • valid -' are augar'. •,� ..�, 46 to•, 70 .and• Si' and S2, buttiter-: R1-�to : R3 and. meat M1 to M28 Sugar,'cou ons' are ood, for P. g , purchase -of,: preser-es ` as -well- s Mr; James •Millnnari. favoured 'v�rth=a-solo-z-Mae�a-mar-a-s-band :: and kept e-veiyone:,in good.humor- with liis Jokes and•; entertainment; The 'ladies ,served lunch •and- all. •left for home feeling that it • ws -g-oodto h -ave been; there - Mrs• Harold Thompson spent a • is v ctays-w-i-th•-het: parents .here.. Her father •has not been in : good •-e'alth, lately, Mr.. and `: 'Irs A11an •'Wall are in L:o don'visiting:`with relatives:. e-n•ds--a-ntl r ci-atr-v-es--f-rm--here - at'tcrdcd the: funeral of Mrs. Thomas Wall on; Tuesday after noonfrom`her late bresiden'ce.- N.ir1 ..;and .Mrs: Pi i i y ,Hodgins' ;and Sharei „ �- Visited ori_• .Mor d•ay` R'ipley fr rends Mr, Mi•s J 1t Lane visited,: Thursday with.', Mr.. and ,Mrs. •Joseph ;Hanna 1'�Ii : F Fdiiertustiell .vias att 'ta\i:adru ing the week -jetting disch�i'r'ge ' f cin th.e,: R: 'Where" he :served. The Wo'n7en's '•Institute met on Tht.ri•sday, afternoon at the home - of Mrs.. Jack Ackert. .The presi- den t.•:M.rs. Toni"Hodgii5s, ��as':iT1:-- charg�::.The `njceting opened with' the Ode,. the Lords prayer Unison •allowed by •the business, 'Th•e committee irpl•;charge of: the. ;new, pr'cigr'ams-• are M'rs: Tom lad tains Mrs. Rqy Graham, A• Murray; Mrs. R.,aynat.d• Ackert; Mrs.. ,Alex Percy and Mrs. How and Har r ifi. -M1 Mrs. Murray invited ilte �eciirimrtCet, to': her hem Make the program Iplarr. All join. Ped• in commimlity' (' singing, Mrs. Perry Hodgins. con'ducted • an in- •stitutc quiz. gMrs. •A1plionse•Mur rav read two Psieins 'Mrs• ' Jh•n Smith `.g t'.e.' •a' paper on "Keep. 'your temper, the best' revenge ,i.s;.. lore': the also had chtirge of In I1"ls.lt .ce test The. National, /anthem' Closed the Meetrng°•,.and lunch 'Vas served by :the •11ostes5 • ••.• wry "r7..r=' • • 1eIi were l In Luc: a';� :WILL PICT inns • 9, 410•; •