HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-03-14, Page 3;TIIURSII.A,Y ;MIR H ,lath, 1946..
Mr, Victor Whitley pf lv aixiilton
was .in to'i this week,•
Mr. Murdoch Morrison: who has
not .been wti:11 is staying with' his
sister, Mrs.. Wm. ;McGill, for a
N1r, George Murray who spent
the. winter with his daughter, in
the States i`etitrned to his :Borne
fere last week.
Mrs.,. Milt' crt Reid and, babe re
turned home 'after spending the
past two :weeks with Mr. and
Mrs: Saris Reid of town. .:
Mr, .Mac MacDonald of Chat-
ham.•a visitor here last week'
at 'the home': of.Mt.\ and .Mrs
Charles 'Stewai d, '
• MIss 'Lorna Reid returned,• to
-London after spending the. past
''three . weeks with : her'. parents,
Mr, and,. Mrs.. Sam Reid. ,
Mr, Cht 'Ies: Steward who. Was.
recently on holidays visited in
Toronto With Mi and 1Vhrs Chas.
Henderson. ,, •Mr..Aie3• MacGregor and. his` Brown's mothei,'.Mrs. G.,.C.Tre-
nF..�.+.x.... �y.e m c.�n. n.,.,.,., •.,«.,».,rz .._.,r;.w r a- - _..,.•.: ...fi k....... ..,,�-r.,�x..,.= . —. _-�"".r2: q as," n•..r:i•... ,�!..� ._..-.
.. :-..--+ae:-+n.?*Saa,e...-=w,,......+v-sso-.,+.....,,,.•...w+tv.'°ir=i.:. 3w y. - ». ., +s;.,.��
The 'Lucknow
Selntinel,, Lucknow, Ontario
enera W
i Dave Horne of Torontoi si
here this week
.1.Vfrs. Frank- Garniss arid little
ed daughters, Dorothy .and • Carol of
;�......�.Anto have returned home to
Mr. and .Mrs,„ Arty Cann of Toronto. a f ter ,spending a month
Whalen were week -encs .visitors with her parents, Mrand 'Mrs.,.
with friends. here. Jaines .Sproule,
�M hilip .:S.tewa.l•t-was- in Tovr= •Mr; and. Mrs. Wii red plan$
Onto. or} business last week, and spent' a few. days' last week in,
made ..a business . ti ip • to Wood -
stock on Tuesday.. 4 • Mr • Chas, , Durnin, who has
monis was not recovering' aswel•l
tute''meetin : wi1T. e held �$ 'lnsti been ill at her home with. neu=
• Lucknow Warrren
g b eld at the
• as to be wished, and was taken,
home of Miss 'Eva Greer on Fri to:, Goderich Hospital, where she
day at;2.30 o'clock, .Contest,'aproii is gradually 'improving, and is
with pocket:' ,,. • expected home before "Tong._.,
Mrs W,. C.:IKnott and _• Mr and!'Mrs Jim Million'`arid.
young ":son of Clarksburg we' e daughter Patsy of:Stratford spent
weekrer d visitors..,wit1- her.:'pa - the, week -end with Mr. .a and' Mr's
ants, Mr. ,and Mrs: ' Donald •Mc- l;orne. Ivens; •
Charles, Huron Township. B
ORN-Thursday; •March, 'Tth;•
Mr,- and Mrs, `Chas. Webster at Pc/der/eh Hosp%tal` to :M'r: and'
'and Judy. of `'Stouffville•` attended, , Mrs,. Graham McNee; ;a son. Con -
the hockey i.�n. atch':lter• e on. Mon- gi'atulati'ons.'
day, and rerna-ined u
for `'a Couple Mr.; 'and Mrs, Arthur 'rows
of days' visit' with. relatives; and ;and' little dauhter of le' atfriends
' .spent the Week -end with
.. _ _ .,. p k : Mrs
Mrs. Kenneth Cameron attend=
ed : a chief •• operators convention
of the :Bell .Telephone Company
,in -training at Ontario Hospital;
berta, .,spent ..last •' weep .with',. his:: World's 'Day, of Prayer
41167.M7 mit
�•..-- � self
1/4 t:P, cooed
shortening 3 tsps each lemon jviceg g
>i 'up,.. Band.
2/3 cup Own sugar
lemon tin
and orange beaten aJg. '
1; welt- ; Se flour gar, add dig, mitt thoroughly. Add.stated
Sups Sifted oil-PurPs d horougti oaten
Cream stiorxenir.g an in¢rgdrents. edslices. Bake
Mil and Rift dry "Chill., Slice In ye, ut wt 3& e
rind.2" az• on unsr p 6
' juice. Form toll in w, popef an mlu � �
• q-.
`: A pretty Wedd-ing: was . sol'errin�•
ized on Saturday, .January 26th'
at;St. Saviour's' Church, Norwich,,
England`. at 2.00. o'elpck :by Rev;
Welc`on?e : to Mr. and''. Mrs;' J.
Elphick and family to ' .u' - neigh
borhood. Mr. ' Elpl ick bought. the.
MacDonald 'farm ..Last fall:
Master `'Bobbie, McNay, ')tuck -
now, - spent the week -end at Mr.•'. ,
E. A. Fuller, when.. Frances,, rd Kelso:' NlacNay's: •
daughter of Mr.' arid 'Mrs, E. Wil
Mr..and:. Mrs•.. Omar Brooks and
son of . Norwich became the bride
of hte: 'James E. Broome of the
Wayne visited. recently : with Mr.'
and .Mrs,, ;.R: Hamilton.. Donald -
Canadian Army,.Overseas;� young- .H'ami ton is. working for Mr.
.,.. argny,r•.;.-.-,r::;�:a1�:±,Raxi r`'MVF;Exr.��Tcb=.'� •"t�a�,?,r;�p+
. ,w
sisters," Catherine MacG•re'or• of • he congregations in This dis-'
g �, ,.
town.and Mrs. Geofge Stuart St:.
et jointly for•. the World's
'Helens' Prayer on•Fri d av 'after
roome o . Virr ram. "The';"
looked lovely in :a, floor. -length
• her brother at Elora who is ilI
Mrs. D. "'Richards' visited with '
gown' of :white' satin and. silk,' net
Miss Eileen Henderson, ,nurse-
veil � and carried a bouquet of . °•
held in: Kitchener on Tuesday and
fVednesda " flowers -She. was attended by five
L k
r oon...and'followed the outlined
Y on on. seennth. e•week end;with
• bridesrnaids wearing floor -length
set .. for the • day: Mrs her :parents; ,
program Y_
Mrs,',Wr i Mul'die:' was, in; ,Lon- `.to her' home ..here the end of the ,... dresses of: blue and ;green: and . •
••Melvin Reed - Mrs. ` Robt:. Durnin : Mr, .Wm, Robertson of Huron:
;:don': on. Friday, visiting her sister, week -after s endin ' w: parrying bou'.uets;and.a Page -boy .'
g six weeks , q. p g Y
• , , p and Miss Iva° : Carr, ; led in the ", visited 'with Mr:..Jack McIntosh,
dressed• in *lite. silver" •
r , •.Miss Margaret Suthei land,; who in : � o.ronto .and •Hainiltoxi:: While- � ,., ... .:_. ' .. . __ . _ .:. . grey .: .. •
responsive verses of 'prayer. Rev,
t. is birder observation • in Victoria' in Hamilton..Mrs,.' M 'cl erizie w . P The roomsrrian Was Mr: tarries:
a, ,was g
Mrs. Wm MacKenzie • i eturned
1 '' Hos ital; with- her condition i:e ' rn `thehos the -hospital eo �.
p pi for , a couple of
s. ardeii'as: uite Brous:
t LA,;`N S:LDE
Mr; ..H'ar.pey - Huffinan . is this
week assistin . l
e: - g Mr.Fred Co vin:
,of"Culross with his farrri work
r,, an • r rs, .;i . u bent, •of
e 8th Con: spentt''Thursday'with 1*1
d -and Mr -s- Ruussell Ritchie'-• - -
Mr Viictoi• Emelspri held a very
-successful sale " on Thursday.
:.Cows' ranged in, price from $90
to $150 and ' year-old! calves from`
le. ; $41 to, $65:
rs Roger s :gave.. a lovely, talk
On 'Psalm 34: Mrs.Donald Fowler'
sang a solo `LArt : Evening-Praex'
Broome: of Nerwi,ch _gousin of• the -
t -
groom:' After.rthe�� eerelnony�iet, F
•ures were `tak n:.: Tea was served
Mrs, John Bennett:read Psalm'46
FOURTH •.CONCESSIONat; 5.30 `at the: hom of. the bride,'S
parents, with a reception • after..
ga e a descriptive talk on the
To .1 same. 'A, -number of others gave
o ate for last week'}„ The: ha y 'coli 'le are :ex cti
PP. P Pe. •n
appropriate prayers.,
The of �the,Katishea Club ` . to sail for Canada in the near
;met at the.. home. of .Mrs.' R. Mid= Mr andMrs: .Harold' Shore of, future.
• e ontoi t e ' e • ruary meeting
Mrs L. McDougall; pr esided. The with Mr• .; •and Mrs. Harold Taylor.
meeting- opened with singing '' f Mi Alini: Moi is' _has..been_ser i:
the "Ode" followed by _repeating io,usly ill :with a 'heart ailnien't.
the` Lord's, prayer. Mrs. 'R: Martin' All; members; :of • his iiihy have
read the' minutes of last meeting been 'able•.Ato comc:.:to his bed
The r-ol.h-cath-was-answe-ied:by-'-a__ side. We are hoping" for' si • ns of
Va.lentirie verse .After 'commun_ improvement`
d '
it :f singing •the•' business' •was 'dis • The Ci.ii rieand
r-Jo}tn Warfel,has-rented his cussed-and,it;was"d:ecided tohole"de-r ald-liave---beeri-i2i-Lort-den this
. farm to Messrs. Wallace & John- a." -St. Patrick's dancer on the 15th .week to . receive::their discharge
v., -son Conn andwill. hold" an \a:uc- of March' , with proceeds for hos- papers ;from the army,
v; tion sale of his farm Stock and1p• • A splendid, ' program. Miss Bernice'JohnstonJohnC
pi.tal ' he. ofedar .
I•!imelement •, nefuture:, uure:; t'o10 & ed ` whichincluded a"paper Valley has.' been assistin'
fn the1' g • Mrs.
Mr ;and 1VIrs Wesley Tiffin on a profitable,:, use of ieisui e; l)y Alla�eed with the.;house work:
id :'spent Sunday-w-ith:'Mi and Mrs Mi s Don MCI�cet , solo by:_ 1Vh s: J .. On T-hur-sday; after=noon' of . this
% Robert: St_ewai:t Carruthers the, topic on the value ..week the. Federatipn of• -Agricul-
c cif, .read' ng good .books by Mi s. tune,' with' Mr:.,Harvey. •Johnston
`. Mr, a.nd M.rs. •Thos: Widd•is and •
f W;,:MeKenzie;`tead;ing,;::1YIrs L .of:•Walton as ;re resentative wi]'l
family' of Tceswatez.� spent Sun- � p � :..
d Mclvei ; ` and' a piarfa s:olo,' Mrs, show'reels 1of ,interesting.:pictures.,
-cif L4toationa-1...valueLfoa wthe,xiear•...
by ,.., sch:ool children; 'Ad'ults:.. *of
Other tsiwns}t p are invited , to
come 'for'the'.sh'ow at night.
.h:alf bournspent, The'Ma •eh meet-: ManY in'':. -•.this 'district ..:were
rn : will;'.be'.'at the. hoine :'of Mrs, shocked to . hear off ' the sudden-
Hughes. passing - of Mr. Shephard ,Nichol.
son -of ' Blyth, ' He • and Mrs, mNich-
had recently
I 'think, coa,�in, 'there arc Dison ,
several large pieces "coal B]�rt1i from their farm. niced
ear: Au
your cart which have 'fallen.iiut. burn He was .well known.
of :my sac'ks,'•,•tliroughout this district
The : Y. P U; of.;, the United
' "T'll 'hying' 'em , 'in, mum Ar►ct
there's • a lit 'in nay eye you can chur,ca; met on„•Fi iday night Af-
�:.. 'ave aswell �tirhe'n•t ... r o lei;; tlic-opciung'hYrfilir and 'Pb ayer,
.I t,rit aut ,
Rev. Rogers,' -the , pastor, led ,iii ..
x.� tm interesting study.. of the' Bible::
t.' kt, .Ihe'meeting was then taken over....
' .___ _.�..•_ � �, .��.�. bL° th�pies'i'c��t�f�"bTiy.:Hai'oTcl Taxi
Mme • •tor; ,ivho- gave • a short address on
ay with • Mr: and. Mrs John,
rt: Richardson. - -- la/fcI.vct mia -
.e, . ' t• ed a vote of "thanks to t1lr.hh toss
Mr and `112t°s, ” lniei Tiuffm'an arid those tal:in i t cfresll
sent Sun :aria'
ay . witty.. aria 1VIr,�: . en '
as' � • , ; . in is were served and a:soeial
_ llugh Ritchie. 6f:.Kincar- '
at' dine.' '
Mi':Jack Morrison:,
i spent 'the week=end •with
. i i elatives iii Tor-
onto,' '
rt, Mr. Llovd Bell of Pine.` River
��.. pent Monday with Nlr..anri Mrs.:
Ic Wm, Brown. ,
tly The tiagside Y.P,S. he1'd their:
ice tneeiiii at tt�elio'ne of Mr. an
Mrs. Parish Moffat on Monday
• evenintY:
est. ' '
Mi .1
tie, . •( • , . '
'.a'."1.' I � _....
het 'Phot l I• • • sc shirt both officers are now im
......one Q , ; ilatOci
•`t�.: • .>ticknOw• l.rtti�tr c'•. tttti.rCd ti hieli
••I'1,01li ore.atly to. silt t lift''. `the' oil..
:.. , or clrr
:_. • 1..r•e eri,c tit e'f: law` .and
with 1)r ,ve.r,
the Indians—:and :Eskimos as h. ,.
had b;ecen impressed with them in
the far 'north. It °•as thew wishesu
id the oi. ganizatrrin to.have a. don-
ation of,,;ftutt•sent ';to •Mist Cha,:
lll'{rain, :a ineh bC1" an the sick
•list:'•rlfte'r a hymil was sung;. the
t"k,tin€'-•w>`<is'brought to -.a close
Get yours now as the supply .is limitted 11115 \ew tr,litoim
conv,tnlile Sidney Whitby. i
rlcilt' 1,0.ggod Out in'his new
ftcci-'S i n foi'nr Which arriucd last..
tv ee;Yk Constable.,lia'yens has 'beets
Linuniform since his ap, ointiren,t.
P e c tb unday c
.. are ..at.._O au✓ _S .�S ha�ol.._..
g y.
Mr Donald -MacLean a a sister„
Mary, ;who recently moved:, to
Lucknow,, -presented .their organ--•
for ligein the Sunday School.
room of the -Ashfield Presbyter
ian . Church: This is 'much apPPp re -
crated ; by • the congregation
li'1 acus- Power
uel Savings
uiet Running
onger' Engine` Life
padding Performance'
There's no . ;other . service operation that pays. so.., 'great... a
dividend'. at so. smal'll a..co. In fact,.' a tune up; Often pays
for itself in fuel and oil savings.
• , You might be. the, next '
of fire-fi
re- that '
quickly destroy your Thome,
your busnness, your property,
your whale life's. work:, Let ,...
Pilot Insurance . accept the ' is
risk -ready and quick to pay,
any just claim.. Tlie cost' is.
very low. :
:.fie write Pilot liisurance,
to cover selected --risk's
Automobile;' Fire, Personal
Property Floater, Burglary,
Plate :Grass, Puli-
anal oth;e:r •
general ,