HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-03-14, Page 1. rW,Fdyvnwr $2,00 A Year In. Advance;. •500 Extra.to• I3.:S. A. LLTCItlNOW, 'ONTAR.IO, THURSDAY, 1VMARCI .14th, 1946 • d •- . EIGIIT PAGES: �p �A.,HATED FOR . RED CROSS MEMBERsIl r N . , . NEARS ONE °ILUNDRED MOVE RATORSH I I' ,The oSa1.Y response locally ,1. p to the Red.• Cross°, membership, campaign ha.*4. been fairly good; Upto Tu sda y� some' one hundred, persons • .had joined '.the local ' branch•,:: • Thri, :• " mernbeX•shrp fee..s. a minirr-iurri ',Of $1:60, and t;he, •drive is .Primarily i pimai�ilV for members, in.. order,'' to keep the *interest high in the peacetime', •d✓ irk: of. p • this great organization, < • • If you., joined,' Y halve not already do so now,, by" calling at, or„Send., ing your niembershib 'to M•cKim's p D'i u ' g•,'Storer • While the results to date irX di-. tate a fair 'start•:in the campaign, the •membership :fa11s far short of • the :total.' 'who donated to' the er anization .:in revio: : ,. . ..uS :C.am p. alar ani. -10..r •+s d1?:LS,ww.:N.'.:.NaW.: ...�._%ws,^+s..•.+MY:.`I•wm +vrawu.n! Hg ,i h honor was:last week• paid, to Rev. Charlesil . MacDonald of • l•, uckn0N',' When: fellow ,memb• x:s •Qf 'the •1'-1ui•rsn-Maitland• Pres*, tei y,in session at Clinton, nomin,; ,' ate_ d.'..,,him'''as a candidate for the ;•modE•oshi . `. of the, General As - Tat ip se._.ta ..v rri l of , the Presbyterian' °eh urcla : in •: Caiad ' Thr n'c w moderator Will be,e l- ected when theGeneral issem; bly eUncEnes in Toronto the: first week:rn J e u n The Present. mod'eratort is . the, Present Very Rev. Dr. J. M,•'MacGillivray • of• Sarnia ' 'Huron Maitland Presbytery mated Rev ' S. M.''.Scott a1sQ-xr:Q� _ n; in as•a candidate fore .. r • lte � .nit �7e rasa em .Jw i o P of'•.Hamilto, n and • London, which wi11:•convene in: (Kincardine late •in' April, Rev .. MacDo. nald. was, tl—to-ire' `resent rest `orate ...p Y. he no meetin tt d .ter y. S , '• t Y 6 Y. Commig'sioners,.,to the. General Asserribly were 'appointed as ;fol- lows: Rev. C. H. MacDonald, Li ckrtow • ;Rev ;: Ri.chard i Stewart, i i h • Di . Jamesv • : ' •cardine: and , elders•' -from. -Tees_'. :. water, .Wh tech._rch and Win -. ham. discussion ` was: Considerable given to, . the Presbyterian. Ad vance for Christ and • peace: ;thank -offering A. committee ' in g : ,.. . eluding 'Rev. A,• FI, Wilson Rev Dry w.,'o:' Rhoad: arid, two elders was�a ointed tor- ive:-leadersh•i r---; .PP g, p• eye.: ' fo: t e 'm em nt.throughout e': o e � th. Pre�>j .t i• . ,_... yeY.... • SP); lAl✓S in 1VI . x en s. Hay of x•Wo PanU,s,.and Mackinaw Coats: Re dueed Prices THE MAf tKET, N IAN TO H AN T VVA • .L T O. R. N Neil. N' ask h awa Sa'' - ugeen' Rc ser4ve' Indian, "w.as'.found guilty'of murder, by `the' trial jury at'�V`alk-- erton :on Monday aft`er7loon. The' • juryrretireed at-tlre-ncro i. h-uar--a`.-d returned.: four' hours: and 25`rmm Utes 'later with a verdict' -of :first BOUGHT MOFFAT FARM 'IN. I( LOSS Mr. Geor e • Gilchrist arid, is . ig p_ ; his son Fred of near Paisley, 'hav:c bought Robert' Moffat's 100. -acre: farm on Concession Four, Kinloss and ` obtain 'possession' almost rn,r�: roed-iat'ely. ' The° Gilchrist. farrxi; . has'_.:ben sold• to `the Soldier` ..Settlement. Board,. •but the : are not required. to vacate at"once, .•and plan to finish some of:. their' stock fol - • • met her husband.' formerly Livrna. 1+'lor,ence• Caesar, ,. b . market 'at the •Pais]e• _:farm:.,:. _ _. , _. •..y of Con. 6, Aslifieldx' observed her .Mrs,.Milne• Was; formerly; 'JoYee • • The farm ; wl aeh they` have '.3rd"birthday on Tuesday of 'this Langrid e daughter of Mr: arid g bought was 'formerly the McDial- ,week;; , ' Mrs. Geozge' Langr dge • of Liver- r- pool; England; where `she ::was mid far m w reh Mr. Moffat � 17• tpra chased thirteen years ago this will Re -Enter Bank ber ', AS: a , child of five years spring, "Bqh"' has not,; been „act-` . : • Mr,. •and Mrs.. Melvin. Hackett she m came with'her _parents • to' vel 'engaged .r e e n farthing � a srncE- Y- g g Sem ans where have. 'been visitingwi -reL• trv� e she ee th a s., . h ded ,-fo-r i., takin ov r" the Su �...A-I?�'tes��arag:,� •-�, � ri,4 +.,• ;;:tL paw 'ti�.rai�s�. ori ti WERE FIFTY-ONE' •REARS MARRIED', LAST WEEK Mr,', and: Mrs, 'Wilson Trwin of Cori.' 1q, Ashfield Township, ab- served, their '51st wedding; annr- versary last Wednesday, »Mardi 5th.. The' occasion was marked by holding• .a family, dinner.,' Both . Mr,. �azid.' Mrs.' • Irwin ar,e OVERSEAS, -_B' IDE � 'MAKES HOME• HERE Local residents have again, been afforded the opportunity. of• Wel, coming an 'overseas . bride to the village, . in, the person . of Mrs.,. :1Javid',Milrfe who reached Lud , . ck. now last Wednesday, Mrs:,, Milne alha enjoying good :; freaIf}i, and `ar t, ugh a •native'.of England••is ems.. i ece}vrng.' the :'congratulations •.of. no; stranger . to Canada,. having rrrany friends. 1Vr,:Trwin was '7$•:h'grown to'.' young womanhood at on: January. 3rd and Mrs, Irwin, Semans, .Sask.,` where she . first •yin the Pirate. �«K �. ceive' his army discharge' in a few rfore the outbreak of • war.; This community extends,a..weF- days and, will resume: his `duties `'. • • ... Y , • ...Mrs '. Milne ;..fs. a' °graduate , of come to M. and Mrs. George G'il w th • the 'Bank of Montreal t ehri � h • a Wooloston .•HospitaI :in Newport;. degree _Murder., -- Th .residin. 's'ud e ; Mr -•Jus - P g _J,g�. .. tree A.• M:.LeBel,. then :donned the black ..Caps N:;and sentenced, ashkawa',•to be hanged at,Walk-: erto i on•-June:5th; STORE ,.,;. vV� , K I�00•M�EN� rw�lcE: WEEKLY Effective: at once, activities --at:. "" the l3ecl Cross Work.Roorn in the- _: LT-oivn'-T 1:wr11 lbe=resources `twice: ''weekly ::each:'` Tuesday. a.n.'d Thursday,. •afternoon. • For: a time the Work 'R•oom has' been operating • on , Tuesday .after- noons only; but' the: desired volume of Work,•was•„riot... bein .. . •turned out and, the twice -weekly prograrn was resumed. f t was' thought' that •. one 'afternoon, •a. week would bring out an increas ed• numbs -r of •workers . but- .this has not .}Seen the 'case 'and .;” t e faithful few" are r1ow doing' dotilile duty.; in' an effort to turn., outtheir quota of urg;entl•y:.need- e'd supphes. ;The services • of any new volunteers will be ° welcorned- hY the•local`+Womenl Work�Com 'ipittee. •It•willbe noted that; the word "war'' has, been. , dro ed but :,otherwise this Committee is: , cal' rying' on' lir ':peace. as ' it did so Iaithfully dui in :._ g the warryears•.: Knitted' and seven garments are• still in 'great demand. From England comesan urgent call for • infants' . clothing, particularry flannelette:. vests and soakers. Ti }5' eed alone will' keep Feed Cross work groups g � busy'for some time to come. In connection with. i th the wdrlt mein s..groups have ,done• and ar .•. e sof t'intxrn.g. 'to, do, Mrs. Lane Knight of Ontario' chairman the Women's Work Comm ttee. says; " We ', hrri.c aJl. liaci the th`sat%§-' faCtiot1-' n - at c c.�rn�s from 'working •to'help others. •Y We are not e'r'ec t- Ing Work to bold 'i ou 1• s • i; p together but R working for .an emegent: still y as gicot ' a;r'' it Was in War .. errr,ey and fc,lc•1 •,' Wilt sure "that Wotrien' want 'to have a share in our' st,• Mz, andMrs, Fred. .°0 -- the Woodstock Branch.. --e° start South (Wales. ,The :ac uaintance-y ,ship formed wh le; 'nei hbors at } g chi isf'arrd-famrl of two •sons Fanned _ l _p ... -,• . , •. . ;, ed• rn. th•e' bank. • service a dau '-h•ter ° who will slortl ak .g Yt e up .residence'.on the Fourth. 20th .Is The Deadline; March 2Oth has been set • as 'the deadline ;for procuring motor vehicle .licenses,. according , to license iss:uer,--Garfrel•dMacDon= aid,; local :'branch and: was at Mitchell`s•Semans; was renewed' when Dave at the time of -his enlistment went Overseas, Romance blossom- ed. and 'the . young ;'couple were 'marc ied..,;t_wo_and_a,:tialf years ago. Dave returnedUto :Canada last -fall' but''not till February was 'Mrs.' Milne • able to 'obtain assa' e. ° P � ESUME `HIS-•- POST OFFICE . o E JO O�Ai NG: EVENTS: "THE -,;MAN- FROM NOWHERE'; 1he • •charge anise :over _. 3 act comedy, .sponsored l?y the; death of.Walter I.avalee, who• -was, Young Pepple. of Sacred Heart shot. ,todeath__ o'n Januar_y�6_th,--aw.o--;Chixi•ch; ,•'Vyinghena'; rn :.Wxi hai•n- ,days 'after.` he had r etu•ned from down •• Ball, 'We.dnesday,.• :March -overseas. The evidence. brow ht ••i g 20th 'M ;8:30 p m::'Admssron' 25c.:. .Out.; details .• el an; illicit love af• - Reseiived seats; 1Vf cKibbon s Drub;,. fair W.ee� '. .a;�.�V�ai.� n N� shy iL•IYLr-s:4.to-i e ` w' . . Lavalee•, during:her husba:nd's; a'o: sence overseas . • Mr: •F% S. MacKenzie, Walkc1 ton. �liai�rister., te resented "1Vas}i=:�. Fred Steward, -who :.recently re -.-1 She sailed ed on.''the Letitia which his army. discharge: after`. ceived do�l.ed• at Halifax on' Manch: 3rd,. serving with ; the postal corps at•, , and didn't -mind the voyage, ex Ottawa # and • Montreal for four: cept, for.' 'a • rough'. :time on the years,: is'to'resume his :duties.•'at I 'ish- .. •the... -local•. -Post -Office i.•• Fred will be; hack on • th'e Lob.. ' • _ drtrons to have': fur her'. deterior on M9nday, a 'position- he'' held • . . at cl _szzrce tri war's end :._.and -for.-almost-th•rteen years prior to- � � , . conditions generally: are Pretty; 'Mr. �nlis�ting. , , P ' grim.;. •She rs ver ha ' •:. . to •be Mr, and - Mrs. Steward, plan �o Y ppY take r •sidence.' intheHen-'back': zn Canada. up e ..r , . 41-=B- k•—m-•-M-aym"St:: M--axrel•'=Mr-s:-�Vilne�-will :resi:d:. •- Lucknow, having. *purchased the home adjacent to Dave's par- Z G/ �' tX Z ental home :-whez e • ` they 'have "' ke up;residence.•..: kawa•,"• and conducted. a bi illra�rt:a. T - T ,1 n '_ -� %.:n': f`I'• s..' . defense. Crown .; Attorney Free- bor n : was the prosecuting lawyer. • The•:�ury : from .widelyy 'scattered points in.. Bruce'County: Was com=_ prised of John'.Hogg_ yof Arran,' A1fTea eiton :o • ' u on ship, Reginald Davey of I4incar- dine Township,; Wm: ;J Ross Of Bruce Townsh_in, Nelson Bain :if • Lindsay. Township, Albeit Wight •,of Brant, Thomas 1Moffatt of Kin - 4o SSr infloss, l•iugh Carrico on -af-Krrzca X- drne'.'_Townshi'p; :David "Esplen uf yAr ran, Clayton' Shaw, of ,Elder- She', lderslie, W,' O,• Smith. of Toberrnor y and Milford'•: Campbell of Cull;o5s.,� HOSPITAL. ENDOWMENT FUND. DANCE ON ,FRIDAY\1 •.-Twnorerow night: Friday, March. *15th, • : tKair shea•`lqlub ' w i11 ,sponsor a St `Patric's ra,ighi.t. dance in the, Towne ll Luck, now, with proHi ceeds' for the pui,-• pose" of endowing a• room an Wingi am General. Hospital, Carruthers . orchestra Will pro,: vide the music. There'll be. ; Mei ernr old-time and :novelty dances and ' a ,door prize: There'11, be a. good•:time and' its for : a worthy cause. set Y � - ER' . AFT • IS, +il`P DAILY TV*O YEARS -IN .(BED es WILLIAM •,.A JOHNSTON William ' :and John Johnston s}tfield-bo ri-tvvrns-," ,:were 9T .years-ofg :a... e on Tuesclav Mar~cn : 12th, and may well be Ontario's oldest , living twins a., record: _ r.th ' af•ield• t4 hxc14_might,.rtp115, fa ..ez.. than the Province: While :'this' claim Cannot ';readily be ' sub- stantiated; We ,imagine •that''if. it For' thepast few Weeks Mrs, be not sq: -.Andy . Clark's . neigh- �ln t1s ' broadcast will s oat F. Malcolm, of 'tower his leen al�lr bob. �' e . o t0 Slt=-up Yn a cin' fr ,each .lacy - t r : In: spite of` then advanced. ages,' rnoor"r�lr"or 'awhile ' :after ��i1'ftrr c. than 1 h' ] 7j bring a coritr adiction. two ears of col merit •tri her these, two brothers continue to .y tried with' a, rheumatic and lreay t.. 1 condition, Mr•s Malcolm is In her air oy ,remai kab e Balt' i; an are, t keen arid active. Mi. Wm, 'r hits be-ei'i `a.• lifelon i�esi•• tistc�t hits . � , 84thyear; "Chief 'cook. acid 'bcitt,i,. 1. Jell washer"; } present i < < .� o at. pr..s •her h•trti- g( -T''' „ ; �,c�. n t do• hr, • band, d who' will be. 80 years oaf icy., t; .�,t b d. s r1 r >• liat e of the• E ,irk about- the fariri. r Ch `st ias� Day, .1511 I fLiiir. JOHNJOHNSTON •' his age:: His good' Wife 'is still .the� _ :observed g air Y thehappy ::_occasion of -their- six- tieth wedding . anniversary last Summer;: Mr. John Johnston resides at Bellingham, ' State ,ot Washington;, ,where he ' and his sons 'oper;atei a large dairy farm, He• also.;con- tinues to, be busy each day,. is trn the best of health and the o� ly. wa . tlia 'g ht t lyrother William' :might. outstrip him much, ' would be;::in :a memorytes, ; Mr. J `' t ohnston s wife, who was a native of West .ern ' :17rtited ; State's died °: some years ago. • • *To these grand old men, friends l ; t •:' f Ashfield, and not a'�day and hb ' h SISTER`'PASSES The death of: Mrs: R'..: J. rltosh of _Aisles -Cr, aig;- oteurred;:ate 41, r+1 .1` 1 rrA ii er hnn , 'Monday: of •1--st ilf iveelc. She was forrrierly Jenni •'Malcolm', daughter of the,late Mr. and,. Mrs:. Alex Malcolm;' who 'at one.time owned the Geo:. Ken- nedy farm, l ou•ndary 'East', which Mr, Ma1Goliii 'sold--rto- the•-'l.a c David ennedy. • Mrs 'McIntosh'•st husband pre- deceased her three years ago: Of a' familyof seven, ,three survive, "•, two 'brothers; Finlay,;of LuC xi_oNv:' and.. Alex of "Ailsa Craig '•and sister; Mrs, Bell Ross of Chicago: •' 43` YEARS MARRIED Mr: and Mrs'; W,.. J Spindler of town observed their 43rd Wed- ding,: anniversary ori ' Monday, March l l th, The day •was spen q•uiletly, but'a number of friend ...' s, who were m'ndf1iLoL,the_event, L. - Called 4x extend congrafulatio is and best wishes to this esteemed couple LEGION IS STAGING'� MASQUERADE. DANCE The L'ucknow' 'Branch •of the`` f' Canadian Legion, 'is sponsoring: a: Sty Patrick ,masquerade dance''in: the, Town Hall ,next :'W‘dnesaay •' night March 20th, with music by. 'Carruth'er's orchestral, $12.04 in prize 'money is being• offered' in four prizes each foi•.'fancy' dressed gent, fancy rie•rg ors rri As faeld and dressed' lady; `somrc dressed ,gent ;•district 'extend hearty eor gratu-: ixiid comic, dressed lady, T' - y he.p�o ]ations,. and best wishes for con- seeds' will be used 'to '.a'gsist in trnued good health,; and' if there's ' ptirchasing' games' and recreation-. any older.. 'twins anywhere let's al 'equipment ui ' q pn�tent• 'fol•• the Legion hear bloat "thein. 5 Roorns> age o a • rr n x 1-1e i' to ri rill hisfaculties. to' an years ago, Mi> `1VZalccrlm was acts CtAf'11 zl E°ir tlonur,114, ee y engag 'r,r• Lt. l as s . maes n . -• . • 1of mina and iicriory. half Work of a` teamster. iy.f.'ti.it� . •� •sir'... • ' 1/• ..f • 1; li> 1 •