HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-03-07, Page 4411111.111111111111.1. 1110 L co .Sentinel, Lucke ow, Oiltario LL DROP INTO CRAWFORD'S FEED.`' Have, BAxyLus ' FULL INFORIVIATION ON FEEDING. & IIANDI; NG • • . � USE .,RED BLOOD QUICKLY TABLETS To 'Provide ..ABY CHICKS With Necessary Body. Content.... FE v4 W LIand LIFETERIA STARTER JAMES�AY PO r,�,., :. :.• d �... : .fir ..:. ,: '. P � � ,' .'t LTRY EQUIP ENT: �.: : U • V e Handle . A Full. L!�tier Including Feeders,' B ooders; e. i FOR • SALE OR RENT Grass: farm; 100 .acres; w.ellatered.. Hugh. Ferguson,. R. '8, G.oderich, Phone Ripley 30-r-8.. ' --TEND E:R.S. . CRUSHING TENDER- • endes will be received by wthe i Township of West Wa , ;crushing gravel by the cubic yard using. Township crusher, Town- ship to supply oil,. ,grease,• anti re- pairs, contractor. V Si:10 ly ,1)0 ;',ver and men.• Tender must be mark- ed. Tender and accompanied by a° rnarked•:cheque for $100.00 and •must: be in the hands .of: the •un , , . dersigried by 6 p.m.; March ‘1.14,11, •n ' 1'946 • Lorne: Ivers' Road .,Supt,,'. Dungannon, :9 itario:, HAULING TENDER ' Tenders .will also be •received .for hauling.. gravel by .the yard mile ' anywhere in the Townshi:•n.: Tender: mus. t ; also be acco npaniied. by a marked cheque for $100;00: Lorne • Ivers;, Road Supt•. TENDER ders will also be ; accepted THURSDAY :MVIARCH 7th, 1,9113, ' . . ano•sh ft r 'SEED "OATS -FOR SALE=--A1ax, S.. $1.00 , bushel.;: ;Early Alaska, 90c bushel; both government graded. Lloyd' M'eDougall, R. 6, Lucttow, hone 26, 28, Ripley.. • • INDIOESTION PAINS vanish' quickly 'whei,1 you use Wirder's ach Stom.powder; •pleasant, soothes. ing: 59c and. $1 ..at:: TAYLOR'S DRUG ..STORE. MAPLE & BASSWOOD "BOLTS urgently required. Lengths. 3' '6"; 4' ' 6' ' 5► 6";' 6, S„ °approximate. Highest prices pal d,'"any' quantity.,. Apply: Box 38, Lueknow. If : oung '��runY gn.---sx: t ou ire' a Y or over and . wish a' position`, that will pay .. pleasant you good . wages: in surroundings in,. good town rrite o a' it• • ost Office BOX -3 e. • OONEY Kincardine,' Ontario.•: FARM FORUM.HELD .SOCIAL. ' ZVENI1\'G LAST 'WEEK �y ane• 1 UV�Y'i��lp•.,-;;;,'"'3 HOUSE FOR 'SALE 5 -roomed frame'liouse irk' Lucknow, hydro,' 'and town • water, : ifa : acre . of land. Centrally located :Good a and waodshed. Apply togar�fTellge. George: Twamley; :'R '7., Luckno ,. .� n�,ti.; T° r1r�n�, o�e_„77 $.:;.Dungan ol1 • � �-...,•,�,_. STOVE FQR _.SALE ,Dpherty._•. range.. Apply at Sentinel Office,' WANTED -a c1}iid's folding play pen, Apply at Sentinel Office,' FOR SALE -2 fresh: colds, To.m Glen, R. 7, Lucknow. . FOR, SALE;. -•-Man's; bicycle, pi;ac tidally new.. Apply, at ` Sentinel Office. Y+ 'OR SALE -six collie pups "$2,00 each, George Fisher; R: 1, 'Lu;et, now., r FOR .SALE -quantity .of thnoth;• seed. John. Ritchie, . R..:3, Luck- :rnow, 'Phone Dungannon "69 -i -1o..: FOR...SALE-Blood tested young White Holland, gobbler. "Apply, to , using his own crushing plant . a;nd trucks', delivered on "road . by the yard ,• mile.' Townshippays for -endexs must be _accom •-grave-T.; T, ,,, �,..-� paned by ''a marked • cheque for $200.00.. Lowest or:•any tender not necessarily. accepted; . _ -.-Lorne' Ivera,:, Road., Supt. ;TEN D :•ERS :good hai<dwood bush, good :land, HAVE t.YOUR • OLD -WAGONS i'.: CARD °OF ''THANKS changed over to rubber at Ches- ter•. Cun ningham's ' . McCormick-,' � -Deering-Sales„ arid 'Service, Walk- erton.. We guarantee our work. 'Phone 156. 'We have a good sup- ply. of new :and. used. tires. L-. FARM 'FOR SALE - 200 Acres,:, loWs: la1.adies,% high and low, Mrs,, Frank : Joh.: ston, Mrs. • Adan: Johnston; Johnston, high . and low, 'Donald --T Keith' Johnston' >'. and Bain Ma The. Currie c 0 r;1, Farnl..Fgr • in • : . wars :held- last • •: "the home weekat .fi: 4r: and : Mrs. Wm. Waring, Con.- 10; Ash field, i with ran attendarce :of- 23. The :evening was, s -went 'in . pro • •gressive euchre,. resulting : as fol ci'ra�-•�a� • social time .was, - spent. 'Export. :'sub= and-import- -mar'kEts- was, the... ussion` -.at:•'this week's �ject of 'disc meeting.. ✓jcuai 'WORM PIGS �rab pig by •front.legs open jaws Mitt jarr-spreader, dip Purina Chek-R•tigtab its smineral oil, drop with'' forceps at bare =o+ ';,•'1: tonyw. That's *0'there's to •it. 'Worm p'ips.•l, easily and effectively vi,th4urina-Chelr-1 tiptabs Field'testshoW's'4,000.hogs. treited ; ' A safely for large .'roundworms. Give your" Hens-�A urina• Chek-R. Tori ,APPETIZER Groin--.Fou.r-Hogs 'Per Ton of Gram.: Use. PIG :TABS TOWNSHIP .OF KINLOSS good buildings, :half mile east of • Tendens--wAP:be:received-by..thC :Holyi•ood; eke `:the...estate of`the, h 18th,late' Redger C,orrigan; also fore `undersigned up�ao• Marc , . .g Corrigan.; , at ..2 .m:. for, the :crushing sale, Eaton. ia''. crea:m . separator; 1946, P .. , and ' ' hauling ` of : the necessary. ;nearly new:: Apply' to Mrs. Rod _k•,,, gravel, for the roads of;''the Mun-. ager Corrigan,, ;R:. R 1, .,Winghaix e_._ea 1946,LCrush;cipality forth y � Hamilton wishes too' express hersincere thanks: and ratitiide"`: to al1171tifiose nth 5" So g. kindly remembered her with'gift, of •flowers; fruit;• and cards daring. .her recent illness. i _ • iri fj n sets at an set.. _; arm? arm. average :of.'. 1000. yards. per of'Jo n ` A .1�!Iel�in. h of the Estate. 1 wp., Thursday, . flat rate' per yard laid down on one o'clock :See bills. Matt: Gay=: the roads under the''supervision- ,' n r,, :Auc:: ' • •• '�; of" the 'Road .Supt : Work . to' •iae! o. completed :by October 1-S1, -194u+: 'Ratepayers: • .of the Township, anti ig-gravel -t-o ha ie- t_•` ered' at, the Township pric A.' marked 'cheque for 10 .pert nt''of 'terider price .,to accomparty ten • CLEARING=E�iJCTION=SALE ,L .,' •3 1 n S u al i C e 4 q. to b / Screen . at Lot___14_,' Coal,.., 5i Kinloss heli round:' Tenders' to be at n4.10b, March ' 2ast :at • INSUUR=AN(.E FIRE CASUALTY' ' and AUTOMOBILE - pedal- tates�.fo :::preferred. isks Ask us' about. Witt; cDONA . N . . R:R, .3'Lueknow, Ont. ..' Phone 61-5 Dungannon CLEARING. A"`TJCTIO farm.: Stock.- and implement's Loth &-3; SaDr.R , .$014,h: Line.; I ,Kincardine'. TownshVp on T�e�,•t day;: March -1.4h, : at one . o'clock. der, The lowest•`or• any tender not. See'; -bills, ter'ms. cash. Sam ,Nes- bitt, esbitt, Pr„op.;• Donald B BlueAu necessarily.acceptdd. LEARING CTION• SALE of J. R. LANE, •Clei.k, C � ��. .. , . dal io-f-arm-.stock, rrn`p�e�;rlents, . etc.,at 7 Don't 'Neglect 'Lice On Cattle at this �Tinie •..of:• Year: Purina .: LICE' .POWDER' Lot 29,_Con, 3,.Kin1•oss Township, 'HELENS on Thursday,' Marc a o 1'0'3 -Clock. :See bills for list.:Terms cash. No reserve .All the -ladies of the community e as farm has beenM�tt.;• ai e, :inv ited , to attend-- the.•nbsei sold:�VIctor :Em'rson, .Prop Vance - of'' the World's pay ,of CLEARING AUCTION SALE .of farni stock. and feed at: Lot; 6, Con. .Kinloss Township, 1.14 'miles north of . Holyrood and 11/4` miles west, (road: -plowed),' on • Friday March .8th'at - one; o'clock:; 6 cows. fresh;, 2 `due in April, 2 to f'r"eshen in fail; 15 steers'& heitf• ers; 40• pigs, Hall si4,es, about 600 b•ushels. seed grace,' Alaska " oats; • and -"'barley 'and quantity. . o ay. 'No •reser:ve, farm soldx terms casts: Donald B. Blue, Auc; Currie ZSl ,; well, Prop, ; Prayer at' -.the, home of Nis., Rob; inson Woods on Friday 'afternoon, at 2x30 .. FO. Stual t •; Collyer' and` Mrs::' Collyer - Fare spending:;:a lest/ days With relatives-df.Ottawa. Stuart repartS: atRockc!iffe:for his mil- itary dischal ge- on Thursday, . .Mrs. Earl • Durnin is a patient the Win • am'Hospital, suffers_. ing from:acute arthritis. Her rnariy friends hope for a speedy. recovery' Three • Boys Hnored" . There, was "a large crowd at the - At, Borne sponsored .•by 'the (? , men's Institute' in, the'Communityi Ball ontFriday - eveni_rig. in honor of:,Frank:'1VlcQurllin, Jim Phillips and. I-larold Woods who have r'e- cently -• returned' from . oversea:8. ._Alter.• lunch'` --Gordon •Miner :read an address and . each boy -was rade tlj.e recipient of a :billfold acid • va'r sa\'rn;s cei°tifibate• The- presentatidns were :Made V_by ._Al lan Miller,, :Jim Crimmins ,and ICerineth .Bailer enbehalf of the cornrpuiiity.,.tach., of the boys. °'made• a fitting reply after 1which, all Joined in .singing "For 'they are lolly gond fel:lo�cs'.:'Dancrrig was enjoyed tornuse by the Tai-' l)r.NitiGee orchestra i .Reduced ' Prices How About A New a S�e .arator Cre��ri' That old one .ca lose you the price ofa-new- MASSEY=,HARRS "I ' SEPARATOR ><In s short time. ' a; ver '� 'MILKERS are also •Available.. Just Arrived, Some BEATTY PRESSURE. WATER BOWLS Place Orders For . ASSEYHARRIS REPAIRS 4 s: boon as .possible and: avoid; 'disappoiritnlen SO 'Phone 59 9• t Confederation Life IND -C-AR 'FIRE .Preferred Rates' 'Or preferred risks ACCIDENT ,& SICKNESS _ :Consult RiSH ,JOHN.: I! AR. • I,ILC1 NOW Phone 82-13 Dungannon FARM: POR SALE `h100 acres Of field .on Highway 86, barn 72x56 with hog pen, drive' shed;.; andsilo;_ goodwater supply ,good bri'c�i house with all modern,..conven- iences;• .l -:t • mile from.school. Ap.- ply to Grant. MacDiarmid, R.. 3, Lucknow, Phone ' • Dungaianon 68 4 0 world is :full of �erlllta: . ;.lc. s�rri will ngt kirk an • t7 let•ll tib. FERTILIZER •. The Lucknow Dista ict i�'o.-(aper- ative InC;, .will be mixing fertil. izet thissp'i•ing as usual, Can rriix any ,g Acle youmay require :and have on hand• plenty • of material for mixing the • 2-12-6 ': without filler _:which cant be mixed i.th the grain '`and' sown :with any )rdinary `seed drilla please order arty as help',is scarce, We 'deliver,',: AOHN JAMIESON• . 'I'horre.71, Lucknow.• ARMSTRONI ;OPT.OI'IETRIST L.UCKNOW . WEDNESDAI' !.. '-. AFTERNOON `. OF • EACH WEEK. ^• SAT .WI SCHMID'S STOI:E P. Stuart ill cKentie' $OI,I:C�ITOR-- BARRISTER • Walkertori;'.+Ontxr o LUCKNO Each 1't'cdn'esday, OFFIGk.I'� . THF LEGION B ILPINGM. :ACCOUNTANCY MONTiLY .1;t'.1'1CL •AEDIT JY 1\4,1Y1 'Box 40,. -hili . (t1