HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-01-31, Page 5• f • • • d9 • ALSO, S' � " HORT SUBJECTS'' TfrURSDAZ, JAI I'ARV 31,1194g Lyceum Theatre. WINC.I-AM:_. Friday, Thursday, y, Saturday JAN. 31, FEB, 1, .z JOHN TidDIAR • GENE TIERNEY. f•.` Ii For: A A. �e . . fano The film talon.' from- John. Herskey's :popular' novel, is :a stirring message foie ,pe'aee arid understanding ` 11.0114g mend'. &, nations, , • Also "Short Subjects" Matinee..Saturday atterrrfootl ,: at 2.30•..p Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. 6 . Feb 4 S � ruar. y FRED- . MacMURRAY: MARGUERITE•CHAP AN 'Pardon' My : 'Past:" There are many • misadvent lures : as an` ex -jt i l taken .for a notoriolus playboy ST HELENS Transforme,,7ra are being install- ed, on the hydro: line north :of St. Helens this week,. • • The ..February -meeting- -of , the. Woinens Institute will be held in tho' Community Hall on Thurs.- day afternoon, February 7th at 2.30, Roll, call; "An •exchange of Valenti'nes." ...Rey._ Q. M. Newton will 'be the gu•s't speaker and will give an illustrated talk on school lunches, Progant• Corn.,. Mrs. H. Gaunt, Mrs. A. AitchisoriT Hostesses, Mrs„ F, G; , Todd; Mrs; T. J. "Tedd.... • �.Plai ; •',to attend • the* At Ho and dance in the',Coe mmunrty `Hall on Friday night , in. honor of Hugh McCrostie,. Ladies ;.please brirtg. `lunch:; • . Letters To -The . ,..- eEd�tor ".`-The Sentinel", '.Lucknow,•Ont. Dean Mr Thompson: As:• newspapers. have been the backbone : of "Salada" .'advertis ing for 'n'early fiftygeur '.years we `"think you will :be •interested t earn o \learn , that -lash:•year: was the ;great'est year :we ever hed,;'Sales. exceeded the.- previous•''high, by$ nearly, ;:`our million pounds; Thank you for, . the part your paper has played in this achieve- menti and 'may •we, take this op- . portun ity to vu -is -h You 'tht -best- 'in nineteen>.forty-six. years :very .ti uly, Salada Tea Co. of Canada Ltd'. • Per- W.• K. Cairns.. _-_ ' "See if you ,can laugh "that: off" 'said the` farmer's wife'as' she wrr- C R E w E; 4 ed a button on the:'ve_st of her fat husband ?Intended for ,Last Week) Mr' and .Mrs Clifford. `Crozier, • ilyd • Joanne; ,visited ::ori Sunday with'Mr and Mrs; Melville Hove- , ell, Goderich.. ' Mr -S J.`.• Kilpatrick visited' -hi daughter;' Mrs':' Cecil' Blake; of Goderich • on Tuesday ' 'THE CONTRACT, has been .let:to. the Mohan Company for the `con ' struction of. a municipal water° • system at ,:Paisley. .at .'a :cost of 355,1.0,5: Th stardpipe . wil-l-east $4 850 .• and the :pump .and.:motor� $350 • • • Mrs Bert' I Treieayeh spent 'W -ed eglay a-fternoolr ..._: daughter, Mrs.- Vernon Hunter Luckriow Mr. and Mrs Bert •• Finnigan g. Spent' • Thursday in Goderich.` Mr cl 'M ::vr er1 in' Godericl-on--Saturday with;Dr. arid °Mrs.''Harry 'Hall. Mr' and Mrs. • Earl Blake and -arnrly Spent -Wedn sday.with ter; father;;'Mr Dave McWhinney and Bgrt,• - D � 1Vir,. ChesteT Firinigan:'was as :'slStrrig Vernon Hunter . with. his •4 pAorgoiva,. r BULLET WQUN.Dr NEARLY -.FATAL • Mrs. Arnold. Borten, sister=ii law Qf Mrs: J J:; -Smith; had a narrow 'escape from death when she accidentally•".shot Herself; in tile, _jaw' .at her- home at,'watei Valley,. Alberta, which is .'about 2 miles west of Carstairs .:'The mishap occurred' late in Decerki- her, and 'Mrs, Borten is '11,0 mak- Mrs.. Cecil Falconer is en the ling a favorable recovery ' sick list and is spending a few ,,The ''28 -year-old mother of 3: days at 'Wingham at the home of children was. alone in ethe hgtilse .'her sister, Mrs Jack.;.M , • cIntyre with her• baby, the 'accident " The -W M. S. of: the Uni ted happened The.' twe other . child Church'. .la lva .'9. lase Wednesday: at ren,•S y ,and Bobby,,, 4, had the home of �MMIrs' -Thomsleft their cabinshort •timeabe- with a';good'attericiance a dM•wo itthfare;to walk the;trail Ic :meet Mrs •Gibson Gihespie 'Presiding. their :.daddy" who .was y Jogging The'; Scripture was read ,respon about. three miles from home.r1 sively and prayers were offered The accident 'happene•d when by M•rs.. Jos:''°Tiffin, .Sr: Wand,. Mrs." Mrs. Bortox:.left,.:.-the ho Tho : as , use with m.. Moore. :- The topic .was a 22 calibre rifle to shoot serine' taken by Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mrs; magpies " t 1i at were flockin Milan .Moore gave•.' an irrtroduc- around .sonde cuts of ,' • venison, aion et*; the neW study book • on 'Which' diad been left . -.Outside, to • -Africa,- .Mrs; 'Ezra Scholtz ' and freeze;. Mrs, .Bo.rton . Slipped. anti .Mrs.. Jack Gilles ie a.,.• •V''�'' p , g ,ve�,•a vocal the . gun. discharged with the .buX-. duet and Mrs; G..Gillespie closed let striking 'under' .the 'right side :the "``meetinewith pryer. ' •of het .haw••° When IyIr: 'Bor'ton `, Mr: and Mrs. ; Ira.McLean •and reached hot -he' about 'half an• hour 'farrilyYof Wroxeter s ent Sunda- 1ater,— he--:-foitrrd h'is wife lying with his par.ents,' Mr, and . Mrs: a' few feet from: the door: of their F. McLean,• Thome, ,conscious `but unable;:.to .- move,'.because of. shock, "-She- shad .Mrs Harold Sparking: of .,Win;•; ham, visited '• last ,.Wedne 'da lost; considerable, blood • , : • s y afternoon. with h;ej :„.parents,' Mr : • 7-1Fiour Trip . .To Hospital rand Mr's Thorinas•. Moore. • Mr: ` $.orton'fs . brother . I•Tarold Mr 'J¢hn•�M Millan•=��and---Nlr- was fortunately with.him` The s ' a S Charlie Shields `of East_ Wawan- m;ad a bad'=on a sled,, -urn ::•-a -� os�i each..sh pped';:•'a •ca.r.loat, 'of mattress and 'coverings- from: the, cattle 'on Saturda , House and -started started over the- trot' . Y to Mr. 'Robert ,Ross, son; Water Valley with the injured. - of : Mi and woman:.. ` ; heavy Mrs: R.'J: Ross, arrived home` from : overseas on Monda . of :`th;s .. Ther trail was and in y weep'---He' spent a . year•, in ...Italy places:,'drifts were unbroken...It and": was also 'in..Belgium :and took ,the team four hours 'to makeHolland:_and :to B •lin:: Z e' :Was •he -1;2-mile .tri to a '•ret dezvo s e p� � � overse'as almost 2 �2 ' with an ambulance; which , had Y. com out from' Calgary to rush Mrs.: Barton. to the' hospital' ospit• al°` in, tiered. Som.e came.:� • , • , ,very near . •to that -city.. A gang of men accom- ,entering.• the ` brain and :.'others partied -the ambulance to' aid. ;tri ,1pdged beneath `th e'-• g e eyes, - axrd tri,;, • getting through,the . heavy rod�s the bones 'of the' nose. For' a`time •The. ambulance. took three-liP_I r 't •' •'' � t�-as_..feat`ac%s-heLLrhigh-t=lyse--tlr�.` to reach Calgary: Her physician , sight of 'her fright .eye:. However,: Dr W, F. Upton`$ard,. that, the :Mrs. 'Borten made `a`•.renilarkab] e bullet• shattered afters entering : come=back and is . now '" .. �,�:.. ..: : doing the 'face and ;the fragments scat- finer'; 4• ' WHITECHLjRCH' Mrs!, Bert Eynon and two child- -ren, 'Robert and Beverly, spent aG few days_ et Leer:W nnlast;,week _: It was. .a busy p1ace•'here last Wednesday afternoon with teams, and ' •tractors- drawing.- fertilizetr from, the station. Messrs. Dustan Beecroft and Russel •4"aunt each had a carload•" , -W'E'AL. ;MAKET. EM:= -5 couple of weeks, ago w,•.•the'•"Kincard:i•ne . :Nes. published';an 'engagement undei the classification of auction ct on sales. • A newsa'fet • lubrsc.ates as:it :shaves .;-eoreb, just patent- ed,. .sprays tonic %When drawer through the hair `.'A fork' that. 'oozes catsup; in-tc --.-the---beans; would,_,be :really,'sornethi.ng: Stratford Beacon .Her and • • "I would like to mar our daughter" Mr •-Noirnarr Rivett visited :on, "'WelI,` sir, you can leave your Wednesday with., his uncle,'an dine and i nothing better. turns • .aunt; Mr, and Mrs; Geo:" Bvett, up we Can ,,notify'you".a 'ic# \c` WE A RE AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE ny PAPER PROOuCr5 Styles Y for every buvnc s; Various Colors and designs Samples stuggostion s and prices without obligations LUCKNoW • • SENTIN'ED Telephone• •3' •• :ANGSIDE • 1 ;. ..Mrs. 'Wallace Coiiir 'Gebr gc' and,. Elaine •sp'ent.the week end wath 1 her pare:rts, Mr. and Mr^s..Ea Caslick :of Culross.`.. Mr.. and Mrs: Weslc,y and:Mr•s: George 'Tiffin anci'C'oll. eel spent Tuesclay evening with"' Mr:' •rarrd' ,WhitechUr eh, r' Miss Gr act `ai d' Jrr.ttitcs .F ithard ,�r sort spent .;...Wednesday c t enin;c ., With Mr",• incl Mrs. 'Wesley Tiff iii. Mr,:' an and Mrs. Clark John`ston; spernt Wedn'c.sday evening;with Mr. and Mea, Charles Tiffin, "; 11/frs Reuben Tiffin is at, pre... :sett visiting •wwitl> \Mr and 1Zussel:Ritchie. •- Mrs :John Hagg'itt of near., •Blyth,•is'visiting with her mother Ermei•son, at the hcrnie of Mr. arid 'Mrs. V 'Ernerso1r;`. • 1VIr ,1 Orland Paterson, returned Barmy" veteran, and his :Mother, Mrs, Pa'tersoii of •Tor ornto,' visited last week ,with. 10.1 TRE LtICI�N4W . it's • ;" it's fun ... you young.. haven't seeen anything yet.. wait. 'till you see this picture. . ,yip-ee `RECKLESS RAGE• Starring: • ..GLORIA • JEAN; with Judy; Clark, Jack;'Grlford, I Iarshal•4 Thompson, Henry; Stephenson; p PLAYING 'NEXT WEDNESDAY Dangerous Passage' ROBBRT..IOWERY •PHYLLIS BROOKS 'this : is .a strong story about' a man with a dangerous. .#rpt ureandawomanwithadang- erous .:_Past..;, ...typo--fagitiv from destiny sharing � liislt • danger. on; U e high ,seas.. ;COMING NEXT FRII5AY, . SAT., . MONDAY DONALD O'CONNOR and--:PEGG: BEAN **'i** .r • isf Is'the ' e in which Romeo d'Connor is upto his : necki t with : 7o*.,. COMING , Deans Durbin "CAN'1 HELP SINGING"' (hi_techniicaj10 ' "THE' 'SUSPECT"' • Then there. was ,the erd . "' I'd ;professor whocouldn' ' t coatroa his pupils. Eisenhower Photo by Canadian Ar ni NAMED. sOR 'IKE's Mount Eisenhower is the new name giverhi .. , peak in••tl a Canadian Rockies, between Banff and L4e Louise in, Mberta, to. honor Generril of the Army.;, lDww,ight. D.,Eisephovtrer; formerly suprernt, _' commander of•.tile.AlliedArmres.in Europe: and nowchief .of.Staff of fli��•: `. United States Army,: The •announcement changing the name from Castle.' Mountain was' Made by Prime Minister Mackenzie Xing at a Canadian, Ctiltw.. 1 unelreon itr Ottawa where the famous. American: soldier Was. guest'speal�er . : Resemblance to a giant medievaI'keep gn.ve,the. first nanie.to theeight;ertint long mountain whirl -towers 0,380 feet•above sea level. Formations • rets, bastions and battlements rise 4,000:feet froir 1 ",c4 :identified as �tur valley floor Pack: m the eighties there was n; slicir't-livod'zri'inicig cit11 p :it the base of the mount;t t while during tete First Crca.t W ti a -;c;ainlr was -atom-- , • ti'