HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-01-31, Page 4-AkifibilfW111W-LWAllo, ••• • .7..411111! 04477 .'0711.%11111 FOR MONEY IN. BROILERS ipl'atiltry.inarket report; 'Poultry Scarce, Demand •Heavy. Wi.t h receipts' ,very light and freezer • stock below normal, it is necessary. to lirnit. distrii • bution, pf• ,Report ,froni , the Dorn- irnon • Department o f Agriculture: '9nidications •are.. that. 'poultry prices will 'continue , high fOr the first 5 months a 1946, at least". . ,This makes it look like an • extra -good time tb start a batch Of broilers., ydu haVe. the equip- ment,' don't let it stand' idle! • _ ,•• • We have. 'cocker el - chicks .'of good broiler breeds, and ,crosses ready • for prompt. shipment„.411. this stock' has many years. of , careful selection •fOr. la-st-growth-fast-feather-- ' and;gOod meat type. . „ and a rernarkably. , clean'pullorum test sheet:, • Get 'in touch 'with. ,us-- w we'll be glad to give you' ' • 1 . • SIMMIE0411.011111. ONCE spring Work openS, you'll, be on the go: Tecl'll ;to, , . spend as much time as you *ma- •filil an on the land. Here's. one s e.. way. to sve. yourself • time., then: ORI/ER YOUR • •NOW, . WOULD REMOVE. TRADE BARRIERS Corneri,Far,m' .he -Cttrries For- um met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. liobert',Seott,. Con. 10, Ash- field, on Monday,•evenini, Jami- ary .21st, ,The discussion subject was, "Do we need •an, ii-iteinat. Conal farm, organitzatiOn?" The • • • . 'Forum •agreed On this . need' -,as an assurance of markets for all 1f# you have brooding • that can be producdoi .at a price • equipment, its -no., more trouble - tit awill bei -Satisfactory and in to, Start your chicks early than it accord with what it takes to pro.. say that it's legs' troub . you li 'p-itiriccel,h4stio..!.,..r.eteairlintiriltia9sloetnahAbelsfeil:a;t0er. le ' ' 'S ' e ' is td., start .them late, some •peOple . Ve t rn to ' iVe.,:thern tlie . . „4. .2„ • 4" ' ' ha more i e g th t th mer wi • no , good care that's' 'so Important . with babychicks;' and you'll:: make more money 'out of them. • • .Early pnlletsbegin laying. iust •• When' egg prices begin climbing . • They reach full production of big eggs just when big. egg prices and PrerniUrns • 'are.. highest:Early cockerels reach Market. When. mand and prices. are Stronget. • With -the fali•litritish egg contract •salready set at last fall'slevel, and' • the Dorninion:-.DePartment of Agicu1turepredictiigdod•poul- 1 try Meatpries for .at least the. first six months of 1946,. this. 11, tik,,, • er T11131ISDAT, JAIOARIE 31 1946. , 9 ' 444,4,4 , 444, . , NOUSE FOR'SALt...-- on Have -- lock Street; 1,ticknow, Apply to Joseph, AgneW',' .- • FOR` PALE---Nurnber of hard- . wood tops; will sell fox cash or �n shares. Ru Middleton, R: 6, Lucknow, 'phone 6"-9 'Ripley. FOR SALE--LOt 58, Con. 1, Kinloss, • co'mprising five acres,: with frame hOuse. Apply t6 Mrs J, M. Greer 'Phone5,4-,r21 to ' produce to his full capacity •,. • ,. • • LOST-Linan'S dark blue overcoat, • white Wool searf. and dark blue gloves. Taken in mistake from 'the' Town !Hall, ". Lucknow, en aridsive to the world that much needed food; without which none • can do thir.full. duty to. them, - selves and to the nations . at looklike ',an, eXta.good season • to,..Start,..extralgoodshicks extra , _FRED. W. .:. • FINLAYSON BROS., Lucknow, 4gent. •The only way the. standard, of Burns -Night: Party' having sam9 please return to Lorne Eadie, 11,61yrood, Where he Can obtain his oWn coat.• • living Can be .raikaT is • by giving the farmer' -a.1 fan :price. for the products of the .farm; and .latiOr., a jtist wage for' his time and eff- • oits go' that a1 can live reasoli- abiv wellerijoy themselves and create' a better .-..ctizenshap.,.....wi NOTICE,- ,CPrnMeileing...rhrnai* 1F-.13ACIcACI:LES are slowing:you ap, take RUMACAPS. Pains afic17 aches are, relieved after, the th-,4.1. dose, McKIM'S DRUG STORE, s.' • " FARM FOR 'SALE 7---106, acro,s, Lot 14, Con, 5, Kinloss, wftl"Upin. fortable frame barn,. garagei.iyrining• water, jaacrrse!' Peter MacDonald obnuaSihd. Ac117itlyiit,thr, McKitinon," FARMS FOR SAL-&-50peres Highway, Lot .11, Cdn". lois, vvith geod brick house, gboa barn,: ciriveshed and:.hen house': also 100 -acre grass farnt with 15 • acres of bush, Let 15,, Con, 5, KnyoSs., Apply to Mrs. Tyndai RebinSon or Charlie Phone 30, LUcknoW; • • s • field Macainald • loCated, NOTICE. We are •new °pen to book • Orders: •for hardwe0d Ono • cord7fiardwcicid. to-Ve:given 'Wih One Cord iniked' slabs. i3ook your teiiirririt aria !,.)odat tr7On. Decker's :1°T Orders. and Make sure of de1ivey wardS.-, all our.. fell0vVriien. all ticip fssuing of. Motor . vehicle The ItteknOw. o. con in '• iicense.s" and „opetator's permits: • ,• We can never have a peaceful and law---abicling-•etiznship_w en eoitntries• : Of the •WOrld • .. • • ere, is".,-want..-and..„,•starvation_in,_.. IN. TIHE-MA-T-TER.-2-of-the.,,EStafe: OtiCe To Creditors Alt MEETING the: world. and the ForMn !agreed of Henry.IOTICE is 1;_, 'our,' meanS,' but of. our:the -' .ilrebY that itwsa: duty to give not only of.. 1 pexsons'having claims agaifst- , Which are- not; as well eclUipped Of production, to. those. countriesthe of the late Henry • th h Wed at the Village cerlicn: can only be done L eptekneW on the Sixth day of rriberAD , ,. 1945, are notified as Iwe are to Produce. Such co- MAFEICING • ,We extena heartY., Congratula tOns tO arid Mrs Norrnari haCkletOn .Who celebrated the 41st 'anniVersarY of their mar riage on January' 18th; They Were • •#, #11 1. 4. 4=• ; • for IDESTAILC) P WOOL & HORSE HAIR •• ro• , ••-; •., • • , • t" Butcher hone 41 Lheknoiv visiting Toronto with Mrs. Shackletons-sister,- --Miss -Alice- Finlay,. at: that time affil social evening .was enjoyed with*relat ives-whO live in the city: may they enjoy_ many more such oc- casions. •• - • csrganjzation. veri- eLgrinUarineetang, OrThe ')/i/ast • .., Wa.wariesh Mutiaal. Fire IfISM-awe.ompany will be held in the • • day, ,February 8th„:1946 at 2 p.rh. te reCeive reports, elect directos' ... and transact general buSinesq., All rrienibers are invited to be present • . , ,... Summing • up the stuatiofl it fled to the Underiignecl before the• , • •. • • was agreed there: was dire need twenty-fourth day ' of, February? • Of • an, internationai:,organizatien . 19..:10 . . Afterthe said, date the es-. that. would Promote working . in --- late Will, be distributed amongst ...hainutny and in the interests of. the parties, entitled thereto haN,-, one another, as some countpes irig regardoray.te such claims as can .produce an article .0 much are then rceiVed.„ '4-, , :. :. • cheaper kthan - we can, and WO In ' DATED at Walkertorki,•thia• 221144 turn, can produce foodstuffs and, day Of January,' A.D.: 1946; : ' „.••• < . -s-hipito- 'other countries which __ . P aris Graha -"*-MatherSr Cannot, produce as cheaply as we. : . 1, Lucknow, . Ontario; ,,•• • The, Forum believed a.111 tariff. , Administrator. barriers should be removed a0'' P: Stuart MacKenzie, . . trade carried on in an internat- Walkerton, Ontrio, Solicitor icing, way, ' which: would create for the •said Administrator. goo e ow ..iP20-447A'rcruldbra= , , -----r----7-' PoWerfU'Vlorcef" P.-ace—and- • oTote Creclitor -- security in the future: - NOTIC hereby' ' , • ,. . .18- given, pur . • ,, • , „ '? .' '• ...- . ' ' • .. suant to .the Statutes in that be- -At---the--anntialT-congregatiOnal meeting. of. the Unitd; Church, Blake's, on on Thursday . afternoon, reports -4a the various Organiza-; tions,'• arid elepartrnenls shed encouraging progress and in some, cases irnprol2ed:interest !Alia giV- ings. In .the Sunday School and Y.P.U.:' the••givingS to missions Were consiaerably'inereased: The Because a .pretty young -:girl W. A. •reached their objective and • knows what it`.rneariS to be res.:' a small balance oVer. The W.M.S., cued from crippled. •heTpIessriesV• raised dvef $54:- and reporteafhe ri help is on the way for many loss of four members. Mrs. 1. the sands of persons. disabledbY CranstOn----reportea,.. .M. wan,. accident and. disease 'Irinisr•givinks of .$200';,. inhch the % same. Johnson writes about 'thisnew as the:previous year,. The absence boon for the 'handicappd'The of Mr. 'Norman Shackletpn- Was .0. American Weekly :am this 'Sun- -noted. who.. as a Member of the day's (February 3) issue of, The Sessien, always ,, attended . the • „Detroit Sunday Times. • . meetings, • : 4. s. • 4 • . . , Guiding The Handicapped • To, Happhiess ,.+4 4' ,.. • 14 )4', '' '; ,F' 4 .,";,, 4•1N ' 4 '4, .. , . ..$ ,,',. 1„; 4 , , '#,..0,..„.•,,,I...••• 4;ii.:.. ••• ' „4 ,..v,„ • .. .. . ••• ..:, , • ••• • ••,, ,, • - , .;,„•,-,....,.-', • 7, 4 '''' • '' '' 0, 4 *••••' 4 • ''': k': ., .# ' • , 4 4 ' I& ' "."•4 414 • • . -4 , , , , •# "."4# ; • 1# .• 14' • 4 4 ••0 •4• 4/ • .” . . • . . .,_ DROP' INTO CAWFORD'S. FEED SHOP. . . P--.• .. .L. -2e Have BABY (11ICKS PLUS. FULL INF ORMTIO.N ON FEEDING & HANDLING • • • # USE REI5 BLOOD QUICKLY TABLETS 19 Provide BABY • CHICKS' With Necessarz,. Body Content NEW NE.W m14 LIFETERIA STARTER JAMEWAY. POULTRY EQUIPMENT I 0 W6 Handle A Full Line, Including Feeder," Brooders o ett. ' - 4 ••• , • • . _,Whatever gains, if any, may accrue' from the Windsor strike, here briefly is thedebit side .,of the ledger: .99 dayslost by 10,000 workers;- Well over $5 rnillibris: lost in. wages, 5,000 needed, ears not made.. • ' . ' • ' . i . • • , I wish to express my. sincere . • ,•.# appreciation of the than' .letters, :cards, flowers and pther gifts x- ved. auring my illnss. ., c 1:',- Siticrely, Mrs. E2 W. Rice 1 whose claim s notice 'Shalt net haVe been received. by • them at, MrS, Richard Elliott of Holy- the time of such distribution,. roodwitheS to express her deep- • Dated the Twenty-second day i• est appreciation arid sincere of January A.D. 1946; . .. thanks , to her Many . friends for 1 the letter. 'cards. and gifts, of SKELTON .Beatty. 'WasiiirreiirWrooderien RepairsiO all makes of washers - having your washer checlie1J-4-.0i: may Save YoU.costly repair bills • lter. in Liicknow 'each Friday: ,Lave "all calls:t Murdie's Hard - War.' „- half, that all creditors and Others • having : claims or demands against the -estate of- Roderick Mac-, Gregor; late of .the.ToWn.ship Ashfield in the Cpunty. fltiron; Farmer, . who: diedon: or alaotifl the Secoricl day Of December A.D.' 1945. are required on before' the Fifeenth day of F'ebrtiary• A.D. 1946, to sena by post _deliver,to...thunder-; signed, the. Executors Of the I.at Will and TeStament bf. the said deceased, thein nanis, addresses • and dsratiOns, the full par..: tieulars- of their plan's; a :state- ment of . their aceiints, and the. nature Of the sctritis, (if • anY) heldby. them duly 'Verified by affidavt. •• •• And tak6,'notiee that after such last mentioned date the said Ex'(.3:•' cutors will proOped to clitribute theasSetS of. the said deceased among the persons entitled there to having regard'only :to the claims' of which they 'shall: then hve, notic and that the. Said Executors 'wirtgriot be liable ler the sid' assets dr any ,part ther of to any persbo ,per.sons Qt . • CARD'. OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank the citizen:of Lucknow for the love . ay 1"received, and which is intich ,appreciatd and Valued,' • • • Wm. D. Reed. St/i flRE, CASUALTY .• and= AVFOIVIORILE e Spee.an__r.....,s for referred kk-ASkus.itbOUHhemT- • J. A. 114c1)ONAG11, 2 • 4 RR O 3.Luoknow; Ont. Phone 01.5 DungannOn: 444.4-4-44a Confederation Life . , • . F111E=Preferied Itate fOr. risks. ACCIi0ENTazSICKNESS JOHN FARRIH ThOne 8213. litirigarinon• • ,Charles J. Macrgor, no King Street, South, irawfor ;,-flov.fers and.fruit Which she re- ' Waterloo, Ontario, • , cei'vea-Vhile a patient M Wing- • Joseph Agnew, • ArtMsTp.O0q- IN LIJCKNO:VI • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON . • ' ' • • ••• hani Geneltak • . • '• • Lti know •Oriti,tkecutor. 13# te, '1. • k ,1140119061141114 • ••1. • 9 . • EACI1 WEEK. • AT.. • AVM: SCIIIIID'S STORE • P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER. -&SOLQ10B Walkerton, Onario. • IN LUCKNOW Each Wedneiday ; OFFICE IN .THE LEGION BUILDINO „ 9 • . . • . . • •. . ' • . . .