HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-01-24, Page 5• • •, vas. JA•1DARY x4th 1946b. The Lueknow Sentinel, I •ucknow, Ontario Lyceum Th.e.a.tre.. WINGIAM-~ ThurF;i.,S:a.• Jan. Joan Davis Jack ... Halev t "George White'sScandals' Ten top1unres : and :•acOres.' of ` beautiful' girls. • ]make ibis picture the best in musical enter^ eta><nment: Also "Short .'Subjects" • Matin. e a rd f tern c . S tu , ay afternoon at TOES. WED.J MON AHUARY .28,.:29, 30: SPECIAL a.; ..,....V {i '� tri. a t Y N i L 4 •i U N � M" s :! 0 vY� ?'•J' 4 RA. • • ni t ! • • • • : 1". ° . -..A,"4. , ' , ' ... ' ' ....., y.4.-4,4)..- - :.,... v.; „. .'„:- ,.,. : .,. ' ... ,. ........: .....,:,,,;-^", ,,,,.'.. .,'' ,.-': :: ... : :1,. ,.416.:' ...-.1‘1‘.; T‘si; tom :ThEMSI LV.S:;.NO EPF��•- VS . Va . A•A PAUL . .a G -WUNo . P .<'� ',.t . 608 '. YANt•.. �, • t.,:GREAT 81 a_ -__0,.1..P. hN . SES: 'R L c_;-:'' S ttOeE.:)O.„ `N*ti . Or�CP ... , RGE WHITE .. • • •CAST' 'STAR v04 •; - . 0 , w' . G ••,': Gi'. GRSH MtIN„ `g0. .; tEtAR OTT ANRE`8ROW -}. AS''G'EOFt tS S- t• 1Q Ott it.SC N t EX A. 1 HITFCH IRCH Miss Mildred Moore of,Preston Spent the' 'week -end with .her par- ents, Mr. and_Mrs Arthur Moore., Wren Velma' Scott' of •Halifax 1S: spending this week aVher 'home here.- Mr Lorne ',lonsoia, was on the' Sick,' list ,last Week b4it We are grad to report.he•is .around again. Mrs. • Wiihur Johnson • of Dun- gannon is assisting at his home; • Mr. J. F: MacLean is •haying a. furnace installed in Q his resi- dence • r• esidence'• this week Miss Ruby Conn is -apnding a fe-w", weeks assisting, her. • aunt;.. Mrs:• ,Harold,„ Jafinson now. 4: Mr' Wm, Dawson•receiyed the'. sad ' news :last Tuesday.- of • the death .of 'bis h sister, 'Mrs.' .Gregg of St..Georges,. • formerly 1V1is ': Aggie Dawson of this • commtlinity, • Shee'h'ad' only been, sick two days. She leaves: to mourn. ler loss her husband,. also her brother Wm. Dawson, who is,: the_ last surviv rng inernber: of: that.,.family, Mr. Oawson; ,also her 'nephe.w;`',John. Craig;' atte nd ed,°the' funeral last. Friday Interment was- in , Brant- ford, cemetea y The 'annual meeting '• of the, Presbyterian church was held in t e` h Cllur ch• last • Tuesday with ,a'. fair attendance: They had, ..a'ver ' y.. successful year,• during ,: which tire-ehure decorated. F'o- ne•w--managers-were :elected; Jdhri` ,Mowbray, "' Russell Ross Archie A•itcI soil• and :Geor a -r Me4ague, with: Jas •`'Mclllwraith 'as the: tiew :charrmairi_ of tare: mariager-s. - TheF United; Church. :held• their • meeting; 'last Tuesday. also, and. had a very successful'` year • D•UNGAN;NO.N Miss Ettabelle Webster, R.N., a recent graduate of Brantford General Hospital left ort. Satur- day for • Toronto • to do •private. T he Y church planned • a .'theatre • and bowlingparty hast °Friday .night` at Goderich, ' but 'owing to suds= •den turn "of ,torrriy .weather, the trip :wascancelled •and the young;, people numbeTingabout.20 gath • erect at the parsonage for -a social ev,er ing,' the, gue$ts, of - Rev' W, J. Rogers:, and -Mrs..Rogers '� BORN•=Saturday, • January '1.9 to.11/1°and IVlrs,•Ben Park,.a son. Sgt .Maj. Jimmy.' Parr •of4•port- Elgin, recently' returned from'' overseas, • visited Air.: and Mrs.. Frank.:;Jones.& family -last week. • . Pte. Irvine . n Eedy arrived .•ho'ine, from: overseas. last Wednesday evening- •being, met at ' Stratford •by members :of his • family, An- other Dungannon boy who is : ex- pected . home :this week according to 'sailing listings, . is, Sgt Gerald', Currie, 'whose "elder •.breQ ther• Pte Raymond •' Currie is expected; home so,ort:.also...but .'was detained= a few •• weeks ' ago, on . account of blood . poisoning •' THOMAS WOODS Death, : c,alled Mr;:: Thos::' 'Woods 'on•,Saturday afternoon.in'his 87th yeas -,H --h-a -t ed . for the .pa st- threeyear- at -,the home ..of Mr..: and Mrs .Robt, Moore in" Dun=- •gannon: He was he.fifti 'ember of a family of eight children born to'. the; ;late Thomas •.'and •Mary, *Woods, who •have all passec`'away :the':kgst one being an;:`elder:�.' sister • T'il ry • who _'died two _year_s__ ago. The family were Annie, 11/Iaiy;. Tilly; Jenny; Tom, George; Jplin- ny' an.d Jirn: The :only survivor is a nephew, • Mr, Edgar; Woods,'; Niagara Falls, son of the late. Geo WO • number of years ' at Saltford School The; family were all' born on t1}e W, oods";:homestead on the gravel ..road; second . -farm' north. of Glenn s- Hi11, ,West-`Wa'wariosh: -where;i-rr—ater,=years h-efarni- bu'lt :'E lY i themselves:: a lovely large homer The. -elder nle 'bers•'of the farnrly saw:•-pioneer'>,life k and :•a cordtjroy _•road• between Lueknow' Thomas Woods ` leaves :a • memory of a';. person who prided himself .• in, thrift. and •''honesty ,and l 'o also,' Mrs Ted M:eClenaghan had the! 'mumps last week:'" • We are song to repoi t that Mr Alhert Walters is sick in ;Wing- `' ham: l.s•.ital. ' We WiSh....hirri speedy recovery.:' The W;M S of • the Presbyter - . lap, church 'met' ;last Thursday at the -home` of Mrs.- Ezra <.Wellwood; v: ith=Mr s- R Mowbray.; p-resideiit;,• -i-n the chair—Glad t�diii s i a• e -r .was. given by Mrs R: Ross; read-. in s b Mrs. Roane:''and '1VIrs..r's: g .Y Laidlaty, `tgprc ;on Bhil :Mission• .' :PAciE Me" U. c. KNQI PLAYING FRI. - • 0 �'. IRENE DUNNE:'. CHARLES:.BOYER season's most exciting r in he oniantie comedy IGETHER AGAIN" PLAYING ,` : "`.. NEXT WEDNESDAY When a G -I boy like. Sonny Meets a home• front honey .like Paulette = stand by for action • on the romantic front. PAULETTE GODDARD SONNY Y TUFTS * ,, ,,. in• * * `" I . Love A Soldier" Their first love story , otog' ether since "So Proudly We Hail': Barry Fitzge` raid (he was -title old •priest,in "Going, My' Way") is in • this too --his sante' old hilarious us 'self, • and .to round • ;, out a swell ;evenings fun 'we; ' give ,you : Popeye in • r? by- Miss Annie Kennedy and the . _ ,1. • :-BOUNDARY- _. . fOU .DA ti. R'Y � EAST- R AM FA► OU•NT la • 1'te. Torn In • lis:xeturne.dt"�to:•liis g .. lionise hone'• after•��ser'viiigAn Hol- '4 •i e past year.—Mi;--ai d :Mr s. Mae., Inglis''. Of .Rodney' ani' is 1V1 s . P'aiili.ne. and Roddy-•:�ng]is• ;> ••met'him;at...S.tratford-and: alccoi panied him home ' • M,r;;a:"' an.. 1VIrs: Pe�ter,�llllacD• onald hn afd •Timm e visited:.'at Geo: Fishe,i's recently,. .Mr. arid d s• John McMillan .and fatnrlywere'gues sat�abit l clay 'a.thehome o :' is, ' �-iVlill'an,s mother, Mrs:Morsiz. son, ,who celebrated her." '85th- birthday 7,Iast.Wednesday, Janu- ui'y,1Gth; . . r', s 'nd Mrs M . George Fishor• Spent` edi5esd'ay :evening at' the hofpio•'' if George:: Tiffin. • Arth 1' L•aidlavv .• o u'ri e l..t • Y g s sq,i„q.f ] 1,.., and.Mi•s. •Il,obert.Lairl aW .loci .1iis. •Brit hurt•wl ile• to -lieggailyra a t.schnil lastwoo. and has . hceti. phsen L •sinCe. The Wri'. ;. ii}cup Institute' and the 'COnc •• ei•t 'arid ••dance. 'to: 'hive' boon 'Ili, e,chuj'oh Nast week, lW t r ,' alio t1 to e ,lao,�t.poned :tidr;fillitcl1,• src]aic5s;.,”, , li%.0.Ild Mtis:• ; • i,1 Duncan' 1Kenneof . Ao t Friday ' e enrig 'vitt • T .and Uirs.G.corge Keti7edY ,',, " . . and Mrs. , P•haris Mather , ssrs, Al fr:cid Patterson Si` John-. spent lin evening' v withening' recently Mt „ a•ilcl Nl• r s: • 1VLclvin Mor 1is0$, ,, • , 112ts•. Jint T'.icni'y and Mrs, A•Tek ?lackett oct Winghain...sp'ent ''d: last weak v,ilit,.Mr'si Pharis Math• • • • • • • t 1 • The. ,Januaiy,:•n-ieeting •of t1 e' LA.NG SIDE. Paramount • Women s . _.Institu.te' --w-as held ''at the • home'' of 1V,Ir$, Jack:'Hen:dgrson 'with „Mrs, Mary ',lane Webster presiding. ,The roll call was asiswer°ed •by • favorite s•horne: r ernedy. • Arrang. ements Mr -..and: M•rs :Clkr •" 'J•ahnsori'"of •9th• .( n. East Wawanosh;- are ;soendin;; a: few days': withher p', rel ts, •Mr. and - Mrs.' William Brown, Mi: and'Mrs..:Fr `d Tiffin•; Mr: a d'. • Mr Chas,-Tiffin•=1Vfrs:' R. Tiffin Mr. a d`Mrs. ,Wm. nBrown, Mr. and Mrs Clark Johnston and .Mr., V. Ernetson were SpndaY guests ,:at the .home ;of Mi :'' and Mi•s, :'Ru$ e]1 Ritehied Mi•.:.. arid Mrs. 'Ebner.. Huffzrian Mr.' Rod Huffman,. and. •-Marjorie spent, Tuesday t'veni•iig• with Dili• :and ',Mrz. 'F'ied..'Ti fin. Crrace R glia n Spent pen't Miss' • Tileedav iii i Mrs Bill Scott • T.it(, Langsidt' Y P S. 'held tliwii` mc>c'tin O l Monday • evening `' at },, , t•C resident- r' the: hcrtiu or' p ( x. M. `were made for• euchre parties to be•' 'held at. the -'hoi'nes, the first one to. be •at\ Mrs.. Jas.:: Ketcha- baw's Thur:sela'y, night.., The pi•o-' gram included; instr.urnental::'3Y Mrs: L Mori:ison: .cornniunit•y. singing, i 6,6151 ro ti, T):_ona1d: Fteicl reading, 'Mrs..Orlacacl Ricliard�; `instr'umcntal, Mrs. Webster: •recti;: ing• by Miss Ev Grt:cl. Mr: Kotit etl ' Mrirl.c,ilnai • spent ci cnuple' `cif days With Mr• aril' 1' t;i R TTitn.ii]to`n• ntllc RrcttrircXti •i:s: under • 'archil• s care with pneumonia, • Rtiii.ald > irpd Yrson le 1 t t;03 - Ilam i I ton,. ,w-lier.0 o:rIlamiIton,.:vt-Bois ]ic •his ''vihrkin,g: with the •Pistol •a:i--ona:1, Comlian y• • • Gr o, iq„chit., Tho .meeting .opened �� th •tile .dill to Worship, b.y the,pr ysicictlt:. The scr•i tui'e.was read b� •Donald Str.war t.:' Prayer: wtas: „ gir•eil bv': a.rn0.• Richardson: The "I tc, .Jas:' 11 lIitttltltiiii ;t�'hci was ,,• topic. from.: 'look Little Tales .w, 1 Bernier' on. 30 -clay lc,i�r', left for London lin Th.uisday,' i ctf, Jesup• writhe' by..Rev: Stewart r•7 +• Park ,r teras •read by Charles Ttf Mi Jack , MrIntras].i cc rrlt to . ', ,. , ;' • U ted fish. "Graham' eM9ffat: coed c ' Thrtinto with a.:carlt�arl of Cottle. s after,: which. the attend- ,. ,. ;.:, 'crii7ir tom. af Visitors. with ' Mr. <.iiid Mrs:' G. Sitice�'•�:ofn' 15 enjoyed` lunch served MacDiarmid over the, w.t•eck-end 'li • Mr's. Moffat„•. iivei''e Mr '; t d' MPS' Cliinei'ofi' 1\41(''' .. The I angside Presbyter ia.l,' Donald, Lt;teklio °, Mr's. Bohr ' v churr]� . is�llolding ,,,setvice. ever,.., w_ T3Trae (n,ec. Ethel Andti,son.], Dc �;r,cclnrl Sunday d,tir•ing� the 'winter troit, Mr•, and . Mrs.. Jack Kiipat- i'nlonths.,The' next' ser\ ice will be rick and Noreen of • L:uckno s.:., ti I brua)•y 3z,d -at, 2.30 p.m. M nd Mrs., 'Robert ..Stewart. kept•, the: golden rule- -He. :was a valued member of 5t.''Paul's: An _ g, lican church from where the .fuun- eral was the .d on Monday after.; nodri• With, fter- noori•''with, the Rector rev:' R.. A. Jocelyn in ,charge .and 'Rev. Cara.. • • MacDonald' gave a splendid, ad-:: dress "How long have, .I,'.to taken --f -om:11 'Samuel, ').9th chap- ' chap ter; .verse '34 The: pallbearers- .• Messr s:: -Donald f' Fowler, •Dofrai. ' Moore', _ Will 'Reid, .,Isaac Cranston `and.i l:;Cook. Bite.= merit • was made in Dungannon* cerneter y: • • Erskine `VM.S. • Meets: The Erskine P>;esb terian`' •W: M': S.''met at 'the-• home,, of Mrs, W, R.• Afidrew on Thursda,y•. of-:• tcr•:iioon •.D;u'e to illness ,of some riser- kers and • he ti t stormy .weather the •attendanee-was• reduced. `Mr-;: Rich..McWhinney,'.i the p•resident, who was uliable to' be:-.15resent, senra pi ogram':I Tan,'Mr .. 'Frank Joules gave ',a paper' ori the' the'; study of'mission-s:in Africa. At the close of the progran Mrs, 'Andrews served:- tea and, irefreshn-ients '' The:,Women's Association of the Unit'ed'cllua ch :met for. the. Jan... u ar Meetin at�heh� ,y g , one of 1VIrs, D, A. Fowler •:with. 21' present. Mrs. Fowler, • the president,, 'was in the' chair. 'The roll • C -a11 was Fans et e w d • by •payment of .fees. The Officers ;for 10'46 were read arid•, also .group.. s for ,pgro r;ainsi "Lead •Kindly Light was the. title riday, Satu tday; Monday CKLESS-!1GE7- G1011111.,, lean Jean , • Bray Chidce have done'. well >oi : others 7-1rhy-aerier-polo?-iot#,' :. •live, deliv,•ery-.guaraateed.just let ' me know::what'ou •*ant. FINLAYSON BROS. • • t, ,.. <'' L`_i�lCK15T�1�1► - . _ • . , _sang .• a. solo..1:tie': treasurer, report= •ed there was a balance of $147;93 • `at -the beginning, of the year. • • PASSES SUDDENLY The :death ofGeorgelM cNal i- Sr., aformer 'resident `of A,shfelI,=•'�- and:. Lucknow; occurred suddenly On Monday at Blyth Where he has resided for the past; 24 years. He was .in, his 74th year. ;'.' The funeral: service .vas held at • the home 'of •'his `:son, George, on • • Wednesday . afternoon: e: • H Ot•M O I nO 'Kier 'Eire Co Aus p i c. e . s The Town Hall LUCINOW FR:iDAY.,Jan. ) ld Time And Modern Dancing9.00to 1.00. Scotch' Dancing ,. • ].bY Mary Me uaig; and Mary Porteousto the'skirl 'co' 41,1ie °pipes.Caaruther's Orchestra er,. P t MeNky \Nil 117tMi..• •a ben viti•:the f1u;:lssiil.r«• spent Sxrtky wzthMr! id Mrs. .of article read by Miss Pearl: At?M1SSIOST' 50e •1 ll urnl r y i'r n an Mrs Rev W J Roger's.: wl'rat ixnpro� iTbeg. . „ed: . :k J