HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-01-03, Page 3THtIRS. JAIyUA Yao; ass
ilnr,. and Mrs. Charles.°•'Cooke
• 'spent Ch 'istmas with; relatives. -ii
Mrs, A11,1iri Durnin and .family,
spent iia{a holiday season at Owen
5ol.�nd: •
Miss. Mary Porteous visited
during' tide ' hoHdays with. Miss
• Patricia Treleaven at Woodstock.
Mr. -meld ;Mrs, Gordon .Taylor
and Sandra spent Christmas• with
relatives at .Sebringville.
"Allan Sangster of. :Toronto was.
a holiday .visitor with :Mr, and •
'Mrs, WerM. F _MacDonald:
r and. Mrs, Melvin" Stewart.
�nd Q n s ent •thes-
' holida "at Lo o p .. Y
•their homes here.,
--Miss-joy and Blanche. Stewart -
were holiday visitors •at The Parr
•Mrs, Sche11 of Toronto has been
visiting-af -the- home of .her .da;u-_
•ghter, •Mrs. W V.•, .Johnston ••
Miss Qoris,Durnin 'of •Kitchener,
.sPent" the: holidays*. with her
.Mrs. E. , Dur.' 'in.
mothert ;M A.: n
Mr. , no Mrs. N E. Bushell and
Miss: Jar Bushell were holiday.
'Visitors -at 'the` hom.e•''of .Mrs: R. J.
. Mr: and .Mrs. 'Fred Welch .and
• daughter Barbara". ' o r Londari
' were • recent guests of IVr. and
Mts, Wm. • G. ,Arthstrong
`Holiday-vis<rt'ors with Mr. ani`
rs. ,Andrew were r cif'
Andrew', of Toronto. and.. Miss
Flora Andrew of London •':
Mi. and
Mit. N. A.` Graham of
welt Christmas visitors
With her 'parent, ,Mr. ; and ..Mks.
A'. E McKam.
. Miss . Catherine .Johnston of
Toronto Vniversity, was a New
Yea�-visitor at -the-home- her
parents, Dr and ;Mrs ''W V. -John-
Mi and "Mrs.. Wm O,• _Hunter_•
ran l;Mr .and Mrs Lloyd 'Hunter
atteide"j the . trintral-�`o
Laughlin MacKinnon of ,Tiverton
•on'Ihui sday
• Mr aiidl' Mi s. \ K. C.' Mui die,
Dick an4. Franklin spent Christ_
->r�ss,i�i ��tlnz3-w�i•t���Vf�--anti-lVir�s
Fred- ifiti n.
RR;ussei1=A.rms`�t(r�ing of rHramb r-
'stone and Wilson Armstrong _.of
Npbieton;. were Christmas visitor s
'with M . and Mrs 'Wm. Arn
strong, ,...,
• Mx.. arid' 'Mrs,: Don 'Graham and
Donanne Of Sti atford, ;Mr.. and
`, Mrs. ' Doug •Trench,: Linda arid:
Bob,, arid' Miss•':Lois .Henderson.of:
Toronto were ,holiday. • visitors`.:
With Mr: and') Mrs:' Wellington•
Tietidei suer:•
Mrs; Norman VVilsoh wha with
her 11.us1)and and .,daughter,, was
_Christmas ••visitor' hei-e,• •presid-`
. ed at' the , organ ,• in 'the. United
• ,Church cr Chi'istrrias :. moi`ning
•and' remained. het e to aot as •acw .
companist •icir' Camertin •;Geddes
at the r ecyption on ,friday night.
,Naiv:a•1,'Rlchards•.was a,:Clirist
mas vrsitoi' • with his paf tints, 1VIi`.
• and• Mrs, . Dick Richards of Para:
mount ,Norvtil is studying 'for. his
'master degi ee :set. Michigan;, State
Agriculttri•irl College ' at Lansing
,and' expects to, coiiiplete: the
. course in;.Maiteh
Keith u'Kiipatriek spent the•
Christinas 'holidays with Mr. and'
Mr`s`. Hariy Middleton..at. - New
ca,t]e Hairy, ;Who. .received his.
army idischar ge this past fall,•is
,t.ngage 'al: rrls- t {ade 'as a baker
r no,.
k kilpatr ick has. been out
for ,the past.' cotrp`le of"weeks, after
a severe .illness that confined hirer '
to bed for a. month: An infection
from '
hes• .teeth 'went through his
system and for :a time he .cilias
Olio. gill; Penicillin was used t
,good effect iti °:
feet eombattizig .the lin
I ieneral
Miss Margaret MacDonald, `who
teaches at Murray's :School, $peri,t
part of .the holidays with friend's
in Toronto, •
Jack Naylor -of: Torontowas a
1Ww ,Year's v.is'ito • rct'theahorne
of his graitdpareh•ts,' 1V1:r:•and: Mrs.
R. H. Thorn•ps'on.
Mr. and .Mrs, Orin. M'o1fat and
too daughters... of Toronto spent
Christrrias -with .her parents, "Mr:
and Mrs.: S, C,' liathwell.` ;•
• `Mr.
any( •1VIrs:.
m. Htiwat ,and
, $obby and;: Nancy "Lou,
of, 'Elmira, .we.re_.holiday .visitors
relatives .here,. ;'
onwirwir.* .4141&11%
ucknow :Senting
John Mowb'r
.vy_. aY�- and = Rnnalu:
Johnston, medical ; students . at
.Toronto 'University,: were holiday
visitors at their"respect veThomes -
Rev. and Mrs. W: A. Henderson
and • John 'of Hi11'sdal
,, e+ spent
b}istinas week_ with • Mr. and-
Mxs J. W. -Henderson: and Rev,
and Mrs::. C. H. MacDonald
Mr .and . Mrs.'
t n
ley B
and .0a t;'andMi ..Stewar Burns
*wereChriStms week -end visitor'
'with Mr: •and Mrs. `Thos. Bu r�ns.
.Thonias'Burns.• •
GE°- HRE — .
Mrs; Robert. Higgins is ,improv
ing in health after tieing ill with
pneumonia and a heart condition.
Miss Mary MacQuai.g, Chicago,..
•and Jack MaeQuaig, Toronto, are
spending the. Christtn;as, holidays
at the it 'home. ,
•lV1i ..and Mrs.. D. 'S•„ Iiabkirk
:and daughter of .Essex. spent
Christmas with his anothe, Nixs,
llr.kxkrrk of .town.
' ` Mr. _ and Mrs. W. Cr, Habkirk
end family of Mitchell ,spent
Christmas,. with -his' mother, 'Mrs,,
1Iabkir;k o ow
ft. n:
Qualit Guarantee
John' 'MacKenzie' .' of Queen's
v'niversity, Kingston and' ` rex
Ma`cKe°n '
e of H
'Way visitors with' their, m otheir
•, m x
',Mrs. Win. 1k/McKenzie,
' Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Tre-leay.en•
•and Misses Mary and Edith Shem
herd of 'Toronto' spent the week-
end with • Mi' and Mrs. Harvey
Mass ,1Vlar�garetSalkeld, ,Who 'is
taking' a ' course at ..T• oronto. Uni-
'versifyin . -
• physio ,therapy and
Miss Helen•Sal.keld,who is taking.
a .four}:'ear' coir -
Y sc,'at "Guelph: 0.•
C spent the holidays with'
their parents; Mr, and Mrs. T. 'J.
Salkeld... late.
Miss Mina Graham. of ; Chilli°-
cothe •Ohio spent. ..ethe• holiday ,•.ay Vit'
her borne: :
.Mr;" and .Mrs . Harold' Ritchie,
and Gary' of London • Christy
zeas week visitors • with. "Mrs:' Jas.
Ritchie; .•
On Thursday, December 20th
,Mrs. N. L. Campbell-observed:her,
89th •birthday.: For ';over four
months: she • has been a patient in:
St. Michael's ; Hospital; : and • in
spite o; .-fyractuI es..gf_both legs and
an- illness with, pneumonia, ; _ IS
showing, :sorrier: improvement of
New Pbntiac.yDehvered
• i•
First new cad'' •to come .to.'LUc
now is a. smart looking Pontiac
for . Dr•
• WV. ,Tohnston; � ,,which" •
wad received•t roughr'•the 'los l
'dealer; Charles. E. Mason..And<
it's mighty welcome, 'for the Doc • •
tor's presen- t car, whichhas'. i'ven
valiant:. war time service;.had
reacheda point where it • lacked •'
°the dependability so;`:necessary `ink'
'his , profession. •• '
Sells Ripley home
John• Hod kinson: has• so his'
g 1.d
home at Ripley 'te Mr and Mrs
Wilmer McKay, whn'Thare. now -irr-.-�
.Possession. °John has',' eturiie i •
here to reside and is 'looking ,for
a suitable .property' to buy
•`t• -•
1. '
rs official
stareme .
no .stresse nt, it
rano s t,hi liftin ' " 1 •
nin : g of rife
`ares, . .rocks are shoes not • noo..rha
�` n bch r r
-. �ha.r all de
.,.� q��.1s en?er lm:iiiedimantis \\.
,: �. picking arel R,1,
�. ,l g uP_sredi alJr�ducrton
• o ar• public 11 ante
v e our 'wt on•[tri ..
ik 1 [x the it a rp
.firsr c;�.o e
, tires 'oi�1 srages� .b r
3 Alien reap Y ofderxng
coni°de 3:. �eeeled I
•� b nt Char err
r res on 7t10
toted ' the. ns ` wi11'
e ni�n sr:. Bald.
,q I
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'.• +7rrrr{• titfJ'.cir.�dG�SNf,fYJ/i%XSG'!0''ill'
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/f your', 04 for
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SCE 1(1
iforIS f
n 4' tires .
ri;9►hi 1t!4 n/; y00
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he • OOdyea� d
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'• b� • iQcl es r poll 6 � e
aY! os gvi
ck/y cry •
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, Y A R 3' I lRS THAN 0.:W
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>ll� •.. . , . �. 3ii.''�d''lir�.Ili�1 i*.q.lir%w•.,