HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-20, Page 4101 h 1r f. 4. DECEMBER 20th,1945 At the 'final, meeting, for • the year of. the, Board of Healthi held • stori, ; Medical Officer,. of 1501111 fer-the-Villager-Whititted the fol.-. ,loykring..sumniary of the syeir's just a,14entliy wish 'that-% ,the joy that Christmas Time New'Year may bi,filled with Life's Best Things. -*les • toard et Health, :Village pi Lneknow.. submit ....the folloWing zepert, for the''year 1945: All' pupils, 'the 'public and. 'High .SchoOl were given 'a.letitedif cal eXaMination in my office last January and .FebrUarY, Where thought advisable,: the. findings believe this work is paying Art. idends in that there seems te. be :a •definite improvement _the health pupils., Certainly and tOnsils ',removed. The ,complOte..dental 'care 'pro- vided is being taken advantage of by. all the ,publfeTiehool pupilF-7". Clinic's Were.' held in tacknoW,, Town Hall in`SePteinber and Oct- ober fot the inoculation Ofisehool and pre schOol childterill ria tok id and whooping NO SEliTINEti TO WE PUBLISIOp NEXT 'WEEK ponclents is drWa,..to the fact that there will be:no...Sentinel'. •.t. SPECIAL AftiVIY RELEASE. —11roULDLYOU-talCrl'Oe :a. dozen: The reaseh OW that-. lincler:wear- .. 5.ale the Market !tore for your eggs -plus, a. 'ken] _ we may be able to ullY en- joy the, twO.-:day holiday that, . Death was -due 'to iniim:•al •caus- gard the death of. •,,MtS. Angus MacDougall of Kincardine and smeared with • congealed blood,. Was, .found,, shortly before neon. 'on Sunday in a. little -used street about AO rods:from heti 'home on the outskirts of, Kincardine: • The grtieserne disovety '.Was made by -her gran&- apPeared to have been. dead -for several ,hetirS. A snowstorm 'partially covered the body.. and concealed all 'tracks in the area: The.TcTrnship, 5chool Board of w6.ith,17',61c9°4iv6e,P-1631t1:c,'. ha'etl•D'aqr;.' for, t'fie:!positon. oaretaker' in Of the DutieS to coirunerie:Fehruary 1, 19A6', $tat.e: awill-inforin you cif the clUtie.:and. reeeive McKay; Chairman. RPEtil PromPt Service- Aft' Welding. Jobs was- held ' the town -hall in .Sep• tember. .About 40 persons 44end7 • dUrin'g the year t deal with Yours yottr.:,pa,tionage and extend' One- and' All Hearty -Greetings for a AND A • NOTICE ! The ToWriship,.School poa'd of Ashfieldwill receive On el' before' January 5, 1946, applications for the position of secretary-treastir- er Of the- Township „School 13oard. of the' duties and' will receiVethe• Oracle A; Large utlgraded'...vggs e charge. If you 'are' intereSted. in ' Makings 'More Meney iron:" Youp eig$ ',aria siiPplYing.,,tiatchin. eggs. for ,the 1946, season *rite 'inui.ied:- . lately for fu'll. details: Als want - for breeding - White eg-horng,- Ontario. • ACCOIJNTANC ..,Applications for: the pOsition• of Secretaty-TreasUret. of the JInuarY :5- 1946.- :salary $275.00 Year. Fat statement of-dutieSi. Lorne putnin, 'Chairman,: •eir '.viire fence at' the,. roadside, whiCh is little uSed. except in the Clad in Cotton -Dress • Mrs. ,McDougall Was clad in a cotton dress,: and :Was Wearitig,o, beddrooni.slipperS; but no' Stock7 ' :As the body was 'irozenastiff,-It- tiaces of 'footmarks apd 'it was • Ne,xt Week •Will see receptions IMPossible to ' tell 'if. 'Mrs. Mc'-' 'and esentations held- ins-bot11-15otigall: ihad-Walked to the spot, floor of the kitetien' in tier home.. The hOuSe was cold and the fire 'AUDITS ; ym WELDING SHOP, now in honor, :of men arid, women in the armed serVices. from the respective municipalities.. NOTICE ; West. WaWatioSh*will receive op': 'cationS "the..`poiltion Of care-: aps-to commence f.7 ehrtrary 1, 1946: Board: will 'Inform you: pi the 4 • an Chesterfields at the MilcIrnay Furniture Store USED PIANOS 1 NEW PIANO VELOUR CHESTERFIELD BEDROO1V1 SUITES CHRISTMAS GIFTS Free Delhiery Godfrey SOmett ,Mildmay, Ontario elyrood Hall on WedneSdY. eV- recently. two Pr: three • months' .ening; becernber‘ 26th.. there -will. ago her sOn :'Vernon, returned be a. prOgrani„ the 'presentations:J.. frotn•.-ovetseaS--ancl had,- .since Tiffin's- orchestra:. '. 'He had not ibeen home .s4tufday Nkho .are .being ,fornially • Invited'. -Mrs. who This, will be: folloWed by a' pro7. is eniployed' as. a.'sectioninan by scrolls in the ToWii Half, to .time Ripley', andf did not lear.o all; village: tesiclents: ate, invited;',, of hiS wife'S death until rearahin • Be,SideS her husband and he a' dance; .drri'er-TDiarnin, ..Chairman. D. OF:THANKS The alyatiOn Ariny wishes to citizens' et I1UcknoW 'and. district, ha'rti,.'WoUld _especially thank 'and..all the canvassers ,who e etatecl 'by The•Salvation Army: iCARD OF" THANKS'. wish 'to ,sincetely ,..thank friends, ; and neighbots .for, the many kind acts and.expresionS of syinpathy son, Vernon, • ' McDOUgall.!is ;extended ,thein at the time. of the.. .:Ronald, and' another .daUghter, avciay ;live :yeai•s ago -today, De-. IVIrs—.Einest,,Lmc.Grespboth...ei cember 20; 1940.. 'Chatham;...,OnC".. Ronald; alio. saw., V,iye years 'ago You .left' me: to *go: the loss of aleg; ,; ' Skids, :Where the lily ,neVei::dieS., side her hetne lot aid:and-had collapSee arid NSURAticE.- risks. Ask: uS about " '...rhone. 6175 Dungannon- • Confeciiiration FliTIE-4-Prefeirred Rates fel' AC CIDE-Ikilea/C-SICKN-ESS- heayy for," biish. Work; etc.. The Store ,With th'e Steck.;•IThe SEAONIS' GREETINGS May Your. Christrnas Be And The New Near Pring Good Health;- Wealth' and HpPiness. :and We' look fOrw'ard to the' opportunity of' serving you in 1946. • w or ,IN MEMORIAM • SHORT OF COPIES. We 'have teep.lests for SeVeral More eOptep of The Sentinel Af receiiini a. few paperS from sub. - scribers.... who, inay, have no.. fur- yey ana 'Bill Horne' wish to sin, cerely thank the people of the .TpWnship -Of Ashfield - the them received, and which, they value highly. • • LIJCKNOW , ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW AFTERNOON EACH WEEK. WM. SCHMID'S STORE P4tuart acKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. LUCKNOW Each Wednesday. -80FICE IN, :THE LEGION •RUILDI.NO' Dance W4s,Suipessftil Spite of% bitter cold," and ' Monday night• auSpices of the LucknoW lioakey dill? wag ..sueeesstur, and net. fed the ClUb over, 05,00, aft6 alVaxp'ensei were 'paid. Breeehes, 'Sizes 26-3C TerriPletof woRK ROOM. CLOSED The Red Cross work'rooms vvill be closed frem- noW," until the