HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-06, Page 3'. THURS., D> C MBER 6th, 1913 kcal and 'Genera', Mrs., F. . Pole returned hom .after ;pending two 'weeks vis•i ing .friends in 'Torpnto, • . Mt Thon�,as Begley,. who .mak, lids borne . with :his daughter, Mr Mathew •Sproul, is quite low a present, ;The Lucknow. Sentinel; u'Lucknow, Ontario [ELECT OFFICER • FOR 'HOCKEY • e Miss Mary Struthers of Toronto t- spent the week -end at .the borne of Mrs. Robert Struthers, es • There is consider•able,'irnproye- s„ ent ':noted m . in Mrs, .N L: -'Camp• - t ' he11: s . candrtion dui n�tYre:_.past Howar dF Reedspent' the week- serMrs, W; J Davison, who was end at his home'' here 'and return, iously ill far some time, is i now showing ;marked -impro:ve ed vtA London Sunday., . 1VIi and, Mrs; Rod Carnpbe rettirried `home' 'atter. sper>iding.. a week at,; their old home' on,,th 2nd Con: with Mr and Mr's',> a. Carnpbell hiss S rah Matlqugl left Tues day, morning for, Toronto : wher ment, in health,; . L1 Miss 'JO, Stewart,' ywho is at- tending • Stratford ; 'Normal, >. 'is e. practising teaching this week in Lucl now.Public'Schodl.. With, her niece, .Lieu,!; Margare Gibson .and Dr. Gibson.: e' proving nicely. 1VIrs.. Reed under.' er-'she'-intends 'ta spnd, the 'winter TM ra 'Yy7;: C Ret!a; .was able to be . brought :to•. her: htn,•e • from Goderich:,on, Saturday' and :is im:-• AFEKING.: : .' The .X.P.0 .had charge •-:of• a cial evening_,in the __hal L •Wednesda:y�.. After a brief'devot- • e, period''Russel Irvin read''an address to 'Trooper`' Archie Phil- lis •and. GordonSau 'dere •p n s pre - entod ilii with_.a-b�i-i-lfold-Derr,-•be half of the community.' Commun- . W•HAT•'S'• .WHAT . ' ', ity singing,'' led . by : Rev: C. B. lirI T ill THE GUIDES 4 with roll call;, , T orseshoe 'wws' went an operation. . in 1? Godertch Hospital :over two weeks ago. ton: was,. almost instantly, killed in a motor accident near his Mr . andMrs.�'.Herb,. Curran - W are -,.- There was' a good; deal of i'en- thusiasm at ,cast 'Thursday night's hockey 'organization} rneetingi, wh:i�eh attiactedLan attendanee of- ncar1 r forty persons.:ra-ng•ing=froin�° Pee Wees to adults. Robert . Rae :acted' --as chairman a.nd the following 'slate of offieers was elected: President,. J. W. Joynt; .Vice.„•President, .•Russell Robertson; Y Secretary; - Gordo;a' Taylor; •Treasurer, T A. I'horrxp- son;: Managing °Comrnittee,:' Well- ington McCoy, Kenneth Cameron and'::W; F. Webster'; d Transporta.- t4or: CuL111 iil1ee, ' kfu h' (Aiming nl;; Jack- Campbell; Wes Hust•on; Chas: Mason and Catneron,Mat'= Donald. . Tisor-a i • . ,� g._nzativn__yvi,ll promote iur`ior •hockey,, or whatever, series tie Executive decides to enter- and. junior. it appears to be. For 'the: 'promotion of Midg€t Hockey it was•:'proposed” that P. Hoag; A . E:'i4Ic1{m enjoying someholidays' with friends, in'Harnilt.on; Detroit and l other places. Woolley.' ,,wap ,heartily enjoyed.. Games and contests • were .provid ed"suitable for' the various rou a . . g ps. A'd•ainty 1un hHwas- served -bye 'e young la -di -es. •' . , SBA. ' Bertram , Curran :arrived: �ioiiea►�hidrs - a o Carh alfls =N S� far -a- month's: leave:'''awaiting his . dis:charg� Mr.;' and, Mrs, C J-Iallam .ani'... • • abc v isittK . friends •' ' <:. : r-- � ds r,n Lie -tel fill" Monday afternoon. Pte::, Howard Blake, Woodstock;* agent itis week-and•:with-`his .par-. We='congratulate Cecil Jghn • =stop ,our ' neVv reeve off: Ashfield'. torirnshi • , p Mr.."aiid'Mrs.. Henry Horton at= tended the' funeral of his b 'other . r. Hilary; held'' in..:Exeter `_ -on • Mon- da; afte �ricid ate 11t[r_;�Ho MacMillan take; • chaiage. of this series. Pee Wee hockey will be s on, ored . *by .:The •C.lansmen.. Kincardine Intermediate.. Club • is.angling for the. services of Ken neth" Cameron. `.'Bi fig- , Kenny fig= res .he's about 20 ;pounds over• wei' ht and g at the;`rriom'ent-isn overly erit:hsed bout the offer. Court, Lieutenant :apened t.he ' meeting. u form:e:d and: was discussed when vie -oto-1-d e nex .of H.o,nni' Lieutenant told. u"s' that With 'such lads as Harold' Greer, •eid McKim, JackLEish er--a?t JahnDalrnae-r now home ox,wh har'tly will be,:;.'apything might happen in':`' intermediate... hockey it ewes be.fore..the .season'gets un er_way We could'have •mention• d Doug Clarks : but' -its too, muc o hope` that'he he might be:.around or Abe winter. " -r412d1fie>—;iiea-lt' R rfiBad; pasce[t in 1t, ' , s After 'horseshoe thee;•Guides :tr red:..:their fit s.t ' aid..1VI:rs.''H 1VIc C Qurlliri came and, tried the;'dun- d dress,: badge. lYlary anal Ruth=An e 'd0 -son,: Gail. MacMillan, Shirleym t `R-obinsan= - :Berrrrx:e Slraildicic, .and f Winnjfred , Stewa. t tried .this . badge:. -.All passed `' :Lieutenant' taught Whistle :'srg�:'O naffs--�whg1? ileffCa ain tried_sGcaxrd i At the. annual 'meeting. of- the nt plass ,tests. T Games" were played' and, we closed by singing the 'Guide Ey- -,en-in • son ario Hockey .Association, -held_ n' "Toronto on-Saturday-,Tyry- +egg was, elected 'a member of'. ' theexecutive. by ;acclama.tion. • • • • • Q 5 la, •J L.!!f �:.i iio. d. >,• : - e Caul 1 e,.11' -1=0°A arante. • e line tame °oe. wh°„ts-P`n g e 4..•viery exch g ntng �,stO '•gtC . ds- ,rr, •' CtirtstItstant . #xieerly tdw t,Ow sag ,tile of peo ills tlaousa°as a tO t g annfora'r a visit* al telePb° c witl a' alt hOt clay ban ev,t.,!...., � $' be'11e• avaer u,itli a1 ' this yeah. Eve); . ertd. ' •oft,* e o - . operators rill s t u.,... re.,, us an jttlles me1>t m• le ',' } tit leteli< q. eq a ot,/cotn .. t • ,,} m x cat. Onty.Swt.- do x• tr e s vve• . uK' ' ! ,.as �,lwaIi i n g t ° .. nt as ;. : ;every! o c Sappo,n r •O,wer t OaSib e.. •' k One'thio,. YOU 'ani do -- ma e' your 'cell! , .. . -, L • . calls as ar'abead 4 Christmas bay as � osstble F • • • cySlub as. alrea 'rniade .;pIans to r arise sOrne' :dough.; .for the promotion of', the'..:spott` this season;. A ',dance :is. •sched- i- tiled ,for Monday; December 17th I: artI'—i u i- 1 =mat r i r�" '--or:-, c iestra• .1009.04, w .... Tait rAdz mum enjoy. u our re Pckeie •JtZend 1 'FOR MEN PALMOLIVE GIFT •SET $1.5Qr 8Oc • and $1,35, WOODBURY'S-GIFT SET`: ' 55c and' $1.067 . �BIi;LFQLDS ... •• . , , $1.15' to $5 95 TOP HATS <, IiAVTNG.; SET• • :89c • :::GILL. _._ ETTE TECK RAZ'O •COT.GATES GIFT . SET d AUTOSTi tOP RAZOR t 79c,: STEICK RAZOR 98c ..FRONT LINE' Ea 1 g e Pen and Pencil 'Set ,.� � '�. , ,.. . �. $2.3U • ;. d"9: fl ? Arlo--Ri-to*rivi t " T ift. Sets -_i R:. LADIES,, Iudnut=.Dubarr eny; an y over :and Three : Flowers • VITA 'RAY :•GIFT` `SETS .. JAFFILIATES - WITH"• M.H.A.' *The W O A A was granted of filiation with the• -Ontario Minor, -Hockey. Association at the annual 'meeting of the latter '' body,'leTd :recently in Toronto.'*, As'.a result of the affiliation,: winners in':the bantam,'' midget and ju:venire'sei - ies` of the Western:Ontario-•:Ath' letic <; Associ'ation will enter....the playdowns of the'O.M.H.A, 'reams in .the. Western .Association• will play under*the r.uies...,antT%eguhi- tions of the Ontario body. OLD W.O.H.A. •LEAGUE - PASSES OUT• OF EXISTENCE A ,w• ell attended meeting • of tl;_c Western Ontario'°Hockey`7s :ociation was held; in the Hance. Over Inn ron Wednesday, 'With President J.,, C McDonald ."' • Chesley' in • .the chair, treats., H, H. Lucas of ;Hanover red cording.the Minutes. • ''After• a len'gthy'.•discussion; `;incl`'.. oir.= a oiotiorn'.by H. Campbell of 'Mitchell and- H H. Lucas, the following .ni.o_tion,rwa °carried:., ,... "That- the Western Ontario Hockey Association' disband and. that its 'balance on hand and tro- phies be turned over to ;the Wes te'n Ontario. Athletic, Agsociation,' with they` .recommendation‘ that the ,W.O.A'A..''sponsor ititerrnedi iate . a' d junior •hockey'in this territory: at the earliest possible datC” }Vfib flit. a.bcice' c.tecuts:ve rnerii :, • erfu ees. and':Col ognes .b or ,.: Y � el . De r � 4aymond 'Vita>ta Ray y ' lr.. •a.>tF PONDS BEAUTY'B'O X withneuve-up -94 Ra CASHMERE - (2 SETS '55c, -80 e �I1 7. • 9Oc, $'l10 CTE?l~& PEGG ', SAGE Manicure, Sets' ;:. 50c :.to PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS .,.::.. •' $1:25 and $2;00 • •,d CONf13; BRUSH & .MIRROR SETS, new' .1'r s+;, ' - .. G 1;• -BOXED PAPET-RE-ES, Eaton; Crane _8,4 Pike $1.25 'to $ 5O •' i fr_om> 4 i1 Damasi iii e6 i it ilt”' 00t1.atii," AiOliirM. •bers ,-the following •towns . were 'represented by Wingham, Tory Gregg; ' Durham; Harry.. Kress A ..Nan over - �. -.Andrw '. Robertso;-i-; Wiarfon, J. Gilbert, •Mitchell, I] • Campbell;: •R: Wright., and .G. •laic='i Laugti;ra Although ,the W O:H.A..di'd not, ::function ,during: the 'war . years, they enjoyed four or f ive'success- ful seasons and have a•bank bat= ante dfabout` $190, .and hockey Is Deputy' Reeve' of; Howick Elmer J ,Parrish,-forrner-ly of-�-'- Ashfield Township, hasbeen el:- • _" e ry etei�: