HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-08, Page 5ov•MBER. 8th, 1945 The: Luc � ' know Sentinel Lucknow, Ontario', -Thur. beatte WIN�HAlI�- , Fria Sat.; .. SPEcI,: Th} yLA N i 'l .M ICV �R1. .r: L THRI[L�fA ROM4NE! [AUR111 rouMMY �MELCHIOR•DORSEY ' and ORCH °,:erred by RICHARD TFfURPE .. ..P,peiicnd tn. • r 'bete -will be wo_shows each ght t 7.30 &1._3.1 % d P. GE. 'k Mr. and -Mrs. .Frank Ritchie ivere in ,Ripley last Tuesday to - welcome .home the .latter's°'cousin., Mr. Carnieron :McAtx'iey who 'had spent the past four ,years over- seas. •Mr. McAuley' had beensev- erel oun,ded ,..:while back -•but has 'trade,;. ood„ recoyery,_:j.P was - married" overseas and his wife: will follow him here in February.. Mr; arid' lVfis. Cecil •'Gardner;, Mr',. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter at tended the horse show in, Wing - ham last week Mrs'. Ernest Gardner 'attended. trio kune'ral ; of her cousin;• Mrs.. Alai ed' --Ritchie in 'e1pk►., Mr:-''G•u Ronald. Henderson spent Sunday .with, Mr,* aid Mr.s, Cecil Gar dner. . TimYgung: PefYie of Zion.1iad a ve v pler�orit LVening at• Tiaclt ett's y.1 S.-' Hallowe'eri. party. .Mr, and Mrs. Ward Fritz,' of ;Zurich, 'visited. Tuesday •With ,Mr. and.' Mrs; • Jack .McDonagh;. Mrs, - Fred Anderson 'returned with them •arid, spent a. few.•days. with Crediton and London, friends,;. Mr. Charles •Anderson returned home the • first of: •tthe week after_ spending a ' couple, of months` in ,the West ;: ' 9 •Miss Kathleen Gardner of Tor • s • = d_,oyer .the_.weekfiend- at F e .home ho•ed Mrs "daek: Gar, - ,tire and Caryl' accom anied: her. P t;aek-•and wi11 spend a week • in tine city:: m ViSitpt!s ori•• Sunday ; with Mr. and .Mrs Wm.. G... Hunter :were :r_&z-JVIr s. Jack Ackert:of Holy Matinee Saturday •afternoon at 2.30. p.m. Robert" 'Walker, Hedy Lamarr,': The. story of - a o :' autiful tally in love with a 'eerie comes to' America to meet iso "Short Subjects" duel ..r'incess who YP pan .and FOURTH' CON, �'h 0etober inee-tigot 11.F.W.O. mei' at.'the `home of Mrs.' J. Carruthers Mrs.1 McKinnon lresided and the' meeting : o � en- -ed with''singing :the ,opening• ode followed by repeating'. the Lord's 'pr.ayer';in unison. Mrs. .Collyer e rrrin-utesi of the -last -Ate ng This was.'folYo. edn;:by coin, ` . �T}ie�.oll Call was Triunity: singing c responded to'by,"Something I•am: T tice Arco• ; All outstanding. accounts er ing to Lorne MacLen, nan, must be -paid A 'not later than November .15 :Such accounts can be paid. Crawford's,: Feed! Store. ''- I.dr lgrs Ewart Taylor, Misses Torts and Jeai`i, Mr: Tbe• arks, of • Lu•cknow:. ;We -are sorry to report that °Mr Lane' GGaidrrier wkio has_ -;.been --111C LANGSIDE..' The Langside" Mission Band was held on Saturday at the home of Mrs, Bill Scott with an attendan.Ce of 13.. Miss. Marjorie Hoffman• presided, for the meet ing, Prayer was given . by' AMrstl Ivan Conley: The scripture read . ing Was read by Mrs Bill, Scott.: zrhe--`toluic frohi`the riew. 's`tu y° • book .'.`Nyanga's Two Villages",. was. given, by 'Miss Grac'e•"Rieh ardson. Some sewing on. 'articles to go in. the bale Was done' after the meeting) The hostess.served. lunch. The next •rneeti ig is to' !ie 'held at the , hone of:Miss Betty Conley, `d. r, Mr. HenryElhiott• .spent • the weekend with: Mr. Ed'Hoffmayer "of .Mitchell __.._:Mr T Lames E1h of Goderic'sr> is •visiting: with his:. -brother, 1Vfr Charles and • Mrs. Elliott.. A Meeting of ,the •Bible Society will:" be held' ne� .Monday even- ing, 'November 12th :in the Lang side Presbyterian' church. Rev George Milne of •,Brussels,, a re-. turned..missionary from: ;British . Guiana, • will give' a talk • °`rand show picti_ires, of"his •work there. IVIr': Ross. McCullough•,,who-•has been :visiting' Mr, and. Mrs. John ,Richardson '' , has . •returned. t; o Guelph where he has -secured. :a posittorcxrtlre, crea'1ery.'there �'Mr 'a d M"r's. • Tvaii-Neehy. of Port Elgin visited.rrecently with. 'Mr;;':and Mrs,; J:ohnson';Conn.. • Mrs: John Richardson, 'R.q,bert and :James 'spent , ,Friday with Mrs. ' Mason of` East 'Wawanosh.':• ••••:•14r. and Mrs!, John :Maclintyre, B117e -andGrarrt of ': Wingham spent : S'unday with Mr: and Mrs. George . Tiffin.. ,Mr. and Mrs. Wrn ''Davtison,'2rd _ on., spent -Sunday ;Mrs `Wesley -Tiffin .the.: West for . a,,couple;_ of months, • had the.. misfortune of. being, thrown from.. a horse, cruskin his foot. He`: `is a:,:patient nio iton 1 .,,t.. . >osprtal. All: wish h:rn a:'Speedy-recovery.' .-Mrs4;-. Will Gardner. .:spent -,':'a• w( ek-end . with h.er -daughter, Mrs Joe, Freeman:'•and Mil Free- nian .of: Colborne Township • Mr., -Beit Altoncompleted . silo: fillrrrg ori tlisl vicinity, • recently and . the. McMillan :Bros: finis- e ' the threshing: in "this burg ••on.` Monday last. !"Mr. Mr id and• r . s. 5 Gardner'. -and family:'spent Sundatht�& Vrs Frank-J-othstttn, kjtrlyrovd: Mrs 'Sara' Beim; 'df •St' Helens is visiting, at:: Zion this week. R 7t'LATING AT THE. Friday, Saturday, Mon. L BUD ABBOTT' L•OU ` COSTELLO "IN SOCIETY This picture• is ,consiidered to be the famous. eomedy tea1n;s'. best si e ; 4,Buek• Privates"•` • • COM«IctG NEXT W[Diil SDAY O KL -Y. itn Georgeous Rainbow Technicolor `RAINBOW' ISLAND* Starring 'Dorothy Lamour, Eddy Bracken: with Gil'Lamb This: is an exceptionally splen- ,did entertainment: • • •:ti `Coming 'Next Friday, Saturday, Monday: `Donald' O'Connorjn "THE MERRY MONAHANS" -both were ' very •active while health ,permitted. : • .• Mr. and 'Mr's, : Clifford; Crozier and Joanne,: spent Monday even with 1VIr and -witt'-Winghani-ierrds thanl fiil: for' ;tThe liusmess-Tw•a then dealt with when plans : fir • St= Andiee Ball -= x de short programincluded a pianq Iuby Blanche `, acDouga i, a-- ;4 •kie�and � n CREWE 7 A. nuinber from, here'' attended Blake's. anniversary searviceon Sunday.' Mr. Bill ,Watt, of . Michigan vis- ited on Sunday- with. friends here. Mr.,and Mrs.` Chas Sherwood of: Detroit, Mr:.,and Mrs: Jim Bar b-oor7ofti Lorrd� n 4,Sited .ith It and Mrs. Jim S•h oo�l and other Ashfield 'friends . on' Sunday.' Y Mr.Bert Treleaven.spent a few days with his;daughter,. Mrs" Ver- non ',Hunter near Lucknow` 'On Thursdayafternoon the •Wo... men's Missionary.:' Society held their, meeting at the' home: of. Miry E Zinn. with a good' •attendance Mrs Bert Treleaven shad: charge of :the .'meeting. Mrs • Jack; .Cur tan^•ave .a,`readin ,• followed "Women , Adventures", :a' :drama tization'-by :ala meinbers.•' present . . -Mrs.,Jii Sherwood:favored with ---7,777-7 a' piano. • Mrs: p a_.o ,solo.:M s. :Raymond.Fid I .�: •,. • 4 •0 • Mrs Raymond Finnigan: ; Nand nigangave 'a reading., .MTs :,Zinn' .Chester• &: Louise vi"sited friends -and Mrs.' Tiilpatrick offered pray- at Bel "rave recent` :' 3'�' i � lY. Lis Mrs. Kiapatrick ,ga ��e a- Mr --and- Mrs -o y_Maize-ha�e iig. T�is�vas-folla vec4by th "moved _to Wingharn;where they study book'On ,"Angola Now'' b ' will 'reside. • Mr. and. Mrs: Maize • Mrs. Treleaven. Hyinn. ''182: viiaa will be missed&.in this cofn nunity .s ng. and. the :m eeting::closed• with. and:,in ch'urch., work, where , ey 'prayer andbene tion , YMx s �Essie :P.ur._v3�s,:.Lu.eknow,:=is assisting ,. Mrs; Kate• Ritchie : • at resent• • May Fred .A-riderson .has rented Mrs ,J oAnd bt rew'slarmajor thr�" coincm year Pte. Kenneth Laidlaw, R.C.E.C., leas been granted amonth's•labor leave and, is at present ernpl.oyea by. the Sterling Con. Co at Sar rs' 1Vl`i=L-aYdi'w spent the week end with Mis:`,Laidl'aw. and Pat-. rieia • "• , Mr,.and Mrs. :Henry Gardner; Mr. • and Mrs: Richard Gardner visited with Mr; and Mrs...Robert 'Hamiltoti of Wingham on Sunday. Miss Marion oardner' of Wing•- .nam 'spent -Sunday at her home reading by_ Mis ic mouthorgan seiect.ion. by Mrs. lYiddleton accompanied :by IVIiss Lillian 'Carruthers; This being...the annual ,meet ng_offie_ei s,,. for coming year.;:were.;elected which resulted in the same ones being :returned :With the': exceptiitn :-of Mrs.; Collyer who .'resigned' and Mrs. R: Martini •was elected .as secretary; • Your immediate fatten 60w -to -this- inane -F:4 re- quested.- 111drlr 80th Birthday • • John Campbell, an ex reeve of 1'Yib-tint."Forest Tcelebr at& hr ' 801:h-' ,birthdayl recently.: He 'was born near Eucknow. and -.resided in -Mt. )Forest since a young Man; He is. well known as the leader,.'of'the pipe band in that that town; -Pale , stop' Observer: .. Mrs.. Jessie Webster . tot -Clint and .Mrs: Geo. Coleman of • Sea= faith areR •visitors'! with :Mr: and Mrs Will Ritchie•.at present .: Mr.- 'and Mrs. Elmer Wall off. Culross; ,spent Sunday with .1VIi•: and Mrs. pin • Ritchie. i•Iavink take -ii ,• ' over, the egg -grading station conducted by ,Stuart E. Robertson, our ambition is -to serve the public with PROMPT SERVICE ACCURATE GRADING HIGHEST PRICES .'ERMISSIBLE • MAFEKING,: ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE:: > NIGHT Nlr. f and Mrs Neil MacDonald,- Mr.. and .Mrs;, Louis McDonald,, .Paisley visited ,their niece, Mrs. Web, ,Kilpatrick :and 'Mi•,,.FKilpat rick op Sunday.:.` . Mr; and, Mrs: Chas: Hallarn• and family spent Sunday afternoon at ;Wellington,' Co,ok's, ,Auburn, Mi • and'. Mrs, Henry ' Horton.' • visited .'Mr, and Mrs,• S. B Stoth ers ajd rain -fly in Arthur on Sun- d ay rant:: • Mr.' and MTs, „Milton• Kilpatrirrk `spent Sunday' afternoon: Me., and .Mrs..f arvey ilpat ick, Bet- Rist '. Sunday school at 11 a.rn next' Sunday,, church •service in* the'' evening at 7;80A • . . We are -pleased to ,welco'rne Tpr, Archie-llSillips home frorri over-. , seas, His parents met kiln in °:hciitdo'n on fOctober'' 28th. nder Auspices Lucknow•. Branch Canadian ' Legion "LUCKNOW ex�nber at 9.30 p.m.,. Carruthers Orchestra dor' Prize • mission 5 Af. MVlidnite For Six - , ix Prizes Studio Couch and Chairs, Tip Top, Suit, - Pair Woollen Blankets, . set, of Dishes;;. Pair of Shoes, Btig'•of Flour.. c 'i:rV %iiti+r:A..:go-."�i:'a•. :y.o