HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-08, Page 4Ar, i% . More Palat _ b . Greater Fee; Consumpti ��►NTAGES The Lucknow, Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario 3.' Increased Egg;' - Production 4. Less - Deterioration* in Feed Quality .• ▪ Lolker Mortality j. PIONI LAIAYItSIN-IIG ocexies: , ILAYSON BROTHERS, YFeeds Luck4ow Ontario DUNGANNON :THORN, NOVEMBER; :8th, 19,t5 Mr. - and Mrs, 'Russel •riridler and ` son Leonard spent the week- end withrelatives at Niagara Falls and: . •also, spent . . $sgme ti • - _ `.- �M» "".�, • •--�.. �. with „Mr, an s,,Gebii :Caldwe at :Dundas -...-Mr.. and Mrs. uHarold Shore of FOR _SALE..— acres of land WOOD W A4 h dry hard y buy 0 -"'w ..:c ......,. n: • woo, D ..nf =iric a t wrr tt.y n' el Office wi ti, good buil P.oderich. wer-e visitors for they week -end with Mr. and Mrs Har: ld. Ta t1or Miss .Joyce Rivett F who has been: employed t; t lexandra Marine, Hospital, • • erich,' is now spending ,sore time at • home Mrs. Wallace' B ;ek' of Goderich S last -week with. spent a ;,few; ,. her ' jarents, ° and Mrs•• D ' S Ei rington An educational pictl}i e is being' shown in the parish Hall this Thursday afternoorii to the pupils of the nearby. schools The. adults are invited, to attend the evening. show, which. is 'likely to prove both instructive ,,and entertaining.' Hallowe'en has 'commmi�e,, and • gone and anyone.who vented out, on the •street that nightpfnight . have thought they -had suddenly struck' a: foreign land, seeing all the un •usual looking, characters' They "' —• 10 pigs 'ready- •;to Were • daring . and • threatened -^ib\ FOR SALE stop ,for nothing: "About the most 'wean; ; also. four Shorthorn bull startling trick was when • one of calves . f om .6 to 10 months `Ap owl' ;ld*rly`...: gentlemen narrowly ply to - JamesY Forster R: 1 Lucy - escap d being badly •'shaken z now. ,We 'hear -that- he. -was �gaueh 1�T E��V '4 PtTRNTiJRE including . • - teresi~ed' in .protecting his build- chesterfields; :bedding; ,etc ''arid; ings and.See that' they were•all left in .-• place, and in. so .doing,' USED PIANOS'' at the Mildn fy chose;: to wait •inside the'smallest • Furniture Store, Schuett •& ' Sons. onethese with a of pail• of wateri. Free Delivery to let the little. , "slunk?' have it if they dared. After :waiting a QUICK REhTEF' from Stomach: while, he;found 'to his surprise, trouble's indigestion, heartburn , operations wel e already :to:_beg in, sour' stomach, dyspepsia---with'•ef a. ns they; had ;stolen -..up .quietly --and Iective Wi1er s Stomach`POT in short• order • he • bad; to: save 50c &. $1 .at TAYLOR'S'. DRUG himself from -'going' over with the .STORE PAIN' KILLER for coin's!! Lloyd's Corn • and Callous Salve ' " gives prompt, sure relief. 50c at Tay_„ Ives Drug Store FOR SALE --1933 .Dodge `.Coupe; equipped:. with heater and :de frd'ster• : Apply to Fred Emberlin, Luckn:ovv tp: 'HOUSE . FOR RENT=on Con, . . Aslhfiold, .about four • miles from Luektiow; in:.good "condition, •Ap- :ply to Isaac Nixon, R. 7. Lucknow. • FOR. SALE-4-tube•.`Northerri El- ectric battery '.. radio' in Al 'condi- tion, 2-volt•new wet battery; also. two calves , 'suitable for vealing... Apply to " Vernon %Hunter, , R. 1, 'Lucknow. IINISTER'S • FATHE DIED death.' Occurred' 'at London•, of the.' IteV.lif.Alexarider Esler, • 4. �•` D.D. . e retired - oily re-- ce t�ly, on :frnin.:tte :Ministry, and_was is.,eig. :-tlryear. Ile: Was; Yater of C o'ke's AChurch .Tor-: SI and -Gr` ce`•Church, Calgary .for the st'•22 /years, of Rob - ertson Church, ;Van- couver. His . son;, . ,the .Rev. J. `Reynolds -Esler of, prariffOrd' :was 'formerly minister, 1 of .Knox Presbyterian Ripley: and. ' Ashfield Church�!'_RiPY _...�.___---_ ..._.._ .__..t Presb' feriae-C1W. . Anotfier. son, the Rev. • R,.: Mackay Esler,, is -minister. -Of Cfialrners . Church, • London. There are five daughters: Memorial -ACOUNTAPICY . "• , MONTHLY• SERVICE • ;BY .Cdn1TRACT ONLY A'VDITS • `ittpley,r =:n • 04 i +�G • df 0 :„ • Your own .organization, i.* ucknow District Co-Operativ Inc." on band a. quantity of feeds such as G ►I CONCENTRATE' STARTER ,AYING MASH feeds are widelyknown: and are, considered,- biy, those These • > our: wh 'haT a °'used them, to be the best money can • buy. and• pric s :are right. "Yogi Cain- praepre�-these ,feeds at the: store,- roof m on Ross St., in, the ,b 'iirding Wwhere we-reaide: JOHN; JAMIESON;' MANAGER: t. ,r Works., All ;concerned ...got .quite, A ' start and the.:;. lowe'en trick, hat : E fore,"any'h rm ended -at t , 13t one •' ll�.ace where was done. �;.•;, •a couple. bf little.:: fellows, called fora : hand=out, : ilaey were, first told a" -thrilling..ghost. yarn: Fol- lowing. this they, were invited to . CLEARING AUCTION SALE of e"' t instea one rm stock and. implements at, Lot �,. � � Ufa l? I'ttle-fellow .said T 1] -gimme -Yo1� -.13, 'Con -13 _ .Ashfield _ Tow iisl ip i .. what I..have,it :. you'll take Vie___( i/z mile =east' of : Bluewater High - Way) wa )' Tuesday,,.November 13th tit 1,00 o'clbck; See bilis for list and. terms. Samuel 'W:: Gibson,, Prop.,,. •onald B. Blue,: Auc: INSURANCE FIRE CASUALTY and AUTOMOBILE Special rates . for ,preferred - risks. Ask' us . about :them, ,D. -A Mc QN-AOH Rif—T3 .uc::now nt 'Phone. 6115'--t?'ungannpn_ FOR .S,�LE-Oxford rams & ram': lambs,}'Oxford breeding ewes & ewej-latobs'for ;sale. or. to let out on shares, ;John Farrish, Luck - mow R.R. • -7 Phone Dungannon 82-r k13:. .home:•; • -Aiglican Ladies :Guild ` . 'v -ember_. ne n_g ' of • St. Paul's Anglican Ladies. Guild was, held• at the .Home of Mrs Harvey .CLEARING AUCTION SALE at Mole with a very good •• attendance ;Lot 9 ::Con. -14, Ashfield'on Thurs on Friday! afternoon eM,rs. W Tay_= _.,dam,; November 15th at :2 o'clock, lor, presided arid, Rev: R, .A...JoseL of the. following; mower,.• rake ,J,yn openej with prayer-- after, arxo tr., •pulper, 2 _cutters, 'b4ggY..i which. the :.hymn ,,"Breathe on .me sleigh';. plow, harness; disc, fan-'. breath of • God"'; was sung:. Rev in: uig,-mill, -scales,-1-9•-=disc-Cdr-]lr Jocelyn read the scripture lessors, garden .tools, feed: grain and'some after which there was a business, :household''effects. Terms ;cash ,discussion, "and: it • was decided', to Ralph .N ion,: Prop.; Well °,Hen hold a euchre and •-bridge pasty 'derson, •Auc ` M1 the; latter';part of the month. •The; mee1in4gih'en closed:With 'the ten- WOULD' YOU -LIKE i•Oc a -µdozen ediction.: The hostess sdrved re more for your eggs; plus.a preen- freshmefits' at%•the .close '• of.' the ' iurn. We pay. a guaranteed price afternoon:- Mrs:: Taylor offered '`of .lOc a dozen ,over the price as her home for the December meet quoted in the Globe & Mail for ing.: Grade . A;: • La'rge ' ungraded `eggs. his '.I„ hatchability premiurn:„on p , all • eggs weighing ` 23•, Ounces, and . ` .,.:the. -Y P.TJ. .,:oyer-: per doze _. We-_, cull and.. and in the ;evening. `herd --the da3-`e ieninvser-lblood:test "your`; -flock r-fr-ee of_ vice. with • Mr. -Harold ' Taylor pre -,'charge. If you 'are interested in -Siding, :A tensa Wtiyrrim and prayer: making tniore:.money from' your and the• scripture lesson read by eggs and supplying hatching eggs: Mr. • Taylor. ,Mrs;` Taylor, being for the 1946 season Waite immed- 'well acquainted with the' Prairie lately for full details. TWEDDLE Provinces. spending '.most of ,her • INS RANC SOVEREIGN I IFE u . CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY Free'Advice•On 411 =- Insurance Matters District Representative PHILIP:' S. STEWART rriiioNg ;a I LU lr OW r. .Mr. George, Cowan, school priri-, cipal . at Hensall preached: in the United Church Sunday` morning` onfederation`'`Llf e WIND; CAR,: es,for • FIRE --Preferred R t .• preferred risks. A•CCIDEI�T: & SI KNE$S``• Consult :. JOHN FARRISH LUCKNOW Phone 82-13 Dungannon Avoid Disapprointnnent Next'Spring nd� Be `Sure To Get What You 'Want When You. Want Them. :e Carry:A: k uIl. Line 0:... '..'MILL FEEDS 'LIVESTOCK, TONICS and, SANITATION .. PRODUCTS' ' SUOCESSOR TO LORNE' MacLENN life there, and also • enjoying a CHECK I- ATCHERIES, Limite 1, trip into the far north, was gifted.. Fergus, ° Ontario.' • to, • compose_sc the _.lovely -poems: ° Thee"audience=jenjo�r ed these be. read, every_ inti, . as she told the circums stances and 'how she• was moved to , ,write- each' one.' Next -meeting will be held iday CARD OF TANKS �I The family of the -late John A. MacKinnon wish, to 'sincerely _ ��rr thank friends and neighbors for evening. at 1.30 p.m. with, .lt A " t. h e kindness ' a n d symipathy Joselyn to give ari address. 0 • W. M. S. Meeting: • • Mts. Melvin. Reed presided for' tne November United Church.,.W. call:; brasgivmen _and thetreasurer's M. S. Meeting Friday -afternoon.. report was"given._of the financial After the-. opening hymn "Bring- standing. Mrs, J,Blgke spggested ' inthe sheaires" the •Lords a nominating committee is place •ing• h prayer was.'. repeated in' • unison, of the usual election of.officers. Mrs:' Mathew Shac`kletori ' ; then The committee is • comprised ' of conducted the 'worship service Mrs, McWhint ey,• Mrs, Reed and following the theme "The Spirit Mrs, 'Ryan • Mrs. Reed gave •a of the Living `God". "Breathe on short report of . the sectional me breath of God" was sung as meeting held at Auburn',` "There .in."accordance with the ; is sunshine in my' sbul today,": si prayer topic.: Other • beautiful hymns was the ;text hymn sung. Mrs. Were mentioned 'to :carry out .the, Popp read the second chapter of thought. '"The minutes and .roll i the, Study . Book. Mrs. Reed., read shown .them arid for the spiritual and_ f lor,ai' bouquets, • all of which was gratefully appreciated; F T. ' ARMSTRONG,' --- 'OPTOMETRIST IN• LUCKNOW THE FIRST WEDNES'DA•Y OF EACH MONTH; ' ` :.FROM 1 0 'a.m. to. 6 'p m AT WM. 'S(;HMID'S 1STOIiE • `r Pa Stuart MacKenzie, BARRJSTER . &. SOLICITOR _ • Walkerton; Ontario:` iN LUCKNOW: - .Each- Wednesday • • OFFICE IN THE LEGION 'BIJItDING a .paper::on Christian Steward- ship. The secretary wA li s'triict-,.• ed f o write ;to Rev.• Mi-. -C,t.t•,nhielnt AtBenitililer to express altpi'ecia* tion for his lovely 'address' far the .W.• M.' S, thankoffering service, • Misses Donna, Hodges • and Lor ainne Quipp favored with.ii•V`ocal duet. , The meeting: claspl firth Mr, and Mrs. little daughter last week ,with. leaven, " • • • Artl ui„ ?rown & ' of Duras anent Mrs, c . C • TrC:,, . • •