HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-01, Page 7TI#I1RS.,' NAVE. 1$t,, 1945., 0 r r P Lpcknow Sentinel, Lucknow,. Ontario: • • .11:011.0.11a1 `:11rubv—Ca'Re ove everything. It•cloes mean that the must • e in t hands o " - control of- ,credit and eurreney . at- Concern, 1°t Ottawa. ° - .the. eole;.• • Ahother, .'depression Isn't as .far public meeting in H _ ' . _•..,. , .:. peop e"athnk, Mr, in LuGknow on Saturday eXening, North Grey „,and' North, Welling- Nic olson.said. H referred ' the . "Sandy" Nchi�lson,' +ton. . , � e ]:' fex•��ed to Iy1r, A.. M, _ _ ,,:. , Ford -'..strike in Windsor .i a MPs, intimated that=his 'party, or Mr, Moi le uns :, union re ._--•- - ' n w etc. e _ 'ers•.,..at.��Cittawa .: a: �. �: ; .gip �Y Mills, uccessf.il � cagrittion; .rsr'wanied� ao.•d... ntmentrnl ad t ..GicF'P'.eaera-1`-:pan Tda:te in Huron, .7:an. •average wage of about 1 .'. t• .are• not greatly concern. ed:�over spoke briefly, He said a eac: path $ ,800 • • . � • � 'cli will tota1 : . . they had Y _.. er than employment speaking .ata p nn g u•pon, . Hui on -Bruce Bruce off as „some..1 the national •debt:IWhi been. ,greatly encouLagod . by the. fol• 8,. out of 12 •rnonths and approximately 1.4 billion dollars , ,Y.alor j victory, i.t1 ':BL tain ` and' woi kers have to, take a drastic• b , the end. of the year, ora per.;,.. claimed that "Ca • •. sl .fa, • ynada ,was far..be � :,ash,,; the. farmer. will :feel it: ' capita debt''uf tivtrll elver $1000 hind the rest of .the • Empire cil, free f` Li ,• � a � wordan-and •ch•ld � •: ••• . • _:.i;�; ., , . ;:, ..... , ; . p, : ,, {. � ,4 .... quor Intereests..: rnn •..fol every ; . ntically,• E.very -natioxt.,,Qn earth Sandy said she had, spokeri,•frorn' in ti e;Dominion. must • •:choose betwee :s • a ;oast : o' i . , . l`! :socialism - :.• tU coast end his ;i�epeaaed This. was••.biought •out after.°Mr; and, Talism" , . he conte statement,: • � a '• rise durin . • .. , :. tided �, that the ; CC]i hada': Innes Pater5cixi h _ t? In comrnerteing ^.his well deliv never- taken": 5 `"coritsi from the the discussion. period tet warp that er ed.,add ess `` L as inevitable if the'x Sandy , pointed out • bsnkruptcY w Dominion continued its "spending spree, financed• by borrowing :and taxation .. Mr. Nicholson•re,plied. that .,.even Ir.. ;Ilsley ' "doesn't Seem, to worry'.'„about -how many bihons: the debt. is, and the speaker: coni- tended. that o long7aas-`we ;have 60: .We can:. get .the' .phone for with Ahem', 'the •goods and full employment, ; Y , were -read :to this' the same ',way as. we et Y give, the :CCF their debt will not be` a :problem, par g shame •R t h • of $100 000 i s , that, the' CCF had/ Been. born be ca se : of. four,' fears, --the poverty of. old ; age sickness, want and. vvaz','tkie latter being a ..result Qf. 9f the old parties, Sandy said, and Num ;interests had i&never " been challerig>?d,• `Public inquiries': have revealed_- •that :ves:ted interests contribute, to the:,cainp'aign:'funds • the other.three. '• cited •.'where::;Beauharnois ,gave, $700;00.0 to 'the • Lib,erals and on be- - f • for pensions• du 'tri ` _ j 1 flfr_., 0-� age-- ' t. _._hared::.. 386 00+7- �a : 4�ithlg a --rhe- of . $ � • The trCF hag:a. i esoluti ore the, House no.w ' •$125,000 to the Conservatives. In - em, The ;:1> uoi interest cl s a wags -wax,:: e saad. Thio x hoxt o:.lon �a . we . �o`w tt_ • .. , g • • . , , _ .: W_ _ tic,�.r.y-:._,_�'__.--•g r-��•--�� } �..�_- the w-ar .M _:,:; � __..:� . �_ . -- _ atchewan • elcctzort }�.0 among ourselves • to„ each �. other, - r. Ilsley has not allow-- . gets its'.ianon.e. ;fr t ti'e Party' .Y om .•'the people,. ed, t e .. le h lack of mono ,t interfere p .p �. and not. to other nations ,, Y .P ere. iss 1n n Iva � u t7rtblzcnaYicial state ” y y with the. Z�SaL effort. J .' • W. Nascworthy who. was There is ono just reaso'rr why ,�, d f ' � • � 1 •. peacetirne his policy of: what is rum Merits • and has :no ;strings st Ings. attach schedule o spec, , was unab e ' Qo:•be present: Mr • . E. G Zinn was chairman and )oi ated : ou ' that. ttie trT - w_as for o"gantzation 'purposes,'• as he blanied',the utter batik (if '.organ -i :zrtien ter -•def t -in _._. _the Tait- 'P1e.0.1 Wn iL t to get•:caugh't. flat. -footed again, hewsaid 'For ' n1 ganr7al lou ,pub poses the province 'has, been sub •divided;' with this district includ oilect t any, thanks for •again .mak= ing�-a�drfficrzlt collection foi us,. This brief commendation has just come: to ,hand. '; from -a Lucknowclient for whom. ;we g claims fox. some time. The satisfactione, expressed can b e•y o u ra Simply send .us a list of your - troublesome accounts and you will be more - than- satisfied -lol# �=the-resu its --=— emember'you pay us° a com mission -only on .the 'actually collected. KELLY S 1I KEN Collection- 'Specialists ORANGEVILI E, :'' .: ONT. h'umarily possible., will be finair rxssrbi ti'.. iIt1-tli .question e irtrd-�VIi : 1it� ••, _ tP'e`c�x�g`�6a vail PAGE SES In disposing of - my egg gray ing business. in' Lucknow, . it is'`witi since a thanks and - appreciation,, that I ackn wledge:i your, patronage and the pleasant, buslnes :ela • tions we' have enjoyed. • F'or • my.. successor, . Mr. r ` ` airy ,Nixon I bespeak a continuance of . ” our ," atrona e with the assurance ,that ou willreceive ve efficient,,.,,:•-:• ,,,,..,: courteous * ' and �rom • tit service. - incereIy,- STUART E. ROBERTSON; Innes, ,,Paterson conten%:leci ;that we're going' to face . another • de,•, under the • present trend it was_.'pression..that'tiheCCF.or no other.: inevitable • that,.: Canada . would Government can .prevent. to rep . - -'. tc __ -. _ _ .. ... .�..-. .-._._. pudiate her bonds --and � -Mrs •1'�Tcholson,.said-he was--xiot, that our • insurance 'policies and so e " ... ,.. , p.. ssimistc as: `Mr, Paterson � ; bunk ;accounts' -would' be• worth=. 'All l A 1 the: insurance � he wanted: w•as„ , >less. ':,ewe . ca oil' "Spending:.„ g.socialsecurt • ' � and--�a�' Y s te' Ys r. , .•.• with rr t. di - - cin e h ai.., , �, wlLereby ..every'• �. c�ua-lifed .eliildk! could go to: Universityand eve. farmer have ° as •high a 'standard, of living as: .professional men. nor carr we., go ' on 'building. and. . estroyirrg just to. pay; .Wasters come to :'want, quoted Mr Paterson: He advocated get ,1/Ir: 'Paterson.; S eaks ting' down..to hard ^wor p . work.and not The 'speaker Sahl i-8 6,6 .6 drew Lold a•ge:; pensions• $20 niotith 'e cciliiig un 1lsioil:s' coir retired judges is -$15 000 said, by "'way.' of . c.ompai•isoi : By, the intelligent use: of our ' raw ri.atei ials e cry person can have .$50.0.0 a monthat`,•60, so 'old age won't, be a nightiiare: "If we ai e too old to get • a job we: shouldn't be tbo young •, to -get a ' Pension;' , Sandy said• Mr.: Nicholson compared-. the inadequate --dental.: and . med. ca -1_ ` services .available to .',the people of his= `:riding in Northern Sask,; --atehewan-with tlxe,�serviees avail •.able to the armed forces and.. penitentiary-. inmates. He was not. finding` fault •ahout these things, ,but -used the illustration-to-enT -.-phasize-that° there-was-somethin' 'inter 'Items • MOTO-IYIASTER ' -ANTY1r REEZ mDon--t-..-wait ti1l-�your•`""e��r ` freezes' up GallonQ$L.49 .:.,.. ' :-39c Clear, 'V.isi on Frost Shields •39c Electric- -Frost' fields. . 4 • wire Thermo.:,. . stats 411 �Sizep - Steeriri g Wheel Covers • 39c' AntiFreeze` Testers ,.. 590 Edelmann Alcoholester $2,65' tdelmznn •New T`...• .. . •ltpe, alcohol & pi{estone tenter '$2.95 Rua D T Barn Spray ..:..... $2.90 Ask for.co'• ;Catalogue of Fall & Winter gUe Suopiement Co pies Mailed On. Request '•naala4 � Tire Corp. • Associairte• • Store Campbeli's• Garage• "vVINGHAM ► ONTARIO seriously wrong ;When useful- c%t izens• could not• obtain the Sallie standards -of health'.services•:: as Our criminals:' ' • -:Provincial..-legislation in Sack . atchewan adel • the •CCF .Gov •ernment was: providing free ho.,- pitalization,• Medical and .d.en.tal.• care. Saskatchewaii••;has;'the low- est tUbercuios sr. death• .rate ' 'of anywhere in they 'world °Free ser vices are" being• provided in. the'• • treatment of `;cancer,' •venei al "dis ;ease Ind, mental ailments and the -v n _.is final{ rig : t is i toy -1v4 train their-�•�-own ffien---fo •--w-t e'se•• services' vSandy;' teca11ed ' the ``hungry, O's" in -Sas-kat-cli-evira-n--•wh-cre--�he •ministered..'for five years, and .when he'conducted funerals that he •knee r --cot iOLhave7beixzr p7 e - vented if propel' ,food: Or •,the .sci•- vices of -a dacior a.• • eenunva able 'While thole People. hadn't the. proper' clothes ,. to •, keep • thorn warm, ourtextile,• factories were Clo'sed' and hides were, practicahy. worthless. Luxury and ease On one hand and want on theother are factors,: '-that-",cause ,war, and unless the iatioins'can-'resolve`: their. difle = eri:ces and live in a :society whi'e _ t ese 'tears are absent, anoth�i-' war is : inevitable, the spcaker claimed: „And Canada, •1i i added, will be ;the Belgitrrt. of future wars - __rte_. u11:ybur• weigh.t r' it =-around, U'C don't thio 1 4 ALL PRODUCERS MS'T REGISTER • ORIy-•Hog-Producers'-w , -are registered' for ,the Pur post with their own Covoty kg, . \t( Atte-i • ,f -�' � .:Agricultural Re_preset�tative ! Will:U. ent,tled,to vote, on t. ,. • .. -• tha-selrvaie.._/ f1 -1161.P40, • 'duces--are- therefore urged :to .register at onotb • mail .or in person at, their ,'County Agriculturat _Rip sentative's• ,office -in orde�to b. eligible to 'vote., When registering .- b . 'moil lease' forward name, f 9 ,. y , P pat, address and township., , f propos-ed - I. arlceting S to er __ For Ontario; =under the Farm Products- ~ -Control Act; has.`been---submitted-.to the• '•Farm. Products.`C•ontrol B•oard:by the Ontario Hog Producers' Association: mending the 'scheme, it must` be'satisFiecl that a' Fair' representation Or'the; Hog Procldcers are in, favour 'of its adoption. In•order-to obtain .the recorded ;views. of the •P'roducers, a vote by; ballot • is. being taker.,ota' be..quest o "ARE. YOU IN FAVOUR THE PROPOSED' ON<TARIO_Of .•'HOC PR'ODUC.ER$•w.M'ARKETIN. •` SCHEME • BEING' BROUGHT -INTO: '--FORCEIN'ONT✓A tIO7'` WS:, pG►pIC11t, . . ' UCE• W ahkectoa' eorge,.' • Gear,, $eitos. St'art' Clinton . ....gain, • Take Over $:auks, Monopolies To have a 'fair share for ".a1.1; wed must' plan flour activities, Sandy said ,This' mean's taking. otter the .banks and huge' tm n-. opoaliesr but it doesn't necessarily` �'. /$,, PUBLIC MEETING. %i Will be held at, Poi't Elgin &' Ware_ r ton week f., N • p - At thrs.:meebng the will be explained fully an s • ▪ • will be 'supplied at" the meeting. •to producers who: have registered, so :that they may vote Olen, �egi;lras Cons willbe:aeceptefi at the muting and also tor' ten :// days after it..'AII' proiluc`eri who_-are..:registered-will{ • receive' ballots, either at the. Agricultural Represent- !' ativei office,'41r'th --mtekingtor-1 mil ~'Co lesEEO the, -•proposed scheme may b'E secured at, the •Avri- • cultural Representative's•office<or at the public 'Meeting. All ballots must be 'returned to ths-A9rsciiltural Re H.e.v seniative•. befo e. December 8•, 1945: . Any Ballots,: received after thot'date will not be recorded: • AL'�L': HOC PRODUCERS ARE U:R::GENTL'y ' REQUESTED.:TO ItEGIS'TER, TO ATTENQ' THE MEETING IN THEM; AREA AND TO••VbTEI. r. ONTARIO* -FARM.. PRODUCTS CONTROL BOARD C.Y F PERKIN Walkerton -Town 1-1a11,/Thursday, Nov 15th,"at 2:o6 P Port Elgin --Town Hill, Friday; Nov. 16th at 2:00 P. CNAIIM11N-x. Meetings in ; Huron County Will be held at :Belgrave on Nov. 12th ' and at :Hensalt on; tNojr.. A • `x'