The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-01, Page 5! pURS„ OVE1M BER :
' avow% .
Thursday, Friday, :Saturday
isA 7L
E�MEM.... ER "
The 'life and music of Chopin
filmed ,. in gio'rious: technicolor
'Also "Short objects"
Mtinee':Sat. afternoon' at 2.30
Monday,' Tuesday, Wednesday
�owei ber 5-6-7
SIGNE : i iASso
The: Luc now Sentinel, Luckno, Ontario
Letters To the. Eclitar
,, j
Cor}gratulati ig' the Dominion.
Government on its action in tak-
ing oyer the major packing plants.
of Canada in, order to ensure con-
tinuous 'processing of live stock,,.
Hon... Thomas L. .Kennedy, 'On-
Ontamp niin-ister of-Agr reOlt"ttre, Airi a
letter to Hon. J. G, Gardiner, Fe -
doral • •minister of Agriculture,
pledges--.,ttie_sup or t of On -ar"
. t ro-rriT
backing ' up any .,efforts '
, to keep
the 'plants operating: In..'his °letter
Hon Mr. Kennedy also made sey
Brat . requests in the , ev4rit '01f, , a•:
strike, developrngt,
The:text.,bf Mr. K n
e �nedy slet-
ter to the '�Fede't•,ar minister :.ui
Agriculture is as follows:.„
Mr ,, d•rner;• Permit me
to congratulate' 'you. Y e action
of .Your g vernnient• 'iri taking
over the Canadian packing plants
in order to ensure•their'continue
operatihn, Anything' we ` can,' de
here to strengthen : your. hand -in
keeping the packing plants in op-
peration- We 'will gladly do It
_tinthinkable, in. view • of Britain's
need for meat supplies °that even
one 'hour should be lost: in the•
operatio i of these plants, Vi e,_liad
a' taste last summer of what cess-'•
'an erous�---Partners'!
A . melodrama- .of -two•--people:
who.1 Ve dangerously.
Also Short Subjects.
ation-'-sof operait'ion• • in these
plants, ,means, • and. we do not
want...a repetition • of that;;`
"In case, however, that .a strike:
does .take' place, we i would make,
Surely it is time fpr"..someone
to. Indulge iii cali'ing a spade a
spade in dealing with these••labor
unions. How long are govern-
nients going. to• stand• b'y' and al_
IOW a lot of racketeers to carry
on- this- '
V�rork--o2` saFiotag.c against.
the iunda iii7da1 principles, of our
.derziocratic• Ar i� of 'goVeynrn,ent.
Td inan:Arm
being mra°d •'at --tike
present time 'by these: unscrupu
loris .leader's are 'sU outrageous ,
so' unwarran�ted,'..that Sernethin
3d�1l; t;�3C d'onc WL: Ott e to, s,Ur•V1Vc•'
such Imposition,
What right hasd', any ....mari.:•.to;.
Say:A6'. another in this eel:intry r;
equal oppoi'tu»,ity" to • the -extent
wlhich it pi cvails,;I • an read 4t:o
go. to' work,' you rtlust find m�e' a
job -at the w�.ages"I derand i and
tinder the conditions' of hours and
-.acconiodafion Which I will. ap-
prove?, Sui'eiy.::one mak, has .jus
as much' r•iglit to make. this. -de-,
mand as another. an- 'of ' inferiority for any 'Man'
to admit.that he has not the abil-
bil ity to maintain his;own existence.
I have,. known .many. of these
encs � nd
John. t. Lewis of the 'imine Work-
ork ers had .eleven million dollar6. in_
•4 i. ,. W ,,; v: 4.J P„ - ••.'�4J, id-.1lK
that any one with whom he had
to. deal o.' that labored f?r . him
airy capacity were treated, with
contempt and, the n�inirnum of
If these Union leaders -want to
give f4-cii dupes ak t_.tb.4'
organize an industry 'and iderrion-
strate that it can. --be conducted
-a°rid ade rosperozw7�givzn 'T cri
workmen" ;the cornperisation .and
hours of •labor Which they; deN
g ',ma ia. There . is not •Q j,e v hese`
� aukc.s..aiif,cai' iii'. thesedemands
who could, organize •an•d. conduit
.the rnakirrg of,Tbe
?a,et they tile' agrtatoi s'.,is , all' : the'
evidence i equirega.:t,,
x'g., has boonob.e •con
,iusrvely • dernehsteadtc'd ` i • all
liutnan..•:experiefree. than: that no.'
Matter ho.w ;great. :'the injustice.:,
fp „be rig,hted•, ho,.• matter' with
t what -unselfish devotion:-. those
who undertook •the righting of,
the wrongs were inspired,' just, as
soorr as they succeeded: in ,getting
an effective organization,
tiontng.arid getting Power and.
influence,; l�then selfish, self -seek_•
•ing filen. : and_ Women got control.
and used ;it',to advance.'theiij` own
selfish ends and purposes.:; .:.•
:agitators in ;my-.'.experi a
',have.never.:known one et'but-
• y
was incapable 'of consti u tine
effort,, uzrdd tzn-sertrpu-lous • in 'i i
dealings;'' weLild....rnake the :most
ur easonable dennarids• o ' any one
the: followxng_rPeciuests
eadeis high 'in the.councils•of the
cirganizations''i:n••B,C, and almost
were,''yirtutri' slaves ..laborin long.
hours with their families and re:-
cervi g' only enough: for-the-bal.
'necessities ,and receiving:: that
with. a ..estui•e of coritem:' t
When .I was in the U. . 1 e
S. .was
informed by ` a man who L'` feel.
convinced o knew. -flys facts • . that
over which they had any
It ' pr--direction.I� knew
(1) -That . meat :rationing Je
` 1
(2)" That.`'•errnissi
I ft#1-capdcrty l e iven o t ?
Some one tpid 'ripe. i! Wa :O
Q t S odd' lan s:' "
quite', in keeping with the re u=
p t in Ontat•1'ti opei•�ated• by
'Ideal •butchers and..w
that • " ans'.be
lations; to make long_ d :esses .for _ k --ca a .:._._
g made to take care. of their
girls Who are ,going to be •:brides r : pro -
_ . ' -.(3-), -That 'the American mai ket
A, -It is quite correct .fhat your
:triay -now make long dresses ;for•
be. opened. to . Ontario cattle as:
soon as.' :possible.
bridesmaids The restrictions; on.
'We Have i�had a meeting of
the making of long dresses .were
i`emoved the 24t1i �f.. October farm organizations of the:,Pro
vtnce of .'Ontario,. and these were 1.:.
Q --What is the ceiling pi�Ice on ,'the ' demands .which' they forniu-
Grade A'•large eggs?•lated . They- felt particularly con-
A—The. ceiling price ori .::Grade::�__
cerr}e� ;at:
A eggs in the; :Western .;.Ontario. they have had .to.,undergo in thein
region is 56 cents a• dozen, •
•Y of -forts tri --supply :: Britain wi:
Q 'I -want to -buy ar an'd' IT rnneats This•: •year we - have had
don't want' to pay; too muck, for difficult;:: w e::at•h: e r conditions,
how do I find out 'what the which' we . cannot '.prevent. Our.
'ceiling -price is? • . .
r farmers : have_ been.very short ':o1
A--CotitacE;tFie _.nearest_ office Tabor; .but have. carried on to the.
of the Wartime PrieP- s- and' Tra :• _best. off•-thei bil.it3r' n �.-ordex. `to
—Baard Tfyuu give ti iemrE he de- help win the ;war, and to 'produce
tails of -the: car;; mculdin the nom= ri ore .anir als than ever -:b-fare-:
flas that go _with_ t, 'they will The week before last, the;.killings
give you` the ce'ihrrg price that 'of:'cattle, hogs', and sheep. in On
-may be charged. tario amounted to a .total. yaiue.
Those ; .unscrupulous. :tyranic'_il,
laborleaders: are pursuing a Pol-.
icy 'which will. bring' about :'the
complete, collapse, of . the.. who'
movement. ,This in inevitable -arid
With the .ensuing; demoralization
can our: present form, of. 'govern
Ci 9sW vie?... It : �i11 : e q uir e
every ounce' of effor•t.that 'we. can
put forth.. all, .working together
�' g�
t •nseffish-ly--ta-.-survive- tire
culties' ahead. Hqw-. can'` we 'sure.
vi ve: such.. a co '�idie
haos .as'7 'will ensue•"when the,
Worm turns..
Innes :Paterson.
E' .AVE:
Friday Saturdat_
The Spin . inn ='
• � S. serif
The range . roars : civ th• rythmr.
in this gat musica �' western..
The east •irielgdes `
Fay MacKen ie
Edwar°d NQr
Fuzzy •Knig t
:Do dles W'e
:0")E 'W 'dnesda�
o. la •y
We ..Meet
A' Play. r'oun
• In 'tomorrow's
• .pushbutton
'lisradise, •a a�voraderful neves hip
...M named lectronics", ,:. will
cook sweep;wash . , s. the dishes and
never...walk out 'ol
n otrmor bask
for a raise. Read',; more•details
about this'dream. kitchen' as told
by=.1Io'mer Croy in' The Amerie-an
Weekly with';this Sunday's .(Noy.
4) issue of • The Detroit 'S nda '
.ice ,1
Q -iTow many and. when .do the of $2,69.0,000.: '
s ga -some -due -in Nov- + "'"Under theses • ClrCl instances, the
ember? -farmers :feel that a 'strike: in 'the
A'wo sugar coupons become packing g plants should be . pi even;-
due in N0vembet, ..66 -"and' 167 -o '-ted, and ':that,'7the 11ow of: cat'tlt
Thursday, 'the 15th' of ' November. raised at„•much sacrifice, to :then
..Q -=How many. rationed' sup= processing plants should not be
Plies, should I be given for 12 mien•
interrupted,' and .that ' they should.
for txGo-meati;= when they-�dv`�30not-be- fdrr-eed-•4o- accept` The -tic--
acres thr'esliing? mendqus "losses .which' •wolild be
A } or is number of men for �incui t ed if the packing ' houses;
ale .;":ou are-allo_�v cite' close _ ........._
•lrreserves enupons,-.--twb° bunter '� 'furs sircerl; .
' Thomas'L. Kennedy,
.'Questions on any regulation of: Minister of Agriculture .for. Ont.
the Board will be answered :if
submitted. to . the Information
Branch, Wartime Prices & Trade
Board;'Pedet:ai Ruilditig!, .London,;
• Ontario.
Mote• than 150 g people,
representing Paisley, Port Algin,.
,, Teeswater,' Ripley,
Bervie' Dobbinton Kincardine,
Luckriow; Tara,Reids. Corners,
Pine River Unioiis'of Bruce. Pres-
bYtety held their first rall
Port g y � in
EI •in, United Church..
The Rey. •W.; J; Davis of Dob
binton presided over the election
Of officers. Which resulted: .honor-
dry president, • the Rev W; J.
.Davis, Dobbintoti,, the Rev:' W.
Clark+ Oargill;. 'president.I1'lnf►i
-and two meat' coupons.
Sound Truck Here
�A'sound brick was in town en.
Saturday evening, ' . when
Barney Boughner,, publicity: or-
ganizer for Bruce County,, spdke.
on: behalf : of the Ninth V`ictor'y
Loan. ;.
fred'MacDona1d, Teeswater, vice-
p)'es., Lorne Robinson, Chalrne s;
sec.; Jean Thompson,. Teeswatei';
assistant, Mary -Courtney, Ripley
treasurer, Melville Proud, Tara;
assistant, • Donalda :MacDonald,
Ripley; director, Marie ` Inkster,
t vertoni. work' committee;. Ross,
Williams,. Port Elgin; .Mary
Courtney; Ripley; Donalda Mac
Donald, . Ripley; . Alicia Winch,
Paisley, µ
The guest speaker was. . the Rev.
D.. A. Facey of Teeswater