HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-25, Page 6rAfir Pox, A TO VOTE ON HOG •IMARKETI NG- PLAN • 44. • 44X 4. • 44 . • • 1 ORANIZE FOB BADMIN irON. IF HALL CAN BE. OBTAIWED 6,n Tuesday nightof last week •a meeting was' held for the pur- pose of re -organizing a badinin- - : ly,,,thiringthe, month' of Novein-,trnelub-iii7L,lieknw-:, -oCofisicleiv, 1 ber, to vote by ballot on 'Whether able.interest was sown to revive or not they wish the adoption of the e ame which hasn't been.play- a proVince-wide Hog Mailietint ed here 'Since ",1942,-Itt-revival, Scheme unclerthe Farm Products however,4will depend on whether Control Act to go .into effect, it or not the auditorium of the Town, is announced by ito.P. Thomas L. Hall will be 'available, :for this Kennedy,' Ontario Minister of, purpose, *:' and which.is: thc only :..• A.griculture.' The. 'Proposed hog' building Offering :sailable„.aecom- • . " „. marketing „scheme, 'Which: WOuld. odation .,'.1 .. . ' - ' • ' Hog producers in every: county of •Ontario will have an, oPPOrtiili • 4t" I• 44$t „ i. the largest yet .deVel- Officers -were ,.:elected ,as fol oped, under the parnv, products 'lows:" president,' D. R: MacLean; to get more sugar. in ,Septernbre. ,.. cantrol Act, has been submitted, viceLpresident,' , til.,.ry-, Marshall',..,'Aie ,.th,re ize iovi, bred by Austin Martin i mi. in,uore, couponsdetie? " Po, fr: Hi:trn.n, Township., was sold fo to the :Farm Products Control ' rSecretarY' - treasurer, " Bill Chin, Board hi.,, the - Ontario' Hog Foi:O, 'g , v .. .- . - ' . # .' ,.. zs.—When lien. . “..e„ "cut in.trt ' sugar . . :. • . . , . . . Bert McC1,elland of .Bervie • for ducers. Association and in accord- games calrun-ittee'-M-argare` Rae' ration came into force it, was de- $80.01 _ , , . , - Marion MacDonald,, Everett Lane,- . • .• - • cided as -September is big •• lance with the _terms of the , Act (Bill A.4 Johnston. - - . • a can -' 1 tinily to thank friends and neigh-: - - the Board has Made the nece - ' i ' • ' - - ' niok inOnth the ration would not '' .". ' . - be cu for this month. As. a result • ..• A—Yes,. if you have obtainhd. hors for so kindly reinernberin: g * sar, y arrangements to takela 'vote- RI:PLR' Y•'• Dram' atie Society, wh'cl f th ' • h ' ... * • ' • s' ' ot the prothicerS. in order: tO •ai lias., • staieged its Plai '`TheFuruil'yi Sentinel* Ludcndw Ont 11 • 4 'IMURsDATo. 0008 4. OTHERS ARE ASKING HOLYR HONOR RETIRING ENGAGEMOM '• Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnston, Csion Ashfield, ane COUPLE Yoti tell me if there is. a' ceiling Price on: tractors? the engagement ------------------------ ir 41 • . A---There•is no ceiling price on ter, Beatrice Mae, to Edgar Mf• and Mrs Charles Con - used. tractors, 134t there is ceil- A. Stoll, youngest son of Mr . and gram, who rete tlY. rnovoend': Ing tr*tofv`,..-When .-.:Mis;:E.-Amos--Stolldeiich..,311,q-: 14.3.1cluli3wt9re.Side, w • These areTset by the or arriage-to_ take„place,..the jatter 1;Y. *tbe 094700 district at a SOOL 1 the manufacturer. you contact 'Part of this In()ntk ° .eve"gt:*i*n*-thlifrtThlr'-tWJ' cloUbt .as to whether or' not .yati Held York.shire, Sale • . . are being Charged correctly 'send Grey and /BraCe Yorkshire the full detailswithyour, name ..breeders held a supPessffil show &' address. to Wartime, Prices and safe. Walliej•ton•last week. and, Trade 'ftoard.,.and the price The firSt prize sow, bred by, Geo. theariufacturer and are will be •thecked. for . • • Q—I Understand Lw41.-be able, . • Hanna -",k 'Sons, Centre, ,PreSentntion''. made ' • was purchased by W E Iefl4er and the on 'Of •.:Ltickiew• 'for 615::..Second :Mark' Johnston' and Gordo . V • • 'on Thursday. A: program, lune: and 'dancing made for a very pleasant social evening dig which Mr and Mrs. Congr-m were presented with two.:ncca.$.„ • (• ional .chairs, rTkie LaddreSs w. read by Miss Audrey McMur'chy: Pherion. • vfr.ICOntr.am: neatly eXPreSs.c,I., 'the thanks. of -he and 'Mrs:: C*0;.4.7 'gram; ..and also -took the ,cipp: -two colipons sugar, 63 and 64,,. became valid on September 20th., Q—I need a new pump, dO' ,have, t� geta permit to buy one?' • • certain their wishes in the' mat- Brats" ,at rna.ny centres and •will . . • .• • • , present it' in Lucknow, on Hallo- . 'we'en night, will. turn the -pro-, " • ' -1-account. of 'the WidesPrea L eeeds into. a fund, to; Put a: coil, • nat Of the, hog "producing in erete floor in the arena. and the large nambers ' ' ". • • ,- ,_-_-• - "one estirnate being-160,6*H • idhcet„the_takiiig hil..-6. rites a ofinajdr $ ons, . and the Farm .PrO:- ' *II-, COOP]. Board has C.211ed. ssistance ' 0 . the Agricul- , tbe' A counties ui..old On *t;4,e ir.)UrPO:3e of the vol vote by ballot is 'being talietr.---under -the.Aurisclictiow. oL t.h e •Parrri Products • Contr-31 Soard.).of which G F: Perkin, On- tario Cominissioner of_Xarketmg of t is chairman • . . it is a power pump you ebutter wit ration:coupons in his during his illness this year. Canada and you do not intend to . Mr: and Mrs. Congram; take -anY large, amount If the highly esteemed residents of Co' cession o5s, where customs official considers that ' • 8 Kinl •yoti ere takirig;iiiere, than , CongratiVwa.s` born 'arid raised reasonah10. nee0s. of any rationed and where •he and 'Mrs. topgram. • need,.yati ;will require a permit food ':ration points will be de: still rationed However, all hand Q—How do I get canned milk pumps havebeen taken-oft-thefor mybaby'i. formula' ''f list of ration-F47Commoditigs.: A=Apply. itnix loCal-ratioxi had continually resided since . theirmarriage over forty yea: $ -address was -as -I -folio -Y:4: • o. AU,. and Mrs. charworlix-dr- y („4-...W.e• are- going :over to the :board. for your baby's ration book . • • Dear Friends: • • . ;a visit_ May we take and extra ,Coupons, if .needed: for • ' • - Canned Milk for the forrnula. is' with :deeP :regret we e States for • . • ed that: yea had left our corn.rn some butter with us? • • . • eategtfry are - 1 to regisAlm,,,,Avitla their ,• agricultural .re13-17ese'4a-- ‘..‘ either by sending in by n411 A Piressei Mmes,ad , _and town- . or by calling' • at the l rePresentatives office. thriSe whuse names aPPetar official regist...i for each will be eligible to vote, onus reft-on the--pro- to see -tbae their marines thehsts.I . order- to nave the bA.4,enie 4 • .•-•-r''''."'"V;i'r • J. 44 4 4 1 • Ity(1; ,provi t,... „ T ---i1 for and voting., 'public nieetings, be held 'in eVery., colmty of . .., I ii-Ce-duritirtte Week- a 1-- - i-The1.4.::L'ineeti7g..`,.. . . - .4 . ,tent!tv411a--h-hog-4., - '-- ' • ... 1 PliCrtilnitrtitH •n t - -. . 'I ded for' a free- expression ot: • --anttrenture-t6 d side in Lucknow. • • In :the- years illuelf-C You 1-wo.. • •- be real neignb,_ •true friend* and good ci i2e hs, :i� We.-7have-gathered. evening to show you that•a thoagh .you'haVe moved from or neighborhood v0i, shali • not be forgotten. , • We hope that in your • new • 1 home', you Will make •manY • ney? %,,friends but' still 'renter/11)e:: th old ones. • We , hope, you will find 1.-.1e.3., burdens lighter • andthat paSsitig years .'the ..fates- •p,4.1.1 deal kindly with you. • e you . •acep noHOr-e-its mercenary • in appreciation " of' your services.. to. O4r:cOnthiunity:. Maye. be,. a reminder 'to: Youof yOar 1101 .n04 -friends,* -Signed7ott-behalVot :7' hitubitS' BOLINdacDolia Id McPherson, Mark • Johnnie -Smith, Weir tcker„s-.v..1... • l&, Mqrris Flodgins: Gecez.E ifi1- denby„ • • •vie%,,...s on thepriSpeL§Kt-, sc.hemez w will be explained in 4eta-1k- hy c represP_ntative • of the • Eng • Mears_ Athacieie • thig. and at the dose. " '•,beOladc' for:a1I1: w- m,"WiSh to , vote at., that Iti,rakT :also be:sent in to the ;• f, • of ' the agricultural ,:x*Pre-.1! tative at ny time dating 'the; vo So that • eier. •• bog priirouter.: • • 'ill nave ample oPportun47., • MS -views op . the - . ,-03sed kherne. • . . be actepte41. by /Abe '.agritilt4rat -.4 repre..ntative in, each county up • to ten dayS• after the pibUe ±ieet- i.ng. Every -producer :who zees- ' ". • ters -ecere' 1c1 t "wPer.( • • . EVEN there were no other reason for buy. .: ing all the bonds you canin the 9tb Victory, Loan, it should be reason enough that men , *rounded and disabled in action pILIStopn:tinue to hive the blpg "of care- OUr debt to* them is bnt one,,of Canada's obli- • ' gat:ions osall,who serced;and s`4re still serving, in the armed forcFs. . , ' vestmg our mane,- "alter-alfirimall—waYof repaydwa debt Irbich cannot be measured -I ut itIs concrete we recog- nue the debt and that we will not fall to meet the ohligauon it „brings us. . • • - Put all you can tato the 9th 10.0. Loan- Set yofar personal obiective higAer to reach and the -higher -oh tective of, --The kw ed 'cy. 'the a-::I.pultural ..,*p,, -,-en' 1,- , ,,,, • ti -c -e up to ...and inch, Sat- .V uraz$.. ,December . A., 1,91.:„. , Xlier . ' ... 'tHat ,datel no -&•-rther 'ballots 'w.i..2„1.- ,.a.'..eptea,', , ' - ..T., ."-e ....olint7.' 4. • • " a 4 41 A • ' , :.t =ale, • • It 'U. 1.••••1,•••••• "wet 4.4L4. 1k N.A. "'A ...I AA,. • ' A. --, , • • , • '14 ^N w:•}4' ' I = *ILA*. :2•-tt.e.1..-. • • ' . • 441-• Z.. • • - 4 • no......;t1":7••••= r•-.4 ••••••• 44. `,. Where AS "'•*6'..=7V tt.&. '• '41.1*.*,•$$. 41.4....4.1.44,* ,Are• • , , . . • • • • I • • ' ' 11:•••. ..41.1. il \ MI. NI,1- .IIL Ii,,,,,e,...... , 6,ti• . 0.••••',,,•• .,..„...• •• *.,,ii.,...."4„, • ....., . , • • . • ' 't, • a ,..1.4,.,1....i.„.„. 4, .....z...6,....e, ,k 4 t .....r.:+7,., ,..6.,........, . :' ixi-',%•-.i.4 tat.,44.-e 7ter::„..........17,•44,t, tr.„'e -.„-:-.....,e,--.7,-;7„- • , , . , • •. 4 " ' ,...t..''' `24'77...'..* . ..4.*.'7':::" • I• • • • This Ackertisein ent Sponsored BY' , . • • DLTRNDi P Be, Ready InS'uptoor! Of - • Ninth N'itt:pry • fowns14H-Salesrben .THOMAs "Ta Sign !Iir."3tir Naxne For ler* W11 en. The Y CalP 44, BSTER. ' • On-Oetober„-i.6th+w_i_t.h_.a'2_.r. 7..i at• • . .W.34 „qof the_t_Trlited:Chunz:h met opened This ari-an'co"geliti.71".; • 7. J.E..t:;`41::::11: ._,.. a.i'V.7t.11/14,thdiee.iii,, ttEliste''.0A;ngfeolitifiLAlT_:_siiii,2ka.:_r:iii.7_,5::::ir,ii::.t.;,;_. • , was conducted before th, 5.:;‘!,.`1,7.1 d the b -iriez to.rioi ' oQmveme .f...t Mrs.20thL: .C3ilirrils. ::_;:n.7...-....:;;;; a ',call to Worship 7. Psa;-, -"r•', ".r.14 , . P. - .ed the worni•se:-...... -iltr. read in. unison'. folloWe:1 : .568, and prayer. by Kt's "3'.:.1.:.K. •'• 77 -7M1 -W. V. Jaht.,.;:„t..L-'-'N4.-r---:-.7.. I-4.naRobinson *Were:7,... r.7 ...:.7,,,:, 7i. ., the Program. " Op-e',..r.r • -was- a reading .b.,' V-7-: •Ailin- Miss iielen 1 -i -a•-• 1,,`. :-..*:-..;'•,a7"'-": ' a. Spietwad topic. ::7.:..-•,' :1'..14;,, . _ • of and opening c f . : ...... ••••"*.i' • .1 Int4iOrt .of thej.'cr."..-.,•:.::-. ..:-.4J:":•'-• Miss.*Lena RobinS,:§n. • ' aPPropriate "Trianksg,..,. -',. •:v ' ing-After a .ityrnik Mri•..,"%".. d 1.iteta-rcite, ,a trifide.,:23. ee;t:Tiri.e..:: ''.- dittion,„ ItetreS1=er,,,:.i. ....-,:i.„ p . ' halt hour: was fnu:::',,.,,, - i.., .' : the cia$e Of the meet„...rg.