HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-25, Page 1• $2.00 A 'Year -4h Advance;; 50c Extras to U. s; A,. HQUSI NG MEETING SET FOR FR1DAV ,•• LUCKNOW ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25•, 1945 egiSIXTERN,;PAGE'S' A -.meeting of the Lucknow Business Men's •Associatio n . is called far. Xriday eveliing of this 'week, October' 26th, at 8 O'clock. ih .the: Town Hair to .consider the local housing .situation For shine time there has. been. � -Sho=rtage-of••r-entable .homes, �`a dir apartments .or ::even rooms' and'. this s becomes further. horta g P. '• roriounced • as • Luckno,w In dustries Iarnited roaches the int when `this- plant -is ready to start rolling.'While local.labor y. will�largejy-be used, -it -is-neves ar .,to ;bring in 'a • few key men, and company officials are simply. •'stum reed to obtain living quarters for them, • This plight' ,was stressed . •this week' by the Company .president, m Mr 'W, Tr -Renaud and -plant •sup erintendent, Sr. Jack Bell, with .� the..rCesult that,•prompt action Was' taken to' call Friday, night's • meet- tng in the hope some solution_can be reached to. remedy,'the' housing 'shortage.. ft .is ,n 'portant• that. every member; of`th A--so`bfat'�n-, '_and' for -that matter, .,erery inter ested citizen, be,, present at' `this•. -,"meeting. ;• r WAS SERIOUSLY ILL FROM INFECT)FON' On Tuesday of last week Goldie Martin of . Paramount had a' needle removed from his,elbow, .but not before infection ;had de.: veloped that' resulted•. in him be ing'serrouslyill and cgnfinedihini to :St„'Michael's Hospital for some time. Three weeksago last Sunday '.. Goldie. went 'to; Toronto t�.";have` the emhedded_.needJ rerriovec u --from his_ eft 11 'hint but 2be,. ,e bow for pp e his a ointmin o to' this- .., done, infection had set: in` :and he' :was, to taken . _.. �• tienC� hospital:-an4 ..gven• penicillin treatment. 1`lY... 6=b ly-sw_o`l�ii . eral days •to. such a• degree than" -his cot ition,,w as :quite uiate alarmin •After the infectiion 'Subsided. re:- '; G oval'.. .of :.the:_needl __ - e .was tom liaratively,' simple.: --• GRABS' DEFlgth1TT,STIJD NTS'' ._.on. , u ay, afternoon. an ,.ex hi'bition, basketball g•k- an e was le. p .aY d ai the' school ,rounds be. g tween a_:te- ' ami-of,.eX=stud '�. :. cuts,,. and the' school •-•.` ;team. .Thq3 Grad ''won' _the •T--hey included: Jean MacMillan; .,centre;.: Pearl Murdie, , F`i a'nces . Hewat, basket; • guards,; JessieAllan 'Margaret: ... Thompson,. Helen g t Hamilton. • :0—,ER $367:00 ON DANCE', 1 • 'AND PRIZE' DRAW The dative and: piize< diavid.-held.; ' last' week' by Mrs. Edgar (Jolly- r ian • and Mrs„..Noble Johnston netted•$367 00 'in: aid 'of,their_ s+er=,. Vice men's fund. Dance receipts; including ticket sales and rioli 'tions, -amounted. to $12275 ar chest. a_Wand_ •.advertis--> Ing expenseswcre $36.00,• leaving •O• balance. -"of 4186.75.... •Donations' codered. the •-cost -of, .tickets'-at'id The.:''sale of draw tickets tetaIled-$2}16 L5;•for a'_ grand total of $367.0 • There were ,,no ex- . penses in connection' with the draw, as 1'r izes'were all dona- ted and. ether 'donations took care of'printing expenses. Thes' o n.. so,,.s, of the event wish to sincerely thanki 'coiitrib all those .who uteri •to'.tl e:strccess of••thiL. ari4ertaking . +,U. EJtAL ,_TO DA' The death' ';of M>:.s John' Intosh of' Paramount occurred Wingharn, %fospital On Tuesday, Y,, after, a long.. illness,` Formerly Mary Bell ,she was 54 ge The�funeial=i being• held today from.'her late' resi deuce to Greenhil •'iCemeter. at . Y '2,30; , o'clock; ' ► • Leaves The Bank, Miss r .Mar .$alk 1 . - ." ,.: , 3' .. e d, -daughter, Qf- Mr. and'1'Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, has, resigned: her :position o g p r .. n the: local. staff -Of the, • •Ban of Monti after almost' four , Y, ears o.f ef- ficient wind :; courteous se'rvice.. Mary's . es. r i a gnation took effect ten days. --ago: Tt e-v-acan.c --ori--.th . staff has been. filled by . Mrs.' 'I.. Sween h Mc w o wit :her husband, h recpiitl_}c_moy•. Q'. a.eorrne • S •. .CEANSIVIEN' WILL BACK PEE -WEE • I!OCKEY Meetings on, Tuesday night, The A .. local. business' transaction Clansmen voted :topurchase a took .place:.a •few• days' ago where-' $500; Ninth Victory'. Loan Bond.. by . Mr.. Stuart E, Robertson die- I $50 .was 'voted` to assist the Hi' s. I g posed of .his -egg grading• business- School 'Band, and -$100 was ear ,marked to. back, • Pee -Wee hockey: Lucknow this ;'winter. `"'• This however is. contingent on this- will.;. i eta'iii .: _• _ J` .to Mr Barry,Nixon;' who will obtain possession `on`Monday. For the time. being.Mr.'; .Robertson his : seed cleaning - business and. feed. agency.- .• MARKED SIXTIETH. ANNI'VERSARY The sixtieth' anniversar • 'of the opening and dedication 'of th''Y United Church w a s fittingly:: 'marked; 'on 'Sunday wit , large'• congregations . i n ratt ndance morning and„ evening to ' ear in spiring messages by Rev.; John lri.` Agnew' af'' Empress Unite.cl y' i.Church, London,., and a . former. • Lucknow:boy:'.. On Monday. ',night the :occasion. was further, 'celebra- •. ted :at ''a congr'.egationalt birthday'' party. L Rev. Agnew said 1.., he wase !pleased, happy : and honored to • be present at :this time., He well remembered the'building ,"of the, 'church ...and. _briefly reviewed -series being ---properly--organized} events : leading to• 'him entering • • the ministry, forty-six years ago. Mr. Agnew's decision was Made' at='•Hope -Chur=ch at. ,'-Paramount,' • and on; the . Ashfield, Circuit• het:, _went through-- -_the-.-_•.custornar .,.'- ARRIED, IPS" LUCKNO W phases ' of ' exhorter,.and' local preacher. before . entering 'c llege. The marriage took place •at • the• Mr. Agnew ; returned' to school United Church aon SatParsonage late 'in his teens to obtain: his er - er StI u the..r-s..,_.A lm .. , _. -e- _ ' - _d .. W _ ,t- osi--from th. uxday Qetober:26---at ;four -•o -clog -- trance-at�he:-ageof-�1-9He--katten-. ince tion: 'of i p ,. ths �b>zsiness . Mr.. of Mar aret' 'Jessie D g _ s yrrieint and ', ded ; • Kincardine. '' School, , Robertson.•had `an.'outlet for'_ some L' onelr--John• • Barclay,„ _ • both of.. i i 2 .T .,, Y�where. his room cost•h m :$ . 5 . his -produce to -tire lme j _pronto: The_at_ en• an s.were. i -moatt, -and when. -h 4 sri This business' was established' ',thirty - Jive t fiv .� .._3", ,e years ago', by Stuart Robertson, .when he 'opened a . in. Lucknow •in the fall of 'r: 19, •althatr h--€or--a- few months -i' ri'. p o,r to. that he had been: gather= ing eggs through the country, •and had •in is � err~ h ploy the late Al', Schmid' ` i esiclence' ` wvhieh�th have purchased;: and a •manager `in charge, of each team This, series includes boys up' to1 - ears o a 2.y sei, y -ice of v►+hatw rs no- w•-thC.N R: - -and -Mrs:-•°-Gerald Rathweil •of ; an:ahort he;, returnYed periodical-- nld,V ich hei continued to :serve Lucknow,, and intimate friends. of ly to renew his fundsby worki f without, ,interruption in, the,bride and. groom:: nig' tsTat-Mitchell's Mill, `pe r . te•ryen'ing, years,' logs, for :$1 25 a night ,' a number of ear a of, years- his`., r : __ Mr Agnew brought greetings fat elate George• Sr';Rob- from John,,Elliott• whom'; he r'. ' cite' �' a s actively' g soeiated in . D INNER N.E_It S E R.V E D' �< ;;�`� >. Y ferred to as; one of the Most h When the •sho , was. `� 1' CLINIC STAFFS ` highly res ected laymen in, .the first o ..:: ere all rocer p g City'n. ,The. speaker, pa d Y of •Londo t.. l,eS k i ,... ; •, n,'a ' ' o t'+ • ;' • : f •.. , ; _ s n ;too . n. _ _, , cc un Mrs.�..Mar_y ,Jackson of _ .Kitc_h-. �-, . tribute to ;khose:; pioneers who had • ; or : in. trade, a o •t'he, task, of .,• h . -:: vv-a�-t-hey-•= u�est�--of horror --at mad cissble• the buildin' of the establish'n,g the bu nes was not , •�ti.'� '. •� •.. �M ems.,. .g e a dinner and•social evening' held: chur.ch.:We doff .,:our.: hat to 'the 9 g is opp.�os_itiOn. _� _ m:. ____ 1 he•'said;•-'ands.-may: We •ever kee i,-`: ' at :the , home Of Mrs. Wm. Hornell . • ' i' • them fI'' grant irr: our'memori s.! on da The'•occasion was - g e .: ._ . ::Thurs Y• , ' 1 His , text In ::the '.• i corning was • b Mrs. Hornel arid.. =f ma 12:1'� "I beseech. tom • Ro ns "ou Y Over two artd . a half, tons of warm and serviceable' clothing- and footwear • Were : contributed- by'residents. of Lucknow and dis- trict' to '•the National �Clotliin Collection: To be' exact ' the . :'1 .:I Seriously IIT. - iation ,--wer_e- A ood•nari •_.don s. left atcountr-y, stores' in the Com- munity. and on'. Tuesday M� •T. W.--S:mith.. chairrrtan :of_ -the lal oc committee,:'made his,'final pick -: P; n.h�a ae ed` -4 shippc 'd. eve ything' received • • M1s W -J . Davison: