The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-18, Page 3•
iir; and -Mrs. Leonard Phlliips
spent ' Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs..
•aeorge 'Phillips,
Mr, Joe Leslie of Granton•sper
last, Wednesday 'With' Mr, 'and
Mr, ..andx7 Mrs, Jake Hunter;
John and ;Freda. eda. - Spent 'Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. 'NormanMc-
• Donald of Fordyce:
Mrs: George:"Phillips, • Albert
•and Vyetti, .also. Betty ;McDonald.
spent Sunday.•with Mr.: and Mrs:
Elmer -loran' of Lucknow.
• Mr and "M1•5' Austin Solorfion'
Were' in Wind'sor _recently attend
ring the. wci:dding ;'of 'their sot .E1
wood:: ancf MisS Vera• Joyce. Bank-.
Mrs •-Jia ptckie._and_yaung son,
Denver, .Of Collingwood_ are "visit'-
with her parents, -Mi ,_ , and,
Mrs L C VlcIvorJ
W; A ,Solomon, B,: T Douglas"
,,and ' Harry Nixon have: been
named by •:-the ,Fire Company, as
trustees .of the newly, acquired
-builtling do Main Street
Miss Elizabeth G Welsh of
Pine • River, Miss E. Ross and
IVrfeg i'et 1 enderson-loe're"recet..i
r. guests of Miss .Margaret, Murray
�- of Pararriount
Mr: and .Mrs. Wm Buckingham
of;, Ashfield- visited recently ,
Torpnto • with' their son, WO;; El
;don Buckingham'who is a patient
in Christie St.'l:iospital: '
made manager of.Taylor's elect-.
TieLut '
cknow Sentinel, Lucknow
F SHFII�LD--�I • .'.
Recent visitors. witli Mrs. Mar-
garet Sprouhwere Mr, and _Mrs.
Jerry, Kettle. and Mr, and Mrs.
Clifford. Begley* of Leamington
,and Mr,, and •Mrs, •Tom. McPhee
of Nile.
Mrs. Robert Struthers and Miss'
Mary :Struthers' •spent -a week yrs
iting With ' friends at :Hamilton
and: other, pgint5., During Mary's
absence,. Bill Treleaven •assistt:~•d
at 1Ef all's',Grocery:. w'
Ntr, and :.Mrs '.,George Phillip's
ret elved. word that their nephew,
Pte."'"J J:"^had arrived
from overseas and t5._uin_ kvith.
his 'parents, �Mr. 'and Mi s James
Phillip of•`Colfax before•coming
Eaast. "•
T.- A. MacDonald, notth_o�fthe•
C f T, ilt r ut, rias IR beep
Toying the'best of health and ..for.
the past - three weeks "has ` been:
a- patient in -c Westminster Hopi
tai,,: London, where he ,is under
• observation. • . • ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben ' P$ r:lman,
.3ay,,li. ,,resided' 'in--Godericki=for—a'.
time, since .disposing of ''their
clothing and dry'goods business
here, ::recently ' moved to Toronto
vwhize--theme ta:n taken u. rest.
deuce' at X36 Howland Aye: • °
The death. of 'Mr, Robert Stoth-
ers,. B,A;, occurred at his home in
Ottawa on ' Thursday. A " native
of. Ashfield Township,, Mr. Stpth-
ers was in his 87th year., ad 'had
taught for, forty years,' in Lisga'
.�lLegiate• ;-0tta-;w-a, T-ke•funeral-
seri/ice Was -held at his late rest
'denc.e at 1 ockcliffe Park on Sat--
urday' with: interment in Pine
crest Cemetery, °
In a car- accident at the Fourth.
C`c� icession=:on MQnday:-afternoon;
IVI John' McLeod arid' his sister -
fortunately escaped injuries when'
their -car larned. over with : the;
i isu•lt that. • "practically all ,the
glass i n 'tl r hTelr s shad cre.d.
.and. it was, otherwise•. damaged.
The front of. the McKinnon car
:was, -also•• 'damaged,
Mi'.. McLeod of "-Cone ssion '6;
. Kinloss, was proceeding to L,•uek-
'now' when strub`k by a car. driven
'by •Mr D. L. Mckinnon, who was
enterizag fhe highWay"'at'the' 4th
Dominion.; secretary of the Here.
ford." BreedersYAssoeration•• and
who is in.'the :East in,connect.ion.'
with: his work,. spent;. the .week;:
end with his aged• 'mother,. Mrs:'
Isaac Andrew and with '1VIr, and
Mrs Gordon Kirlclind: Mrs.:: An-.
drew,: who is well past the four
irie ship in Windsor, -'where • he'° sCor'e mark"is etijo3%in.g-comp a-
and`his bride hays taken up rear= "`tively'good`•health and:'is•remark
, dence. ably bright and 'active.'
On Saturday-, afternoon the
,Girls' W, A. will .tentertain, the
-.mothers and Little IIelpers of the
congregation—at' the church base-
ment, The Christmas bales will
alsp ` be..packed
Mr. Lloyd Bell of Pine -River:
.spenty. ,w
•Sundaith`' .-his sister,
:Mrs: Wm' Brown; sand Mr, Brown:
- Mr. 'Wake'. Gaunt : spent --the
week -end; witli Mr,' and 'Mi- ..Wil`=:
mer;.M4,Ticl glson o]`':nea'r Auburn
Bruce County`'NinthVictory •
• I 1 • -
lows;.; Hon. Chairman, Warden
D. White;. Countya chairman,
Campbell :Grant; chairman ,of
payrolI•savings• committee;•R: J.
P.equegnat;- prerident of Stevens=.
Hepner. .Co.; chairman of general.
sale. s;. Ellis Millard,,, Southampton.;:
and chairman of;piiblicity, Camp-
• '..,Mr.:' and Mr's:` Ben 'Logan, o.
f , Mr. and Mrs..Georg.e • Harki ess.
iMrs..:BiIL Schneider and Cary f-
Tees'Water,, Mr ,Walter Ferguson
of Culross Were. `•S'undday _visitors
:with IVIr. and Mrs `John Richard
.,,and..WS-. Len Conley and
daughter of Lucknow; spent Suii-'
day v►iith':.1Vlr-aiTd rs. Be1t.3VIzs
Ripley were S y
unda„ _Visitors with
Mr-: and~Mrs James': Ilodgins.
•'Mr, Ralph Blight, student min-
ister from Huron College; 'Lon
don, conducted the vi
serce in •th:
Anglican • Church' on Sunday a
ternoon and will co>Gitinue to do for ,the next few weeks
r an ? G1 fVm. Wa11;��ani
Miss Ellen McBride sent, Sunda-
-at-the .:Wall•;titin -e; Hyriin
Bride -Elect .Honored
The home of M, : and Mrs. Mil-
1/ meily pennin:
and:family' of 'Cult os - spent•- Suit -
day ;with.: Mr Wendal •Taylo :
Af$IC ;Peach layer -!..Ce .
`.:z�iVupeelft- ke����
eel cake L cut),
_� csSrir_s rn
24 tepp Magic 2•egga unbeaten
Powder 3 CUp• `milk
a p. •
Bait _. tsp vanilla' h .
cup ehortenl
tpp• almondeztraot
SU't dry' ingredients to
gether 3 . tinea. Cream
shortening,: Add gyrhp
gradually,• :beating wen.
softer each: addition Add =
4, ,of ''ioui mixture.
Blend well. Add eggs, one'
at a time; beat well atter'
each: Add,' remaining .'fl'
our mizture in :third {•
;alternately with milk j
• halves, beating Well after•
K .s ._:.e$ch • addition: Add"8av
_ • ng- Bake�in Z greased
lightly floured 8" layer
cake pans at'375°F,. until '
done..Top and 811 layers
with ':peach -halves; and
whipped' cream
itton • Walsh , was the scene . of 'a
happy gathering. on Tuesday of;
last week • when •. 'friends' . ,and
neighbors gathered 'to :honor:aheir
-daughter, Mairori;--bride elect
The -hoer,. was prettily' decorated
in pink and.white streamers. and
white wedding-- To: the
strains of ::the "Wedding , March" `
played. by Miss. Edna Boyle,, 1‘4.47s.Wms
Clayton Ushered- the ;.bride
,tgathe"chair of, honor, Miss Mares'
• ville Scott :was chairlady for th
lir"ogram 1 vrelcoine' was extend
ed to all by Mrs.. Walsh, as
followed ,by a,.solo "Because" p by
1�Irs- Harold; .Haldenby Mrs, Wm:
{ Arnold gave a suitable reading.
Mrs. John Emerson 'favoredWith
a solo. A humorous' reading` '?y
Mrs. Don: McCosh . followed.'••Miss
May -Boyle r. ad an---aeddires ex
.pressing kindest wishes. to, the
bride for a long -and happy -mat-
tied' life,1Two wetl :laden baskets
were placed before •the bride who;
Was assisted •in opening them by.
Mrs, Harold Bannerman arta
:Mrs, .Gordon Avis, whPle::Mrs.
William Clayton. read.the attach-
' Ad'vcrses, Lunch was: then, '._..
a,nd_:a's served
octal hotx enjoyed,
Mrs Arthur Graham Miss'. El
`.Ten McBride; Miss Sadie Bushell
motored to. Paisley .Thursday to
attend .the: -teachers'- coin'veiition.'
Mrs. Gptdori".Avis of Tiverton
.visited during the °wee}k.with Mr.
'and •Mrs. Milton Walsh.
NIraford . Angus Keith. of Thame-
,,the•foriner Saietia McKenzie
is' renewing 'acquaintances 'here,
Td Field iky .
then ice postponed ' by the urea
adv�aiitagr;,"was taken of the
.break that.cattle '
y to
hold the ar rivali~Iigti S hoodte:f 1d
qday at the se pool" .grounds, '•
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Lapp' and
farni'Ijti of `: Wingl am 's:peiit . S,un-
day'wgth' Mr: ';and Mrs'. Wm, Orr..:
Nrr, and
Mrs. ;Earl and
Billie .of Cul'rass M'r� ,and :Mr .
Wilfred : •Caslick,, Mr, ' and' Mrs .%
'Coultis and .1Viurr�r.y, df East Wu-'
xpaposh;` Mr, , aiacl Mrs R isse11
Ross -were Sunday. guests 'at the:
home: of Mr:and Mrs.- Wallace.
Conn,' it * :being • the ocrasiinn of
their; wedding ,arinive1sarv:.. •• '
Mrs:, John. R• iehiardson, Grace. &''
Mrs; McCullough of 4tfre' - `?Vest
were visitors last week. with Mrs•
Wesley Leggatt of •Wingham aiid
Mrs,`:Hglmes•-of.- Tipliberry. mow'
Mr, aria Mrs.,1'i•ed :.Tiffin;- Mr'.-
arid.'Mrs. ,Charlie tliffin,'and Mrs.;
Tiffin were.. Stinday v situ! s
With Mr, :,and::;Mrs. T. A. Mac-
l�r7ilclldlTC1 L�Jrit ebbrCill •
r,a •
Mrs: A. Emerson, Mi.. and, Mrs,.
Emcr'sorr wr'i't' rSu'ndo�Sj * tai- y
tors with Mr:..and Mrs.,Ben. Nay�
tor, L'uc.know,
Mr. arid' Mr,s....JoeTiffin. • cif,
White'chur•ch spent Sundae with
Mr. and Mrs. `Wesley Tiffin. r
Th Langside': Y.i?.S attended:
�����,ee • ., eswator Mon --
Ita11 hrl'd iri Te
day evening., All' rep6 te—ra very
interesting • .meeting, • Langside
.was ` brought. into• promiiii*tire
when ,two;of • their rneiiibers he-
ratite' 'officers of -the- P'reslaytc"r v,':
Mr: ;.'Goirden7, Wall Was e51CCCtt!d-
president and - Miss
G arc' ardson secretary; secretary;�
Mr.",' Henry Elliott r°etiirnel
home rfroni •; Ledm.ingten ,' on
•Mr:' •Gord'nri 'kluf !'mart has r o--
turned- horde .'atto'r a5sistrng Mr..
Jadk Morrison with harvestiti ; cC
thresliiig .work;,.
NIr-. t 1"ford fltrffriiart raw: assn
ng Mr awrenee McLeod
athb• fall wtrk on the Tarin.
se . ee.yotLt ceiv -frotr ..your
bank;is rendered so quietly and effr
cient that the umcutyatuAs el .:: • : "`
it may not•• -have- occurred to--
Yhiink,JorJnsi4Ince,. o£ _the..••...confidence .ou .-rest--tn---, :o
br..anch,;bank;.:manager, perhaps. without even:.knowinghi
-well personally. You ought to know, him better By•deposit-
ing your money,in his branch, you made him and ;his staff;;
the custodians -of..your -:account.--and the transactions-: relatin
o .it: You hold, him -in. higI
affairs will. be kept.private.;
trust, knowing that yot pnvate
You will -find- t.
nd your -bank---manager trained roa r ---who" :has ".
core u. thrQu _, ...the ;r ks, nand w,ho wilt`.be , :lad_ rto ._.discuss
our financial needs with
;� , ,y. • you and • to •i : m you .as to the
appropriate service his, bank can Frei der.i
:Should ou-: desir-e-2— er sona1 'loa1r~to-meet soma ne "
Y sr p. ..., . � pecked ';.W. • ''�- � ' ..
expense, •talk it over With him: You an depend. on'•receiving
.sourteous# understand n.g and friendly consideration: Sarah
loans are just one of the services your bank, provides. You
may be ;surprised to learn of many 'otbei services" aVai1able`
y ,
for: youyuse:
erf isemeni
,This AoV
is Sponsored': b'y7. ".you•.r Bank