HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-18, Page 2WICRIPAIM
ItActE Two,
At e ,home o the •bride's
brothe -m-law. and sister., Rev.•.
and M!' , A. W. Hare, Fort Dover,• ,
Olive ! Ile, daughter of the: late
,of Ar ona, became the bride Of
'Perey Hoag, of. Lucknow, son of
the 1, e Mr. :and Mra.- C, Hag,
`''nf` S ' • forth: •Thee cereinony° ',was
pert) ed` by the Rear A, W.
Hare. The bricte. ` whq' "4was1 141-•:
atten e, , was ,charming in ..a
stree length. goWn of :shell: pink
with 1 corsage of, Talisman: roses
'Folio .ing •the • .jere;non'y, dinner
'was erved._ .toy. he guests.. .For
tray: ling, the .;bride ..donned a
drfs �:of :,rose wool,: with ''black
acce' .dries and coat of , Harris
-twee, 'in raspberry- shade, Mr,
Hoag is a member of ;the—local
- High School teaching:. staff. •
'• en ucwSent
inel, Luckfo
Mrs. John' Daley, of Seaforth
succumbed. Saturday;. Oct.° 6, " af-
ter suffering a heavy stroke. She,
was .the • mother .Qf Mr0.
Ward,`,rfor:rnerly Al ce ..Da1ex,..
She lived with her daughter, Mrs;
Whyard and the. late . N. F. Why-
ard, in Dungannon, corning from
the West' and remained: here until
going " to Seaforth • with her dau-'
ghter, ';after; the death of ,Mr. Why-,
.ard. ;The deceased.was•in.her 88th'
year and:, was :highly respected.
by friends. here.: The remains;
were 'brought for interment in
Dungannon_ cenitery "on Sunday`
The annual. 'Young People'S
RallY of Huron -Maitland Presby-
'tery .of the Presbyterian church
Was,- held .in.' Teowater "On Mon-
day evening, There was an ea-
tirnated-attendance _of s_orne three.
hundred young people for the'
most. enthusiastic and successful
gathering in several yearS:-,
There were. abdut _thirty in,at-.
iet.Y.: „at*. the opening 'sing ' song
waS, conducted by, Miss MariOn.
'MacDonald; The gueSt speaker
On Sunday1 the congreg on of
---=-tlie.L',ucknow- United Church will
Pcelebrate the sixtieth anniversary
I of the _opening' 9f the present
tchurch. Guest speaker at' both
Agnew;P,of Empress Ave. United
Church, London, .and.:a. native of
in the church and has entered his
ninth year in London.
Fors Monday evening the Wo-.
znen's Association is planning a
-splendid. program •and sodial ev- sisted by friends , at the close ot
anint.to maxk. the occasion. 'the evening. •
1411#10N ,MARK TOPS
. "'Alin ei Tga '1c1hrhY' te6, n'llA:Tdf etheet i'rttri. ons (rloa' gl Yl°t.. 11. ' cal t as a lW41 : : :3 Y°1:' brkt.; j'w1VLduasacyes- ' 9ne .0te. 111 ive e:ri Isriif riot .: C17:C741, 24111' 4..ta:m5:cotQans n' sitql. li suss:. it‘xt,Sepao4er'r nil irii7no000wdn' 0. tti 9111 In:seg, . ,
llro came. arid neW'Patrols were
formed. ThiS year there are onlY p,erioci, uuronrs quota. was $3,1,75,:
:;061.11:ii.lighRe9°1:luEitin-da 'reiPtsaa. Ttird°rP1:.'athtrraoeLle.f.:1cPrSnPtjsrpei°sealtcsiris -.tOihwvIjeaeg.ri':'-'Qi,8sAlt.shhuiff4pl:i,..edaidz:-.7a:sootowwna;:,hwdii:Wris-oesis.01:13trieweao.cat):. ,...,„
Tsorile,,leatrV:a11,13'iSeeic.ct; ridc4,; VI..i. a. rY. Amikildiaenr-, haQveuptathie. b4.;m.quu:ita:pa,ruitpiepse..,ii.,,, :::: .
.mriagrlyaildJa. 1.1.e:: , Wal 1. .a. 71\ „ ..1\il a r:j o rei, ie... ,,i1:034t;i0th:00:011.001:114;:vse::dst.A0, sf 1,:tf-, .hi' e'ea'}. nacQ .5, .T.11•0$\,,,v Iii soholo''D..:: .
j..,soh,tilin.is.e,, tyl)::,iilbe:lle.tr40,- 117;e:Dty,?rMis,a;L•shloa.y1:1d7,. EbhGoa-aoimscintee:,.r,.$:,:696h::00T0,0wo0;;D:Tc4,40i.vcnieobr;e0c10,hio.y.:$1,01,Ffio:08:0,..,
:s.: il:' T4h,decu,,,,c.10,..1:illioevia.ed err). _„; a nt:too:1:::4,,B:i.:tivionapi cf;:. ,i,,,;he,:new,v..tc:,a4..:.,B,,weeer,o4ft; cioelfh,.ty..
Miss Jean-,-Osborne.;.spent
•M'CiiitIW-• evening -at-- the -home of
•Mr. and Mrs,' Peter Moffat;
Con. Mr Farish. Moffat had
the program: OA.
Roy -Finnigan 'read
Vie.cliid .-.othere-,,-;each.---43readrit. Miss Margaret :Moffat' of ,Tor,.
!attached. which'.disClosed to Cora
was • hidoo... After: : the, efts. Were oria'SPerit: -Thanksgiving- Weeli•-:`:
lhanked—h-er-Ilienda-i=foir-----kindi ,onald'.Donaldion had' his
interest, other games .and 'bridal tonails rernOyedirrWrrin.HOS--
-eontests were. 'enjoyed: The hos, p46.1 recently. , .. rt; • 1
Mr. and- Mrs. Bill Evans::
" 'large amount with, any careless.
Wring that it' cannOt
'Bid. there 'are many • rea6.ms fer
than it has ever !nage before,,an'a
the people of: Huron will haye
faehetliiatilg. • 70.t_.1'
urgency .anXiety. :Rather
citizen that sense:9f, urgencY; and
-failed'..before but this, , time
.are.,Clifferent.., factors' 'in :the :ease
but_.it_wi 11_ 'Succeed on 4•, there
great'.rallying -of int ores', -'
' PlOWrnen of this diStrict Will be
'COUnty.- Plowing Match . will be
just east 'of the village of Cargill.
: „ The last .nratCli. of' this kind ;was.
war activities ;have Jt-o-
.s.tiCh. 'Ian extent: that the „ai-inual
mer years. Separate. everitS were
but 'this Yearit' Will be a'CountY
-Wide tournament: PloWing will.
. prize list, totalling: $250:00.;
chief- airpS • Of .the BrtiCe. 'county
AssObiatiOn • for this
either. dr trator
County ASSO.eiation, 'Fester Mof..-
' Chisholni; 13rant -npt,pmericses.;:tthiriist.,,c::,t'itill_61-1t..,.7._,:,
Monday 'October 22nd, ani.:1:corttoiu:ge_ for: three
weeks,- until* November 1 th.
Man,-Bliiineii- Man and Woman_ and
Thrifty Boy and Girl in the County will be given the .
e money-subsCribed- for the purchase of these Victory Bonds will
used' to defray the manifold expenses of getting the fighting
orces back to their loved ones and ita.rting them on .their way
to the happy And prosperous future that they ave envisione
pitalizafion and pensions of the less fortunate ones ,.
to help relieve suffering and 'distress in the war-torn )
'hianing to`our best customers until they can pay _.,
their own way.
e 'Undersigned, urge.. you .to .•siiimort.this Loan loyall3i and
*faithfully, as you have all previous Loans. in the ,pait, n t.
4- - -"..'only for ..the sake, 'or your country, but for_the
.Sake of your4 own futUre :Security
Our Bruce- Coun ObjeCti*e In
Canada's Gretest Victory Loan
s 8- 00
there will be no loan in tile Spring, the 9ih Loan is Two Loans in
One; and,we are all asked to anticiPate NOWLwhat we
would have bought next spring,
Victory SOnds are the soundest,and'SafeSt investment you'can make!
Signed: Gordon W. White, Hon. Chairman.
Caniipbell Grant, Ralph Pequeg-nat;
Ellis; Millard, Cainpbell Thompson.,
Friday :evening When :large•
newlyWeds, gathered to Oo -them
.rnid-night-r:lunch was, served,
memberS •pi'eSent. Minutes Of the
er '24th as , per. adjOurnment, all: :-Wai4ell end; hiS tOde.:the .for.7---
-„7th were ..approVed .and Sigried.. Errington 'read a corliv..a.tul.t.:"•''':
•ety. The Clerk -was. instructed tb 't fillea• purse : of / rn9•12yY pc,-,--,..,
t_ ,iLucknow Agricultural Soci7
.. enter or.1,1,the 'tax' roll of, 1945 th'evkas then,resurned. • '• •
71:0 have a sriow''board
the:Bank ;of Montreal, -LuCkrioi..v.
the ;sum 'of, S10,009.60 to meet
aiil on Monday :the 2?nd day et.
ctober*.rat . the usual time. and
hydro at hall, S4.05; Joseph Ag -
the .engagernerit 12:4
daughte,r,.. Ruby Ha •to
Robert Clarence ,
wedding will' take .1.:riace or. 9-;..
gpis.a0Pri.t, g2.0.0t00;., Ad.a.tEe:j.tM•eaalVictghiseasrr::d;trIVI,ocriecv1):61nral-cf7joindr''''' n 'and N1..4
1-lighWa.,1;. -cheques: Pay roll No. I .• Miss Lauririe
Co.. gravel contract, 353.95;•'Weg. SW -tinier at ner
her sister,
lki.LANE, Clerk.; i Tolviroitst9A.:rna,.G. r41"‘r
Hencler-son, gravel, 74.90; Themas
•}1. Moore:grAveI, 16.20,.„ Lawrence