HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-18, Page 1Ua, $2.00 A . Year -In Advance; 50c ,1 ASH FiELM. FARMS ans .: tions:_have recently been Tx.. Vic. ..___ •.. : conclud€id whereby' two: Ashfield r Ts• .-brig •in, the possession of • fa.rrl , •prorninc1ni, families;; are to change hands.. Onthe• l2tlConcesison D nald a. MacLean '.has disposed•'of 'hi s . •15 0 -acre farrn :to W1hF,• Hogan who.' will aget `possession On Dei .m. DonaId:..- :•- ble riYn g .-eerribex-1 ,'anl:-poss�Y.sooner +auction sale •n:ext Wednesdax ,and he and.,tiis sister.. Mary plan, 'to itaue to L cknoW ._to_ m their - •. home Thin-a'residence * can' be obtained;`• i farm has been: in the Ths..f .. . n famil _for-•almost..'a-cen turyr-ninety-five .years to 'be ,ex- ' act. It.; was. • bought from' • the • Crown in 1850 by- the .late John fat _- can armed _he _: MacL ,---gr. , � •° resent ; owner. The MacLean :p. "family moved onto the :farm, then ••a.;Virgin hardwood hush, . in '1851-, h{ th0,-lateAlex lgacLe�n v as of •12 • •ears It Was''• one .alad• . y of the first properties in that vicin- ety o_..be ettledr although K*i-nt is and :•Kingsbridge Were.'- ;settled :areas at that time. ' '' McDonald ,Falrn Sold. .. .hother "transaction -wasthe sale of the farm• of,the late; James MacDonald on •the boundary near Paramount' to,• Mr.: John Elfrick of Pinkerton.Mr. and, Mrs. El= Erick have a`arriily `of five child= Ten. They "obtain'A ossessioPn . of-' ficially.on March lstof,,next year; • The sale was . completed.' forty '-years ..to the '.week :after. Mr, and,' Mrs MacDonald had purchased 'the property, formerly,.•know-n the.Murray farm :'Mrs.' MacDoii- ala ,-continued to • : resides there ' since her husb nd' �` a, s death, until', ''this fall, w l eri ' . .. , she :moved . .to •.:' Lu ckno v y ,-= to make hem•.•home here,. hitviri `: . g puiclase�cl:• •the former T. Armstrong• residence,• A r, .aura .to • LU.CKNOW, ONTARIO, TIIU.R° SD,AY, OCTOBER' 18;, 1945, TWO 'SERVICE MEN ON., •ASIIFIELD SALES=!STAFE• N- r Two of they' three salesmen .:in Ashfield T.ownship..• for the Nibnt i l. Victory Loan will, be service mien; Pte:. Jim Phillips will, take, over Mr. Sam. Alton,'s -territory ands Jack Caesar .will "take over Wilfred :•McCarthy's: ,'territory The two y.. ._, _ o ,new salesmen are beim,, -introdUced. 'to' their: jCl1, • by : Mr. Alton• ne third. Aslificld salesman : Mi. Alex MacDonald „who cover' -tlie''sal-e territory ,: t y as •in -former. loans.. '11nys Local ` Property Pe Y NO FINER TRI.BUTE (A, Front Page Ed}torial) :It need hardly be Teneated that the Ninth Victory Loan, opens con Monday..:'Surely. „there are •few who al�e not aware of. this fact - few. that ;are not conscious the h • e increased quotas that have: placed •an added 'task.: -upon the loan Salesinen and' an added;:respon-• itlity upon the citizens of Lu - ck no:vr, ,K:.nloss, Huron,,;Ashfield •West Wawanosh, in conimon with all true Cana-�,ian ' fr. ' ., : �. d s_ from. eoast:::ao ei.• • H eagain.. we ._could reiterate need' of h se.mrl.lgins of -.dol-• ,_ ,the for. rehabilitation and . hos- Mr. Sam .Gib`•scit of Ashfield' is •pitalizaton'• of . our war service aking. ,.over_ the . Masse ilarris 1 eTrsonne_l'; four the maintenance of agency in 'our' occupation g . Y �.ucknow'• and.... l'ias� • -'- pa , forces; for credits bought the property south of, `Eli to •e -establish .Canada's export mer Johnston's Garage, Which 'trade, upon which: our post-war rose' was f -:i or .i so l` --icily:�.a_ blacksmith . shop, •. p _ p ty __ argely-de,pends. We sitee and where "this summer Alex 'Allan corrimencod the ,constru e, tion of :a • new' cement building which-he..uri'gnuiily::_had la'nned, p to use in,;.connection t3ci on ' t with tiffs trucking business.. VISIT OTHER 'SCHOOLS Members of the• local Board ' of Education and `Miss Frances Mac- , Lean, High School principal,, vis, ited new schools• at . Palmerston and Elmira wast Thursdayafter- - noon This . inspection : tour Was • in connection: With: the- proposal 'to •build''"an"�ad ition- toy -the local d .- l a • school: What c:ourset; may be:fol- -lowed ol- •low e d ein this regard:wi'll"ode end. P largely* ;, e on` h '. g �y up: _ :• .w at 11; ;appi,ovecl by t Departn-►ent of Education, • which' at' resent is .'considei1n the establishment ofa highs school areas; -WEATHER STOPPED ..WORK.' ON DRAIN • ' Not only, did the wet ' weather of the past few. week's put a stop 'to most fall, work on the - farm but ; it• :br'ought , to -`.:a; 'halt Work could stress; �' the `self-interest. which: had been commenced on angle, the sound investrrrent these- the ' A k � i bon .:.: .. .: .. cert . ,bi sin; : in . 1>,ir'ilelas bonds*. offer and •a score of . ir- Township. .a 1 efut ble reasons -.:hy. :Canadians ,_.• �_ . w y .0 ans. -.r They=contradicors on�-this job -had should 'not,' and must not,, falter: l ] qn ' ahe"last lap. , , a powerful•,• dredge.' � at � work for'. - .- • a, couple ,of weeks and: made• some ...::_But...,her_ -Lw know; we-fael y r s =anti F the -=--weatlier'- the appeal has - a;'' still' deeper brought the:work to a Discontinue, . Dancesomplete g t c si nificance" ,;In, . eight previous: halt:'The "ditch at the,point where g With fall entert'ainmen•t act- .loans t .is'ivrllage has` chfeved an theywere Working has a 16=f of ivities on the increase, The' Clans- en.viab e .• •i>ecor`,d. :This ''success . ; ; g, , o bottom' and was *running full with men • have.: discOntinued••'..their 'apart. rom_.an: attributable's: frit • " . that "` •' P water,w so that ,. you •eoud ' float .;weekly , .Friday 'night .; dances Of patriotism..and civic pride;,.• was '" . hich•wer: :: • .. ,. .• .. •., a boat"., :. *were:held .throughout .the almost entirely ••due...' -to the e ,.^. ..... . n - Indications :.:' now..`are that:the , n. ,. -summeir:- w: thusrasrn, energy. rand salesman- ,work moi_.'. •n t be co:: Ieted. his• . 'ship,�ability:, of thy'' ate G csrge,. fall :�•.-This--dr=ain -has-long. been H. Smith, who . single handed a :contentious:-- problem=datin-g= shouldered the task twice:yearly. back to '1938, When:a 'request :for. and never failed td' have :Luck- a ':clean-out was first niade now near'. the .top,-or`a•t :it when. County totals,;were complete.L `]3.ut George was not permittec1 ta, finish the, game. In thee` ninth' !IT PAGES A FREE SHO 1N4:RTH; SEEI The 'public is` of� en•: n h generalp ..ft . �s.. picious of something for nothi., They need not be in the :case a free moving, picture show to staged in the .Rex 'Theatre, Tuhk no.w on Wednesday of'nex1 we =•k October '24t `. Plansareal s6 ... so; •i,• ng made ,for showing ;these‘fis at'' klo•1 rood.x - y _ Thelow' which:s about hours in len th, is::prirrlarily. 'sighed • to support the Ninth V tory loan,, butrtle films are_hig, -entertaining and ;educational a do little or no "Loan pluggin, - The: writer '•has • seen a showi • of these• filing •ande_' a satisfi that they'•ll provide' igh'ty'ple ing entertainment. There •will • be twdl :sho -ex. W ednes a n tW d o �'at Y 0 • • S.'TRIBUTE OLDEN F R j'. Y .., Sy John E}layott). nt 1VIay , :through, he Sentinel' ni.ak.e•4reference to` my 'long-time' inning Nfr T: ,W. Smith comes in' friend, :Rhbert ,,Stotheis, an -Ash; as: :a pinch hitter; we11'.aware'.of field old. bo __and'.:ve cr�a•i•';• . y. t teaclici the task and; 'espons.lbility..tha1 The. dance and •priZe draw held assed=aw , .,, • , p; . , ay •,na his home, faces -hi -m; -Rudy also to=do'sonz� •ca-r:'Tuesda ni ht�and s bnsiired'� .Y g ..p R,ockcliffe,.• Ottawa. 'on- Thursday,: 9th base i running for Kin- , :inning . ., . ,Mrs Hohyinan and Mrs`Nobi.z October''>1lth;, 1945,.. in; ':his :87th :1osS:,Townshi .is .Mi. Mac Ross of : p . Joh`nston iri aid of their,- service - ear.• Whiteehurcii `T`f Geoff _Could, ar men' s• fund wins largely' atterrd'e d . . He .was the '©nIy_rernaining bi•o- •heai:d froin, the s ec•tators'stand, 'Came.ron ac�.on ld :• p M. I? • a acted. as them of'• Thomas .Stothe'r•s, .est- none •;wbuld 'offer' • more .ardent...Master,.-` p of Ceremonies :;:and' iri• master at,"Du `ga•nr/on, and..form-ei•' encouragement than he, Co ha r' charge of the- 'draw were. E E . A • D�: D N .... DISPQSES OF:. ONLY' 'PART: OF 'HEREFORD HERD :The dispersal• -auction- sale 5f James T Lyons' herd, of Here- ford cattle w.as :,gh r u• t. b o, to. 'a:'halt last*Wedn sda:.when : i e Y biddii� :•,fe.l, well below„ what the : .r~2prletor cic--�hotad- bring. alp to '::that'- . b p in.t-fifteen: head; had been7sa d=ot -fair sart�= isfa • lY-' ctoi•. prices, .. Y es p ::L'` r ons•:' has since sold s6veral. 'head yrivatelL c and' has : p Y: dispose •- of. "consi deraoly :ver' half' .of his .�#3 animals. • E. :S C 0 N D R 0 u N D. � M `,� A.R A,TO D Hu` -RA W-. • H l(DGE Mrs ., R. J: ,- 'Cameron4Irs1- .C, 0 1 1 ler r:Mrs, ' AY om So -' " , i on, Mrs: R•' Treleaven, ; r -s--< CA .M.. -tieD orrall lyn r . �Pse•f4 Mr.• s H•: ' McQuilliri' 11/frs. Brewer, ' • Mrs , A, McI�" -i 111` Mr .Murdie, Mrs. J..Agnew,' Mrs, T: MacDon: a 1 d . , Mrs. I4R:. • •'• H en d er son'.- Mrs; :• T • Glar{, Mr}C. Agnewi7, Mrs. RJ .Button. Mrs: 'Sr; Mrs: T, Lei:sh=' man, Miss L. R' • , o binson, Mrs:': 13, ach. Mrs. ' G .Cook •-. Mrs. s.' W He wa Mrs' t. . W.Henderson,: Mrs.' I1 Web- , ' s�-er.• Mrs, Z.. Robinson ouglas, Mrs; C. Thompson Mrs. - • �, W Hluston: A. Hastens- a•• :.A..- . yQns -::_'Mrs. ;W: B. hderson Mr �111in , s. E.Y'Harris;- Mrs: H. Mrs J. 1Vlaclnnes •-- Mrs.G- f 113at1iwell . Mrs E II�-, .: •• ,M s ,Y •. Hs ,e o lMl y. rms: a Ra;. MFV iir nssJrsG Taylor Jayson, Miss M. Treleaven; Osborne', As- 'Mrs, J,LMac illan-Mrsp1:] 1, Mrs: W. V Johnston,Mrs .J• R. Johnstone EC.IIv1 HalM0h ston#Sprou1e, Mrs. P,M •ikonteMiss D. Cook, .Mrs. ,'iher; Mrs. C.VVason.G,oyhtY • • Wal 'O'f ••t�e, CountY. cf' Il,ur�,c5uct ssoa comelhrou ghw it. h • rs, oved•: atnea otanyycal�s, tne.game��iining.drive: who mourns<hisloss; :was Martha,„ ' We Lueknow:: and.' inloss 'daughter' of :the late`Mr .•and M'i' . who, are • .seeing the last`'in'ning Geox e` C bell of shfreld ' i1rlT la :g 1t -Ci :or wire. to �- ge ...•. sister of :Mi John. -Car-npbell----et,.•Sr-n-i-t}a; to: tli. new ls'alesrfren;-aPnd elfast, :to the.• honor •of -:Duff_ •=nurrici •alities Jovnt,, -.Mrs _S. Reid and Cal -rip bell' Thompson who paid ;tribute to these, twos•:ladies. for what they, have :.done during the war years 'iri „sending smokes-.,and-comf-ortti: overseas-r4V a ic_ • provided' by Carruthers' "orche, 'Mi Stot}iers leaves five "child, to. ;do 'Dui•; part':to' end th'e3'' 'me,. tri.. erg mss .: Evel n' Stoth rs r wit'FZ a swee• in ; ui for ..T.o do: so•7"-The win.n •.. ,, Y . e , p.: � .. y.. ers;;:the prizes •an t "e Man - . will take :eve • : doll r. • Many years on: the. staff "of Pat 1y _a of support donors follow,: "Chas. .Chin;410:00 .terson'. Col•le iate •Institute : Wind- •a•nd.•.every ounce. of en'thusiasin `-war stamps . Silver ` g ; . , ., n . , . Y ...i ... . P ,' . •. ,.. � wood :Dairies;.. sor• Lieut - r' 'l that we: ,Can --raster. ... Co1....Ha o d StotNers, ,c •: ; : ': the.. next nine :prizes: were: $5:00 : The sac ess the° Ninth, Vi . a well known Ottawa• military " - G of ..:. n h c ware stamps ='Andre 'Cam bell: -i i- iii in.. uckno will : m o c be a an wi :,�a recor. : o • service • n Y�L , W C`o:; .Fh' both world wars;. an d fitting tzi but e to th e memof: of lnb -,Rae &, osteous; Stewart, Freidatblic school teachers..in •George: H..Smith Qua a` and JB,essie•ri_ri a jcivil ser- vice • position ; at Ottawa e o'clock for public .and g: ha, c ho1 pupils and.the sce, :at teff o'clock' -for • adults be o ible t• '� ss o•st I s :�.!_ per p g howing later der • ;: period if an o erfl tends :nod week's e s owope s sing song and is fol o films as "The War s .taining ni a ng scenes'.af vict tions• and; envisions C ure in some, exc 1 There are two . film varices . :in wartim P1 mss-^-« �q'�,.o. - •_ :. . pipe tine,• -that did speedEvictory in' „ "Fido",:the fog:;disp=r-s that enabled the ro bombing :of `Germa : y.; is: a= naration by 1 the English born :starred' :in "Mr...„ -,S story of .the •courg servicemen - is ` cont 20'man'ute fi lrn Struggle" _ which de which Captain Cornwall :has.'' faced't o • the : f i are• after 1. -i hands•`' in a grena overseas `'and• : last >i t thele is an `1'8 -Hili "Hollywood 'Vct io starring Bing,::.Crosb Betty Hutton arid,_ a stars Need' we • say. more sin; you "I'VO :next '.WednesYda :i, ..i >ze ' s ' o€:'. the walla • - r' t and :'urged to be in - �f a ,Urged: .. . att. dane, •A •' the . evening .eni. ,- n -s o a l�r • colorful pledge flag willa be.' -Pre- sented • and accepted on 'behalf. of the ' v;illa "e eeve J' W :JoYnt. hoped.tobe able.to a N have Campbell '.Grant;'. .�Courity . • • Wile Rs Y 3 oderi h „ G c 'by Geo chairmanchairman,in attexrda'rrce'•to make: Smith, Neff Johnston by :Edd}fir.,.this, presentation -_ _. b ..' TO; RESID. HERE Gaunt,• Mrs. Tom'; Aitchison i'bv When !I was teacher of=PBelfast• Edgar: •Hollvrnan; .Lorne McLeii school h' 1878 John S,tofhets is Mi':.^ an,d • M'rs:; Walter MacFar-: nan by • Noble: Jal nston•:' Harold• , ,p.ioneer scttlei -, of .Vl�awilno�h and lane' rind two; cl4ildrer►, Janet anal Collinson; • Kintail, • by Mess,rs:, Ashfield and 'Own;er�' oS:'the, fpm , •Ri n ild havc.:moved .tb.. the,, resi Thompson and. MCAlMcAlpine .Roy opp-osYt4V.: the. Hricl`z"estt' .. ClI'Ciitcl� . do i.i-cc J,ut-t .east_ of.7.4ownowne_d:.13-l.a.cl�--by Ds-: -e,.-Hvely; --Har ultt. e ' •bYt ;..Mrs- Victor• Durnin: Waltei.'' Collinson; b W:.':C •Finl' n•, Ashfield, was.,,onr of iia t1 u, iec . •L, • , , Y aySo , ' ti• .So ' tr aMrs,. Jas. acFarla.i e and.l�obert•.ono cif hi dse� c n •soli i, a i f, M. Giac'e • MacKinnon,':`'. -permanent Ho q _ _:-.�. �1 etui ned:-h .. r 1f -iiwi ome f om- • t'.� a tr'V4- e av b MI'S, Evel u ° n H sse - A. was�`a � young- tcactmr;=:in c hai gc. �fY .: y . y, S.& No 9; Blfotes ti school; Robes t a*erse i in August and, recently. Andrew, .:pei•tnianent wave . by 1t wined' his:dachaff: e..: -:Mi:.._ ncl. , �wtiother5,�laad--ipass'c�d for :a; t}rri°.r} Opt • : .$ ,,,g � Hazel Culbei-t,�.-A•Ivr�1� . Ritchie, r•. ,ti . ii lain - an ° children i;:. . el�iss ccrtfe7tt' frcyii'i'Nci. �1;.Gai;ci=• �l•!•. Mc,l'� c ••c�are ci,ips arrd�,saucers by.,.':W:;Schmid;, the : e: hc�cii t y i.:cicoined : to this corn-.. Mrs, B. • How ..e . i e�z a. lrer's�`school..iia 1$7fi...at tlac...�g4 , •• .• ...,, •N.' :... •M ..• S.� 1?y . s ucepnn :c" ,�r} d" inanity, b the S,e-o. Sto•re; K: M'acKen-. :of -:-1:7 -,.Ht --a. ftei:��trisi;.d. alto , e ., y , , ' z1e',::• rex .,double boiler b Willi the. hernial school and 1<itci spent. , : .., pY y . , . FLl LRA' 4: HEt;D::YE TERDAY • ... ui ie &° .Son•:: � la• a�. uer, :-.uticcessftr.l .tcrna.:.asx.te•7c,je. , �, .. �1 wo,.-::: , . ..-r � job-R.-Little. S -.. � Md .v.,-.-.� .." -.�� C ...ton�'H...odgins.�;, f the.IYoI rood sc,}.�.oalv�}itlrc 12-i The death of.Mrs. John, Little, ,$7,00, by.J. W:,Joynt..& .Son;'M•rs '. .,. i n :. Ashfield , n: Monda ek= diligent rivatel study he � obtain- ,Decal i.e.d n o y, •Eldon: Helidei,son; $S;OO by Luck-. t :,. : P i. , ..r rtobei• ` ,5't`h. Sh'e was orrnerl n' • ill•., . l ed in. -1886 •a first class tc�i•tificate � ,.. •, � • _f.., her • ow Sawm .: ,. E,, McCluskey; $5:00; was i • her High D n and b W.J:,•t nv•-• • o i Huston - Y YDavison:a , h„ entitling him .;to teach In a H.tt, School' ,71st' year:. The funeral service; $5.00'' by` Dr.J. ,E:- Little;Jean ryas. held at her . late :residence, Bissett, •'$5.00 b Rex Theatrc• •Ing 1887, he, seemed 'ap}snintmei t a: Y �.. i • . . • ' Conecssron 0, _on . Wednesday.: of Audi ey :Campbell, '$5;00 by Hen- as teacher in, Ottavua..Colleglate • .,:. ,, a , ,. th interment in Green-: .: -;..o : Pl . "f m hi h. insti ution tcx n�oo zn axung M>�$; Mable~Cogh- Inst ate from ` ' • w c t .;•.. ter �. ., .. , _ , 1 after forty-one 11111, Ceine . Y• lin, Listowel,'toi'let.set by Gorclon he retired in, 1,928 a t y Al-Taylor x. McDonald,: toilet' set years ,of. outstanding servie.c - ...17. �. '' by G r oonn Taylor, : four; "24's of ways -a •-dilr ent--student he ob-' CQ MING , EVENT , , •': , Purityflour:went t� .Stewart. c tamed li'i?; ux�ivei;sity deg-ee •'c .. ' AT IIUSZF ANO DANCE Lennan,` Patricia Thompson, Mrs. (ween :s .and for many „year's *Ds r:mentof The ;St.-' Helens ;Women's fn'• J. D. Ande'rsot, Elizabeth Rob- pat :• . , ; t , .• 'head' of tn�e istor -des ; statute .: is sponsoring•. an At inson,. �fouz �4 s . of. Rabin Hood "the, .Ottawa „Collegiate, honored, as the senior member of the staff: I- ome arid' dance on Friday 'ev- to Mrs. 1 arold Johnston, Mrs: W, : His.:: later :. ears the: Spent in Ot ening in the St: Helen's. born- __ tawa mentally •.• alert, and �intor- munit`• li ail in'- honor of Anus y ested in public affairs. In 'chuzch O memh sp ber i Mr. Stothers }ler«.s was . connected .with: Dominion-Uenited Chuirclii:. l=ie' was always the: Christians: gentlemana ,It, is Pgood to have known -bin): - - • 1V4cboriald incl f7avi:dwS;wan,.a'e- ce'ntly returned froni, •pvei seas, Music' for the dance will be ,pro- vided by. the' Farrier=Taylor 'or- chestra. or.chestra. ,Admission 25c'. '; Ladies please -`bring lunch: r•. • N ••Bushell, Vincent Austin, Ray Richards; lour 24's of Lake of the, Woods to: Gordon, 'Elliott, °Patsy, • cMi'llan" . 1 M Aex Mclnt r e, Gordon Y Fisher` four 24'S of Mp1e Leaf to 'Iris Sampson, Mrs'. Don 'Mc - ,Iver, Mc -,Ives',: Jack McLennan and James Parkes., -4 �. • ,K�.r::J•rvt. •+ °"'�Y.:' 'LIIiR,�•.�! ' ..'.-rrctiikatitagEL PM . iirin iri:; ►maimpAri _•. BRUCE. .- , T .U4 A: E. Q S .S 7` Ninth-:Victory11 Dan quotas for niun•icipali.ties` in Bruce •County; Were released•.o. ',Ttiesday. Luck-• V , • n W o s b ecti e IS- . 0 142 J 000 an a , $ , Kilos T n s owns ' • h ,p s is $95;000. t. This .loan':is. fo •' i. a 12-irionth•per i'.' od and. :so ' for comparative puz• poses, one 'must ;use the combined ,- quotas of, the .7th" and •'8th:' loan" sofwhti Gich covered.:. a • similar. •period' • Viewed that' way- .� ,,.. w Y,1?eie•aie some,. .figures: Lucknow 9th;. quota;" $142,000; 7th And 8th ' combined : • �quotas $217;000', 7th And 8th sales, $301,;750; Kinloss, .,9th. quota, $95,000;7th and 8th. 'quotas, . - $145,000: ,.,..7th ;" and ,..$tiff°' -sales,- $•174,050; -Hu -r -on; 9:th--quote - . $1 48,000;' .:7th and: '•8th quotas, .', ".$226,000;, 7th . and • '!8thsales $228,650;4' Culross, 9th q u o t a, 4127,0001' 7th : and ` 8th 'quotas, L • $195,000; .`.7th and 8th , s a 1 e s. $253,950;' Ripley, 9th. quota,: $50,00`0; 7th '°-,and 8th" quota, $73,00,0; 7th and •8th. s a la'•s $101,650. IG.AST;;,,C.'ALL .The rl'ationa;l:.' Clotliin 'g. ; Coltec=- .. tion end s this,, week. 'Leave your donations at Mason's. Garage, or telephone 98 ? if you wish ''them picked •, up; • • •