HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-11, Page 5JRSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1945
Lucknow S,entlnel, Lucknow, Ontar}o.,
yceum r�
'1 Ayr Friday, . Saturday_
/**...,-ER:..1 fi2-13.
wa weld known F%,ollywood
Os featured in -t .e. fa o us:
unnally Johnson s"tory.. ,•
iso,: f`Short- Subjects"
iatinee Sat afternoon at 2.30..
15. ,16 17`
Mr : and: Mrs. Wim Cox, Mr,
,and Mrs. Jack Scott; Bi11y and
Bobby .spent the • weekend with
Mr: and Mrs.. Rudy Selloff, De
troit.. • . ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaumacker'
and Helen of Culross visited Sun-,
,datywith..Mr, and lilrs,: Wim.. Wali,
l isa` Evelyn/1\./c1,;ean •of• Lon-•.
don spent the week -end at . her
borne here.
Mr Marshall Millet of London
spent• the week -end' with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Boyle:•..
Mrs. -. Howard McGuire and
T.,ovell of Olivet visited 'Sunday
with Mr•,= -and ,Mrs -;George Hal
de•by, .
' . Mrs...Thomas' Elliott and Fran
•cis, Mr• Mervyn Eltiott••;and Tvlis:,
par's. Smith , of ,L n don.• were''
week -end visitors with Mr....and
Mrs: Kark'�Boyle -• "'--
A, welcome:bome. re.ception..was
held at the.. Township. Hall on
Wednesday—night--,.. n_hon.ar: of,
local boys whoa ;recently returnd
'Mr. and Mrs.'Frank MaiAdeh
and- Kgith of Glen Orchard were
Thanksgiving. ',visitors with ,Mr.
and,•Mrs.';J.'R. Lane.
• •
Miss Winn • ie .Percy Qf Fort Erie
spent a few, -days with tier;nYotIh='
er;'Mrs W1ri Percy�'a1 d •MTr:�and&
rs.•r- •ro.•'P'ic;
A •comedy full of fun' and
entendre with its: set-
ing,in the Russian court at the
" at.
Imo' of Catherine the'Great.
41so: "Short Subjects"
ea e
e Are • In The Market 'I
Buy Old' Live 'Horses
rsoll • Ontario'.
It_rs, better. 'in the end' to tell
he• truth- in the;beginning
• Anniversary •services: will be
held in 'the United Church ,in
Suriday next at 11 a.m. and 7.30
p.rn, The pastora, Rev.M, G. New,
ton, will• be in':c,harge.' •
Angus_ McDonaldt and Dave
Swan. arrived home, from over-.
eSOS'•last week,
Mr. 'Qoldwin,.. Purvf ;' who has
been with the R.C•A•F.' in British
Columbia, and Mrs. Purves were
vrsit'tirs last week ...With Mr,' and
.Mrs.' Edwin _Purves, • •
Mr. Murray Taylor ; of St.
Marys was a visitofiat his: home.
;here., •
• VisttQrs for •:the 'Thanksgiving
week cnd inc uded Mr and
Wm Douizherty , land Gwen
G><ielph':w=ith Mrs,•R•: ! J, `Woods; .
,Miss Ellen; sMcBrid.e. spent•• the
week -end 'With..
Mr: Mrs. Wal-
ter `Forster,. Rpley.'.4
• The • s Women's Institute•;met on
Thursday-- t"'a t-th h i Mrs:
ome o
J,aines: I odgins A'fte-r the-ustaa-1
opening' :exercises. the, ••btsiness
.'ras dealt ith: Itwas' decided
to -have a:Halloween dance •'the
committee nn. charge: -of .p ans on, Womens m
'-s Yxrute;- was , held: in.
the. dance being Mips.!: Frank the Comm nity, H,all1 with Mrs
Tho•PercyMrs.;, 'Harold' Gaunt'. presiding.: The roll
A' welcome home reception, for ' call was responded•:Ao' by "My
boys from ,overseas was • planned donation 'to ,a' quilting $6:75 was
for. Wednesday .night • of this rec.'; fved * 0eto'oe 19th was :'-;,:the
'Week. Mrs. Howard.I-iarris, Miss date'chose for: the. Red, Cross
1. a d Mrs.':Charlie .Hod- 'quilting.'Mrs, ,John Cameron gave
gins � mrttee in:'charge ',a'i•eport of the'officers rally held
Ma • 1do a pan
,was•the co r g and: nephews.:'. The funeill vias;
` 'reception. at. Clinton. last Week). Mrs. Thorn,
of the program for:•theheld on Saturday;afterijoon. from'
r e ,,on: OveYi-NiJeals Nli-s J� Gamexorr� 111 S.`Rce, Mrs. r h 'conduct
:A short: -e-b ,s 11 -ie. Presbyterian .chu c .
at'the .Institute :Hall E; Gaunt and :Mrs',- 'Chester `,ray-. A W '1 miss
is to be held , d bsr, R
.Holyroode' October. 22nd &'23rd• ] g
Wedding bells are ringing.
• Miss • Roberta Mowbray 0 f
Moulton College, Toronto, 'spent
'the week -end with. • her parents,
Mr. •and Mrs...Robert Mowbray.
Jfr; Bishop , and :son Walter
Bishop of Toronto; ' spent, . the.
week -end with Mr: and IVLr Wa.'
ter. James..
Mr; Carman Farrier,: Mrs, W R.
Farrier, 'Mrs. 'Jack- Gillespie and
little dati'ghter Donna .and Mrs.
Winriifred Farrier of. Toronto .vi's-
ited ' on, Saturday with Mr: and
Mrs. Clifford ;Farrier • Q.f Kincar-
dine. .
Miss:.Louise `Martin o'f,Kincar-
dine spent • the Week -end "with,
her't'grer.ts,' Mr''.. and•Mrs. Charlie
Martin. .
Mr; &Mrs: Alex: Murdie &. Bobby 'Mr. • Ales • Kennedy :and tw:o;l
Cif Tonto. - nd Mr: and •Mrs Mcg: sons,; Cecil and Raymond'=Ken-:.
Bi own of;Kitchener with Mr and nedy of Winnipe• ' (.Raymond 're -
Mrs; jR, Woods; Miss Noriti Wea-.- -tu•r-n-ed •home freoin overseas ro:
therhead- of Alton andiMiss Grace weeks ago), spent: the week end..
Weat-lier ie -ad' of • Lanes `with. Mi with rothe , former's • m: then: Mrs:
and Mrs. L, G. Weatherhead.; 1 ,:.: ,.David Kennedy, and ..cher rela-
tives. ' They, left', 'on: Monday by.
motor, for Winnipeg. '
Mr, and Mrs.. S. Foien of Tor
ford.,. with.'Mr.':and Mrs.. D; Todd;: onto ,and _.Mr _Ma1eolm Ross;
Mr, and Mrs., Cuyler Ramage' and visited last week With, their pai3-'
little' daughter ef' ' Ori:lia wrath 'ents, -Mr, and:Mrs. Mac Ross.
friends here and Mr, and Mrs. Mr._ Donald Ross,: ' son of Mr.
Robert NlCQ,uillin• and George of and .Mrs: Robt, -"Ross returned.
Hamilton, with Mr. • ni and,Miss from overseas last Monday.,'
Neely Todd of;Ottawa, Mrs:,Todd•
and .David and 'Mr, and, Mrs
Schener, and children of''Sti at.
Beatrice Mc u'11'
Mr • •Char les •McGregor of; Kit,
chener, .• Mr.'' and Mrs; Fred • and'
Catheitine of: Lucknow ,were re=
eent.'visitors • with Mr • and Mrs."
• .r .
Go egcStud
Mr. ••Jas. Wilson, , Sr. ..and Miss.
Merle Wilson, �R;N._ of Wingham.
hospital, staff, spent ; a ,few • days
ast week with relatives in, Tor-'
•--.Mr, and , Mrs...' Gordon --Miller.
•We are • sorry , to re pr£ the.
spenLa. few days_ui- L.ondsin-when•
death oDMr John Falconer1 who
Gordon ,reported for. "his'•:mil•.••- • , :passed away ',at • the' home of his
The October:Ilneet tag 'Of 't e .. �! C. oxrrn.�--af Gale=•
or., He was in his - $3rd' year- `and
was former1y'of ,this: community..
He -.leaves tto ,mourn, his foss his
wife,'•two sons,, Messrs James &.
Cecil Falconer of :'this coinrnun-
ity'and two., • daughters, Mrs. Cro,
in . (Nora) and` Mrs. E. Wiellwood •
(Alfie); both of Caledon, also
three grandchildren' and ,pnieces
'to which any•.ladies in 'the corn-,
munity,are invited::The• following
ro ram Was given:,'' a. poenn, ons
g S..
The 'Old .Maple Tree was • read by
Mrs-C-harli cigin's-Mrs' Frank
• - _ Thompson conducted. a weed
.. .hrizµ `1VLis':May ,.Bo le "read al,
Y• '�BATTE . :
TER . N R. I,
1 Do' .�
• n t wait ..till Your. ear :
• BUY O -13r. 1
Gallon .;,. ., $1.49
Quart 39c,'
Clear Vision Frost Shields 39c•
Electric Frost Shields
4 wire $198°
• Steering' Wheel'' Covers 39c
Anti -Freeze Testers K,:,,�., :.59c
Edelmann 1tl�cohol Tesleir..•.$2,.65
Edelinanri: ,l et '`T
alcohol & lireston, tester 52.95
A D.T.: Barn Spray .'
Quart ;,..,,..,r 1$0c':
Galion ; ,,
Ask tor copy of Fall & Winter'
Catalogue Supplement ..
, Copies Mailed' On ',Request.
Canadian. Tire ,Corgi:
Associate' Store..
Campbell's �
eII', Gratage
Kith t . ' Mrs'
P Ll f d Iii--c-47i the ns.titute funds .ai e ei y w, id Kennedy' and her,
d�r�tron- ts•-.ca- n�-�
' wei_e' appointed•. a committee.
to look; after •:and tell' their neig.
bogs and 'the 'aurroundng co
.munity` ,. o'f the Used `:Clothing`
Drive. froth: October .410: to. 20:. Mrs.
• McKenzie• Webb, •.lVJrs A,'. Aitch
son and 'M'r.-s."G•. McPherson were
appointed a co mitt ee to- arrai g -e`
fol': tkie :.. riai -of.
e ev i son.is
Marjorie 'Falconer,. of Win ham:
,sang a •solo:..Interment • was in
Tiffins cemetery ''We extend our.
sympathy to .the bereaved rela '•
Communion- service.- willbe-
held on ;Sunday. at '11 ;a rn. with
ervice. ons: ;'Friday
oh -T -o r _ gal fit Boars , - So
Walkerton Christmas Fair
? Building
poem -=on i c en is; y a • m:.
hgmpson also read the. motto c5: to the boys stili eve seas ;As p
lo`. 1VIrs: ' Dav
u �sG Fr vrL av, •_ r,�r,iankss��akli
Mrs perry Hodgins gave. an. ••n v.o welcome Mrs. Stanley Todd. her, ;dai,ighter, 1�Irs:.Ha> ry Tich
:teresta�i:g paper on The Storagi' y.
l a-cl 'char c f. the- ubjed- atid borneA-and.Mx•...Tichborrie,Of, f ndm_ •
Libraries, including :the early his
f .the -fit: Helens, Lib:rary..
Mrsl.. faivered:with a' •solo: A
musk r, t�ntest., was corrdiuuctecl by •
Mi•s. Stuart`and „• another 'Con
ol,- Vegotab•1es fore roti The ' _ r"'inferestin talki4n .ericJ . '•
National I Anthem' 'closed t•fre' gave a' `de y=- .
United . Chuir�ch W. '1VI S
The' Afternoon 'Auxiliary. pf the.
,d Pr3 . church rriet':' at the home;
n�ieeting and' lunch • was: served•..
The November ..hostess is Mrs:
tory o .
Archie, '. McKnno>nr
:00• P.
Top Quality Entries
From; Ontario's 'Best' Herds
Rich Inf Advanced Registry
Sec =Ca. R.: GearriV•.alkerton,
E Franklin
M and Mrs A1ber r a f Qi th i. of ; Mrs. ;:C Deck on October �3
.._ rs vi..i•.'ed.
an famil . 'af Dunham s t ee�c n . .
d y""I�ecker�'cdri°cfui?ted•'�the-•o e
by: Mrd.-Rrtte.
Lorne...Humphrey; soil of ,Mr.
. rs..•• p
during•: the' :week . 'with .:Mi - and IS -
Mg exercises and gave a report
arid' Mi s W:, pl:' Hurriphrey, .is
Mrs., Alec •Percy. F i
r and Mrs.
• of the' Presbyterial `• held '. at per -
vie last. month: Mrs: Root, Th m
A lc�P� ei. cy a
famlwere'Sun ay visitorswith
• son 'bad charge of, the 'program
Mr. and Mis. Alvin, Thompson, so•l which consisted of -Scripture•Lcrne suffered an'•unfortun atehoineAcorn London .Wherehe was
'•ecciving treahe
• Bervie, accident a• few wes ago _ hen,''reading', py : Mrs 'D C. 'Taylor,,.
cif: -irel end -of the hoes 1—Mrss:Donald;:McLean,: •Chap,
Mr: and.' Mrs., Glen..',M'oore-- . the bucl�Tt,•obi the -end -of so o,
' ..- _g_1? ,.a dei.. f the,_study ,book. "Angola
,. ton•and : E , , . �;:$JodginsT �:-tie-toarYt 1ie.�was _di rvin ex�c�' . ___ �' ,_book
of Lucknow. `visi•ted .Sunda'y_with cd; his •eyeball: N'ew by. Miss Eva • Greer; piano
:Mr,: and 'Mrs, Archie' MGFarlan> `' : , e,=cratt,d gathered at` the solo, Mrs. H. 'Alun; •readings. from.,
: A 1 rr i. g
o .
co.ing rxrunity;;Ta11 n .Monday -e\ren--: the- study book by -Mrs.- T.-Biir_ns_,
honor of.:' Mr.: and; . Mrs, 'Mrs. Thompson..closed the fneet.-„`
I'eonard'Phillips• (formerly Maisie ing with a hymn•and benediction.
r: 'and"Mrs. Ross "A`- social , ',half,. hour : was • enjoyed,
Swat) .and M, . .
jamie on' (formerly•'.Miss'Al'ma and'• lunch•, was; served 'by the
Smith)* Harold Taylorread..an, hostess.'
O13.1T kit
Miss: •ANNIE' M . a c I�ENk .�Z'IE
The :death*'of, Annie MaeXerri.io
ccu-r : sti c :l3 • -L13.11-,-.1i2,11."1 ,
Con:Cession 4; Kinloss,•`on.;Tues-
day� October 2nd, She ;;was 'the'
eldest daughter --of the late Mary.
Campbell and Malcolm • Mae-Ke�t.a
zie, early Kinloss pioneer•$.-µ-Bho
.spent.. -leer ,eritii• •.life 'ori the..f;tt m
where' she' was..born, busily . at
tending -to' her household duties.
To mourn' tiei••'pass1ng are one..
Sister, Mrs. Sadie Jones and .two
brothers, J•olrn and Dan, 'all re-
,sidin'g ' ;at home a n,iecc,. ° Mrs.
Percy Smith and a' nephew,:
Leslie Chaplin}. 'both Of•,Tororito..
A sister, Mrs• Chaplin' and• two'
kirothers, Nerl a,r d Gilbert, pi•e
deceasedTer, '
The •funeral'•,'serviCe 'was, held
at 'her home on Thursday, Octo=•.
ber'4th,' Rev Mr,~Dann of South'
Kinloss . Presbyterian : ' Church'
officiating:' Interne•nt :was made
i't the family' plot in Sotith l<iii-
doss 'Cametery::.
nd .Mry aMcCieg.-and Mr ---�
.addi�ss�`�i- -_.
White made; the •presentation of
a 'handso'rtie • tri -light to• each.
'?couple. -,Appropriate.. words of
thanks w ere"S•poke by the grooms.
•jnti211 joinedd-,in . s}it ang "Foie
ticy+rrc jolly good:fello;Ws".
Mrs:. W i; Hillery, , 1VIrs• John'
Canicr n . Ml's• Ja' res'gaunt, ;Mrs..
McKee 7i.e•.:Webb;: Mrs., .Gordon
1VIcPh'ersori ai d' Mii s. , '.06rdon at
tended the'.sectional, in:eetin.g �Of,
the W M•S, :at' Belgrave'on Wedgy.
'Mrs.., John ' Gardner and Carol.
of 'ZionVisitrad i nE Monday„witii
' Mi and Mrd Lorne , Woods and•.
Mi s.:lLelm,: ,
AFFECTED'' by the woatlierrnan •
the $tttc*ndarice a't.Teeswater Fair
Tot ...week was, • sorinethxng over.'
3,000:p00plc` •a crowd. gess' than1
half as la.rae as a year. ago.
"Many=thanks fo'r_ again malt
'ing a ., difficult• collection • for
us". •
This brief, con rtlendation
just ome- : 04 hand2.1rom ;dam
'Lucknow client for whom we
have been handling claims'for
Some. time. ;,The : satisfaction. he
expressed can be 'your
Simply .send us• a list of your
troublesome accounts' and you.
will' be •m more than satisfied
with :the r�sults..M
r�ou. pa u a Corn-
Y pay ,
-mission °-~only hon -Mlle- money--
actually co'llected. `•
ave Your Refrigerator -"Checked .;M Least:
Once A Year and: Sade `;Costly Repair§.
repairs On AU lectrica Appl a>r�ces