HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-04, Page 7f!VRSDAY, oG.�'efO.BER.4th,`1,94 ...'
oil ;stanls`up
.longer, and *Veit if • your,
car does, urn' up `oil the
l s t longer..
better , olia. las s _ n$ ,
in. the:
811d. is cheaper
long run;as well as. being'
better for. the 'engine.
d -
...� .man •8 �.
� at the
Z �1�T PRICE. -
R G.
he Lucknow Sentinel Li c
Miss 'Olive Jefferson, R N. of
Donnybrook,.. who. has returned
r�eceritly •from overseas after .three
years ,of service in .F,ttrmpe,as--a
regent . •visitor with h friend,
rsiT rasa"
(Co#ttutued 'fr m Page ' Six)
.Rock; . pullet, , David Itirkland,
Donald ° McCharles, Allan Mc-
CharIe-sr Charle• ctrenaglr;•1p
utility ftsM Y �o�.�:.:
i,4 m —
Cd ars t is= weekr disco ,'ling Elie
'house of the late Miss Dreaney;
Which. he' purchased' this• summer
and is `removing the material'• to.
Hamilton' for' 'building purposes.
I. t .is .Being taken from a promin-,
ent corner on main street and it
is - hoped by all that.,,'•there will
soon be prospects for a new strut
tune •to
Miss -Bernice -•-$"lake-, B A of-Qrl
.Springs was • a visitor ''with•. her
parents, 'Mr. and. ,Mrs 'John Blake
Over the -.weak enit:
Congratulations, :to • Mr
1.V1.01---Dickson...-Who may. be. 'duly.'
proud of having their, little dau-
ghter,,, Annette, .14 months ;old,
win first 'prize -in the. baby •con=
test at Luckruo"w -Faiir.The prize?
,was• a very nice unbreakabl@ baby'
klate i . t
The' sacrament of , the Lord's
$upper--will-be Observed -.at' the:
United' church 'on Sunday next
at..1.1• a m ,At the:' .close of.. the
Thanksgiving service in charge
of the . pastor, Rev; 'W J. Rogers,:
Ur, Bill Hardy'wlfo for the past
year Was employed.as farm lab:.
orer• .on= -the ' farm of Mr.. Thos.
McLean 'returned :home on Friday
;after •Harvesting operations for`; a
few weeks• at Eyebrow,—Sask..,
---Mrs:=Thos:-Dickson; -Sr , closed
er, home , on ..:Monday;` making
ready for occupation by Mr; and
Mrs. • Rich:- Park; ; : whd' •.have
purchased tlle�haus_.e M.rs lel
son will'iemain for:a While with'.
member of." her family in this
district before goi�ng'to, spend•the
winter,; wit} :her .daughters near
Miss' Mary Hall= of'Brantford,
w:bo''spent the ,,summer with' her:
brother, Mr. Godfrey Hall at. th'e
home of Mrs. W.• '11..• And UM, _is••
planni'ng to ' return.. to .:that, city.
at ,Thanksgiving 1'`' •
'We'•are pleased .with„,the grog•-
•res`s of Mrs,;•,•,.•,Jacob: Reed,',.'since
breaking her , :leg' , ab`•.out three
weeks ago • Mrs . Reed,” under the.
strain of a heart. ;condition, •_is •I
bearing,up very well artd;:a steady
improvement- is not>.ced-'.as she is:.
recovering at Alexandra Marine
H'os ital, Goder rch.,
Miss•. Crara• Sproul of •.Stn atfor-d._
was a; week -end visitor•. with .tier,
Askfor a copy: of the Fall' and
Winter .:Catalogue Supplement.
•Copies mailed on request. •
Canadian :Tire Corp
-Associate .Store,
Campbell*s Garage
Ration: Coupon •Due Dates
' Coupons•'. now valid are. ,butter
116 to 124, :sugar :46' to ;64, •pre
serves 33 ter.'57; P1 to .P'17, mea
M1 to ..MS •...
MR. OTTO McCLEVIS..presided
at his . first : court at Walkerton
on Friday,' September 2lst,
his- appointment • as I magistrate'
succeeding F. W. Walker.
This winter
get easier
starting, extra
441'. KL\{tiff\1,•�h�•. 1 '•'-L
Pecaus-it."is free of harmful wax
gelid has an;exteptionally high.L,
Peerless gibes easier Matting 'Cold mornings' and extra protec-
•at running temperatures.
Change NOW to Peerless' Motor'
Oil itrthe sign, f the big B -A.
sisters--here--in- this locality.: `•
ungannon a
rare wasn't ' any ahold up to the
crowd, exhibits or sports. The :at
tractions were all'. :enjoyed wand.;
we have faith that the prosperous;
.farmers . of this , community •will"
keep Dungannon. fairs „continuing
fair show 'A JeW pr c1hlems iviwill'
be solved this year, Which will;
come up before the•people 'of 'the,
community. The agi'icultural.soc-'.
iety is 'vrsnly a small grou •an '
are doing a good job :'.- _; ,•
The community was shocked to,
hear • of Wei. tragic ,death of. Mir.
Clarence. Dustow on ,Monday::ev
ening, when :he :met death b' be
Ting crushed with , t e ,teactor
'theshed..as he was' orking with;
Thanksgiving to.: b6.- celebrated
in., Canada. this "weekend will he:
remembered 'as thee Thanksgiving.
for the end of World` War•:hl.' The
-hea ;ts-of the -people of this cOrn
muriity -as .wel1, as others Will -1)6
truly. "f i'11ed : with !this spirit of
'Thanksgiving, that s� ; many ' Of
-our boys have returned, ed =and:
others Id fo'll•ow.
Presbyterian Mission Band
11The . rt gu-lar meeting—of the
Mission.;Ba:nd .was helcl.r;:on ,Mon-
day afternoon • After the 'call ro,
worship,. hymn "726 :was sung'fol
lowed by 'the scripture reading
by Winnifred Stewart. • Mrs';'• •G.•.
F' slier Ted in. prayer, The Mission'
:Band .Purpose, was ',repeated fol-`
lowed, by, ,the M B . prayer, ,in
uniscin; Musical nurribei'S included
a chortars by the pr iniary children
and a : solo' by Billy Fisher, Mifis
M. MacDougall told the story,
of :• the first Mission , Band which
•was formed 'iii '1732 by' an Aus,-.
'trian• prince named" Nicholas
ze►5d'orf. Hvmn• 720 was sung and
the meeting prayer,
coar5.4 a a :w
u t6 r II� ! %ir6g 111 Jliilm
#'Iackett, Floyd . Mzln ` MUirr'ay
McDonagh; pigeons, Floyd Milne.
Livestock " .
Calf,dairy. type, Floyd Milne,
lst and 2nd; 'calf,. beef .type;,'l'VIur-
ray. Gaunt, Bob: Lyons:
Sports Events ."•
Boys 6 and 7, Eddy Lein, .Percy
llenneth Barr, Girls, MWilda Reid,
arnon' Percy• 1
•=••$oys $ "and 9, De i
Bobby. ;Hewat, girist Donna Bell'
ltwin, Audrey Stanley ,
• .•.Boys..1Q arid 11, .Eugeine Blue,4
Joe Hbwald; .gals, Freda Hackett;
ntarc� ��
ave our eR frigeratc r •Checked' .At... east
Once A Year and Save Costly Repairs.
Repairs s On All
Shirley -Hamilton.'
•'Boys•.12 andover onald Fer
gusolwood'. Irwin;. girls, Max-
irie Irwin, ,:Winnie. `Stewart. .
100 -yard ". dash, Averett Lane,.
Austin Martin; .relay race, (Ever
ett:'. Lane, Austin' Martin, .John
McDonald, •Elmer: Bradley), .(Geo.
l rr
a sh •'Jack Stewar-t;--Jimmy
Morrison, Harvey: Ross), • (Alvin
Hamilt rh Doug Fairish,, Cliff.
McMillan, Don Cameron):
Bays! 'bicycle race, 3,, C Dren
nan, Jack Stewart, Harvey 1i,oss;
-•gr'ls; _ E1`v .oss, ay rvwln,
x ' 29,. Wingha
nxe 'Stewart., •
Calf :race,. $;ob Lyons, Fred
Moore. �. •
Scotch reel, • James` Irvine . #airy
ily, Kincardine;' Holloway. enter-
tainers; London. Tug o' War, won
by: Kinloss. over Ashfield.,
Huron Presbytery, Meeting in
Walton last week, :approved a Better to' have a loose 00 --
resolution asking the Ontario. the chasis than a ti ht nut at th
o :yerninenv-to close, all woihen's i'whee;;., ,.'.
beverage rooms.
The -new ministers in'th;pres.
bytery were:-introdutced and wet
corned They' are Revs. 'C.Etk..
Woolley of Ashfield, F..G. •$totes -4::
bury ,of Bayfield, G. C. Weir o
.Centralia, W. J. •Rogers 'ofi,Dun••.•
annori•C W. Down -.of"�Exe
Albert Hinton' of :Kipped •aic
IV: Penman of : Londesboro4
L. ui :1ra
Unless. every Stich : of serviceable used clothing; ,is ,sent, rlhl-
mediately, thousands: Qf men, women aitid .children in''war-torp,
lands will`.perish of cold this winter: Act at Once by cleaning.
gout your closets: and`lhanding' in all the clean used. clothing, old "t
h ankets •and footwear you can spare to your nearest Post Office
or Coltectio:
• n Depot. ��' ,: _ . • r
,This`Advertisernent Sponsored
InSnpportiQf' The, National Clothing Collection
JOYNT, Reeve: r . J'OS,EP'H AiNE , Cies