HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-27, Page 710VRS,, SEPTEMBER 27th,.1945
The Lucknow', Sentinel, Luckn.ow,, Ontarib
e: -J, Nich&lsbn -of •Cot
den 'spent 'the. week;,eid at his
Mime; at P'el.tast, ; Prior to his
c'amp • Bordt n • posting •he had..
Bas nin_;�_'atMeaford for.
rice iYr re, Pa-ei1P.
rn ' : ][lose
•Li •
sted'or board •the Nieuw,Am
sterdam v hich.' 'is:'sche.lured ` to
anad:a in :a. few da s";are
C `1,: p. J Ross, R. 5 Luckriow and
Capt. T W Platt;` Wingiiam•
Tpr••Haro1'd Hackett and ;Mrs.
?iackett' called , oil Mrs.: Wilhat
•McNall of`'L,ucknow ',last" 'Week.'
'Tpr, :Hackett returned 'recently
from overseas where h.e saw ser=•
viceSn Italy. and .on the. Western
•Front;: ' ,
cs Dischar e Soon
Expe.t, g
Writing froth ' Rockclffe , R. C.
A. F., station' to Mr. and;:Mrs,:Jack
C4fter` LAC.: Lt d ,'FItt.ott.� a s-
• eth'
;and mans to attend � ' o.adCon • � a p ., •., 1
i t
' Institut 'Lloyd leg a e,., a yd says he
•"sees .'Jerry Culbert:.ofteli, as he
in: thesanre rbki4t
Back From '.overseas:—.
t aster', Sora—of�Vl
r and Mrs Peter -[Harter --of g-1ora
and formerly of Luckraow,•Balled
here last week John returned ,to
Canada recently after 'a long per
rod overeas: 'He "enlisted early
in the war and ' saw , service" in
Italy before 'boin' transferred irr;
the Western Front;
:Ill In Hosnitai
Mani' lMlrs. Wm B.uckinhani
:.received : `war d 'tlie ., - end Of: :the
.,week• that.: their son,
tuckingham.', was , • a • -patient
Christie,St. Hoapital, Toronto and
would:: b ,here ::fat some time .
•No- further:'-dd• taiis were given.
Eldon had' been.. stationed "at . St.
Hubert, Quebec..'., •
Pad Re.3/Isit-s- 'on. e
Grave Overseas
The following is .l- tter
ec>.vet ? ..`. ' , eon.t-gprner Y 1
of •Dungan iO 4+ tn R6V.. W. r. f
"Wylie, padre with•the-Elgin:
S�Ye.i 2s. nc1:_suho_ was -'-a fo-r.rne
pasta ,nf'thc 11n.c�antomtr fairly-
-dr I3 nr-Wei a f w ycra`rs ag90
-Dear ,.Mrs. Montgomery:
• It was,Ra: great shoel : indeed to
.learn of "R:gbert's death., Until_- I
read. disIlls,
'lane in "the casualty
P Qfoxcif the lies I' I' thought::'that he' �Na�ili.
serving in; Canada. 'As soon' as I
-learned'thatlie hhd 1 lye u, his.
g n p
life in the service ot, hiss county
I'..wrote. -to . Casualty• Records to
get `ati' n
0 theoc
1 0 f "tris, grave • ° I
telt that _is iiother''
veu1d l ,
glad to havesomeone, whom 'she
knew visit the .place..,wher';e her
sor l:eetts. One day Lenard
who -is.. also with th'e Elins
made 'thia visit.°with' ine. There
`ive, foiund 'Robert's grave beside;
hospital in•am:ilia"' cerneter .
Y �
'Close : by him in: a 'neatly ,.kept
plot, everal others, are,' lying, It
is not their `la$t *resting, .place of
course.. Some day . each of them
Will be laid •'to rest again in
permanen rem; e1e'ry anra:, per,
zr t-rrro rrrrrri en t—' 1'b� `er ec t •
- '
to.•.:each man's memory::Yo:u'
Will be notified then' about.' the
1oca.tion of .R.obert's .resting p1a .
:Military •regul .ions now . foThlaT
""Sergeant t iu rmg rived
home `frons" overseas last .week on
board,the Pasteur. H°e:.reach,pcI
Torono on Saturday nightwhere
he.met MIs.;•Cuming, ;(`nee Stel];t
Steal , and on 'unday: they ar=
r ved here -to visit with her _par-`
eats; 1VIr. and :Mrs..Charles: Ste-
•I•#ugh had;arKanged a stop -over
at• Toronto and, has to .report at
London to obtain his 30 -day fur-
loughporo-his; eventual
charge �.: .,.
:Pte, Jack McCall, • viritk...tihe
1#ortti gegiin int in; Holland,, ina
recent letter to his parents 'tells
off attending ancugan_arid. so ,'.
'*rano^recital' in;.,
ehu a 50(1 yea -old
_ rch at BB'olsward• ItollandrThc•
church wh's :built an 1466; and Bis..
.� massive struct ed a: .over ttrc that was fill-.
.1000. people` for the
recital, 'Jack described Rin•-etail
r he.'l ea , ,�,
uty of the, building'. A.
.peculiar • thing ' is -that the pulpit
is in the centre of the eiburch,+Eti-
tering the ch"iri•h one :walks oyer
stones,. engraVcd. with :the 'date
of death.cif''Tieaple of.the.10th and
17th century who..lie buried:"therc,
Jack was. tt,t•illcd•'by, the ability
,df, the organist °`Gezinus Schrik"
id the soprano vocalist,," Jo
vrnee'nt, who was .Chown in hey"
prime„ the/."vironder voice".' and
tang. for the'3x{`in and' Queen a
England. Her. songs were all 'f n
her native . Buteh tongue, 'except
God Save the .iting tirid.p` Canada;"
me to say where he now lies,, .but
you, cani be sure of this It is:
Tea ee fu l' •-p'l-ace-•w.e-11Jk e-ptt—W e -tool-
a few pictures whrc.h.:fortunatly.
turned out to our satisfaction. We
decorated his grave with flo,wei s;,
mostly' with, snapdi agons Silently:
vve tla=ought ciG. ahoy . wrlwrr w:e
knew.who:had died=doing hi bit:
ewe urill visit your when ,we return
t0 tell 'jyou T.00.1e:.
$ine:e I, landed °in France over'
a. year. ago, on : my w'ay to.. $e1-
u•m.' and >Holla'nd, and totem tq
Germany., I;have trad.-oxpc iencea
':Which :1 shill never forget, e-spe•+
iially "in ;Par e'•s .1461.i I :.have
come to one conclusion:`1fdst:pe:)'
-ple•do-not kzlovrhow: ntich rclig-•:
ion is ,deeply .rooted in the heart
Of a 's:oldieir.` 1 am quite conscious;'
•on the' otherhand, of the. alis-
Ttakes • that a .`sett • iti ex scan,:' m'akeT
;l..11t..:thank:-:-Cased.-that_Lhe; has ."nor e
that..'I • see of ,hese amen; th ore.
I feel 'that they Have soririething
`so rich' and:•precious in' their 'lives,
that is so. often • observed. All, we
need to do is visit. them. in -theft
::> to ts� n d�•t=a-l�k-t, oyth e-rrr:�n s�-kr� y-�si t;.
Arlie on ;their. ••bunks: Then .7we
see what Jesus meant. when He-
c:allecl Hi:s:' disc pi:es._ ":t} a ,salt ',of
the earth': I,have F•ust'•.. come .from
.a chaplains', conference where
over' si ety'chaplans were of the
$amp; opinion.' I, think 'that' most
Of •'us when we' get back tb. our
'pastorates a ain''will have
edr' at ;least, P. few lessens of riot -
et e. hast Sunday .-an officer- 'whet:.
sometimes seems' eallous, aski tl'
that 1' hold a Co nmtinivn 'servrec,
with `hims"elf alone AS, ve. krieirlt
together I thought of the. •;amide”
ftxlgood tYa•t w Iies,deplra the
ihearts of men know thrat it •was '.
tvoriderftillSi display aWhen—niers
-i'Cxnt up tQ•;the 'front. lines nev'e'r'
'to• "a ain.The ;fo`o.cf
out that had been,:sown in AChrist.
man homes 'Whey can onn1 ..take
our bodres.';,: a young fellow, said`:,
to• his' ompanioii on the eve of
'almost' certain death. "Yea through
I walk• through' the valley -of the
shadow of death I :will ricer no'
evil'!.Men ' 'have told rilethat
faith ex'pressed like .this wrs, th"
only thing-'thatsu•stained:•:thc tat
the:•hour of peril.. If Ahem,' is.
any winfort ' at • all* to'.'the be-
reaved, 'it is the comfort' that'
so many of these ladsi;had ,kept
the faith
I doubt, Mrs, Montgorncr, if
I am -telling you •anything .w,hicli'
you 'do not already.:know A
mother v.rit�tx r win" _ r��haw itl �g
� � l... ,-, `� _.. Qalxiliea
st rved in. the forces,`lcnows a lit-
tle about the solclier4s life. Te'er-
the1ess, as a ? ifro I re -41.0'41:e it,
kropa thy. what. I say . w l
of s,Fsrn€.r fori err tie hour :of
n•c ed.'' But "the greatest comfort
:i thea fact, that thR1'Ps�'nc.vla
ales' I vxho_keepeth Ts -real -
shall; s1Qrtler•duff xer no • sleep'
nit. crirate us, so that
everything; ends ",ere.
1 ask you, therefore,•Mrs Mont=
gorpery, . ta` accept my' sincerest.
m1ra'th ple lsa ioq pats -t
on to Gordon and your daugl:iters
will ;call to 'see. you When I',re
turrrj:; v Yours sincerel
• : yz
VJ,o G. Wylie.;
Recovering :From,'Wound
t'p� •: I'vrr?1 t Robinson ; of .the
United. States 'Army and a Son.
ofM . and Mrs. E:C.' ;Robinson
of Miritieapolis was a .week-e.nd'
rritito `with"his grafiC1 arents,• i,,
and Mrs. Wm„"Robin son;;arid''wi.th
his' aunt and uncle, Mr. and•. Mrs.
Jacltilpatrick: Cp1,.-R:o.binson.` is
recovering from a hip vouiid, ire
ceived• in, Germany' on February
20th His unit was .under fire ' and
heend several otlfers"diad ;taken:
cover . under, a:. culvert; when a..
tlande'd which_ carpe dri ;his
,emanions-and et ed -Ever et -t
:present stationed' at
B ttl r
_ a e :Creek, 1Vlichikari:;'
The• Depar*merit of 'National'
Defezxce • h.as? announced a list of`'
y a,wards, xo- 94r-sor n
of the, -Canadian Army in recogn-i-::'
`Mori of their services, overseas.
Included in the list was Major
fi a-lt-er Mtaa MeF ibbon 04
Wrngnarri who, was ma�d�"'a fern
her of e.Qrdex._of /1 ie Bri:tish,
'Empire yrs, iV1:cKibbgx was for
merly•:Miss Nan Russell
�rE;I$NIPstGi �11I�'1VI11►"10T ^"•'""",�""
LAC: 1}{eth .•Jehnston,- on Of`
Mrs.` VFank John,Ston and the late
Mr: Johnston of Ashfield, arrived
h .o m ,. recently from.Ouerseas- :'on
the _Wier w "Amst edam: ,Keith
.not listedas being 1n :board :and'f
his fanil 's first•word of.. his-
Y re
turn ' was a personal phone;' call
from Nfantz Keith went • wen t overseaSiri +'the
:Spring "of 1942. For some tinie.he�
was stationed in'.Northern...Sco
� th
hand. and: while there met.':'an�
Irish, girl' who became his , bride
a -few months .ago There is no
definite ' word •a �n
s to When Mrs.::,
Johnston 'rimy , be :, abbe.• to' obtain
passage--to-this country`. '
ualit3r at .:the
1- sizes
and 't
f eoi $7.45
We.:also carry a complete line
of radio and electric fence --.
ti r,
batteries. ,
:Canadian Tire 'Corp:;'
Associate Store
• HAM-N� N��
LG_ ,O TARIO:...
to cost s w cl
n— Zd.-9'8• a
H-�'o $, 4—'w`a
CONTRACT. for building ajwater=' ed to- •the.; Towland Construction •
, works' system in , the •Villa e' of= Company,of •.London ; '
J y g ,•
s.\\tib.,, \
\ 1,, , \ fir 1l \ 1 ,•
i\•.:. t \ fir ' \♦a`'•:' 'N., ' y'r "'
`Y \\ k•x�• � '�\
`r` \4y \•'' .•:.i,...;,....,.... 'c'.....\-•••
' *%\\\.\tip\
, ^,. �..\•r,*'�`'
V,EN` though your 'Hydro Makes.
'efect:ricit"y avail ibte to you •in star i
at a -ver -'low cost, it_ is importantortant that:you
paje only for cher"'amount of power that
you actually use The electric meter on
duty' in: youra.home, i, your protection
against ,paying.. for more than you
c-onsume. �. .
Eve ante. of _some.. $00,000..riletersLin
Ontario is -tested and certified by. a bbin7.
inion Government inspector `at""regular
interv�ils to assure • complete accuracy.
Electric metes :are anion'g, the finest' of
jewelled: precision instruments : ; as
constantly true asthe-finest• Watch:. �
For -your'' protection, . Hydro- installs'
separate meter; exclusively.for your own
household. Having a meter 'of your own!
is t • e onfy possi6Ce way: to be sure'thiat Y
•: you :o.nly pay forthe; electricity which you
use. Imagine `buying, food from , a mei
chant who weighs several people's orders
atthe same time, and splits the cost
evenly regardless, Of: the., size of the •
''You want your • order ,weighed
;,,.Individually when you buy. food.; When.
electricity your meter. assures-.`
•accurate'individUal measurement. •.
Low cost Hydro service in Ontario,
,..offers. amazing. 'comforts; .and conven-
• iences. 'Fors your [protection ...,so- that
..you ;will pay. far only the ' amount • of
Hydro you actually`%•use, a Governr`nent .,
'Inspected. Meter` is installed'for your own.
r 4.
411-04"4: 4101,51Milli•